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Short, fat and balding.

  • Why can't politicians give a Yes/No answer?

    Why is it that for any simple question (like "Is your new party flag green?") politicians can NEVER give a simple, one-worded answer? It always has to be padded out to the max with fluff and waffle so the final answer is as clear as mud.

    10 AnswersPolls & Surveys7 years ago
  • Ever had a tune stuck in your head you can't get out?

    I've got Return of Django in my head this morning (Asian Dub Foundation) and it won't go away.

    Ever had the same problem - not necessarily with the same tune obviously...

    6 AnswersPolls & Surveys7 years ago
  • Is there such a thing as a semi-automatic car that isn't automatic or does it have to be automatic first?

    This is asked from a UK site but in fact I assume there's not much difference around the world.

    I understand about manual cars (clutch controlled) and I understand about automatic cars (no clutch or gears needed) but some are listed as semi-automatic. Are these all things like tiptronic gears, so have to be automatic to begin with, or can a car be strictly semi-automatic?

    If so, can it be driven with an automatic license in the UK?

    11 AnswersOther - Cars & Transportation7 years ago
  • With all the varying Gods, who is the god of traffic lights?

    Every time we drive up to a traffic light they go red, so we reckon there must be a god of traffic lights out there picking on us. Anyone know his (or her) name?

    3 AnswersPolls & Surveys7 years ago
  • If I wanted to say "smile, little mouse" in French...?

    ...would it translate neatly as "Souris, petite souris" or would this be too easy?

    It sounds nicely poetic.

    2 AnswersLanguages7 years ago
  • Is it true about driving - once you pass your test, you learn to drive?

    Asked from a learner driver (hey, not all learner drivers are whipper-snappers!) it seems to me that there are a many drivers who really are now in full control of their vehicles and almost have a sixth-sense as to what is coming up.

    Having said that, it also seems that there are a lot of people on the road who don't know what on earth they're doing - the indicators are optional, they change lanes at will, speed signs are for 'losers', and this is for no particular age range, gender or type.

    If it weren't for the very good drivers, the bad drivers would cause a lot more accidents than they do.

    Anyway... Once you pass your test, do you learn to drive or do you forget what you have learned? Or does it all depend on the person?...

    6 AnswersPolls & Surveys7 years ago
  • When they talk about Terry's Chocolate Oranges...?

    ...who exactly is Terry?

    3 AnswersPolls & Surveys7 years ago
  • What's the best free Android music creator please?

    I'm stingy and hate having to pay for all of this software, especially since I may well only use some of it once, but could anyone tell me the best free Android music creator / composer?

    Caustic looks great but... the full package isn't free for Android.

    I have Android Jellybean if it helps.

    1 AnswerSoftware7 years ago
  • Why do some people spell "Mr." with a full stop?

    Normally in English the full stop denotes the point where letters are removed, so "Ph.D." means "Philosophy Doctorate". With the word "Mister" the "M" and the "r" have been brought together and nothing has been removed from after the "r".

    Ironically a more correct way to spell it might even be "M'r" where again the apostrophe denotes missing letters...

    Or is English weirder than I'd assumed?

    7 AnswersLanguages7 years ago
  • Attachment image

    What album really caught your attention to the point of buying it?

    For example, Leftfield's "Rhythm and Stealth" because I did love the warrior armour on the cover.

    Alternatively Pink Floyd's "A Momentary Lapse of Reason" simple because the title gripped you and you were simply curious.

    3 AnswersOther - Music7 years ago
  • What's the music from the ad with the two pairs of comfy feet up in socks watching a TV please?

    I can't remember the name of the product (one of these amazing packages so you can see last week's TV easily) but you have two pairs of feet up on a table in front of the owners (who are hidden) and the image shifts to the left as they go back a few days. It's a cosy little scene.

    In any case, what is the music from the advert please? This is a UK ad.

