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Lv 59,667 points

Sanity In Pieces

Favorite Answers16%

My name's Ezekiel. I'm eighteen. My interests include music, literature, drama, psychology, art, and cultural studies.

  • Does Yahoo Answers still have a strong metal community?

    I've not been on this site since before its format was changed. When I was last here, the community that had been so welcoming and helpful in my musical growth seemed to be weakening. So I'm wondering, is there still a metal community here, or have I become a relic of a bygone era?

    8 AnswersRock and Pop7 years ago
  • What's one of your favorite albums released in the year of your birth?

    Post a link to one of your favorite songs on that album.

    One of mine is Lord Belial's "Kiss the Goat" (released 1995).

    One of my favorite songs is the opening track "Hymn of the Ancient Misanthropic Spirit of the Forest".

    BQ: What genre have you been liking lately?

    15 AnswersRock and Pop8 years ago
  • What's your opinion on the band Samael?

    What do you think of the Swiss black metal turned industrial/electronic metal band Samael? What do you think of their shift from concepts of evil to concepts of freedom, individuality, and social equality?

    If you're unfamiliar with them, give these a listen and tell me what you think.

    Black Metal

    Industrial/Electronic Metal

    2 AnswersRock and Pop8 years ago
  • Gothic/Doom Metal fans, have you ever heard of this band?

    Have you ever heard of the Australian band Lycanthia? I've recently discovered them, and like them enough to want to share them with you. Let me know what you think.

    "Despondency in Crescendo"

    BQ: Who's your favorite Gothic band?

    BQ2: Who's your favorite Doom band?

    1 AnswerRock and Pop8 years ago
  • Could you recommend some atmospheric metal bands?

    I really enjoy the atmospheric sounds of Agalloch, My Dying Bride, Summoning, and similar bands. Could you please suggest some more atmospheric folk/death/doom/black metal bands or something with a similar atmosphere?

    BQ: How would you describe the feeling that you get while listening to your favorite atmospheric band?

    7 AnswersRock and Pop8 years ago
  • What's your opinion on this industrial metal band?

    David Draiman is one of my favorite rock vocalists, but I never really liked Disturbed all that much. He's in an industrial band called Device. What do you guys think?

    4 AnswersRock and Pop8 years ago
  • What's your favorite song over 20 minutes long?

    What's it about?

    Mine is "Faustian Echoes" by Agalloch. It's based on Johann Wolfgang von Goethe's rendition of the classic German legend of Faust, the man who traded his soul to Satan in return for unfathomable knowledge.

    13 AnswersRock and Pop8 years ago
  • Recommend me some atmospheric metal bands?

    I'm looking for something like Summoning, but it doesn't have to be black metal.

    I'd like something along these lines.

    BQ: What's your favorite atmospheric album?

    3 AnswersRock and Pop8 years ago
  • Any good Scandinavian metal bands?

    I'm looking for bands like Windir, Naglfar, Vreid, or Watain, but they don't have to be black metal. Those are just the bands I think of when I think of Scandinavia.

    BQ: Musically, what's your favorite country or region?

    4 AnswersRock and Pop8 years ago
  • What's your favorite music themed TV show?

    For me, it would probably be a tie between Austin City Limits and The Artist's Den. I also like Music Voyager. For those of you who don't know, Music Voyager is basically a world travel show for music lovers. You'll hear everything from South American salsa rock to traditional Israeli folk music.

    So, what's your favorite music themed show?

    1 AnswerRock and Pop8 years ago
  • Do you think music can have unwanted effects on people?

    I dislike stereotypes as much as the next person, but I've noticed a trend in my behaviour while listening to different genres. For example: I've noticed that when I listen to black metal, I become cynical and intolerant of others. While listening to punk, I become aggressive and might make a few anarchist remarks. This behaviour is unlike me. I'm generally a kind and caring person. With other genres, I assume the traits of the stereotypes associated with that genre. Do you think your behaviour has ever been influenced by the music you were listening to at the time?

    BQ: What are you listening to now?

    7 AnswersRock and Pop8 years ago
  • What do you think of Septic Flesh?

    What do you think of the Greek symphonic death metal band Septic Flesh?

    If you're not familiar with their music, here's a few songs.


    "Pyramid God"


    BQ: Favorite metal subgenre?

    BQ2: Favorite band outside of that genre?

    2 AnswersRock and Pop8 years ago
  • What was the last really enjoyable album you listened to?

    For me, it was Atatvist by Otep.

    BQ: Favorite song on that album?

    16 AnswersRock and Pop8 years ago
  • What band would you most like to see live?

    Share a concert video of that band.


    Band: My Dying Bride

    Video: "Black Voyage" live

    BQ: Who was the headliner at the last concert you went to?

    11 AnswersRock and Pop8 years ago
  • Of these two black metal songs, which would you rather hear recorded?

    Title: An Encounter with Evil

    I awoke bound to a pyre.

    I looked around, searching for a savior.

    My eye was drawn to a point of fire.

    I then noticed that there were four more.

    Onlookers numbered to three hundred thirty-three.

    I feared that six hundred sixty-six eyes looked back at me.

