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I am fifteen. Have two dogs. Really like cats. Love to write. Like to read and if you want to know more email me.

  • What can I do with a 10 gallon that can't hold water?

    So my 10 guppy tank sprung a leak. Now its just sitting. Any ideas what I can use it for? My mom says terrarium. I was kinda hoping something more.. Animalish you know. She wont let me have hamsters or anything but what about a few hermit crabs? or is there something that can be put inside a terrarium so we both get what we want?

    17 AnswersFish5 years ago
  • Need help coming up with a unique name for a character.. Please?

    I write stories on wattpad. My characters normally give me a lot of signs and help but there's one story that is making me run in circles like a headless chicken. The two most main characters are brothers Althean and Castius. Werewolves. Blonds. And their jerks to me. Lol anyways their father needs a name. He's an alpha. Fun and caring but also wise and responsible. I am having trouble thinking up my own unique name and I'm hoping people can give me suggestions that I may use or that will give me some inspiration for a name to fit him.

    4 AnswersBooks & Authors5 years ago
  • Can I add some Aquarium salt to a tank with guppies, guppy fry, ghost shrimp and nerite snails?

    I've always used the salt with my bettas and adult guppies when they looked ill. However this tank has guppy fry, ghost shrimp and nerite snails. I don't know if any of them dislike salt. And two of my oldest guppies aren't acting normal. One looks like shes got cotton fungus developing and a male was acting pretty sluggish and lounging around a little to much. Anyone know if all of those do okay with aquarium salt? I got them around September I think.

    I need to add more water into my tank the waters been dissolving because of our wood stove. So I would like to know before I do so.

    2 AnswersFish5 years ago
  • Nexon won't launch.?

    So I play Mabinogi through the Nexon launcher. Two days ago I was disconnected from mabinogi and it wouldn't let me go back on it. I closed mabinogi and tried opening the game again but kept getting error. So I decided that maybe it was just them messing up. I went to bed. Yesterday I tried opening the game but it wouldn't update and download the game again. I closed the launcher down and tried opening it again. But since then I cannot get it to launch. I have to spam click on it to get it to open my login and after typing in my login i hit the button and the box closes but nexon won't launch. I have no clue what to do. Could it be my computer making it mess up or are other people having the same issue? I have windows 7.

    1 AnswerVideo & Online Games6 years ago
  • Is my dog weird?

    Okay so my dog is older I got him when I was like 10 or 11. Now I'm 17 almost 18. He was like 8 or 9 weeks when I got him. Now that I think about it these are some things I've noticed.

    Scared of men( He barks and growls no threat, until they leave and won't go near them. Specially ones with hats)

    LOVES fetching (Rocks,balls and sticks. Throw it in a dense wooded area and he'll search for hours until you call him or he finds it, Throw a rock under water in a shallow area he will use his paws to feel for it and then stick his head under and grab it)

    Will not lift his leg when he pees.

    Does not care about stuffed animals(Hes only picked one up when I was out of stack a few years ago with my grandparents during spring break. Hasn't picked one up since unless you throw it to him then he thinks its fetching time)

    Barks outside at night when you let him out to go potty even when nothing is out there. (I know we have had sightings in the area from bears and coyotes)

    So is he weird? I love him either way. He is fixed. Pictures below. (He was young back then) (The other dog is our old dog Sassy who he grew up with) (The black and white dog is our old outside dog Snoopy) (Most recent two years ago with our dog Mia. Got her after both Snoopy and Sassy passed)

    3 AnswersDogs6 years ago
  • Questions about guppy fry. Feeding and decor?

    So my guppy Diamond had some Fry. I have a few questions of what to do after separating them.

    How often should I feed them? I read 8 times a day but how often like every two or three hours?

    What should I feed them. I have

    TetraColor Tropical Flakes which the adult guppies eat or I have an unopened API Tropical Flakes. I'm aware of having to crush them up since their new I just don't know which is healthier for them.

    And last two things. Can I decorate their tank I have pink gravel I wanna put in their to hopefully help people see them easier. Will a Marimo moss ball benefit them? I have some in my other tanks.

    Oh and will Algae harm the fry? If I put a fake plant from another tank it will have algae on it

    1 AnswerFish6 years ago
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    Guppy names. Need help!?

    So I got 4 more guppies since my guppy Hadifer lost his other friends and he was stuck with just my betta Liberty. But now I'm having trouble thinking of names for them. Heres a picture. The top two are female and the bottom two are males. For the males I really want names that are similar to each other. I would prefer names based on their colors but I'm open to other suggestions if they fit.

    2 AnswersFish6 years ago
  • How should I add my ghost shrimp into my bettas tank? Should I remove my betta first?

    I have a 5 gallon tank home to my betta Blaze. I got him 2 ghost shrimp friends. But I'm worry that if I don't remove him and let the shrimp adventure a bit in the tank that theres a possibility Blaze might attack them as they swim down or something. Hes never had tank mates and he freaked and flared when I added mossballs to his tank two days ago but he didn't try attacking them he just flared up and hid in his cave.

