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  • Do i confront my boyfriend about him cheating?

    Me and my boyfriend have been together nearly 9 months, and for years before we got together he was in love with my friend.

    I admit, at the beginning of the relationship i had a few drunken kisses with guys, but i realised what he meant to me and nothing has happened now for 6 months.

    He's always been stupidly close with my friend, its really been getting to me, and were constantly arguing about it. Hes swore for months nothing has ever happened, he doesnt like her anymore etc.

    Me and the girl fell out, so tonight at a party we've all spoke and made up, and i really thought it was all ok now.

    Stupidly, i read through his texts and found some saying how they would never lose feelings for eachother, how they get to snuggle up together when he gets a flat, and loads of times theyve met up and he sent her a text saying 'it was worth it to get to kiss you'

    I feel stupid for going through his texts. I never have before and i wish i never did, but now i really dont know what to do.

    do i confront him, or keep quiet as it will only make me look obsessive for reading his messages?:/

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • Can you just turn gay one day?

    I have always been into guys all my life, had crushes, slept with them, and had loads of relationships.

    I have slept with a girl before, however that was over a year ago while i was drunk, and at the time i didnt feel anything towards girls either.

    Iv been in a relationship with the same guy now for 8 and a half months, i was so sure i loved him, but for the past month, i met this girl who i really did find myself liking. We were speaking for a while, but i stopped due to feeling bad on my boyfriends behalf. Iv now realized im becoming more interested in girls, and have little if no attraction to my boyfriend, or any other guy for that matter.

    Im really confused, i always though if you were gay you were born like it, so why am i just started to realise now? Is it actually possible for someone just to turn?

  • Ever been 'walked in on' having sex? Share your stories?

    I was at my boyfriends house today, everyone else was downstairs, and we thought we could get away with it. So we were proper going for it, and there was a knock on the door and before i could jump off his brother walked in. He was just like 'uhhm yeah im getting the laptop' ran to get it, then ran out the room. Slightly embarresing though and i dont think i can look him in the eye ever again.

    Anyone have any good stories?:P

    5 AnswersSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • Convinced im pregnant but keep getting negative HCG test?

    I had sex i think about 5 weeks ago, and i had come off my period a week before that. We didnt use any protection, and now i still havent come on my period.

    My boobs are really sore, have been for about a week, and i feel really sick throughout the day at random points.

    I dont know how to explain but i just have a feeling? Its weird.

    Anyway, i took a test 2 weeks ago, it was negative. So iv waited, and took another one today but its still negative.

    Iv googled it and it says some people have low hcg levels so it might not show up? I dont know. If i was pregnant would it still be too soon to take the test?

    Im too young for a baby so i would like to know if i was sometime soon D:

    Thanks xx

    3 AnswersPregnancy9 years ago
  • Mephedrone comedown help?

    I had quite a bit of mcat yesterday and last night, it was great, but once home iv been unable to sleep, (i finally got about 3 hours) and iv woke up feeling absoloute terrible.

    My head hurts, i feel sick, im hungry (havent ate since dinnertime yesterday, so its been about 18 hours) but feel too ill to eat, my mouth is dry and really really sore, everything feels sorta out of sync? (just not normal)

    Im going to my friends party in a few hours and would ideally like to be fine by then.

    Anything i can do to make it a bit better?

    Dont just say 'dont do drugs' because i am not going to be doing this for a while now.

    thanks xx

    2 AnswersOther - General Health Care9 years ago
  • Think i have insomnia? What might have caused it?

    For the past week iv had real trouble getting to sleep.

    Iv been going to bed at 11ish, and find myself laying there for hours and in the end i give up and go on the laptop or something. I usually cant sleep until at least 5am, it was 7 the other day.

    Iv not been drinking any coffee or energy drinks, so its not that.

    i tried mephedrone a week ago, and it started from then on, but i only had it that once and its still carrying on?

    Iv also been drinking a lot but that helps you get to sleep doesnt it?

    Im not sure why i cant sleep, but if anyone has any advice it would be appreciated :)

    also, what do you do for insomnia? Do you go to the doctors and get something to help you sleep?

    thanks xx

    2 AnswersOther - Health9 years ago
  • First time trying MCat? Advice?

    So tonight im going out with a few people to try mcat (methedrone) for the first time ever.

