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Rachel B

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  • Best diaper for active baby?

    My son is now 4.5 months old, and as I've said before he's very petite. He's got such a tiny little butt. Right now he's in size 1 pampers swaddlers and probably will be for a couple more weeks, though that's a guess on my part. My problem is that he's rolling now, and trying to crawl/army crawl/scoot across the floor. The pampers swaddlers move pretty well, but are not quite able to keep up with him. So I'm just wondering which diapers you've used on your active baby. My other problem is that the diapers specifically for active babies don't come in size 1 or 2, they start at 3. (Pampers cruisers, huggies little movers, etc) I won't use luvs as I hate the smell, and parents choice hasn't worked for us. Pampers and huggies fit him well and I'm fine with either one. I just don't have a lot of money right now to buy a bunch of different diapers, though I will if I have to. Which type of diaper worked for you? Do I just need to make our current diapers work until he fits in a size 3?

    4 AnswersNewborn & Baby8 years ago
  • Urgent: baby sleeping on tummy?

    My 4 month old son has suddenly started rolling over on his tummy while sleeping. He sleeps in a bassinet attachment on a pack n play. No blankets or pillows, no padding, mattress is firm, and he's not swaddled. His bed is in our bedroom. He has no medical issues and is not currently sick at all. Is this safe? He holds his head up well, lots of tummy time during the day, and he can roll both ways while awake. I'm a first time mom and this terrifies me. One of the first things I ever learned about babies was not to put them to sleep on their stomachs. Should I roll him over? Leave him be? I'm calling his doctor asap, but they're closed tomorrow (monday) for memorial day.

    5 AnswersNewborn & Baby8 years ago
  • 4 month old and naptime?

    Ok so my 4 month old son is still pretty erratic with his naps during the day. I don't have set times for them, just whenever he gets tired. Since he's so young I'm not really concerned about that. My question is regarding weekends when everyone is home. I'm a sahm, and during the week he naps in my arms, in his bouncer, or on the floor (on a clean blanket and only when I'm in the room). Most days he's fine that way, although sometimes he just cat naps and won't sleep well. On weekends my hubby and his godmom, whom we live with, are home and we all usually have things to do. I can easily do my housework while he's awake and playing in his bouncer, but obviously with 3 of us sometimes things need done while he's sleeping. My hubby suggested swaddling him and putting him in the bassinet like at bedtime because he was keeping himself awake today (which leads to screaming crabby baby). I should mention his bed is in our bedroom. So I tried it, but I checked on him every few minutes and he ended up flipping over on his belly and struggling. I picked him up right away. This isn't a problem at night because I go to bed when he does and I hear him when he wiggles or fusses in the night. Basically I'm worried about sids. My hubby and in laws think I'm over protective. Indeed I am, but my son is also very safe and clean. I'm just wondering what other people do for naptime, particularly in a noisy house. I'd like to hear about other people's routines so maybe I can get some ideas. I'm brand new at this and these things are damn hard to figure out when exhausted

    7 AnswersNewborn & Baby8 years ago
  • Rice formula and spit ups?

    I know some of you have very strong opinions about rice cereal, but please try to hear me out.

    My 4 month old has been a super spitter even since he had surgery for pyloric stenosis. He has moderate reflux and takes zantac, but nothing we have tried decreases his spit ups. (Aside from the surgery, it was forceful and extreme before then) He's been to all his check ups on time and there is nothing at all wrong with him. He's gaining weight steadily and developing normally.

    His doctor recently told me to try enfamil AR formula. It has added rice starch to thicken it, so not exactly the same as rice cereal in a bottle. He has no trouble swallowing it, and actually seems to prefer it over his usual formula. I suppose I just need some opinions for perspective. We've been using the AR for 3 days and the frequency of spit up is the same, but the amount is less each time. I have not decided if I will keep him on it, as I'm nervous he'll get constipated or put on unnecessary fat. He's naturally slender though, and the more he works on crawling and rolling, the more he will slim down. Not losing weight, but dropping fat for muscle as all babies do. His doctor insists this formula is ok for him. I'm just nervous as I'm a new mom, and I do know the negative opinions of rice in formula. What do you all think? Does anyone have experience with this? I just want him to stay healthy and happy, which he is. At the same time I do worry about the excessive spit up, though it doesn't seem to upset him at all.

