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Anna&Thomas' mommy

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  • The moon is a reddish orange color?

    It is 1:00am in Battle Creek Michigan, I have tried to google this but cannot find any answers. The moon earlier this evening at dusk seemed to be normal size shape and color. Well I just looked outside and the moon looks 100times bigger and is red and is a lot lower to the horizon. What causes this??

    5 AnswersAstronomy & Space1 decade ago
  • The newest episode of Fringe cut off by my DVR?!?!?

    I DVR-ed the newest episode of Fringe tonight Well American Idol ran over by 10 mins and cut off the last 10 minutes of the show!?!?! To He11 with american Idol, I wanted to watch fringe. Do you have ANY idea where I can find the newest episode online? I tried HULU and FOX's website but to no avail. SOMEBODY HELP?!?! plz.

    7 AnswersDrama1 decade ago
  • 1 billion and much ya think?

    That's how much the Barack Obama administration has spent thus far. Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell did the math .. "In just 50 days, Congress has voted to spend about $1.2 trillion between the Stimulus and the Omnibus ... To put that in perspective, that's about $24 billion a day, or about $1 billion an hour."

    Your government at work.

    So do you think the spending is getting out of control yet? Or do u REALLY think Obama is doing the right thing? And if he is how? How id borrowing money that hasn't even been generated yet good? That is what I would truly like to know.

    12 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Nancy Pelosi's business is running the U.S. House of Representatives right?

    So what do you think about this story??

    Nancy Pelosi's business is running the U.S. House of Representatives, and Nancy not only has one private jet at her disposal; she has a fleet. That's right, a fleet of private jets, paid for by the taxpayers, that shuttle her and her friends and family where they please. Nancy's fleet is operated by the Pentagon. According to a report from Judicial Watch, Nancy repeatedly requested military aircraft and treated the Air Force as her "personal airline." Based on e-mails and other documents, Nancy regularly made special demands for high-end aircraft, often canceled at the last minute and racked up some serious expenses for the military .. and ultimately the taxpayers. What's more (and this is no surprise) Princess Nancy and her staff would be just a wee bit abusive when they couldn't get their way. In one email recovered with a FOIA request, Pelosi's aid Kay King wrote "It is my understanding there are NO G5s available for the House during the Memorial Day recess. This is totally unacceptable ... The Speaker will want to know where the planes are." In other words ... if you can't cough up a G5 for the Speaker, you had better tell her were your G5s are and who is using them so she can make a determination as to whether or not she is being slighted.

    In another case Pelosi wanted her husband to tag along on a congressional trip to Iraq. The Pentagon had to remind Madam Speaker that spouses are not allowed to go along on military trips.

    Public servant? Yeah right .. these people are our RULERS, folks. We are here to provide for them provide a basis for their power. What good is a ruler without someone to rule? That would be us.

    So how do dems and Libs feel about this story? How can you validate it with any common sense? This is not a rant, it is a serious question??

    6 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • What is this? it hurts?

    Okay, so this might be tmi but I have to tell it all.

    So yesterday I noticed that I had some vaginal bleeding similar to a heavy period. But I had my period two weeks ago. So it's not time for me to get a period yet because my period I always on time about every 3 and a half weeks. Also I had major cramps last night, some that almost brought me to the point of tears. Today I noticed that the bleeding was not as bad. But now I have a sharp stabbing pain in my lower right abdomen. It hurts pretty bad, and I cannot sleep. What do you think this could be?

    1 AnswerPain & Pain Management1 decade ago
  • If you could talk to them, would you?

    Calvin Johnson! I went to the Lions vs. Vikings game this past Sunday. (husband is a lions fan. I am a packer fan myself ) But we went down to the field and low and behold there is Calvin Johnson. I called him over and he sighned autographs! He is a really nice guy. I told him that I have him on my fantasy team, and that he got robbed the last time they played eachother, and he laughed and said he knows. And yes he is really tall in real life. The one person I did want to talk to was AP but he didnt come out before all the fans had to go to their seating areas. But I had a seat in the end zone so before kick off he was there practicing with Chestor taylor. I got some good pictures but I really REALLY wanted to say hi, at least while he was stretching. I know it's a long shot but who doesnt want to see these people in real life? right?

