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Lv 613,988 points


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I answer mostly questions about gaming but am knowledgeable about other subjects as well.

  • Minecraft: anyone have a seed for?

    A map with no grass/dirt/etc blocks down to bedrock? Like the map is completely empty except for the boundaries and the bedrock floor.

    1 AnswerVideo & Online Games8 years ago
  • Anyone want to play Minecraft on the 360?

    I bought the game two days ago so I am pretty new to it and would like some people to play with. Leave your gamertag and I'll add you.

    1 AnswerVideo & Online Games8 years ago
  • Would you have preferred Mass Effect 3's true ending/plot?

    Earlier today I read an article that talked about Drew Karpyshyn's comments he had made on the gaming radio show VGS. Drew was the lead writer for ME1 and ME2 but he did not work on ME3 at all. His vision of Mass Effect 3 was very different and highly contrasting to the game that was released. Basically the plot was supposed to go as follows:

    The Reapers, having lived for hundreds of millions of years, had discovered that the universe(space and time) was slowly falling apart and would eventually result in a "Big Crunch", the opposite of the Big Bang. They also discovered that through the use of biotics, organics could alter space and time. This alteration could either speed up the destruction of the universe(which is why they purge) or stop it. However Reapers being synthetic cannot use biotics, so they start the cycles as a way of evolving organics to be powerful enough in their biotic usage to help the Reapers save the universe. The protheans had come close, and the Asari closer but Sovereign had determined the organics of this cycle were still not biotically advanced enough so they began the purge again. Shepard would be the biotic who convinced the Reapers that the current cycle was the one that could help them.

    I personally think this plot sounds better than what Mass Effect 3 turned out to be.

    4 AnswersVideo & Online Games8 years ago
  • Will Haley Joel Osment return as the voice of Sora in KH3?

    When KH2 came out he was still in his teens. Now he is 25 so will they replace him? I would honestly prefer him to return.

    1 AnswerVideo & Online Games8 years ago
  • What are your favorite glitches from any video game?

    My favorite glitch is the flying glitch from Jak 3. When you are in light Jak form fully upgraded he has wings that can flap and are supposed to help you sort of glide or get you slightly higher. After about three quick flaps Jak sort of falls back to the ground. However if you can time it perfectly you can actually fly around anywhere you want. This is my favorite because it gave me the freedom to go to places the developer didn't intend for me to see and it is just fun to explore in games. My second favorite is probably all the out of map glitches in Halo 3. I spent hours exploring outside the regular borders of the game in almost every level of campaign with friends. You could pretty much go anywhere it was awesome.

    So what are your guys favorite video game glitches?

    3 AnswersVideo & Online Games8 years ago
  • Why does everyone seem to be mad at the Xbox One but not the PS4?

    I've owned all of Sony's, Microsoft's, and Nintendo's (excluding the Wii U) consoles since the NES. I am definitely not one to choose a side because I play both current generation consoles for different reasons and like them both. However, lately it seems wherever I turn people are very angry over the Xbox One but almost no one is upset over the PS4. I'm not angry over either console and am looking forward to both.

    The big two issues I keep seeing are that the Xbox One will have to connect to the internet to play a game and that used games will require additional fees to play. To me these are no problem; I have internet and I don't buy games used because I support the developer. I suppose for those few gamers who cannot afford the internet or used games this would ruin your chances of playing future consoles, and for those few people I truly am sorry that you will miss out on the next gen of gaming.

    But it should be made clear that buying the PS4 won't be any different. I guess either people didn't pick up on it or the language confused them but if you watched the PS4 reveal you should know the PS4 will most definitely require you to connect to the internet to play games and it will have the same fees for used games.

    The reason (something people don't seem to know about either) why both consoles will require you to be online and why both have fees for used games is because both consoles require you to install every game you play to the hardrive. This time around however you don't have to have the disc in the console to play the game. This means that you could give the disc to your friend and they could install, give it to their friend and so on. So all games will now come with install codes that are unique to a single disc and have to be entered before you play the game. And you have to be online to enter the codes in the first place. Used games obviously won't have these codes so you would have to buy them separately.

    Besides those two somewhat legitimate reasons to be upset over the next consoles I have seen a number of conspiracists talking about how the Xbox One's Kinect camera will spy on you at night, send data to the government, etc. All that of course is absolute idiocy but it appears to entirely be directed at the Xbox One again, completely ignoring the fact the the PS4 comes with a mandatory camera as well(makes me wonder again if Microsoft and Sony made a deal to just make their consoles the exact same).

