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SLAYER is my favorite band of all-time. I'm a chill dude, really. мiкe ツ A few bands I enjoy.. Candlebox, Rage Against The Machine, Guns'N Roses, Audioslave, Nirvana, Metallica, Iron Maiden, Viogression, Trigger the Bloodshed, Kataklysm, Street Sweeper Social Club, Stevie Miller Band, AC/DC, Led Zeppelin, Children of Bodom, Suffocation, Cream, Avenged Sevenfold, Stevie Miller Band, The Doors, The Cars, The Killers, The Scorpions, Living Color, Coheed and Cambria, Beastie Boys, Smashing Pumpkins, Run DMC, Jimi Hendrix, SLAYER, Van Halen, Angelo Batio, Pink Floyd, System of a Down, Interpol, Buckethead, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Chris Cornell, Alice in Chains, Disturbed, Santana, Kiss, Tenacious D, Judas Priest, Dream Theatre, Jethro Tull, Anthrax, Pearl Jam, Pink Floyd, Blue Oyster Cult, Megadeth, Lynard Skynard, Foo fighters, Cannibal, Corpse, Finntroll, Cradle of Filth, Carcass, Dark Tranquility, Cryptopsy, Evile, Exumer, Agalloch, Amorphis and SO many more.

  • Pregnancy chances?

    1 AnswerPregnancy3 years ago
  • Are different tablets of the same medicine the same?

    A few months ago, I quit my antidepressants cold turkey. Very poor decision, nevertheless, I decided to start taking them again. I was taking 100 mg of Setraline (generic for Zoloft) for years before I quit, and have been taking a few of my sister’s 50 mg tablets the last few days and it seems to really help me. Her pills are little blue tablets and my 100 mg are larger, yellow tablets. Now that I’ve run out of the small blue tablets I’m gonna need to break my 100 mg tablets in half in order to keep it at 50 mg for now. Is a half of my 100 mg the same as the 50 mg tablet? I know it’s essentially the same dosage but I was just wondering if it’s different since they’re not the same pills.

    2 AnswersMedicine4 years ago
  • Antidepressant cold turkey - miserable.?

    I’ve been, or I should say was, on Zoloft since I was 13 years old. I’m 22 now and decided I didn’t want medicine to dictate my emotions anymore so one day I just stopped taking them. 100 mg dose, so it was pretty bold and ignorant to just abruptly stop. I’ve been off of Zoloft for around a month/month and a half. I’ve always been a care free person and never had much anxiety and paranoia about things, and the first week or so without my Zoloft I felt fine just a tad irritated but I assumed it was normal. Anyways, my anxiety has hit an all time high. I have a girlfriend who loves me to death and I can’t help be obsess over the fact that she could be cheating on me and it’s eating me alive. She’s reassured me multiple times nothing is going on and it makes me feel terrible but I can’t help it. My self esteem has hit rock bottom. I have zero self confidence and I feel like I am stuck feeling miserable about myself and am going to probably ruin my relationships. I don’t get angry or anything, just extremely sad and have been getting severe suocidal thoughts.

    I learned from my mistake, and I want to start back on my Zoloft. Is that okay? Would I have to ease back into it? Would restarting it make things even worse? Zoloft did a pretty good job with my depression I have no clue why I thought it’d be a good idea.

    Last week or 2 I’ve been nearly shaking with anxiety, cried multiple times for no reason, and have had a suicidal thought at least once a day. Help me out please.

    8 AnswersMental Health4 years ago
  • Found 50 dollars in the parking lot?

    At work, I found 50 dollars in the middle of the parking lot. No one was around, I looked around me, and no one was looking for it or anything. It had no sign of identity or indication of who’s it was so I just pocketed it. Is that wrong? Obviously if someone came and asked me if I found any money I’d tell them but I feel like it I gave it to my work they’d just keep it. Is what I did wrong?

    2 AnswersLaw & Ethics4 years ago
  • Please help me?

    Okay, so.driving home from eating this jeep pulled beside me and started revving and trying to race me, flying by me and ended up zooming past me twice. Foolishly i sped up a little with him but didn t pass him or get even close. The Jeep turned left IN FRONT OF THE COP and a cop did a uturn and pulled me over saying I was going 70 mph in like a 40 when I was going slower than the Jeep. Was I speeding briefly? Yes. But it wasn t near to what the Jeep is doing. I have a nice car and only 19 I would not want to risk tor put that in jeapordy. I have a court date in a month do I have a chance whatsoever if I plead my case because I feel so robbed

    2 AnswersJeep6 years ago
  • mirena iud question?

    My girlfriend got a mirena iud inserted a month or two ago and everything seems to work properly. Is it safe to kum inside of her even when shes ovulating?


    3 AnswersPregnancy6 years ago
  • Iud question?

    My girlfriend got a Mirena IUD a few months ago. We had unprotected sex a few times one being a few weeks ago and we took a test and we were good but she said the IUD was so effective I typically don't have to worry so we did it again last night because I trusted her word.

    Obviously I know nothing is 100% but am I pretty safe with ejaculating inside of her? Just could use some advice. Thanks.