    3 AnswersNewborn & Baby8 years ago
  • Ugh, still looking at baby carriers!?

    Apologies for asking about this so many times. I'm still shopping for a baby carrier. I got some great answers the last time I asked, and was actually considering a mei tai until I realized it doesn't allow for baby to face forward. We have an infantino vented carrier, but it has little support for my back. All 11 pounds of my son is just hanging from my upper back and shoulders. Does anyone know anything about the infantino bliss? I can't find any reviews for it. Also would still appreciate other recommendations. Here's what I need:

    Breathable for a hot climate

    VERY secure


    Can put baby in forward facing position

    Evenly distributes weight

    I pretty much just baby wear for trips to the store, but my godmother in law would like to use it outdoors. She likes to water the garden with the baby. A hip carry position wouldn't allow the range of motion we need for shopping and gardening. I don't mind carrying him belly to belly, but he loves being free to look around. I get zero fuss from him as long as he can see. Any suggestions? I'm looking in the $50 range but can go higher for the right carrier.

    6 AnswersNewborn & Baby8 years ago
  • Is regular lotion safe for baby?

    My son is 4 months old. I don't like to use a lot of lotion, but a little is necessary as we live in a very hot and dry climate. I have a big bottle of the Johnsons baby stuff that we recieved at the baby shower, but I hate it. It's very heavy and has a strong fragrance. He's a baby, he doesn't need all that smelly crap. I also have a huge bottle of oatmeal and vitamin E lotion for the adults in the house. It's light and has no extra fragrance. Can I use this for my son? Thus far he has no skin allergies, and I only use a little dab of lotion after his bath.

    2 AnswersNewborn & Baby8 years ago
  • Trying to choose a baby carrier?

    Ok so I've asked about the moby wrap before and decided against it as it seems too warm for the hot, dry climate we live in. We currently own an Infantino vented carrier. I like it, but it puts a bit too much of the weight on my shoulders. We also have a se7en sling we received as a gift, but I hate it. I really don't want a sling at all as my son is squirmy and I'm terrified he'd fall out. I plan to keep our current carrier, but we also have other family members who like to carry the baby sometimes so we could use a second one.

    So here's what I'm looking for:



    Evenly distributes weight

    Preferably around $50

    Very secure for a squirmy baby

    My son is 4 months old and petite (11 lbs). I am a size 15 so kind of hefty, my hubby is an average build. Hubby's godmom will also be using it and she is thin/petite. Needless to say we need something adjustable. I'd like to know what carriers you've used, and which you like best. I'm in the US, but I can also order online as long as they ship here.

    5 AnswersNewborn & Baby8 years ago
  • Misinformation or medical problem (breastfeeding)?

    I've been seeing a lot of questions here and other sites from women who elected not to breastfeed at all and having various issues with their breasts still producing milk. I wanted to breastfeed my son as soon as he was born in january but never could get him to stay on the breast because he'd get frustrated. I gave up trying to nurse or pump after 2 weeks as I was getting nothing but tiny dribbles of colostrum. In the hospital about 8 hours or so after I gave birth my son was crying a lot (he woke up crying from a sound sleep) and I was trying to soothe him. I had not nursed at all because they took him for 2.5 hours because he "looked pale" and I didn't know that was bad for getting breastfeeding established. I should point out we told the staff I was breastfeeding. Anyway, the nurse heard his cries and came in to help. She said he was hungry and told me to nurse, showed me how to hold him etc. He seemed to latch and then get mad when nothing came out, but I wonder now if he wasn't really latched properly. The nurse didn't seem to know. Two days later I was still trying and my breasts got very firm and sore as if my milk were coming in, except it didn't. I lost my appetite the first week and thought it was stopping me from making milk but I've been told that's incorrect. After the first week my breasts felt the same as before pregnancy and pumping seemed to have no affect. My son was already on formula that the nurse said he needed til my milk came down. So, is there something wrong with my body, or was I just grossly misinformed and did everything wrong? It just seems that women who never even tried have all this milk and I could barely squeeze out a few drops. Does is really vary that much woman to woman? Also, is relactation even remotely possible 4+ months after giving birth?