    So now down to my question/s: Why is all the hate being directed at Microsoft? Are all these people just bandwagoning idiots as usual or do you think Nintendo or Sony is causing the stir themselves purposefully?

    6 AnswersVideo & Online Games8 years ago
  • Anyone else missing Lucans 12,000 septims in Skyrim?

    I don't think they should have patched Lucan, now I have to go around to 6 different merchants and wait many days to sell even a small amount of loot. If you know of any other merchants that can have more than 2,500 septims post patch 1.9 please do tell. I know you can give Angeline of Angeline's Aromatics multiple investments of 500, but the amount of gold she has never goes over 5,000 even if you give her more.

    1 AnswerVideo & Online Games8 years ago
  • How long can dry socket occur?

    I had all 4 wisdom teeth out 5 days ago. None were impacted.

    How long until I am completely in the clear of dry socket? I mean to where no matter how hard I suck on something I will not get a dry socket.

    2 AnswersDental8 years ago
  • A few questions following wisdom teeth extraction?

    I had all four wisdom teeth removed four days ago. None were impacted. I've had practically no pain while healing and have been careful to only eat food I can basically swallow without chewing. I also rinse my mouth with salt water after every meal. I've always been a very fast healer, and my immune system is very strong. The only time I've been sick in the last 10 years is a cold every other year or so and they only last a literal day.

    How long do I have to worry about developing a dry socket?

    How long should I keep using salt water to clean my mouth?

    When should I be completely healed?

    2 AnswersDental8 years ago
  • A few questions after wisdom teeth extraction?

    I had all for wisdom teeth removed three days ago.

    When can I stop using salt water to clean my gums?

    When will I be able to eat normal food without worrying about dry socket?

    When should my mouth be completely healed?

    1 AnswerDental8 years ago
  • I had my wisdom teeth removed?

    I had all four wisdom teeth removed two days ago and I only have a slight soreness in my mouth. Is this normal? I've read that some people have pain up to weeks after but the only place that hurts in my mouth is my jaw/inner cheek from being cranked open during surgery.

    Also when should I be able to eat normal food again?

    2 AnswersDental8 years ago
  • Why does my body have such a good immune system?

    I never get sick, not even the flu. I get a cold about every 5-6 years during winter but that is it. I also heal very fast. I bruised my ribs, my tailbone, and hurt various muscles after falling down some hard wooden stairs a week ago. Eight days after falling I have no pain at all and am not even sore.

    1 AnswerOther - Health9 years ago
  • Why don't people remember things as well as other people?

    I have memories from when I was 1 and 2, albeit faint memories. And I don't have a photographic memory, but I never have to take notes in school because I remember everything my teachers/professors say. I can also remember every detail of books and movies that I've read/seen, just not the exact dialogue. My question is why can I remember like this and other people have to take notes in class or read books several times to thoroughly remember every detail?

    2 AnswersBiology9 years ago
  • Do you think Mitt Romney's educational reform idea for K-12 is a good plan?

    To me it seems like low-income family's getting to choose what school their child goes to is a very bad idea. It would be a rush on the preexisting "best" schools, and the kids who originally went to these schools based on what district they live in would have to commute to other cities/districts. He also plans to give the additional funds schools receive, which right now are based on how many low-income students are in the district, to only the schools where these children go. Mitt also plans on eliminating no child left behind. So then the schools in poor districts get no addition funds, and they are flooded with students from other districts. Since no child left behind will no longer be in effect the kids will start dropping out because of all the hassle they are put through just to go to school. Crime rates rise, the job market gets flooded with uneducated laborers, the middle class shifts more towards the lower class. Does the American educational system not suffer enough without this nonsense?

    7 AnswersPolitics9 years ago
  • If you could control your brain 100%?

    Could you not theoretically do anything? You could move atoms and electricity around if you could control everything about your brain. This would allow you to move, rearrange, or convert anything into anything.

    5 AnswersPhysics9 years ago
  • Question about dreaming?

    I rarely will remember my dreams, however I have noticed that whenever I am sleeping during the day or if I sleep in until around 11am, I will remember my dreams more often (maybe every 1/30 dreams). If I sleep at night and wake up around 8am I will almost never (maybe 2 times in my life) remember a dream. It does not matter how many hours I sleep, as I have tested that. It entirely depends on the time of day, what is the reason for this?

    1 AnswerPsychology9 years ago
  • Where is this quote from?

    "I was lost but now i am found. & in that instant we were alive"

    1 AnswerQuotations1 decade ago
  • Where is this quote from?

    "and in that instant we were alive."

    1 AnswerQuotations1 decade ago