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  • Should we raise taxes on the rich? Say, 5%?

    And at the same time eliminate the earned income credit for the 50% of "taxpayers" who PAY NO TAXES and who get a check?

    And also pass a law that says that Congress must use it to pay down the debt only?

    30 AnswersPolitics10 years ago
  • What's with all the distractions from this administration?

    What do YOU think is behind it all? What's with all the smoke and mirrors? Are we going to keep jumping at the smoke?

    What positive thing can we do to turn back the socialist tide?

    8 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Why are the liberals so OFFENDED by the idea that conservatives will keep their children home on 9/8?

    I have been watching the questions on this. And listening to the liberal call-ins on the radio. It seems to me that they are over the top unhinged over all this.


    What right does anyone have to tell others how to raise their own children?

    I remember the liberals were critical of Bush for the exact same thing,

    15 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • I say, keep the Pledge out of schools?

    The Pledge to serve the President that is being promoted by the Hollywood leftists. Courtney Cox actually says it in the promotion.

    What say you?

    9 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • When Jesse Jackson looks at Obama, does he still want to...?

    ..."cut his balls off", or does he say to himself, "There, but for the grace of God, go I."?

    13 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • If libs don't want a "religious" person in the White House, why didn't they vote for Hillary?

    She and Obama have pretty much the same agenda, yet libs chose the "church goer". Why do you suppose that is?

    18 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Why is it when Bush said God Bless, the libs had a collective stroke, but since Obama is a...?

    ..."religious" person it's somehow ok with them that a "Christian" is in the White House?

    Is it because he espouses NO real Christian beliefs, but claims the mantle of Christianity while voting against a ban on late term abortion, is a Marxist (the first law of Marxism is denial of God), and a follower of Saul Alinsky (whose forward to his own book was a worshipful tribute to Lucifer, also known as Satan).

    Does this sound like a Christian to you?

    8 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • If "plants' rights" comes to America through some wacky leftist agenda, what comes next?

    Imagine these headlines:

    "Native Wildflowers Sue Kudzu for Encroachment"

    "Activist Fights for Dandelion Rights. Sues Lawn Care Co. Over Abuse"

    "Rose Bushes File Suit Claiming Flower Show Proceeds From Socialite"

    "Corn Sues to Halt Harvest. Lawyer Channels Ears In Closing Argument. Says Corn Doesn't Want To Be Eaten"

    Some people are taking this seriously. How insane would you have to be to buy into this load of organic fertilizer? Gives a whole new meaning to "Keep Off of Grass" doesn't it?

    6 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Wondering why libs aren't still bragging about "economic recovery"? Does this answer the question for you?

    The last line of this article is particularly telling. It is reproduced verbatim below. It reads, and I quote:

    "Thomson Reuters data showed that of the 456 S&P 500 companies that have reported earnings so far, 72 percent have beaten analysts' expectations. Revenues showed less improvement, and analysts have said companies' stronger bottom-line results have come largely from deep cost-cutting."

    Sounds like layoffs WERE driving the "recovery" after all. Ring up another bit of truth on the conservative side.

    The article also states that the Market slide of the past week is expected to continue. Don't take my word for it. Read for yourself.

    Btw, it's a Reuters article in Yahoo news, so no crap about FOX News brainwashing.

    Sooo...You better wave good-bye to the "recovery" before the door smacks it in the a** on the way out. One more bit of lib propaganda bites the dust.

    8 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • All this eruption over Health Care. Who's paying attention to the Cap & Tax bill in the Senate?

    Are they playing the Wizard of Oz game? Pay no attention to the man behind... This will cost Americans every bit as much as, if not more than, the Health Care bill.

    6 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Do you think that the Health Care Bill being passed around is the one which Obama will end up signing?

    I think it is a watered down, pale version. By the time it gets through all the revisions working its way through Congress, people will be so exhausted from trying to fight this monster so hard for so long that most of them won't be giving it their full attention as something even more heinous gets through to Obama's desk.

    I think they're trying to wear us down, make us afraid (thugs, email snitches, tracking cookies, and other forms of intimidation) and suck the hope out of us. What say you?

    9 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Do people not see a civil war is exactly what the LEFT wants?

    Not the average democrat, I am sure. But the left wing nuts who really run the show. Destroying America is the key to establishing the NWO. Depopulation is a major goal for the elitists of the NWO. Knocking back the population to a MANAGEABLE level is the only way a military could control people on a WORLD WIDE SCALE. Communism depopulates,

    Planned parenthood depopulates, environmentalism (through bans on beneficial substances which were never proven to harm, such as DDT, but prevented millions of suffering people dying from disease), rationing health care around the world depopulates, and now they're going to mandate flu shots that KILL some people.