    7 AnswersNewborn & Baby8 years ago
  • Babies and television?

    I'm just wanting a few mom opinions on this. My son is almost 4 months old and very alert, curious and active. Most of the time that he's awake I'm playing and talking with him, or he's in his bouncy seat in the room with me while I do chores. We also go outside or walk around the store. (The weather hasn't been good for the park lately) Sometimes he's so interested in everything around him that he can't relax when he gets sleepy. The past few weeks my hubby and I have been letting him watch a few minutes of tv, as it seems to help him wind down. I have read articles where some pediatricians feel it's harmful to even have the tv on near a child under 2. I believe this to be paranoid, it's a tv not a flamethrower. That being said, kids obviously don't need television and benefit much more from social interaction and play. Do you think less than 30 minutes a day is ok for a 4 month old? We don't do it everyday, and I NEVER leave him in front of it by himself. It is not a babysitter, he is always in one of our laps while watching and we talk to him about what we see. It just seems to be the only thing that helps him relax enough to fall asleep sometimes. My main worry is it causing unhealthy tv habits when he's older. I definitely don't want him relying on it for entertainment all the time. Did you allow your babies to watch a little tv? If so, please also include how their watching habits were as they got older and actually understood what they were seeing.

    8 AnswersNewborn & Baby8 years ago
  • Questions about feeding baby solids?

    My son is only 3 months and I don't plan to give him anything beside formula until his 6 month checkup as long as the doc says it's ok. I just have some questions out of curiosity.

    I've read that rice cereal has very little nutrition so I think we'll skip that, but how about baby oatmeal? Since solids are just for practice that early I really don't want to be just giving him empty carbs. Also, is there a middle ground between jarred baby food and making my own purees in a food processor? What I'm wondering is if I can get salt free canned or frozen veggies and simply mash them up really well for him to try. I don't want to give him anything that isn't safe and healthy though. Do you think it would just be cheaper/better for him to buy the jarred stuff since he'll only have a few bites a day at first? I'll be asking his doctor about all this too, I've just been wondering lately and wanted some opinions from other moms.

    5 AnswersNewborn & Baby8 years ago
  • Curious about moby wrap?

    I'm interested in the moby brand wrap specifically. I have a 14 week old son, and I have a harness type carrier that I love but it is a little hard on my back. I also got a sling as a gift but I hate it. I won't put my son in it for more than 5 seconds because I'm terrified he'll fall out. The moby wrap looks safe though, and more comfortable than the harness carrier. If you have one, how do you like it? Do you feel secure that your baby can't wiggle out? Also, I'm a size 15 with kind of a large chest. Does it fit comfortably on a somewhat hefty mommy? My son much prefers to be carried around the store and such so he can look around, and I'd like to get something to make that more fun for both of us.

    6 AnswersNewborn & Baby8 years ago
  • Weird periods after baby?

    I'm posting this under newborn and baby as I know there are a lot of experienced moms in this section.

    I had my son january 17, 2013. Bleeding afterwards lasted about 3 weeks, no complications or abnormalities of any kind. Everything was normal at my 6 week checkup. I started my first pp period on april 6, it lasted til the 12th. It was heavier than what I'm used to but I was on the pill for years. What's confusing me is I just started another period yesterday, april 27. It's not as heavy but definitely a period, cramps and all. Is this common after having a baby? I'm not back on birth control yet, and I know I'm not pregnant, so what might be going on? Just my body getting back in the swing of things? This is my first child so I really wasn't sure what to expect after pregnancy. Obviously I'll call my doctor and ask tomorrow, but they take a while to get back to the patients who aren't pregnant. If it makes a difference I'm 28 years old, always had regular periods and am not breastfeeding. Oh, and my cycles prepregnancy were a little on the longer side, about 35 days.