    5 AnswersFish6 years ago
  • Can you temporarily house 1 betta, 3 guppies and 2 oto cats in a 5 gallon?

    I have two five gallon tanks. 1 houses my betta Blaze. The other houses three guppies and 1 betta named Liberty. Hes actually really calm and so far hasn't hurt any of the guppys yet and I've been housing them together for 3 and a half months. Blaze however is a little... I dunno. Its not a guarantee he'll do okay with others. I want to try two oto cats. I've never had oto cats so I don't want to try more than that. So if things don't work out I'll have to put them in with my other betta and guppys or put Blaze back into a 1 gallon tank where he started out until I get the new tank in two months on christmas.

    1 AnswerFish6 years ago
  • Will my male guppy be lonely if his female companion dies? Should I add aquarium salt to see if it makes her feel better?

    I have a 5 gallon it houses 1 betta and two guppies. But this after noon after skipping morning feeding I noticed my female guppy Ruby wasn't showing up. I looked around and found her in the gravel acting like she couldn't breath and seems to be having trouble swimming. When I put the cup in the tank it was almost like she wanted to be taken out and swam right into the cup. She swam around for about a minute but shes back at the bottom of the cup. I have a little but not a alot of hope of her survival. I've had them since May losing two others along the way. I'm floating the cup in my empty undecorated, unfiltered 5 gallon and am gonna put her in there cause i'm wondering if Hadifer my male guppy is stressing her out from breeding. Although I've never seen any fry in the tank. But I know guppies eat their fry. Should I add aquarium salt and hope she survives? I heard guppys don't live that long also will Hadifer get lonely if its just him and the betta? He was lonely after my other male Apollo died cause those two were always side by side.

    2 AnswersFish6 years ago
  • What kind of fish can you temporarily have in a 5 gallon for two months?

    I'm getting a 10-20 gallon tank for Christmas. I have 2 guppies and 2 bettas in other tanks however I have an empty five gallon. What can I look for to put in there until I get my bigger tank to merge with my guppies? Preferably no bettas. I won't be getting them straight away maybe in two or three weeks from now. No snails or shrimp. My local pet store never gets those.

    4 AnswersFish6 years ago
  • Training a dog to stay in a room?

    We live in a small house. My second older brother and his girlfriend live here with their dog. On top of that we have my parents, my 1 year old sister, me and 2 dogs of our own. Our dogs are pretty well trained. My brothers dog I think has separation anxiety or something. He an unfixed male. I honestly don't remember the breed. I think they said he was part blood hound. Like I think his mother was part beagle/bloodhound or something. And his dad is I think pit or one of those type of dogs. My mom doesn't like dealing with animals. Anyways he follows my brother and his girlfriend everywhere no matter what. I would like to help stop him from that habit. Like they can't even go to the bathroom or kitchen to get a drink without him being right there. He will jump over a baby gate so its no use buying one.

    The rooms don't have doors only sheets. So far I scared him back in there with a spray bottle filled with water. It might seem mean but its the only way to get him in there. I was thinking about checking in on him and giving him a treat. Would that help teach him to stay in that room?

    2 AnswersDogs6 years ago
  • What two flowers should I choose?

    I live in michigan. My mom bought four different kinds of boxes of flowers seeds. I love flowers. But she said to choose two and shes giving the rest to family. I know I won't be able to plant them till next year but atleast I have something to look forward to next summer. So what should I choose? Marigolds, Zinnia, Impatiens or Allysum I think thats how you spell the last two. I like the Marigolds and Zinnia's but I also like the Allysum or whatever lol.

    Also I'm new to planting flowers but can you mix two types of flowers such as those together in the same area or would it not look good?

    10 AnswersGarden & Landscape6 years ago
  • Wireless headphones for under $25?

    My sister in law bought me 5 in 1 wireless headphones either last christmas or the one before and they've finally got a short in the cord to the transmitter thingy that you plug into whatever you want to listen to. So now I can't use them unless I buy a cord that would go from my actual headphones to the item. I know what kind these headphones are. But I'm looking for other options. These cost about $14 I think. They have to be wireless. And I'm don't mean the pair with one cord I mean no cords unless it belongs to the transmitter thingy or unless its a detachable cord like these have to change from wireless to actual headphones.. Sorry if I'm not making sense.

    2 AnswersMusic & Music Players6 years ago
  • What can I do right now that can help with my goal of owning my own pet store?

    Right now I'm 17. I'll be dropping out of high school most likely in January when I turned 18. If I were to stay I would be in school till I'm 21. I don't have a drivers licences. No job yet. I'll probably wait until I'm 18 to get a job. But I still have 4 months until I'm 18. What can I do in the meantime? Plan? Get animal experience? I don't know. None of my family has ever really tried to start their own business and none of them really care for animals so I'm kinda left alone on this. Right now I've been trying to get animal experience I have 2 dogs, 1 cat, 2 betta, 3 guppies and I may get a bird or a gerbil. Haven't decided because we'll be moving sometime before winter. I've also experienced Guinea pigs but it wasn't a very good one so I probably wont be caring for those again. But I know alot of the other animals.

