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Lv 55,408 points

Scott Y

Favorite Answers7%
  • Why has Congress shot down off shore drilling AGAIN?

    Since 1982 our Congress has put off limits most areas off shore for drilling. Oil prices are out of control, and we are becoming more dependant on Oil emports (2% per year). We have reserves off-shore that can be recovered TODAY with TODAY's methods and become independent again. Why then has Congress shot this down again?

    Our Congress is a complete failure(both parties), they do not represent the people any longer.

    9 AnswersGovernment1 decade ago
  • Why is it that more U.S. Servicemen were killed 1992-2000?

    What happened between 1992-2000 under Billary that resulted in 13,417 killed. Having served during that time frame I am trying to figure it out. to be honest, I have not clue what we were doing back then. I made 2 deployments to the Gulf in support of Operation Southern Watch. The only other action was in Kosovo.

    Curious to know if people know this since it was never reported in any media outlet, Up to 2006 under Mr Bush the total is 9,016, of course we get daily updates from the press on these numbers.

    So whats up with the Billary years 1992-2000?

    7 AnswersMilitary1 decade ago