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  • Entering people's bedrooms- residential disability home?

    Another question;

    I work in a residential home for 5 men with intellectual disabilities.. 1 man has severe anxiety and another is a total bully who is very challenging ..

    The challenging guy screams at night very loudly outside the anxious guys bedroom door to scare him and laughs as he finds it hilarious to hear the anxious man cry.

    He then enters his bedroom to tell him "I've just used the toilet" or "I've just brushed my teeth" just to wake him up after midnight and to annoy/ scare him even more..

    staff cannot give out to the challenging guy or else we get physically assaulted (and he's huge- always draws blood).. anxious guy is too scared to have a lock on his door in case he locks himself in (even though we've explained we can open it from outside).. even if he had a lock.. challenging guy would bang down his door just to scare him anyway.. what can we do? It's heart breaking to watch.. staff try to distract challenging guy away from doing scare tactics but this doesn't work as he doesn't get his mischievous fix!!!

    4 AnswersSingles & Dating4 years ago
  • Toilet paper problem in intellectual disability residential home?

    I work with five men who have intellectual disabilities. One of the men is very challenging and his favourite way of annoying people is to use a whole roll of toilet paper to block the toilets resulting in us calling out a plumber on a weekly basis.

    We have tried toilet tissue dispensers too thinking he might get bored of taking sheet by sheet individually from the dispenser but this was not the case. The other poor men are now often left with no toilet roll as we only leave a few sheets in the toilet to stop this happening..

    Any ideas on what other way we could work it?

    9 AnswersPeople with Disabilities4 years ago
  • Autism- freedom of speech?

    I am working with a lady who has autism.

    She is very vocally repetitious and this can be very challenging not only to staff but to other service users also.

    We have decided that when she is repetitive we are to tell her to "say it once" as it irritates other service users who listen to it daily.

    I am wondering is this restrictive and are we prohibiting her right to freedom of speech?

    1 AnswerSpecial Education6 years ago
  • Safe trip to India on my own..?

    Does anyone know if it would be safe for a 25 year old irish female to travel India on her own?

    After saving up, my friend has let me down to be a travel companion and I really want to see India, the temples etc.. Just not sure as to how safe it would be..

    8 AnswersOther - India8 years ago
  • Confused over visa..?

    I am a support worker who helps people with dusabilities or mental health issues and am looking into moving to New York from Ireland. I wish to find work in this area and would like to stay approx 2-3 years if all goes well but im not sure of which visa to apply for?

    Also, is obtaining a visa for USA as extremely difficult as iv been told? Please help!!!

    4 AnswersEmbassies & Consulates9 years ago
  • Is there something wrong with me?

    I was in a relationship for 5 years (im 24). We've been finished over a year now and I have realised in the year that theres something up with me sexually. I have never had an orgasm with another man, i can do it myself but never anyone else. Also (and this is a bit embarrasing) but men find it sometimes difficult to "enter" me?! I love the intimacy and sexieness of sex and the closness it brings but I dont find it THAT pleasurable? and my main pet hate with sex is if he doesnt ejaculate for ages coz it starts hurting .. there's defo something wrong with me I know but what do ye guys think??

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • moving to guernsey? help!!!!?

    Im moving over from Ireland to Guernsey for work and im really nervous.. I know

    that the island is small but can anyone give me some advice about the island?

    Im only 22 so im looking to have some nightlife etc?? also what is the weather like in the winter?

    I hope im not making a huge mistake.. please help... :(

    1 AnswerOther - United Kingdom1 decade ago
  • Should i get a chinese?

    im hungry...

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • I think im a sex monster.. (ive just been told that anyway..)?

    Im 22 , its all i think about, i use my vibrator like 10 times a day and come 10 times per session.. i look up porn on a daily basis and im a girl?!!?! When i see men it's all i associate them with even tho i dont slut around.. I only watch movies if theres a few dirty bits in it...??????

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Do i use my vibrator too much?

    Like i use it about 7 times a day.. Ive actually been late for work twice because of it..

    But is this bit normal.. When im using it i keep going until i *** probably around 10 times per session... Im 22

    13 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • help me spice things up...?

    My boyfriend and i have been dating for five years now.. we dont live together we both still live with our parents so can you help give me a few tips to spice things up in the bedroom... just keep in mind that its bound to the one room so we dont give his mother a heart attack...