    1 AnswerOther - Music7 years ago
  • Who did the "I like the way you work it" song?

    Who did the song "I like the way you work it (hot diggity), gotta bag it up (bag it up)" please?

    It's got a nice slow beat, about 80bpm, and has a lot of "hmm-hmmmm" in it. It's mellow.

    BTW, we've gone purple too in the UK. Yuk.

    2 AnswersLyrics7 years ago
  • Did Izhak Perlman ever play "The Lark Ascending"?

    Izhak Perlman is a famed violinist and one who can really make the violin sing. Someone I know claims he performed Ralph Vaughan William's "The Lark Ascending" some time ago, only no matter how hard I look I cannot find any trace of him having played it.

    Does anyone know any better please and could they give me any pointers? It would make a superb Christmas present!

    2 AnswersClassical8 years ago
  • Who are the current Transformers Decepticon leader and side-kick?

    The Decepticons used to be run by Megatron (transformed into a pistol previously but later on into a much more dangerous weapon) and had a henchman called Soundwave who transformed into a Walkman (plays tapes for those who have no idea).

    There would be no point in a Walkman now as tapes no longer really exist - the CD has taken over. Who now runs the Decepticons please and who is their right-hand man?

    The link shows what a Walkman looks like for those who don't know.

    1 AnswerMovies8 years ago
  • Which version of "Falling Down" is used in G-Force?

    In the G-Force film this track popped up that I'd never heard before (OK, some of us are a bit behind the times) and in the ending titles it reckoned it was remixed by Paul Oakenfold. However, I can't find a version like this anywhere! Anyone know which version truly is used in the film please?

    (No disrespect to Paul Oakenfold, I promise you)

    1 AnswerOther - Music8 years ago
  • What is the correct pronunciation of "ma'am"?

    I've seen the film "The King's Speech" where I believe the queen (Helena Bonham Carter) says that it is pronounced "Ma'am as in 'charm', not ma'am as in spam". I also know that due to dialects people will either laugh (larf) or laugh (laff) and take a bath (barth) or a bath (bAth). I'm a chap who likes a larf in the barth, but I still feel that the word is a "ma'am as in spam".

    Is there a a correct pronunciation?

    5 AnswersLanguages8 years ago
  • Any help with Cand Jewels please?

    I'm amazed I have to ask here but I can't find ANY help anywhere else, so does anyone know the game Candy Jewels please (not Candy Crush Saga - my Android won't run it)?

    I can understand what to do on the Candy Moves levels and the Candy Time but have absolutely NO idea what to do on the Candy Train level. You get about 15 seconds and then the game ends, which seems a tiny bit... well, silly.

    Erm, help?

    1 AnswerVideo & Online Games8 years ago
  • Does anybody recognise this music?

    I'm afraid that I've asked this before but I have a direct link. It's a beautiful piece of music (I think) and has been used many times in many things but I have absolutely no idea what it is nor who it's by! Any help would be appreciated.

    This is from the Lewis Chessmen and should open at about the point the music begins at the end.

    2 AnswersOther - Music8 years ago
  • Is French the only language to use 'machine gun' speak?

    I do not wish do insult France, the French or French as a language but when they speak it at full flow, it can go into 'machine gun mode'. I know that this is because there are no specific stressed syllables in French words so they can flow at full speed.

    Are there any other languages that do this - flow at full pelt and leave any poor foreigner somewhat lost?

    And I do appreciate that in the UK, some of our dialects are as bad. :o)

    3 AnswersLanguages8 years ago
  • What's the best MP3 rate from a CD?

    The CD plays at something like 44,100 Hz in stereo in what I always thought was 14-bit format, which is why I'd love to know if 24-bit CDs really are true or are just pulling your leg! In any case, if I wanted to convert my 14-bit 44.1Hz stereo CD to the best quality MP3 possible, what would be the ideal settings please? Would I just need to pump it up to 44.1Hz and 320kbps?

    All help much appreciated.

    1 AnswerMusic & Music Players8 years ago