    1 AnswerNewborn & Baby8 years ago
  • Conflicted about holding the baby?

    My son is 3 months (14 weeks) and overall he's been a pretty easy baby. Lately he only wakes up once a night to eat (formula fed) and he's not colicky, no reflux etc. We've been incredibly lucky. Problem is, my husband and in laws think I hold him too much. I always pick him up when he cries, which is usually for a typical reason such as hunger. But sometimes he fights sleep really hard and throws a screaming fit. His needs are met and he's fine, just tired. So I pick him up to help him relax, and I want my husband to do the same. My husband keeps telling me I should just swaddle him, lay him down and let him scream til he falls asleep. I can't do this, it feels wrong and I agree with those of you who say cuddles are a need for babies. I should mention my son is usually fine by himself while I do chores or whatever, he doesn't cry all day to be held. For now my hubby does as I ask, but he takes care of the baby in the evening so I can get some sleep and I'm afraid if he puts his foot down I'll have to be with baby 24/7 with no break. We take turns so we both get decent rest and it's working very well. But if he insists on letting baby CIO while I'm asleep then I just won't sleep or have time to myself. I'm babbling, here's my question: do you guys have any legit articles on this I can show hubby? I need links to scientific studies, NOT opinion sites. I've seen some mentioned in answers here but no links. I really want to show him that snuggling the baby is good, and won't make him too clingy when he's older.

    7 AnswersNewborn & Baby8 years ago
  • Any early teething tips?

    My son is 3 months and started teething about 2 weeks ago. I know it's not unheard of this early, but there also aren't a lot of products that are safe for him. I asked his doc the right dose of Tylenol, but try to use it minimally, only when I can't sooth him at all. We got some hylands teething gel, also used minimally. Problem is, he won't take the safe alternatives. We've tried frozen washcloth, teething rings, and even putting his binkies in the freezer. All he'll chew is his hands or sometimes his blanket. Does anyone have any other suggestions? Also, is his age the reason he doesn't seem to like teething rings, or is it just his preference? I'd just prefer he not chew his hands, but if it's all that will make him feel better I'll let him do it.

    4 AnswersNewborn & Baby8 years ago
  • Addition to diaper question?

    Apologies if this is annoying, yahoo won't let me edit my other question for some reason. Just adding some info to what I asked about diapers: my son is 9 lbs 11 oz as of two days ago. I thought for sure he should be in size 1 diapers by now but they're massive on him. I can still easily fasten the newborn size without it cutting into his skin. Size 1 looks very floppy and may not keep in a big poo. Do huggies run a bit smaller than pampers? Luvs seem to be about the same. He just seems to be in this odd limbo between sizes right now. It's the same with his clothes but those are easier to work with or find brands that run smaller. He'll probably fill out around his hips more in a few months but I'm at a loss til then. (My mother in law had similar issues with my hubby when he was a baby, but diapers have changed a lot since the 80's so she's not sure either)

    2 AnswersNewborn & Baby8 years ago
  • Needing some diaper advice?

    Ok so my son is now 3 months old and his body shape is giving us a bit of trouble. He's slender with a tiny butt like his daddy lol. His clothes are fine if I sew the waist of his pants, but diapers are another story. He's still in newborn size, and pampers seems to be the only brand that fits his shape at the moment. Problem is, now that he's getting out of the newborn phase he's peeing a lot more amount wise. Not an issue during the day, but last night he totally soaked a diaper end to end in like 5 hours. (I check his diaper right before bed, then again when he wakes up for his bottle. Not usually more than 5 hours between changes) Does anyone know if there are overnight diapers in newborn size? I haven't seen any at the store. Or maybe any other ideas? We've tried size 1 diapers but they are way too loose around his legs. As I'm a new mother I don't think I could handle cloth diapering right now, but might it be doable just for nighttime? I really don't want to wake him for diaper changes because he's teething and doesn't sleep so well some nights. Obviously I also don't want him springing a leak when I'm asleep and might not catch it right away.