    I saw the Packers play the lions and not one packer player waved or even acknowleged my screaming at them. some nod their heads at least in recognition. The only packer I made contact with is Ryan Grant he was 10 yards from me streching, and I asked him for an autograph, while no one was around and He gave me a dirty look and said in real condensending way:"NO! I'M STRETCHING!!" I was like what the heck??? SO I guess my questions are: Would you talk to calvin? Who if you could in all in the NFL would you talk to? and what if they turned out to be total jerks?? Sorry I know this is super long! And full of bad spelling. lol

    4 AnswersFootball (American)1 decade ago
  • Where can I find this online?!?!?

    Does anyone know where I can watch WHOLE episodes of Ghost Adventures online. Its a really neat show on the travel channel but I don't get that channel. I can find little snippets of the show and advertisements but not whole episodes. Can someone help me with this?? thanks so much ;)

    2 AnswersReality Television1 decade ago
  • Obama deserves congrats don't you think?

    yep I watched Obama's speech. What an emotional ride. I didn't like that little break in the middle where he went all "thank you for the country music award" on us by thanking his campaign managers.

    However, when he told the story of Ann Cooper the 106 year old black woman I was moved to tears. Yes, me, a hard core McCain supporter...was moved to tears. I was the 496th voter in my presinct to vote McCain. I voted McCain because I thought he was the better candidate to run our country. That said, I do wish our country well, and I do hope Obama is a great president. I do not wish Obama to fail. I would never wish failure for my country. I love my country. This country is split down the middle and Obama has a long road ahead of him in uniting this country. In Addition the rupublicans lost some seats in the house and senate. It is going to be a hard fought road for conservatives. But, it is my hope that the country turns around for the better.

    Now I am one of those people that love to say, "I told you so!" So if hard times come up a year or so from now I will not say it. But remember I said it this night. Also, two years from now in the 2010 election comes and the senate race comes up don't be surprised if the republicans take back the majority.(like with Bill Clinton) AND If the republicans win the white house back in 2012. Raising taxes is going to be hard on us, so we'll see. I am going to try to think positive for right now. Like I said I do not wish failure on our country.

    But I do like Bush's thinking he says, I don't care if I am the most hated president in U.S. history. As long as there is not another terrorist attack on our soil as long as I am in office. And he's right. He has the lowest appoval rating in U.S. history, and made it hard for a republican to win.

    But we are safe right?

    But history has been made in more ways than one. And I want America to be prosperous in the years to come.

    Don't you think so? Come on, now I was a McCain supporter but GIVE IT UP! and just wish the guy well for pete's sake! Life goes on! Is there any other repbulican or conservitave here that agrees with me?

    11 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • How can this happen, I dont get it?

    "John McCain voted with George Bush 90% of the time." a quote from Obama

    First of all, George Bush doesn't cast votes in the U.S. Senate, though McCain and Obama do. So how can McCain vote WITH Bush 90% of the time?

    7 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Is anyone else ready for this to be over already?

    So the news can report on something else. I am going out and I am voting tomorrow. No question about that but I am SOOOOO ready for all this election coverage to be over. anyone else out there agree?

    7 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • "John McCain voted with George Bush 90% of the time."?

    I've taken a statement that Obama repeats at almost every campaign rally. Now this statement is powerful ... if unchallenged ... and we know that the MoveOn Media isn't exactly what we would call "eager" to challenge Obama on this issue.

    First of all, George Bush doesn't cast votes in the U.S. Senate, though McCain and Obama do. The best way to judge how they vote is to see how often they vote with their respective parties. You might want to get those nuisance resolutions proclaiming the need for a colonoscopy every once in a while out of the way. That would leave some key votes for you to consider. The Congressional Research Service did the work. They looked at votes for Obama and McCain on KEY issues. The results? Barack Obama voted with Democrats 97% of the time. John McCain voted with the Republicans 79% of the time. Now .. just sit on your hands and wait for the MoveOn Media to report that one. Sit on your hands, but for God's sake don't hold your breath.

