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  • Does my Coworker like me.. IF not, then what should I do about it?

    Hi guys, I'm 20, he's 19. We started working together about 3 months ago because that's when he got hired and I have been with the company for a year now. Let me start by telling you guys that I have never liked him before. He would always be one of the coworkers that would frustrate me and make my job harder. We do work at Fast Food. He is messy on the line so as prep, I would have to keep wiping the line down. Out of a bloom, (9 days ago) I started liking him. I would talk to him more and more and would kinda make fun of him because he was messy. I ended up telling one of my coworkers 5 days ago and I had her text him telling him that I like him. He did not freak out. He made it a joke. He replied back with saying" I already knew that" then he wrote"Who wouldn't like me, i'm awsome". I have texted him only very little because he is a terrible texter. Me and him texted a few times, flirting and stuff. Then I asked him the big question. "Do u like me back, yes or no". I ended up never getting a response back. I even asked yesterday over text and still no response. He responds to everything but that! Let me tell you that since I am with the company for a year, I am getting promoted to more than just a crew member, and working my way to management. I just got promoted to takeout specialost. With 2 months or so, I will be workiong on management. Anyways, my co worker that I told basically betrayed me and went and talked about it with him at work without my permission.

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating4 years ago
  • Attachment image

    What should I do with him? :( Would ignoring him make him want to talk to me?

    So 5 days ago I Went to a job orientation and I suddenly sat next to this guy and lets call him Nick. So he is in the orientation too, we got hired for different positions though. Anyways during orientation I decide to talk to him and he is very nice and very funny and he let me use his phone couple of times during orientation, and when we had a lunch break, me and him went out to get some lunch and we ate together,anyways everything from Thursday was amazing. We had a great time, and I found out that me and him have so much in common, our birthdays is only 6 days apart even. And when orientation was done, he waited for me to be done and he asked me if I wanted a ride and I said sure and that's when we exchanged numbers, anyways by the time I got home, I checked my phone and he already sent me texts. and so we just flirted and stuff and he said he had a wonderful time and how he cant wait to hangout with me again and how he found me as adorable.

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating5 years ago
  • How do I tell him , im not interested?

    hi there so im 18 years old and i work at a fast food restaurant and there is a coworkers who obviously likes me but i don't. I don't like him for many reasons. #1 issue is that he is 10 years older than me... #2 He already has a 6 year old son. #3 He is in prison but he can only come to work and go back and he gets out in 5 months. I don't know how any of this happened but He got hired 2 months after me and I was the one to say good luck when he had his interview. anyways I used to not work with him because he works in the morning and I was still in high school and now we both work in the mornings cause im out of hs and taking online classes. I feel like it all of a sudden happened and its really making me feel weird. he already asked me on a date "when he gets out"and i keep saying no i cant but he still asks. and he does whatever he can to be close to me and then i talked to one of his friends and he talked to him and told him i think hes weird, and he comes to me and says im so sorry if u think im weird i dont mean to be.. anyways like hes always staring at me and always smiling at me. and im just not attracted to him. honestly i just started college and i dont think i should have to be with someone 10 years older and be responsible for a 6 year old child. like what do i do for him to get over me. and im nice in a way that i pay for his food when hes about to leave cause im just nice like that.

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating6 years ago
  • Another GIrl likes my crush?

    Hey I am in 12th grade and there is a very cute guy two seats away from me in my science class. And the other girl is in between us. So I think he is so cute and I've slowly started talking to him but the other girl talks to him so much more and its so annoying . I asked her if she wanted to be partners for our lab today and she said maybe and then she asked him to be partners like wtf. Now I literally hate her and she's always laughing in front of him and smiling and she's a junior and so is he. I kinda had a conversation with him today after I saw what a bitcch she was and he told me his name and we talked about random stuff and I love his smile and of course that bitchhh was there. Anyways I want this to be war. I want to make her feel jealous and angry. So what things do I have to do. Like message him on FB and ask for his number. Like tell me everything and anything and I'll do it. :) she's going down.

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • What should i do with this guy?

    so there's this popular basketball player at my school and at first i didn't really like him but i always thought he was cute and i was always pretty nice to him but helping him out with english stuff we got in class , and sometimes i got him snacks and little stuff like that.. anyways i wanted his number past couple weeks but finally on friday i got his number , i wrote him note and he gave me it. and then on friday i txt him around 5ish and he txts me back 5 hours later around 10 and i joke around with him telling him my dream is to draw on him and then he said he had a dream too and it was me sending him sexual pictures and stuff , and friday night we talked too much and he replied very fast but he kept asking , then on saturday i woke up to 8 texts from him a face picture of him. then on saturday we talked again and yet he still kept asking and but on sunday i had enough so i told him if he kept asking then i was never gunna talk to him again he said i understand then he started being weird like taking longer and longer to reply to my txts andif i sent him a txt hed txt me the next day like 12 hrs later. and so i made him card and i colored it and ima ask people to sign it and ima give him little present with it so i was wondering if that would be a good end of school yer idea. i txted him afterschool today and still no reply and its been 8 hrs , idk if i should ask him why it takes so long now , i just dont wanna look desperate. tell me what u would do if u were me?