    For those of you who say, "So what! The world needs to lose a few million.", I say, you first. It is not your decision to make who goes, who stays.

    Point is, a civil war will destroy America. Are we going to give them what they want? Or will we fight through the BALLET BOX until it is obvious the elections no longer work? Vote them ALL out and start over from scratch.

    22 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Who on here thinks it's funny when Arlen Specter makes jokes at a Town Hall meeting about serious issues?

    Go to Yahoo news and check it out. Faced with constituents who are already pissed at him about jumping parties, and now fuming at him for his support of Death Care, he starts making jokes. What in the world is WRONG with this man? When did politicians forget that THEY serve US?! How did it end up the other way around?

    14 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Why are the libs suddenly so concerned about the possibility of guns at town halls?

    Afraid the union sissies wont get to beat up helpless senior citizens with impunity anymore? Well guess what! That's what the Second Amendment is all about, the God given right to speak your mind without government sanctioned thugs kicking your A**! The right to keep and bear arms is what protects ALL other rights and our ability to exercise them. So, go ahead and try to kick MY a** at a town hall meeting, or anywhere else for that matter. You have NO right to physically attack me, but I have EVERY right to meet that attack with ALL necessary force to stop it, ESPECIALLY if I'm ganged up on by cowards who haven't the guts to stand alone against one old man (and I'm no old man).

    37 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Have you ever seen the movie "Maximum Overdrive"? Remember the line, "We made you!!!"?

    Do you feel that way about your government?

    We PAY them to tell us how we can live. We PAY them to dumb down and indoctrinate our kids in public school. We PAY them to tell us what we can and cannot do on our own land. And now we're supposed to PAY them to tell us how long we get to live, if they allow us to be born in the first place?

    Isn't it time for us to stand up and say, "WE HIRED YOU! WE PAY YOU! WE MADE YOU! WE CAN AND WILL FIRE YOU!"?

    4 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Do libs who STILL self-righteously blab on about Kent State EVER consider...?

    ...that those "innocent" students, who "didn't deserve to be shot at", had already gone on a wanton binge of destruction, including arson; physically attacked innocent civilians, hospitalizing some of them; were in the process of destroying the Kent State campus as well as driving off all those who were attempting to stop the rampage when the Ohio National Guard arrived; and, contrary to "popular" MYTH, they were actively assaulting the Guard troops WHEN the shooting began.

    It is only fair to note that the Guard was NOT there for the purpose of killing OR oppressing ANYONE. They were there to stop an orgy of violence that had gone on for DAYS. They only fired on a crowd of rioters who outnumbered them at LEAST ten to one who were hurling dangerous projectiles at them and forming up to CHARGE against them. What person in their right mind is going to just stand there and let that wave of mindless violence overtake him. NOT I. I, for one, LAUD the Guard troops for their restraint, as it would have been VERY easy to get caught up in the madness of the moment and ended up committing mass slaughter. Don't get me wrong. I STILL feel badly that it had to end the way it did to this very day, but when you are the responsible party sent to end such madness, you MUST make certain that it ends and ends NOW.

    10 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • If having the first hispanic Supreme Court justice is so important to libs,...?

    ...then why did they work so hard to shoot down Miguel Estrada's nomination to the D.C. Circuit appeals court? He was the only appeals court nominee EVER filibustered out of a job at that time. The dems then proceeded to do the same to nine other Bush judicial nominees. Estrada gave in after seeing his wife brought to tears by false accusations and obnoxious personal attacks by dem senators on what was supposed to be a happy day for his family. It's funny how the historical importance of a nominee or policy is a bigger deal when it comes with a left wing agenda attached, and somehow a person's ethnic background only matters to libs if that person's political agenda agrees with their own. That old lib double standard rears its ugly head yet again.

    13 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Is Obama going to burn up his teleprompter?

    It took Bush 8 years to hold 4 primetime televised news conferences. Obama has done the same in only 6 months. He even had to coerce the parent companies to force ABC, NBC, and CBS to carry the last one. Fox Network refused to carry the last two, figuring they had better things to do in primetime than feed Obama's enormous ego.

    8 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Does it occur to anyone else on here that the Obama/Joker posters are a lib attempt to cause racial strife?

    Think about it for a minute. They've been going up all over L.A., a bastion of leftism (on the "left coast", after all), and now they're appearing in Atlanta, one of the most liberal cities in the South. Sounds like "race baiting" to me, how about you?

    Think about something else as well. Haven't you noticed the massive increase in stories about race lately, such as Gatesgate, the so called huge increase in KKK membership (not happening)? And I don't know about you, but the local media around here are reporting on race relations almost constantly anymore. Does anyone else think a race war is being fomented by the race baiters on the left?

    15 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago