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Lv 31,499 points

The Bodacious Stud

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  • Attachment image

    How do I disconnect (electrical wires on) my alternator? 1991 f-150 300ci 4.9l 6 Cylinder.?

    Regulator on back of alternator is a plug. Got that off already

    Bolts - easy, i got that covered

    Wires coming out top of alternator, not into a plug or anything. Do I need to cut them?

    and no, the black wires are not in a plug, it is a dust cover over the wires, they are going through a silicone grommet just like the white wire is.

    all three of these wires go into the wiring harness of the vehicle with no brakes or plugs or adaptors. I cannot imagine having to cut a wires to change the alternator.... but maybe

    2 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs6 years ago
  • I opened my microwave and it turned on, am i going to have cancer?

    yea i was hungry, and i went to open the microwave and it turned on when i opened it, so i got microwaved, am i gonna get cancer now?

    5 AnswersCancer9 years ago
  • Philosophy of : "Does a tree falling in a forest make a sound?"?

    What is the philosophical significance of the question, "Does a tree falling in a forest make a sound if no one is there to hear it?" Explain.

    5 AnswersPhilosophy9 years ago
  • does laying in bed all night motionless count as sleep? even if i was awake?

    ill i be "refreshed and ready to go" the next morning as i would if i had actually fallen asleep?

    4 AnswersOther - General Health Care10 years ago
  • What are some good songs to give light shows too?

    These are the type of techno/dubstep/electro songs i like. THey are VERY hard to find new ones. I wont doubt if there aren't even any new ones. I would like to start making them but there is never any good free programs to try out and save my tunes to see if they are good. but oh well.

    Obsidia and Coma - Falling Dubstep

    Dj Fresh - Gold Dust (Flux Pavillion Remix) 1080p

    Nancy Sinatra - Bang Bang (Whitenoise Remix)

    so if you know any more songs like that i would like to be able to have some diversity in my light show performance, until then these are the only three songs that arn't trance that will suffice.

    I like trance but i dont like giving light shows to it. I like Variety when i am giving shows i like being able to do crazy sht and its hard when trance songs rarely turn around.

    but i dont want dubstep that is so filthy that it feels like i am eating their soul. thats why i say

    a vocal trance song remixed to dubstep with a fast buildup and a heavy drop

    3 AnswersOther - Music10 years ago
  • Is there any websites that give out a free hat?

    like where you maybe do some little chore or fill out some form and they send you a hat. i really want one but im too lazy to leave my house. lol im kidding about that but i still would like a free hat from somewhere online, i collect hats.

    kinda like the websites that give out catalogs n little shwag items.

    thanks :D

    1 AnswerOther - Internet10 years ago
  • Do you get calories from food if you snort it?

    I was smelling this chocolate bar and it made me wonder...

    But seriously, do you?

    3 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade ago
  • corrupt folder crashes explorer.exe i got PUNK'D how do i delete it?

    My friends added a folder called GodMode.{ED7BA470-8E54-465E-825C-99712043E01C} to my desktop so now explorer.exe crashes

    how do i delete it without being able to use explorer. Im on the net by using task manager to open firefox btw. my comp still works. just explorer doesnt. how do i delete this damn folder so i can finish my homework?

    1 AnswerSoftware1 decade ago
  • Craving food hardcore?

    I have been on a diet for a long time. 2 years. this might have something to do with it... but i doubt it

    couple days ago i became almost uncontrollably "hungry" i am still trying to not go over my daily calorie limit i set for myself... but i am constanly craving food now. it is strange how i am all of the sudden constantly thinking about food. I am not hungry. i can feel my stomach. its full.

    i have tried gum. i have tried sunflower seeds. nothing. i'm not sure what it is but i am constanlty craving the sensation of eating something. chewing on it and spitting it out doesnt work either.

    is there anythign that i can just eat that has like barely any calories in it? im going like ADHD for food and the harder i try not to think about it the more i want it. I am able to fight the cravings yes. but i feel excruciatingly bored if i am not constantly eating something...

    what the hll is wrong with me?

    2 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade ago
  • Whats the average emergency room(department) wait times in Canada?

    i need a website article with a specific and definitive explanation of the TOTAL average wait time in canada not per province and not per hosptital. I have found those but i need a general average. my guess is about 3-5 hours tops but i have heard that it is often MUCH higher than that. If you live in canada and have needed to use the Emergency Department (emergency room) what has been your personal average wait time?