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • Am i not going to get this job? what do i do?

    hey guys.Wednesday April 30 i called office depot and asked the hiring manager if they are hiring and he said yeah but they would accept online applications only, so i said thank you and then i went on my computer and filled a online application. then 3 days later Saturday , i went there and i talked to the manager and he told me to take the personality test on their computer and i did. after i was finished i said thank u and i left , then on Tuesday i called and followed up. the manager said he'd review my stuff and give a call and asked for my number but it's been 4 days now and nothing and tomorrow is going to be one week i went there. what do i do now? do i call again on Tuesday and be like its been a week since i last followed up, i want follow up again? help please i don't wanna sound annoying :( btw i told him i was 17 soon to be 18 and that i still go to hs.

    2 AnswersFood Service7 years ago
  • how to i become popular on youtube ?

    i was wondering how i could get lots of views likes and subscribers? if u guys could please click the link and subscribe and watch my videos , that;ll be great,

    3 AnswersYouTube7 years ago
  • i really dont know what to do to get him to want me :(?

    well exactly about 3 weeks ago i dated this guy named jose. Me and him only knew each other for like a week before he asked me out and so i think hes very cute so i said yes , anyways everything was going good and yet we always argued during the weekends because hed be so busy and im so inpatient. so the problem was that he knew i didn' like him touching other girls but yet on friday he was hugging this girl in class in front of me and upset me , anyways on Saturday he became defensive about it saying he was just being friendly. anyways i dumped him on Saturday and then on monday morning we got back together and 2 hours later i made him promise no more hugging then an hour later i txted him telling him i dont wanna share him and he said he doesn't have a problem sharing me so then me and him started arguing and we kinda fought at school then n hour later on monday he told me he diidnt have feelings for me then he sid we should just be friends and past two days ive felt really alone and sad and i think about our memories and just keep tearing up , i keep bringing up my feelings and all he says is that he just wants to be friends but hes really nice about it. but i know i messed up and he says hes not ready for a relationship but i really really like this guy and id do anything to get back with him , so what can i do to get him back? he kinda playing hard to get , like if i send him 5 txts then maybe hell send one back. help me . what can i do for him to start liking me again?

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • how do i move on from him and stop caring???

    hey guys , well i've liked a guy for like 5 months now and since day one ive always tried getting close to him and i'm the shy type so i was afraid to go up to talk to him , so then i thought about maybe giving him and his friends candy every week of their football game, itll bring me closer to him and so ive done that for months even though football finished months ago , so then im always complmenting him and his friends and i'm just being nice and his birthday was 2 weeks ago almost and i got him cupcakes and made a card and asked his close friends to write a small message for his bday and on the card i wrote hey brandon , i hope u have a wonderful day becuz ur wonderful yourself and wrote my number down bcuz i told him we dont talk much so lets change that and so basacally he didnt txt me. and at first he used to talk to this one chick and now they dont talk as much but now he keeps talking to the girl next to him and they're always laughing and im the jealous type, and when i try and talk to him, it always ends fast and akwardly and its always me starting the convo. and so i dont wanna be upset no more and i dont know what to do and how to not care who he talks to , cuz im basacally done but i donno how to move on, and i wanna get cupcakes for my friends and i wannna give some to his friends but i dont wanna give any to him , do u think thats fair? or should i still give him the cupcake?

    4 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • do you think this will make me and him closer?

    theres this one guy ive liked for couple months now , but hes always with his friends and im just a shy girl. me and him arent close but latly ive talked to him a little bit and im trying hard to get closeer , So anyways valentines day is almost here and i wanted to get him a gram theat they will pass out in the class i have him in and i wanted to write something funny and not too romantic cuz dk if he even likes me so have any ideas? and his bday is a week after valentines day and i was planning to get him couple cupcakes and a card and i was wondering if i should get post its and put it all over his desk and them saying happy birthday or have a great day , and on the card i wanna tell him to hmu and give him my phone number. if someone did this to u , how would u react to it? im not sure if he likes me :/ but do u tink e might after i do this?

    or should i get him a poster and write happy birtdya and let his friends sign or just a normal card and his friends sign or just a normal card from me? i know 3rd time i asked this but i need more answers :(

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • dp u think he will like this??

