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  • anyone bfp after 20 dpo?

    im just curious as to what the longest it's taken any women here to get their BFP? today is 20 dpo for me w/high bbt, spotting, bfn, light cramping that lasts for an hr or so each day and then it's gone w/no other pregnancy symptoms. bfn this morning! im scheduled for an u/s on tuesday to figure out what's going on. fsh shot on day 9 and 10 of cycle and prometrium from 3-12 dpo so ive been off prometrium for more than a wk! i've bled w/prometrium w/my vanishing twin syndrome so im not blaming this on prometrium at all!

    2 AnswersTrying to Conceive9 years ago
  • 18 dpo, high bbt, no af, bfn?

    so i was on progesterone suppositories from 9/27 to 10/3 as i was to use an HPT on 10/7 after being on FSH shots before i O'd. negative hpt, 13 & 14 dpo but bbt is still around 98 degrees. neg hcg on 10/11/12. menstrual cramps on 10/10/12 and then nothing. today i spotted w/o cramps and just spotted once. who has experienced this w/progesterone? if i don't get AF by monday then i need to go for an u/s and im just hoping i have a very shy BFP!

    2 AnswersTrying to Conceive9 years ago
  • progesterone suppositories to keep BBT up even if not preg?

    so ive been on the suppositories for nearly 2 wks and i know it affect my bbt goes but does it stay high past LP even if you're not preg and you're still on the suppositories? im 12 dpo and on fertility drugs and im supposed to test tomorrow

    1 AnswerTrying to Conceive9 years ago
  • 9 dpo bleeding gums... anyone else?

    has anyone else experienced this? i've also had some light cramping, nauseated for over a week now (always happens when I O) and i've just been tired as heck the past few days. i floss every other day and use mouth wash 2x a day. i know i don't have a cavity or anything cuz i just saw my orthodontist. i was literally spitting blood out of my mouth for about a min

    ttc 1.5 yrs w/3 mc's

    3 AnswersTrying to Conceive9 years ago
  • repost: after a d&c how fertile am i really?

    i had a d&c on 5/25/12 and were told to not start trying until august after tests have been run since this was our 3rd loss. well july 4th on the spur of a moment DH and i had unprotected sex (had negative opk on the 4th & 5th) got a positive OPK on 7/6/12... i know you're very fertile after a natural MC so just wondering for a d&c. it took a lot for us to start BD'ing again because every time he'd want to i'd be reminded of our loss and i wouldnt want to. the last time we used a condom and of course it hurt like it always does but the unprotected sex wasn't a "planned" event

    1 AnswerTrying to Conceive9 years ago
  • scarred tube - ovulation possible?

    i had an left ectopic last august and had the methotrexate shot to save my tube but im wondering if i can still ovulate from the left side? i saw a fertility acupuncturist yesterday and he said that tube is out of the question for ovulation now? what's the point in having that shot if the tube is no longer viable for ovulation? i just had a d&c on 5/25/12 but it was also my 3rd loss. has anyone else heard about a scarred tube not being viable for ovulation?

    3 AnswersTrying to Conceive9 years ago
  • 3 mc's (1 chemical, 1 ectopic & 1 missed miscarriage)?

    anyone have that many mc's or more? chemical was 7/11, ectopic 8/11 and missed miscarriage was on the 5/12i had a d&c last friday the 25th and my OB asked that we not TTC until all tests are run (blood work and u/s) to make sure we're both ok for conceiving. anyone else go through this before? no websites! i will report if you leave a website. im just looking for personal experiences or opinions

    1 AnswerTrying to Conceive9 years ago
  • anyone experience implantation pain?

    im not sure what im feeling is implantation pain? i ovulated from my right this month (confirmed by u/s the day before I ovulated and had sex not even 10 hrs before ovulation) and Im 7 dpo today. I've had these constant sharp stabbing pains on the left side right around the ovary area? no spotting as of yet but i've never had implantation pain before. NO WEBSITES! I can do that on my own. I'LL REPORT YOU AS SPAM! I just want personal experiences/opinions :)

    3 AnswersTrying to Conceive9 years ago
  • 11 dpo w/light brown watery cm?

    no cramps at all! i had a very weird salmon/light caramel mixture of cm last night and it was just a little. it was a lot. i've had no cramps the past few days but waves of sleepiness! could this be implantation bleeding? my bbt is .03 above coverline... no af symptoms either...i feel im out but no af symptoms - confused!! NO WEBSITES OR ILL REPORT YOU AS SPAM!!

    3 AnswersTrying to Conceive9 years ago
  • implantation bleeding @ 11 dpo?

    so i had a mixture of (not even sure what color it really was - couldn't quite tell) salmon/light pink/caramel/light brown discharge tonight... no cramps! just my normal uterine/pelvic twinges ive had since 3 dpo....has anyone else had this? i know it's not an infection of any type and NO WEBSITES! I can look that up on my own and if you do respond w/websites ill report you as spam! Been preg 2x but never had implantation cramps or bleeding. i had a dip in my BBT @ 9dpo w/sharb stabbing pains right above the left groin area that same night

    2 AnswersTrying to Conceive9 years ago
  • sharp stabbing pains lower left pelvic area close to groin?

    i'm 9 dpo and i just had this constant stabbing pain for about a minute and it was every 2 secs right above my groin but have had light cramps since 3 dpo that feel almost like very very tiny AF cramps but it never gets to that. it wasnt so bad that i was doubled over in pain but it was enough for me to hold onto the area... NO WEBSITES PLEASE!! I WILL REPORT YOU AS SPAM! I CAN DO THAT ON MY OWN! I just want personal experiences/opinions. i also had what i think was an implantation dip today? my temp dropped .30 degree Fahrenheit so I'm really hoping!!