    1 AnswerOther - Canada1 decade ago
  • Bum sweat. why? help. ?

    I am a pretty fit person I work out and run prettymuch everyday. I don't sweat that much when I do. However just sitting in class or doing little workouts I will stand up and my pants will be soaked and there will be an actual puddle of sweat there and its really embarassing. I have narrowed it down to my actual hole. I'm not gay. And no I'm not gonna "shove a tampon up there!". My only escape is jeans or naked. Jeans it doesn't even sweat at all. And as you can guess I can't work out in jeans. Why does this happen? I'm not so worried about fixing it because if it was truley fixable ida found the answer a looong time ago. I just wanna know why my butt sweats in sweatpants or shorts.

    No its not swamp@ss I have talked to people with that and its not the same

    2 AnswersMen's Health1 decade ago
  • Why is there a warning for that long "P" word on water flavoring packets. libido?

    Isn't that the chemical that gets rid of your libido?

    1 AnswerNon-Alcoholic Drinks1 decade ago
  • Why do i get this red chafing rash on my left inner thigh whenever i run?

    I'm kinda chunky. Not that fat though. I know that my legs rub together when I run. I can feel the burn while I run and then it feels like a hella bad sunburn for a few days after. What do I do to stop this? How do I stop the pain once I have it? And why is it only on my left leg?

    As for the rash itself its long and skinny and is a bunch of red bumps. Baby oil works okay but it rubs off in like 5 minutes of running so it doesn't work for when I run. I can't walk or run when I have this rash... which sucks because I'm trying to lose weight and I like running. I've ran for years and recently started getting this rash. Is it one of those "let it bleed and heal itself" kinda deals? I have tried running it off but that didn't help.... at all. I eas just stuck not moving for like a week before it died down

    6 AnswersSkin Conditions1 decade ago
  • How do i make my feces come out clean so i dont have to wipe 100 times.?

    No I'm not trying to be funny. I seriously go through a roll of tp by myself a week. I wipe and wipe and wipe and it feels like I'm trying to wipe an entire turd off. However, I have pushed soo hard for so long that nothing more will come out. So I end up with a soft poo that broke off and now I have to take the time of day and the cost of all the tp and meticulously wipe 3 inches of matter wipe by wipe.

    However, some days my poo comes out not like constipated hard, but solid and within 2 wipes my bottom is clean. What am I doing so right these days? Is it a techniqe? I really hope so because my diet has been the same thing for three months and some days its solid and other days I'm late for class because I'm on the zhittr for an hour and a half wiping.

    I've already tried not eating for a couple days but that seems to make it worse. I know its not like a life or death thing but I hate having to hold in my poo all day because I don't want to miss class because I'm busy wiping.

    I am trying to be as respectful as possible about this. Any true help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks :)

    Btw. My diet is cereal in the morning (whatever is on sale) and then various flavofrss of top ramen. For lunch and dinner

    3 AnswersOther - Health1 decade ago
  • How do i make my feces come out clean so i dont have to wipe 100 times.?

    No I'm not trying to be funny. I seriously go through a roll of tp by myself a week. I wipe and wipe and wipe and it feels like I'm trying to wipe an entire turd off. However, I have pushed soo hard for so long that nothing more will come out. So I end up with a soft poo that broke off and now I have to take the time of day and the cost of all the tp and meticulously wipe 3 inches of matter wipe by wipe.

    However, some days my poo comes out not like constipated hard, but solid and within 2 wipes my bottom is clean. What am I doing so right these days? Is it a techniqe? I really hope so because my diet has been the same thing for three months and some days its solid and other days I'm late for class because I'm on the zhittr for an hour and a half wiping.

    I've already tried not eating for a couple days but that seems to make it worse. I know its not like a life or death thing but I hate having to hold in my poo all day because I don't want to miss class because I'm busy wiping.

    I am trying to be as respectful as possible about this. Any true help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks :)

    Btw. My diet is cereal in the morning (whatever is on sale) and then various flavofrss of top ramen. For lunch and dinner

    2 AnswersOther - Health1 decade ago