    theres this one guy ive liked for couple months now , but hes always with his friends and im just a shy girl. me and him arent close but latly ive talked to him a little bit and im trying hard to get closeer , So anyways valentines day is almost here and i wanted to get him a gram theat they will pass out in the class i have him in and i wanted to write something funny and not too romantic cuz dk if he even likes me so have any ideas? and his bday is a week after valentines day and i was planning to get him couple cupcakes and a card and i was wondering if i should get post its and put it all over his desk and them saying happy birthday or have a great day , and on the card i wanna tell him to hmu and give him my phone number. if someone did this to u , how would u react to it? im not sure if he likes me :/ but do u tink e might after i do this?

    i know i posted this questoion 3 times now but i need more answers :(

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • do think this will work?????????????????????

    theres this one guy ive liked for couple months now , but hes always with his friends and im just a shy girl. me and him arent close but latly ive talked to him a little bit and im trying hard to get closeer , So anyways valentines day is almost here and i wanted to get him a gram theat they will pass out in the class i have him in and i wanted to write something funny and not too romantic cuz dk if he even likes me so have any ideas? and his bday is a week after valentines day and i was planning to get him couple cupcakes and a card and i was wondering if i should get post its and put it all over his desk and them saying happy birthday or have a great day , and on the card i wanna tell him to hmu and give him my phone number. if someone did this to u , how would u react to it? im not sure if he likes me :/ but do u tink e might after i do this?

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • would this get him to start liking me or ?

    theres this one guy ive liked for couple months now , but hes always with his friends and im just a shy girl. me and him arent close but latly ive talked to him a little bit and im trying hard to get closeer , So anyways valentines day is almost here and i wanted to get him a gram theat they will pass out in the class i have him in and i wanted to write something funny and not too romantic cuz dk if he even likes me so have any ideas? and his bday is a week after valentines day and i was planning to get him couple cupcakes and a card and i was wondering if i should get post its and put it all over his desk and them saying happy birthday or have a great day , and on the card i wanna tell him to hmu and give him my phone number. if someone did this to u , how would u react to it?

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • do you think this is a good idea?

    There is this one guy I really like for couple months now. He's really cute and on the football team and so I barely talk to him because I'm scared. So I thought that maybe during Valentines day I get him a gram and in it I write my number n name on it. Telling him that he should hmu. And I was wondering if it was a good idea. And a week later it s his birthday and I was gunna get him cupcakes. Do u think he'd text me and do u think cupcakes is good to go With? any way I can get his attention ? thank u :) were both 16(: and i wanted to get cupcakes on his birthday if he txted me and it goes good.

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • Would this is weird ?

    There is this one guy I really like for couple months now. He's really cute and on the football team and so I barely talk to him because I'm scared. So I thought that maybe during Valentines day I get him a gram and in it I write my number n name on it. Telling him that he should hmu. And I was wondering if it was a good idea. And a week later it s his birthday and I was gunna get him cupcakes. Do u think he'd text me and do u think cupcakes is good to go With? any way I can get his attention ? thank u :) were both 16(:

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • should i just go for this?

    hey you guys, well theres a guy in my class and hes really cute but i realized that he has a gf and hes in the varsity football.anyways for 5 or 6 weeks , ive been giving him and couple of his football friends Snickers chocolate bar. anyways i wanted to write on a post it ' ####### ' txt me on the chocolate bar i give him in couple days but im afraid. so should i ? even tho he has gf? ny easier way i could get his #???

    and ive been getting close to him lately , like he hugged me and ive been nice to him/ like really nice

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • should i just go for it?????

    hey you guys, well theres a guy in my class and hes really cute but i realized that he has a gf and hes in the varsity football.anyways for 5 or 6 weeks , ive been giving him and couple of his football friends Snickers chocolate bar. anyways i wanted to write on a post it ' ####### ' txt me on the chocolate bar i give him in couple days but im afraid. so should i ? even tho he has gf? ny easier way i could get his #???

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years ago
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    dating help.................?

    Hey guys. I have been having some trouble with finding a bf. I feel like no one likes me and idk what to do. And can you guys give me a rate on my looks? N im a nice person so idk why its so hard, can I get some good advice. ??

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • Would they think im weird if i keep giving them chocolate every game?

    I gave 3 guys who r on the football team n my class sniker chocolate bars, n they said thank u cuz friday was their game and their game is again on friday. I wanna give them something again maybe chocolate but i dont wanna look weird. But would i though?

    1 AnswerFriends8 years ago
  • Is this a good idea?? Will he txt me???what would be on his mind when i give it to him?

    I like a guy. All i ever said to him was i like ur shirt 2 days ago. Tmow i wanna give him a chocolate bar n a note that tells him to txt me, would u guyd txt me if u were him? What if u thought i was ugly,would u still txt me ? Helpp

    4 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years ago