    1 AnswerPregnancy6 years ago
  • Question about Mirena IUD?

    My girlfriend got a Mirena IUD a few months ago. We had unprotected sex a few times one being a few weeks ago and we took a test and we were good but she said the IUD was so effective I typically don't have to worry so we did it again last night because I trusted her word.

    Obviously I know nothing is 100% but am I pretty safe with ejaculating inside of her? Just could use some advice. Thanks.

    1 AnswerPregnancy6 years ago
  • iud cramps?

    My girlfriend got a mirena iud about a month or so ago. About a week and a half ago we had sex and I accidentally came inside of her.

    skip to today she's having cramps and such. Am I overreacting thinking she's pregnant or is it just a common side effect?

    2 AnswersPregnancy6 years ago
  • Iud question?

    I was just curious how many of you ladies have your men *** inside of them with your iud. My girlfriend has one and I'm really hesitant but I'm just wondering what you guys do

    1 AnswerPregnancy6 years ago
  • overreacting?

    My girlfriend has had an IUD for a few weeks nice. We're both young (17/18) and we had sex a few mornings ago and I accidentally came inside of her. I know my chances are low in terms of pregnancy, but am I just overreacting? I'm really nervous.

    2 AnswersPregnancy6 years ago
  • Come inside girl with an iud?

    My girlfriend recently got an iud a few weeks ago and everything seems to be working properly but last night I mistakenly came inside of her and I'm feeling really anxious about it. What are the chances of her being pregnant? Am I overreacting?

    3 AnswersPregnancy6 years ago
  • chances of pregnancy?

    Hello, my 17 year old girlfriend recently got an IUD inserted 2 or 3 weeks ago. This morning we had sex and I didn't quite pull out in time and came inside of her.

    I'm a nervous wreck over it, what are the odds/chances? Need some clarification

    2 AnswersPregnancy6 years ago
  • First time speeding ticket concern?

    I'm a nervous wreck. Back on Christmas I was pulled over for speeding and I was apparently going a little under 70 in a 45 and I honestly thought the speed limit was 55. I just got a new car and everything and wasn't really used to it. I live in Virginia and he could have wrote me for reckless driving but he didn't. I'm 19 and have never been in trouble with anything my life; especially anything legal. Do you think the judge would be llenient on me or harsh?

    2 AnswersLaw Enforcement & Police6 years ago
  • lip piercing question!!?

    Okay, so 2 months ago or so I got snakebites done professionally. No problems at all until about a month later my stud fell off and had to get a new one. The only time it ever swelled a little was when I was trying to keep the bar in after the stud fell out overnight. That was a month ago, and have had zero issues until 2 or 3 days ago. The inside of my piercing has gotten decently swelled and the skin is partially over the disk inside my mouth. It doesn't hurt at all ans there is no puss or even any issues on the outside of my piercing. When I use non - alcoholic mouthwash it decreases in size a bit.. any ideas? Is this an infection?

    3 AnswersOther - Skin & Body7 years ago
  • lip piercing question! !?

    I got snakebites done 2 or 3 weeks ago professionally and everything went nice and smoothly. Take care of em and everything. Then last night my ball of my stud fell out while i was sleeping and i have no idea where it is. I've been keeping whats left of the stud in but its a pain cause i have to manually make sure it doesn't fall out. I put a hoop in there and slept with that in but i took that out a few minutes ago to ser if it was infected but now the inside and outside of my lip are partially red and have a small bump and i can't fit my hoop in there only my stud. What should i do?

    3 AnswersOther - Skin & Body7 years ago
  • Trouble breathing minor heart pain?

    I'm an 18 year old decently physically active male who has never had any breathing problems in the past.

    However, the last few days, I have been very short of breath and I'm yawning 3-5 times every minute consistently. It's really aggravating, I can't have a satisfying breath. I guess from where I've been yawning so much, I get a heartburn-type pain when I yawn. I don't understand at all.


    1 AnswerOther - General Health Care8 years ago
  • Could my girlfriend be pregnant?

    My girlfriend and I slipped up and had unprotected sex, for only around 30-45 seconds, and might have pre-came just a little inside of her. She was ovulating as well. It was a week ago exactly, and she is claiming shes throwing up a lot and peeing a lot, but she said thats been happening a little before this. Its only been a week, is it possible to have symptoms this early? I am really stressing over this.

    6 AnswersPregnancy8 years ago
  • Sexual question for females .. ?

    I have this weird 'issue' with my sexual tendencies.

    I'm a younger guy, and only have been sexually involved with two girls.

    My first partner of two years and I were very active sexually, but my issue is I can't enjoy or really get into sex without anal play.

    For example, if I'm having sex I can't finish or enjoy it fully without some sort of anal play such as fingering, rubbing or placing my finger on there. Its really, really odd. My first girlfriend absolutely loved it when I messed with her down there and it was amazing, but my current girlfriend is very hesitant with it and does not seem to like anything involving anal play which makes me not enjoy sex too much.

    Should I ask her about it?

    What do you girls think of anal play before/during sex?