    I searched, hoping to spot at least one missing eye.

    I found two in each head. Gaping holes staring as I die.

    It was then that the flames rose higher, secluding me in a pentagram of fire.

    From the inferno, came a deafening bellow.

    A horned beast, formed of the most abhorrent iniquities,

    did step forth from the blaze.

    It said it could prolong my days.

    The beast offered me eternal life.

    All I’d have to do was promise strife.

    I said “No, demon. I will not be your slave!”

    It said “Come now. That’s no way to behave.”

    I said “Leave me! I will not be yours!”

    It said “Surely, you can be bought with precious ores.”

    I said “No! Demon, leave me alone!”

    It said “Fine! I’ll leave you to burn to the bone!”

    The wall of flames grew nearer,

    forming a deadly mirror.

    I could see my own fear,

    in this burning mirror.

    This nearing wall austere,

    ending all that’s dear.

    Twisted faces in this mirror,

    their tortured shrieks I hear.

    An encounter with pure malevolence!

    No love have I felt ever since!

    Evil did come to me.

    Satan did attempt to seduce me.

    Hellfire did lick at my soul.

    Title: A Nightmare of Reality

    As a child, I dreamt that I was a victim of war.

    A peaceful day disturbed by a rapping at the door.

    I felt a coldness within,

    when there was a shout of “You bastards let me in!”

    The door flew open revealing a man drenched in sweat and reeking of terror.

    Blood ran over his face. A soldier who’d scarcely escaped capture.

    There was a loud crack.

    The soldier yelled “Child, get back!”

    As he turned, another shot rang out.

    Of what happened next, there is no doubt.

    The soldier fell, raw and bloody.

    A man shot dead right before me!

    The murderer approached the body.

    From a corner, I whimpered, and he saw me.

    I saw the anguish in his eyes when he realized what he’d done.

    With his eyes locked on mine, he raised his gun.

    I saw the life leave him as he fell.

    My mind thrown into an emotional hell.

    I walked through the blood and out the door.

    I cried to the heavens “Why, God, did you curse man with the horrors of war?!”

    It now was raining, the serenity of the day destroyed by conflict.

    The blood now was draining. My surroundings now seemed derelict.

    Around me, war raged, and the tears of angels drenched all.

    Around me, armies engaged and would continue until mankind’s fall.

    I no longer had the innocence of a child.

    By visions of war, I’d been defiled.

    When I awoke, I cried out in fear.

    I smelled smoke; it seemed so near.

    I now could see that all are guilty,

    for my nightmare was a vision of reality.

    So, when I get a band together, which would you rather hear?

    1 AnswerRock and Pop8 years ago
  • How are these metal lyrics for having been written on the spot?

    It's been awhile since I've written anything, so I thought I'd give it a shot to see if I was getting rusty. I've been a bit of an evil mood lately, so I wrote a somewhat Satanic song. This took me maybe fifteen minutes.

    I awoke bound to a pyre.

    I looked around, searching for a savior.

    My eye was drawn to a point of fire.

    I then noticed that there were four more.

    Onlookers numbered to three hundred thirty-three.

    I feared that six hundred sixty-six eyes looked back at me.

    I searched, hoping to spot at least one missing eye.

    I found two in each head. Gaping holes staring as I die.

    It was then that flames rose higher, secluding me in a pentagram of fire.

    From the inferno, came a deafening bellow.

    A horned beast, formed of the most abhorrent iniquities,

    did step forth from the blaze.

    It said it could prolong my days.

    The beast offered me eternal life.

    All I’d have to do was promise strife.

    I said “No, demon. I will not be your slave!”

    It said “Come now. That’s no way to behave.”

    I said “Leave me! I will not be yours!”

    It said “Surely, you can be bought with precious ores.”

    I said “No! Demon, leave me alone!”

    It said “Fine! I’ll leave you to burn to the bone!”

    The wall of flames grew nearer,

    forming a deadly mirror.

    I could see my own fear,

    in this burning mirror.

    This nearing wall austere,

    ending that’s dear.

    Twisted faces in this mirror,

    their tortured shrieks I hear.

    4 AnswersRock and Pop8 years ago
  • Could anyone suggest some lesser known Black Metal bands?

    I'm looking for something similar to Carpathian Forest or Dark Funeral. I'm also open to any symphonic bands.

    4 AnswersRock and Pop8 years ago
  • Have you ever written a song inspired by a dream?

    I think that my best songs are the ones inspired by dreams and recurring nightmares. Do any of you do this?

    BQ: Describe your most terrifying nightmare.

    2 AnswersRock and Pop8 years ago
  • Fans of Symphonic Metal: Who is your favorite band?

    BQ: What is your favorite symphonic subgenre?

    BQ2: Have you listened to Carach Angren's latest album? If so, what do you think of it? I think it's a masterpiece.

    2 AnswersRock and Pop8 years ago
  • Metal fans, who's your favorite lyricist?

    I'm not asking who's your favorite vocalist. I want to know who you think writes exceptional lyrics. My favorite is probably Dani Filth (Cradle of Filth).

    BQ: What's your favorite song written by the lyricist you chose?

    8 AnswersRock and Pop8 years ago