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Could sinuses be causing my eye pain?
For 2 days now I have had a sore, tender pain behind my eye. Its tender when I press on the inside corner of my eye. It started out as a sore, bruise like pain on my upper eye lid. Now its mostly the inner corner and top of my eye. My eye is not red or watery, my vision is fine and theres no itching.I do suffer from sinus issues and allergies. My sinuses are always tight. No mucous, just always a tight pressure and I never breathe freely. Now today I took Sudafed and Tylenol to see if it is sinus related. It seems to be relieving some of the tenderness. I read that if Tylenol takes the pain away its not an eye infection which is what I was worried about. I do have a dr apt tomorrow. Has anyone else gone through this?
2 AnswersOptical7 years agoCould sinuses be causing my eye issue?
For 2 days now I have had a sore, tender pain behind my eye. Its tender when I press on the inside corner of my eye. It started out as a sore, bruise like pain on my upper eye lid. Now its mostly the inner corner and top of my eye. My eye is not red or watery, my vision is fine and theres no itching.I do suffer from sinus issues and allergies. My sinuses are always tight. No mucous, just always a tight pressure and I never breathe freely. Now today I took Sudafed and Tylenol to see if it is sinus related. It seems to be relieving some of the tenderness. I read that if Tylenol takes the pain away its not an eye infection which is what I was worried about. I do have a dr apt tomorrow. Has anyone else gone through this?
3 AnswersOther - General Health Care7 years agoCarpal tunnel question?
Not sure if I have this or not. Hopefully someone with this can help. I have been a stylist for almost 20 years. Im now a stay at home mom. Recently I started to get pins and needles feeling in my right palm and fingers and sometimes on the inside of my lower forearm. The pain is constant, only going away for a tiny bit here and there. It's not bothersome at night and doesnt keep me awake. Now today it seems I have a heightened sense of touch especially with cold items and its slightly painful to touch these items. Back when I still did hair I would get any achey feeling (in the same hand) along my thumb and palm. I would just massage my hand for alittle and it was fine. Havent had anything happen since leaving work almost 2 yrs ago and now I have this happen. I do do alot of lifting and working around the house taking care of 2 kids also. Does this sound like carpal tunnel symptoms? And what works for you to relieve this feeling/ How long does this last? Thanks
1 AnswerPain & Pain Management8 years agoThis question is for the men out there paying spousal?
How in the world do you do it? My significant other is currently paying spousal support to a woman who won't work. We also have a baby we are caring for and I have a 7 yr old from my previous marriage, which I do get child support for, still things are tight...How do the courts expect people to get ahead when every time something is done to help you provide for your current family, the ex takes you back for a modification and takes it!!! And its all done for spite and so she can sit on her fat lazy *** and be unemployed.. I really do believe this court system is screwed up when it comes to the men out there. And I could have gotten spousal but I declined. I may not like my ex but I dont want him to not be able to live.
3 AnswersMarriage & Divorce9 years agoQuestion about a dental bridge?
When you get a dental bridge to replace 1 missing tooth do you have to have the abutment teeth ground down and crowned or can the replacement tooth be cemented to your real teeth without having them crowned?
3 AnswersDental9 years agoChild support modification?
My ex husband has petitioned to lower his child support. The conference isnt until Aug. My last support payment was in May. Doesnt he need to continue support payments til the court decides if it should be lowered? He's already $600 behind...... I live in Pennsylvania. Also can his support be lowered if I am living with my fiance? Just wondering on this last question.
1 AnswerMarriage & Divorce9 years agoSpousal support question?
Can someone get spousal support/ alimony in Pa. if they are cohabitating with their boyfriend who makes way more money than the ex husband. She already got monthly payments during their 2 year separation and wouldnt sign divorce papers so she would keep getting the money. Now she wants alimony as the divorce is wrapping up and ready to be finalized.
1 AnswerMarriage & Divorce9 years agoPain after permanent crown put on?
I had my permanent crown put on after I had a root canal done in Dec. I had no problems at all with the temp crown. Now after my appt on Saturday the tooth is hurting when I eat on it, not all foods just harder ones. It also is alittle tender if I tap on it. When they put the crown on they had to laser my gums to get extra tissue off so Im not sure if thats what is tender. But I called the dentist yesterday and they told me to take motrin until Friday and if it doesnt get better to come in for a check. When they put the crown on Saturday they did 2 x rays and said everything looked great. I dont understand how the temp they took off caused me absolutely no problems but now this one does. And they did adjust my bite on Saturday...Ughhh I really dont want to lose this tooth, its in the front and i've always taken care of my teeth.
3 AnswersDental9 years agoNot sure about this root canal?
Im told by my dentist that I need a root canal done on a tooth that has no symptoms. It is not sensitive to hot or cold. I have no pain in it and it doesnt hurt when I tap on it. Im aliitle skeptical and heres why. The last time I went in to get 2 other root canals done, while I was waiting it seemed like everyone that came out to the front desk was making payment arrangements for root canals. And it was people of all ages, from kids to adults. I just find it strange that I have no symptoms of infection etc. She did show me my x ray and I didnt see anything except above my filling it looked like a very slight shadow and the x ray was blurry. Maybe thats it, Idk...I am going to get a second opinion on the tooth before they start any work on it.