    Dont have a go saying im gonna die etc, Its a one off, im not going to start doing it everyday and become addicted or whatever.

    Whos taken it before and do you have any tips for taking it the first time? Like how much to take, how to take it, what it feels like etc.

    Iv only ever smoked weed before


    2 AnswersOther - Health9 years ago
  • mental health problem? Seeing and feeling things?

    I used to smoke weed. a lot. and i cut down, and for weeks everything seemed sort of outta sync? Like i was in a paralell universe and nothing was quite right.. I dont know how to explain it.

    Anyway, after a month or so of that i was fine, and the past few days when iv been out iv kept feeling like everybodys talking about me, and have seen the outlines of people everywhere, and when i look properly theyve gone.

    And when im in bed or sat down or something, it feels like somethings walking over me and i get freaked out.

    Iv not smoked in a while now, but im guessing that plays some part in it?

    Whats up with me?x

    2 AnswersMental Health9 years ago
  • Got caught cheating. what to do?

    I kissed my ex at a party last week whilst very drunk. (iv had feelings for him for about a year)

    Only thing is, i was with somebody at the same time.

    Me and my ex have spent practically all week together, and on facebook last night i told him to never speak to me again, cos i love him but have to move on cos i love my boyfriend too much and seeing him 24/7 isnt helping at all.

    Somehow my boyfriend has got on my facebook though and seen everything.

    I know i should never have done it, but i was only trying to put things right and iv kinda done the opposite.

    He hasnt finished me yet, but isnt speaking to me so i guess thats just as bad?

    Has anyone got any advice on what to do/say? :(

    thanks xx

    4 AnswersSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • Have i broken my toe?

    about 10 minutes ago i went to get something out the fridge, and loads of cans of pop fell and landed on my toe. It is now throbbing, feels boiling, has started to go black under my nail, and looks swolen.I can move it slightly downwards and upwards, but not far before it becomes unbearable.

    Is it broken or what? Anything i can do to stop it hurting as much?D:

    1 AnswerInjuries9 years ago
  • Should i tell him i cheated on him?

    So tonight i went out and got VERY drunk. and one of my ex's who iv liked for ages was there. My boyfriend was in the shop and i 'got off' with leon (my ex) and we were talking about how id always liked him since we split up and we still had feelings for eachother etc.

    Then, about half an hour later i took my boyfriends virginity. I do really like him, i just like leon a lot too. I dont know what to do though; he was drunk too at the time.

    I dont know if i should tell him, or not tell him, or finish him. I do really like him, im just pretty confused and feel like a horrible person.

    5 AnswersSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • depression on low-carb diet?

    this is only the 4th day iv been on the low carb diet, and iv started to get very bad headaches, feeling panicky, and feeling really down all the time; especially today. I keep crying for no reason at all and i feel REALLY depressed.

    Anyway my mum said it was probably the diet, so i googled it and it says that lots of people do get things like this on the diet (when their carb intake is under 40g)

    Well... iv only had 3g today. I know thats a bit too far, but im just sick of my weight, and il stop rambling now because im in a **** enough mood as it is.

    Anyone gone through anything similar or knows what to do? :(

    cheers xx

    2 AnswersDiet & Fitness9 years ago
  • What can i snack on? Im on a no carb diet.?

    basically, im overweight and want to look even the littlest bit less fat for summer, so iv decided to try a 'no carb diet'

    Im still on my first day, and am pretty much starving.

    For breakfast i had scrambled egg, for dinner i had salad and some meat, and for tea iv had chicken and veggies.

    I normally eat about 10 times that, and am layed here feeling pretty sick.

    What can i actually eat thats filling or what i can snack on?Im gonna have a VERY hard time sticking to this..

    thanks xx

    4 AnswersDiet & Fitness9 years ago
  • could i move in with another family member without my mums permission?

    cut a long story short, iv lived with just my mum since the age of about 4 when my dad left. they went to court, and he managed to still be able to see us despite my mum not wanting him to.