    2 AnswersNewborn & Baby8 years ago
  • Questions about breastfeeding?

    I just had my first child 3 months ago and except for a tiny bit of colostrum he's been exclusively formula fed. I had planned to breastfeed but ran into several problems: I've read that most babies aren't extremely hungry for the first few days, allowing time for mommy's milk to come down, and baby to learn a proper latch. This was not the case with my son. He was screaming for food about 8 hours after being born. The nurse at the hospital showed me how to hold him, and he didn't really have trouble latching, he just wouldn't stay on the breast because nothing came out. He just suckled for a minute and started screaming again. I was awake and trying to nurse him almost the whole 24 hours in the hospital, but the nurse ended up giving me some formula to feed him. I continued trying to nurse and pump after we got home but only a few dribbles came out. My milk never came down fully. This was partly because he wouldn't stay on the breast (I tried nursing him while he wasn't very hungry too but he was sleeping a lot as brand new babies do), but mostly it was because I completely lost my appetite. I was only eating about half an apple or a few crackers a day for the first 5 days. Yes I tried forcing myself to eat, I couldn't even swallow the food no matter what it was. I drank a ton of water and had pretty much nothing else. My appetite came back slowly but by the time I was eating normally again my son had been on formula almost 2 weeks and my breasts were pretty much the same as pre pregnancy. I continued pumping and trying to get him to nurse for the first 2 weeks but the only result was me crying a lot and not being able to sleep. So I gave up. My little one is now 3 months and doing fantastic. I don't regret going with formula, but I wonder what went wrong. What do you do when baby is screaming with hunger and your milk hasn't come down yet? Was the appetite loss just stress? We have no lactation consultants where I live so I really don't know what else I could have

    4 AnswersNewborn & Baby8 years ago
  • Questions about breastfeeding?

    I just had my first child 3 months ago and except for a tiny bit of colostrum he's been exclusively formula fed. I had planned to breastfeed but ran into several problems: I've read that most babies aren't extremely hungry for the first few days, allowing time for mommy's milk to come down, and baby to learn a proper latch. This was not the case with my son. He was screaming for food about 8 hours after being born. The nurse at the hospital showed me how to hold him, and he didn't really have trouble latching, he just wouldn't stay on the breast because nothing came out. He just suckled for a minute and started screaming again. I was awake and trying to nurse him almost the whole 24 hours in the hospital, but the nurse ended up giving me some formula to feed him. I continued trying to nurse and pump after we got home but only a few dribbles came out. My milk never came down fully. This was partly because he wouldn't stay on the breast (I tried nursing him while he wasn't very hungry too but he was sleeping a lot as brand new babies do), but mostly it was because I completely lost my appetite. I was only eating about half an apple or a few crackers a day for the first 5 days. Yes I tried forcing myself to eat, I couldn't even swallow the food no matter what it was. I drank a ton of water and had pretty much nothing else. My appetite came back slowly but by the time I was eating normally again my son had been on formula almost 2 weeks and my breasts were pretty much the same as pre pregnancy. I continued pumping and trying to get him to nurse for the first 2 weeks but the only result was me crying a lot and not being able to sleep. So I gave up. My little one is now 3 months and doing fantastic. I don't regret going with formula, but I wonder what went wrong. What do you do when baby is screaming with hunger and your milk hasn't come down yet? Was the appetite loss just stress? We have no lactation consultants where I live so I really don't know what else I could have

    2 AnswersNewborn & Baby8 years ago
  • Feeding schedule for 3 month old?

    My husband and I disagree a bit about feeding schedules and I could use some experienced opinions. He wants to try a schedule with our 3 month old son, and I really think it's too early, and I'll know if and when it's appropriate to start one. His growth spurts are still so frequent that his appetite changes often. So I'm wondering, when is a good time for a feeding schedule? Or is on demand better until they are old enough to eat only solid food? He's formula fed by the way, so milk supply doesn't factor in. I just feel that on demand is the only way I'm confident that he's getting enough but not too much. He's in perfect health as well. Steadily gaining weight, no unnecessary body fat and great muscle development. Obviously on demand is working wonderfully so far. How about you? Did you use a schedule? If so, when? My hubby isn't pushing the issue at all, but he got me thinking about what's best and I'm a new mom so I want to make sure I'm getting it right.

    7 AnswersNewborn & Baby8 years ago