    You may find this challenging. Stick with it. In spite of what the government has done to you, you can generate some new brain cells that will help you deal with this stuff. It would also help if you got your campaign news from somewhere other than Saturday Night Live.

    so Obama supporters what do you think about that?? Can Obama reach across party lines? Probably not.

    16 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • My picks for week 8 agree? probably not. ?

    ATL @ PHI : If philly can stop the run Philly's got this in the bag.

    WAS @ DET : Although Thomas(my hubby) is at Ford field as I am typing this and although he would looooove for the Lions to win this, I say Washington runs all over Detroit, Clinton Portis will be hard to stop. I pick Washington.

    (sorry Thomas)

    ARI @ CAR : hmmm....Arizona has an old QB like the Jets, and I am not saying old guys cant play b/c Brett certainly can play, but Arizona's QB is no Brett Favre. Anquan Bolden is back this week after get smashed. That might help them out a little. Arizona has kinda come out of nowhere this season so this is a tough one. But I am going with the Panthers....but I could be wrong here.

    BUF @ MIA : The Dolphins are playing at home, and they have been but I think Buffalo will give them a run for their money. Bills have this one.

    SD @ NO : Both teams got their asses handed to them last week. Drew Brees would love to win it as much as Phillip Rivers.

    But Reggie Bush is hurt and thus I am picking San Diego

    TB @ DAL : Now Candace(my best friend) is going to hate me after this, but Dallas' defence looks...well...sub-par this season, and there is no reason they should because the defence is loaded with pro-bowlers. No matter how good the offence is the defence is the one that has to keep the other team from scoring pionts. It doesnt help that Tony Romo is hurt, and T.O. is pissed off. They are having a coaching change-ish. Soooo I am picking Tampa.

    But I love you candace! And the Cowboys will get better once Tony's owie is all better!

    OAK @ BAL : Now this should be an easy pick right? Ravens for sure, but for some reason the Ravens cant close up a game. Their defence is great, but they have a rookie QB and they wont unleash him. I am still picking the Ravens but dont be surprised if I am wrong.

    STL @ NE : Rams are looking great lately, two big wins in the last two weeks. Their coach gets a full time job if they have 4 wins. So they want to win. But matt cassel seems to be wiping the dirt off his shoulder, and picking up his game. I still choose Rams. Tom Brady had ANOTHER surgery on his knee so I wouldnt be surprized it the teams moral is lower this week. Sorry Cassel you are no Tom Brady.

    KC @ NYJ : We all know I am a little Bias here. I love my Brett Favre. but he does have his faults like throwing an interception in EVERY single game. If Brett can keep his interceptions under control they have a chance.

    GO jets!

    CLE @ JAC : well this is easy. Jags. Browns have been struggling and all that pre-season work they did with their team has yet to pay off. so yep it's the jags.

    CIN @ HOU : well we all saw what Houston did to the Lions last week, they will do it to the Bengals this week. Texans win it.

    SEA @ SF: the 49ers head coach was fired this week. So the seahwaks win it.

    NYG @ PIT: This game will be a good game. Cant wait to watch the defence's hurt eachother. I hope Big Ben has a good game I have him on my fantasy team but he will get sacked at least 4-5 times today no question and with him already hurting Giants have got this one.

    IND @ TEN: Titans are undefeated and they will stay that way. Indy is having problems. They have been lucky to win at all this season.

    Well, guess what I know my football. I know it a lot better than most men out there, and I am a girl! get over it. I am a HUGE football fan. Mostly because my husband is. He knows almost everything about EVERY player and all their stats, and I figured you know, if you can beat 'em join 'em. SUNDAY is football day, and I love it! Lets get ready for kickoff people! Get your popcorn ready.

    6 AnswersFootball (American)1 decade ago
  • Not a Joke: Can the Lions win today?

    I know it's pretty funny right? But if you get a second to stop laughing, how could the Lions win it? is it possible? My husband is at ford field today and is a Lions fan. (don't ask me why) But I hope for his sake some miracle happens and the Lions win for his sake. But how would they win? what doyathink?