    1 AnswerSmall Business6 years ago
  • Bird vs Gerbil? Which one do you think would be better for me?

    I'm 17, have almost 1 year old baby sister who has downs. But it will probably be a year or two before shes walking. I have 2 dogs, 1 nosy annoying cat who cares more about my dad than she does me. 2 betta and 3 guppies. I won't be going to college, I don't have many friends. I've experienced guinea pigs but they weren't worth the trouble. They kicked their bedding out of their cages all the time and were expensive with the veggies, hay and bedding. The male was a bit of a biter and both always peed on me when holding them. And I didn't even hold them for like five minutes. If this helps I have a habit of always sleeping with my light on. So I don't know if that would affect owning either of them. I'm a online student so home 24/7 besides riding with my mom to dr appointments for my sister or going out of state maybe 4 times at the most a year for about a week each.

    My mom said if I get a bird it should be a cockatiel. But I think thats to expensive for me to be a first time owner of a cockatiel. Shes had cockatiels before but I would be the one caring for it. I was thinking a parakeet. But even getting a bird has to wait until after we move sometime this winter. I'm wondering if I could get a gerbil here and move with it later. Or would it stress it out to much? I know nothing at all about Gerbils. I don't now anyone thats had one. My older sister when I was about six might have had a hamster or a gerbil but I don't remember it I just remember a colorful cage.

    2 AnswersBirds6 years ago
  • Next pet ideas?

    I've experienced guinea pigs, dogs, cats, bettas an guppies. I've had a tiny bit of experience with chickens and rabbits because my sister in law got them but they all either died or escaped. But I got enough experience to know I don't want neither of them. Never again will I get another guinea pig. I have 2 dogs, 1 cat, 2 bettas and 3 guppies. I hate spiders and snakes. I have the habit of sleeping with my bedroom light on. My sleeping schedule is from 3 am to about 11am. I'm 17. Online student. Will not be going to college. Not many friends. Always home unless babysitting or going somewhere with my mom. We go out of state maybe three times a year at the most for like a week. But then my adult brother takes care of our animals while were gone.

    My thoughts were maybe a bird or a hamster. I hate extreme messes like my guinea pigs use to kick up their bedding out of the cage. I'm not really bothered by noises unless its like a dogs whining or barking cause its so loud. And I would prefer something that doesn't take much electricity our electricity here costs a lot. We'll be moving this winter. So if I choose a bird it will be after I move. Theres one thing I'm worried about though. I've not fond of being bitten and I'm kinda terrified that I might drop the hamster or bird if it does bite.

    Also can people tell me the range of the cost of what it would cost to own whatever animal they suggest?

    3 AnswersOther - Pets6 years ago
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    Is it possible for a female guppie in a tank with two males to not get pregnant?

    So I have 3 guppies. One female and two males. I had three males but one died from cotton fungus. I originally asked the petstore for four males but yeah one turned out to be female. So I've had them almost two months. Nothing's changed in the female guppy. So I'm wondering if it's possible that the female won't get pregnant. That's my female. This is my first time having guppies.

    8 AnswersFish6 years ago
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    Whats wrong with my betta?

    Hes in a 5 gallon all by himself. Filtered,Unheated. The picture is of the tank.

    He has a rip in his fin:

    Always laying at the bottom unless its for air or food:

    Has sudden moments when he darts around the tank rubbing against things( I apologize for my cat meowing in the background. Shes in heat):

    I don't know if its velvet, external parasites or if he has one of those plus a ripped fin. I think the rip in his fin is from the filter. Before I noticed it he had been spending quite a bit of time between the wall of the tank and the back of the filter.

    I don't know how to even begin helping him. I have a 1 gallon that I can use as a hospital tank but thats all I know that I can do. And if its velvet I don't have a heater to raise the temp but I can float a cup of hot water and just constantly check on the temps. I'm home 24/7. I also have aquarium salt on hand but I don't know how to even begin treating him with it or even if I should treat him with it.

    2 AnswersFish6 years ago
  • Ideas for a family vacation?

    My mom shocked me by suggesting we take a vacation some time. We've never been on one as far as I know besides visits to Ohio or Tennesse mostly for family emergencies. We live in Michigan. My mom said do research. There is a wolf Sanctuary in New Mexico but she said thats a little to far of a drive. I suggested Montana and she asked why and all I could come up with was horses. I've always wanted to go to Montana for some reason but without an actual reason I obviously can't. Any ideas? If this helps Im adding it.

    Dad: Music, motorcycles

    Mom: Old tv shows like the Waltons

    Me (17): Anything animals

    Emilee (Almost 1): Has sensitivity to sounds and won't be able to go on amusement park rides.

    So yeah. We all have different likes and Emilee has the sensitivity issue and she obviously can't ride horses like I want to but I'll be okay if I can't as long as I get to see actual animals. I've always wanted to see foxes, wolves and mostly a Fennec fox. My mom said probably find a zoo with other fun things to do around that area but thats not very much help lol.

    1 AnswerOther - United States6 years ago