    We saw eachother reguarly up until about 3 years ago when we lost touch after a huge argument.

    me and my dad have been secretly in contact for a little while now, and are going to meet soon.

    My mum is always on my back about the slightest little thing and its been really hard lately, i cant take it anymore. It sounds really melodramatic, but its true.

    I know theres LOTS of stuff to sort out and everything, but if i really wanted to and he said it was alright, would i be able to move in with him despite my mum not wanting me to? Would we have to go to court? What are the laws on it? Im 15.

    thanks xxx

    2 AnswersFamily9 years ago
  • Would he just be using me to get back at his Ex?

    I went out with someone for a few months back in the summer, we 'went on a break' for a few weeks, then got back together again for a while but split up in august i think.

    Weve not really spoke much since, but last week he started seeing this girl, and they have now 'gone on a break' yesterday. I bumped into him in town, and we were talking and having a laugh like we used to, and he just gave me a kiss before i went. thought nothing of it.

    Hes now saying we should get back together and stuff, which i probably would, but he only split up with his girlfriend yesterday and they might have even been getting back together.

    He cant have moved on that fast right? I recon il just end up getting used but i dont know, im just sick of the same thing happening with everyone.

    what do you think?xx

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • would my hair fall out if i bleached it again?

    Iv bleached my hair about 14 times in the past year and half. I went blonde, dyed it black, then i decided i wanted it white and thats what im doing. I stripped it, and have bleached it about 7 times, its is a really pale yellow, but parts of my hair are lighter than other parts and when i use toner part of my hair goes white, part goes purple, and part stays yellow/orange.

    iv been constantly conditoning it, and i havent bleached my whole head for about 5 months one, only touched up the roots.

    I want to bleach it all again for the last time just to sort the rest of my hair our, but im worried about if il have any hair left. it feels discusting, and the underneath of my hair where i add bleach first stretches when its wet.

    it is better than it first was as i keep getting trims when it starts to grow, but i really want to sort it out and it annoys me.

    iv tried nearly every toner there is, and nothing works, so do you think it would be able to take bleaching again? has anyone actually bleached there hair when it was in my state before and how did it go?

    thanks xx

    2 AnswersHair9 years ago
  • blisters from bleaching hair?

    i bleached my hair earlier, (my roots) and when i dried my hair discovered id missed bits and you could see black patches, so i re did it. I put it on my actual scalp, (stupid mistake) and had to wash it off after 20 minutes because it was burning like hell.

    Now, on my forehead its all red and theres blisters, and my scalps throbbing too so i think iv got them there too.

    what do you recon i should do? Anything to be worried about?

    thanks xxx

    3 AnswersHair9 years ago
  • allergic reaction to face masque?

    i put a 'montagne jeunresse chocolate face masque' on, left it for 15 minutes, and then washed it off. my face is now bright red and burning like hell, i think i was allergic to it.

    is there anything i can do to stop it burning, or how long will it take to be better? it seems to be getting worse.

    thanks xx

    2 AnswersOther - Health9 years ago
  • Visual basic console application help?!?

    For school im doing computing, and did pretty shitty on the test so im getting moved out if i dont do good on this programme. weve got to make a programme that lets you enter students names and scores, then its got to display them, save them, deleate them, edit them, and put them in order highest to lowest. iv done the entering and loading, but i have no idea on how to do the rest!

    How do you get it to save, deleate, edit, and order information you've entered? Any help appreciated.

    Thankyou so much!x

    its being done in visual basic basic language :L (if that makes sense, i forgot what its called)

    3 AnswersProgramming & Design9 years ago
  • How do you get white hair?

    my natural hair colour is dark brown/black, and for 4 months now iv been trying to get it white. its been bleached about 7 times, and it really cant take anymore. its a pale yellow, nearly white colour, but its not quite there.

    So iv tried toners to get it there, theres the pro voke, which really isnt that good, and yesterday i tried manic panic virgin snow. It really hasnt made much difference at all.

    I cant bleach it anymore because my hair feels awful, so doesnt anyone have any more suggestions on how to get it white?

    Any toners that ACTUALLY work, or just white hair dye?

    thanks xx

    4 AnswersHair9 years ago