    9 AnswersFootball (American)1 decade ago
  • Who do you belong to?

    Sounds like an odd question, doesn't it? But have you ever actually thought for a moment about who has ownership rights to you? This is no silly or meaningless exercise here. You exist. You have value. That value belongs to someone. The question is who? This is an important question in this election because there are quite a lot of people out there who earnestly believe that you belong not to yourself, but to the government. For the first time ever, we have a presidential candidate who wants to raise taxes on a few not so much to cover the costs of the essential functions of government, but to bring about some sense of what he calls "fairness" in the distribution of wealth. This would mean that in the eyes of this particular presidential candidate (I would mention his name, but that would be racist.) the government owns a portion of you; a portion to be used by the government to enrich the lives of others in the quest for economic "fairness." So who do you belong to?

    14 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Why does my daughter ignore me?

    I have a daughter and she is 3 years old. She is mostly good, but as you know all children have their bad days. Well she is into this new thing; when I ask her to do something, or stop doing something she just ignores me like I am not there. It's so frustrating because I know she hears me, and she sometimes smiles like it's a game, I will call her name: "anna..annaa Anna ANNA!" and she acts like I am not even there. The only time she will do as I say is when I actually have to stop whatever I am doing, like put the book down, or stop folding the laundry, or doing the dishes, and then she listens to me. ugh! Why does she do this? has anyone else dealt with this? How do I get her to stop?

    4 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • how DARE your question Obama?? ?

    Don't you find it just a bit odd that the mainstream New York and DC media has spent more time investigating Joe the Plumber than they have William Ayers? Why attack Joe? It's very simple. Because his question hurt.

    His question led to another wonderful unscripted moment from Barack Obama .. that being his comment about spreading the wealth.

    Will this be our future in the ObamaNation? Become a critic of him and the investigations begin? Really? Please.

    The guy asked a question, got an answer, that is what Obama thinks is right, but what American thinks is wrong and now Joe is the target. Even the Obama campaign targeted him. Poor man, I bet he wishes Obama never walked down HIS street, and he asked him a honest question right?

    22 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Are you worried the wrong candidate will be elected?

    Are you worried about the uniformed masses that are going to the polls on Nov. 4th this election year?(I am) Why what are your fears? What if your fears come true will you leave this country? ....and will we be better off without ya?

    6 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • I am voting for McCain but....?

    I would like to see if any Obama supporter out there can convince me to vote for Obama. I don't know if there is anything that can but if there are some things I didn't know about him maybe....elaborate on your answers please. thx.

    14 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Obama and ACORN?? True or False?

    Here are all the links so you can decide for yourself. Educate yourself! Barack Obama's 'affiliations' are too questionable for me. period. ACORN, Rev. Wright, and Bill Ayers who is an American terrorist! Bombed the Pentagon for god's sake! Not one mistake in judgment, not two but THREE! And some people are voting for him...why???

    "And speaking of lies: Now Barack Obama admits that he did know about Bill Ayers, but assumed he had been rehabilitated. Oh. I feel so much better now. Perhaps Bin Laden has also been rehabbed. "-Neal Bootrz(funny funny man)

    Sorry had to throw it in there, me again:

    I am not racist for saying it either. My grandmother is BLACK thank you very much. I just think well...people SHOULD THINK. Is that too much to ask? Ask the American voter to think?...maybe it is. Well here take a look for yourself. Have fun, and try denying it. I dare ya!

    Here is Obama AT at ACORN meeting:

    No connections with ACORN?? yea...right.

    Here is another:

    15 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Obama question....oh yes another....?

    So here's one I would like explained to me. Obama did not appear on Saturday Night Live because of a hurricane right? right. Well why not call off a debate to fix the crisis on wall street?

    Does he think our economy going into the tank is important enough for him, to cast a vote, and do some actual Senate work. BUT a hurricane, now, well, that another story.

    McCain is not afriad to debate him, he asked for 10, yes T-E-N, town hall meetings but Obama said, no only 3, so this is not an issue of being scared to debate anyone.

    I just think that Obama should have agreed to John McCain's calling off the politics plan. Anyone else? He did it for a hurricane. Is this not important enough?

    Obama accuses McCain of running "the same old polotics" but when McCain does something out of the ordinary Obama doesn't follow. So who is running the same old polotics? There is a few questions in here see if you can answer them....ready...1...2...3...go!

    27 AnswersElections1 decade ago