    3 AnswersTrying to Conceive9 years ago
  • repost:left hip/groin pain @ 4-5 dpo?

    has anyone else experienced this? i've never had implantation cramps and im thinking it's too early for that anyway...? it was pretty sharp for a few minutes but now it's just this nagging dull ache in the groin. the only other time i had this type of pain was from an ectopic but it's way too early for that. i've got some light cramps going that sometimes do feel nearly like menstrual cramps. NO WEBSITES!! just personal opinions/experiences

  • insemination by pre-***?

    ok so DH has been trying to open up his own business so it gets him very tired & there's never been a time we don't finish BD'ing... well tonight - that was the case! he was erect enough for penetration but when he pulled out he was limp. he said he was too tired and sex every day is too much for him... i know i ovulated already but im not sure if it was last night or earlier today so i figured id give it another go but we've already BD'd a couple of days ago plus some a couple of days before that...since he was able to penetrate would you think there's pre-***?

    1 AnswerTrying to Conceive9 years ago
  • thots on laying down after sex to keep sperm in?

    so im trying to get votes/opinions in. i've got a UTI right now so im downing cran juice but this happened before i even started bd'ing everyday while laying on my back for about 5 mins before getting up (you don't want to know how that feels during the event). I know there's definitely gonna be some leakage when I get up but wut ive done the past two nights is you two fingers to close the labia together to keep the semen in as well w/a pillow under my buttocks. now since i've got a UTI i really should get up and go pee but wut r ur thots on getting up right away after sex vs laying down for a few and then getting up to go pee? NO WEBSITES!!

    2 AnswersTrying to Conceive9 years ago
  • spotting @ 15 dpo but no cramps...?

    ive always gotten cramps w/my spotting and the day before my period starts... i had very light cramping yesterday, boobs have been sore for over a week, still have the nausea....BD was a day after ovulation so i didnt think i got pregnant... anyone else? NO WEBSITES!

    1 AnswerTrying to Conceive9 years ago
  • waves of nausea, slite brst tenderness around the edges..?

    had nausea all day long, breasts are starting to hurt more and more each day (no discoloration or anything like that) & still no cramps! i really don't want to get my hopes up! I've been feeling fatigued since saturday. no brown CM yet either which i always get before my period along w/some cramps... nadda! currently 12 dpo. My O date is in question (a day or two off) so i didn't even think it would be possible... opinions? NO WEBSITES OR LINKS TO WEBSITES!! im currently on fertilitea 2-3x a day and we did use pre-seed. been trying since october

    2 AnswersTrying to Conceive9 years ago
  • pre-seed vs conceive gel?

    has anyone tried conceive gel? I've been using pre-seed since october but nothing yet. My friend and I just bought conceive gel and drink fertilitea. We're both trying to figure out what can help us be more fertile. We both lost angel(s) last year and she started TTC in november. i was thinking of using them together because i've got 5 sticks of pre-seed left. I DON'T WANT WEBSITES. i just want personal experiences/opinions! we both use OPK's, temp, chart and everything in between

    4 AnswersTrying to Conceive9 years ago
  • repost: has anyone tried fertilitea?

    i got 1 answer previously and it wasn't a great answer so here goes again: my friend conceived on her 2nd cycle on this and we've both lost our angel (s) so we're ready to try anything! no websites. just want opinions/personal experiences. we've been trying for the same amount of time. we both chart, check our cm, cervical position but she uses OPK's but i dont she had done a lot of research before she bought it and i've read the reviews and they are awesome!

    3 AnswersTrying to Conceive9 years ago
  • FF changed my O - so when do i really test?

    so FF had charted my O at 15 dpo but then 2 days later changed it to 17 dpo. if it's true that i actually O'd @ 15 dpo then I am now late for my period. I just had some brownish discharge this morning and ive had like extremely minor cramps. I broke out under my lip right above my chin in about 6 different places but extremely close to one another and on the corner of my nose in virtually the same spot but 4 different heads between 2-8 dpo. I've had slight-med headaches since then as well w/some uterine twinges. w/the changed O date i'm scheduled to get AF at the latest tomorrow... any suggestions/opinions? no websites!

    1 AnswerTrying to Conceive9 years ago
  • 6 days of spotting, 2 days nausea, neg HPT!!!?

    does anybody have any thots?? i had 1 neg HPT and another neg test @ md's and i requested a blood test. has anyone else experienced this and end up pregnant? NO WEBSITES!! i've never spotted for this long before and not get a full blown period! it was all brown blood so i know it's all old blood. the last day to get my period was monday. my expected AF was friday! been pregnant 2x before and didn't have this happen w/the 1st two (i know every pregnancy is different)

    1 AnswerTrying to Conceive9 years ago