    Also i have already tried dressing up and the likes so any other ideas would be great..

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Is my boyfriends weed smoking taking it's toll...?

    My boyfriend and i have been going out for 5 years, im 22 and he's 23.

    He is a really brainy guy, just finished university, has a job etc.

    However our sex life is really bad, once every 2 weeks we do it.

    Also he gets really annoyed very easily and loses hid temper quite a lot.

    He smokes weed every day and is dependant on his "night time joint".

    He has been smoking it for 4 years now and i was wondering if anyone could tell me other

    signs that would show that weed is effecting him...

    7 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • What is up with our sex life?

    My boyfriend and I have been dating for 5 years, im 22 and he's 23.

    In the last 2 years we just keep fighting about our sex life...

    We have sex probably once every two weeks on avarage and this is an improvement seen as it used to be once a month!! we dont live toghether and we'd stay in each others houses probably 4 times a week..

    I am the one who finds this annoying as id love to do it every night! Iv asked him about it numerous times and he say's " i need to insinuate it more" but i hate doing that as im scared of gettin turned away all the time! He just has no sex drive!! Also when he does want to do it, it takes him forever to actually ejaculate which is really annoying and its not like i dont know what im doing plus im an attractive girl!!!

    Iv tried not mentioning it at all so he doesnt feel presurised and seeing how long it takes for him to do it and it was a month!!!

    He IS tired a lot and thats always his excuse but i dont think this is normal do you???

    10 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • PLEASE HELP! Should i get back with my ex?

    I am 22 and have been with my ex for 5 years.

    He broke up with me a month ago because of the following reasons:

    1: We basically lived in his bedroom. He lives with his mother so we couldnt even go in to the living room or kitchen we were just always stuck in between his four walls. So this inevitably caused extreme bordom in the relationship.

    2: I lost contact with all my friends so i spent ALL my time with him. This annoyed him as he felt bad leaving me when he wanted to go see his friends and it caused fights when he wanted alone time... sad on my part, i know...

    3: We became more like best friends rather than lovers. Romance died however this could have been due to problem 1..

    4: He told me he loved me to bits but was just not in love with me anymore.

    So we broke up, we both cried our eyes out, it was very hard.. We both remained best friends and texted each other and still cared for each other immensly.

    Another thing to point out is that he had broke up with me around 6 times already all because of the same reasons, but we both kept getting back hoping things would change.

    A month on now and this has by far been the longest breakup.. we both believed this was for good but now he wants me back however this time it could be very different due to the following:

    1: I have my life back on track with friends and things to do for myself.

    2: We both have money now to do things with each other and have more fun together.

    3: He wants to get a house next month so we would not be stuck in his bedroom.

    4: We both miss each other and want each other.

    However my parents and friends think im mad. They cant understand why i'd take him back after all the break - up's we had. They basically think he's messing me around and it cant be love if we have broke up that amount of times. My father say's that with true love, it doesnt matter about having space or anything, you should just want to be together. They said they will be angry at me if we get back.. My mother also reckons he's ugly and i can do so much better which hurts..

    I also asked him how come he said he isnt in love with me anymore and he said he is it just got too much and he needed space.. I said but living together will not give you much space but he said it'l be different because we wont be confined to one small room with nothing to do..

    I just dont know if im going to end up getting my heart broke for the 7th time and end up looking stupid.... and some things about him annoy me but i dont know!!!!!

    PLEASE HELP!!! i need as many honest opinions as i can get!!

    I still think about him all the time...

    5 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • Is my boyfriend mean...?

    Ive been going out with my bf for 4 years, im 23. Basically it's exam time in college and we both have to study. So im at home studyin and he's in his college house for the week (an hour away) doing the same but im sooo bored! all my friends are busy with work all week and so i asked him cud i study wit him down there for 2 days and he said no. Well thats fine but then the next day i was sayin how bored i was and that im starting to feel miserable so please can i go down and he just keeps sayin no and that his study is more important.

    His last day up there is monday and he has to come back at one o clock lunchtime so i said sure why dont you come home sun nite and keep me company, it's not like he'd get much done from 11-1 o clock and he could do it at home anyway and he still says no and to stop annoyin him>...

    Im really startin to feel like he doesnt care that im depressed, he cud fix it so easily and i feel like if he cared and loved me he wud just do that favour... am i wrong or is he????

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating1 decade ago