1 AnswerDental9 years agoBroken tooth at gumline?
I have a tooth on the top, 4th one back from my front tooth, that was to have a root canal. I had to cancel my appt because I had a baby. Well tonite I ate on it and "Crunch"!! It broke off at the gumline. Im guessing my only option now is to get it extracted along with the 1 behind it, cuz it looks worse seeing the 1 behind it. And that 1 has an ugly silver filling that is almost the whole tooth.
1 AnswerDental9 years agoCan my husband claim my son from a previous marriage on his taxes?
Im remarried and have a son from my previous marriage. Im expecting my 2nd anyday now and will not be returning to work. My ex and I have an agreement that we rotate years for claiming our son. I claimed last year (I was working) and he claims this year. He now wants to go back on his word because Im no longer working..So my question is can my sons step dad claim him next year as a dependant?
6 AnswersUnited States9 years agoWhat color are temp dental crowns?
I have to have a root canal finished right before Christmas and the tooth is close to the front. Im hoping the temporary crown will match my other teeth in color. I had a root canal years ago on a back tooth and I remember that one being a gold color.
2 AnswersDental10 years agoIs anyone else pregnant with a Prolapsed Cervix?
Im 14 weeks pregnant and was told at my appt that I have a prolapsed cervix. My cervix is visible just inside my vagina when standing. When I sit or lie down it goes back in place.It wont affect my pregnancy or delivery and Im told that people who have this usually have no problems. Im wondering if anyone who has the same condition can share some info with. Thanks :)
2 AnswersPregnancy10 years agoCan you still claim your child when youre not employed?
I claim my son every other year on my taxes. Im divorced. Im expecting in January and have decided to be a stay at home mom at the end of the year. My question is am I still able to get the child tax credit on the years that I am to claim him even though I will no longer be employed?
6 AnswersUnited States10 years agoDoes novacain without epinephrane work as well as the ones with it?
I am scheduled for 2 root canals this afternoon. I am 12 weeks pregnant and my doc has not ok'd it with epi in it. Im worried that it wont last as long.Im hoping that my dentist wouldnt put me through that without making sure Im comfortible.
1 AnswerDental10 years agoI need opinions about my scheduled D&C?
I just came back from my doctor. I am 6 weeks pregnant. My hcg levels omly went up 400 in 48 hrs. Its to double. They told me this is not a healthy pregnancy and gave me 3 options. One was to let nature take its course, take a pill or do the d&C. I had a D&C in the past for a misscariage. I opted for the surgery tomorrow. Anyways I dont know if I made my decision to hastly. I declined another ultra sound but now am thinking I may want it before having this surgery. Was I wrong to just jump into having this surgery?
4 AnswersPregnancy1 decade agoUnusually heavy period with clotting?
The first day of my period was Saturday the 30th. yesterday it was excessively heavy. Soaking a pad and coming through my pants in about an hour or less. I also had some large blood clots. After that 45 min- 1 hour it slowed and was fine the rest of the day. It even stopped last night at some point and this morning so far is very light. I am trying to get pregnant but took 2 tests a few days before my period was to start. They were both negative. Ive had misscarriages in the past and all my tests were positive, so Im thinking it wasnt that. I am 36 and I guess it may be the start of "The change". My periods are not like this normally. But I have noticed my days in between are changing and the amount of days it lasts fluctuates. Is this the start of menopause?
1 AnswerWomen's Health1 decade agoEarly pregnancy question?
Hello.. I am currently trying to get pregnant. I have some symptoms but I took 3 tests and all are negative but my period isnt due til Oct 7th. Some symptoms this past weekend were heartburn, slight nausea, very sore breasts and bloating. And I seemed to have a huge appitite yesterday. Which the sore breasts and the bloating I always get a week before my period starts. Now today really the only thing is still the sore breats and my jeans feel alittle tight. If I am pregnant it would have been from Sept 11 and Im not sure if symptoms would even show that early. When I had my son 5 years ago I didnt experience any symptoms at all. No morning sickness, nothing. Just a missed period. So thats why Im asking about the symptoms Im having. Thanks everyone in advance :)
4 AnswersPregnancy1 decade agoI need some advice on how to handle this arguement?
Im having an argument with my fiancee. We didnt have a good day yesterday and it was both of our faults. Not one is to blame.We hardly spend any time together cuz of his work hours. So yesterday he wanted all of us to go fishing. I was tired from my meds I take sometimes and wasnt up to it so he just took my 5 yr old. Which I thought was great cuz they rarely spend one on one time together. So when they got back my fiancee took a long nap. When he got up I figured we can now spend time together. But then he says he's going to bed. So I had to track down my son who was outside and try to get us dinner cuz I was waiting til he got up to order dinner. Long story short, I never got dinner, I struggled to get my son to bed by myself cuz my fiancee was in bed. So now this morning when I got up there was a note saying that I didnt want to spend time with him and I stabbed him in the back because I posted what was a harmless post on fb. Cuz I was upset last nite for the same reason. No time together. He left to go move things to storage & ive been apologizing all morning. But now he doesnt trust me & says he is just a place for me to stay. Which is totally untrue!! Im very hurt he thinks this of me. I thought he knew me better. How do I handle seeing him when he comes home? My past marriage was always confrontational & I do not what this to be the same. I love him very much!! Oh, he is not moving things out of our place to storage. He's moving things from his old place.
4 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago