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How can I break my personal stigmas?
Odd question here, how can I break my personal stigmas? It has come to me that for some reason, I have ill feelings for certain topics, however most notably is sex and alcohol.
I don't know why (and I hate it) but when I hear someone has had sex for the first time, or is out drinking, I feel like as if they're going to the dark side like they've committed a crime. I just associate the two with bad ideas and what not, and I myself feel disgusted or disappointed. It really irks me because I see no real problem with either, and I have friends who do both and I see no real issue with either (under the right conditions) but I get this feeling that I can't control that just makes me feel sick. I myself drink however I still get those feelings, however I don't fell them when I do it.
So can I break this mentality? It's just really annoying when I'm making a big deal internally when it really isn't anything, also not to mention its something that happens a lot now in days.
P.S I'm 18
2 AnswersMental Health5 years agoWhat can I do to get out of the house?
So I'm in highschool and I just finished a really tough semester; I have a lot of time on my hands now and I'm just sitting in the house doing nothing. Normally I would hang out with friends but most of my friends like to stay at home so I'm most likely going to be a one many army.
Any ideas as to what I can do?
P.S Spending money isn't really something I can do
P.P.S I already do run and stuff, indoors because it's a little too cold outside where I live.
3 AnswersFriends5 years agoHow can I deal with my emotions?
Long story short: these past 5 months have been excruciating for me emotionally. It is my senor year of high school so of course school caused me a lot of stressed but a lot of things have happened at home too. To make sure I stayed on track and not have drama so I could focus on school, I just pushed off my feelings.
Anyways, I've done some thinking and I'm realizing things that make me mad are things that normally wouldn't, probably because my emotions are just bottled up and quite frankly I'm sick of always feeling this underlying negativity. can i finally deal with my emotions? I'm sick of having that feeling at the back of my end just taunting me.
P.S I also can't really talk to anyone about it.
2 AnswersOther - Health5 years agoFeeling neglected/unwanted by my best friends. Advice :(?
Hey guys. Normally I don't have this problem and I can usually talk sense into myself and what not however I am in my senior year now and there's just lots of stress and there's a lot of expectations from me, sometimes it helps just to talk to someone. The problem is though... I'm having problems talking to anyone.
I have two very close friends, my best friends, however I don't think they see me as the same. The one friend will constantly tell me about how his best friend did something or how they did something together. I try to push it off because I know I'm his next favourite hurts a little. My other friend just tried to push me away for one reason or another. We've been good friends for two years now, but it feels like they don't really care, always making me be the initiator in talking, and not really showing they want my attention. Don't get me wrong though, he definitely sees me as a good friend, just he would probably let the friendship die if it was too much effort.
I'm just really gloomy feeling that way with my stress building up. Just want to feel wanted, and being gloomy it just makes me want to pull away. I'm just a mess.
Any advice?
P.S I'm a guy
2 AnswersFriends6 years agoHow can I easily straighten my curly hair to wavy (For guys)?
Hey guys, so I have very loose curly hair (Not tight afro curls). While when I was younger it was super cute and pretty unique in my small school, now that I'm pretty much an adult (legally) it just doesn't fit. It makes me look juvenile and pretty odd.
So I was just wondering if there was an easy way to straighten my hair? I don't expect it to be completely straight nor remotely straight, just wavy probably. At the same time though I don't want to iron it, use chemicals or make some huge devotion.
Just something that I can do every time I get out of the shower? Every time I wake up?
3 AnswersHair6 years agoHow can I completely clean out my computer?
Hey guys. So I have this laptop which was my main computer for a long time before I got my new one(a desktop), but it's still decent at doing things. My problem though, over the years I've been using it (like...6 or 7 years) a lot of crap has piled up: third party programs, web add-ons, a lot of stupid pictures and unnecessary stuff. My laptop has so much stuff on it now that it is unbearably slow, loading up my browser takes foreeeever.
So now my question, how can I completely clean out my laptop? It's just going to waste when I can be using it for different things when I can't use my desktop.
P.S It's windows 7
Laptops & Notebooks6 years agoFirst time flying alone, getting anxious. Please help!?
Hey guys. So tomorrow at this time I'm going on a flight to see one of my good friends who lives in Europe, no big deal for many but I'm getting pretty anxious about it. I have a lot of anxiety with flying, let alone the fact I'm flying to Europe alone
I have flown twice before, neither of them went smoothly. The first time my mother was held back at the airport because of a very very stupid legal problem (which then was fixed in a matter of minutes but no one informed us) and the second time I cried for about five hours straight simply because I didn't like the idea of flying.
So maybe seven or eight years later and here I am. Going to see my friend in Europe alone, and in modest words, I am pooping myself. To make matters worse, my flight is a connecting flight where I have to change planes in a different speaking country. I have a vague idea of what I'm supposed to do but I feel I'm going to screw it up, freeze up, miss my second flight and be stuck in a place where I don't know the language. It also doesn't help my brother emphasized I would absolutely die if the plane crashed so... My main concern really is getting onto my second flight alright and then the ascent and sleeping for the whole flight. I really just want it to be over and done with.
I understand I'm not asking much of a question here, but any advice or calming words to think about during this whole process would be nice.
P.S I'm 17
2 AnswersAir Travel6 years agoHow to help my mother cope with her mother's death (my grandmother)?
Hey guys, so I'll make this quick. My grandmother hasn't died yet however she is down to counting months. But shes is 92 and her mind is still sharp. What I'm getting at is she has had a good life. She too just wants to go, she's tired of visiting the hospital and being weak.
My concern is my mother. Two years ago we lost our dog of 9 years. My mother locked herself in her room for three days and would not speak to anyone. Afterwards she was pretty just very down and took it really hard. She's very emotional (not a bad thing, she'll go from sad to happy easily) but also she doesn't deal with grieving well. Now that my grandmother will be most likely leaving in the soon future, I'm growing more concerned for my mother. I feel as if she'll hit more than rock bottom to the extent where I'm also concerned for her safety as well as mine.
As well when this happens no doubt my mother will cut herself out of everything. She'll lock herself in her room and won't speak to anyone.
Any suggestions?
P.S She's 55
P.P.S Her father died a long long time ago as well, thus leaving her with no parents
3 AnswersFamily6 years agoUpgrade current desktop or build a new one? (Gaming)?
Hey guys. So I've had my current desktop for two years now. It has served me well in every aspect except for its graphics. If my situation were different maybe I would just leave it or upgrade it. However, my situation sort of forces me to make this decision.
My situation being that since I started gaming I always wanted to build a super gaming PC that could run everything and anything. However next year I'm off to university in September. In my eyes that is my last opportunity. After university I'll be working and nearing my middle ages. Right now I'm at that "gaming prime" if you will. As well this summer I'm planning to land a job that pays double minimum wage and very student friendly in terms of hours. Realistically I can be making $720 a month. To add frosting to the cake, next summer I need to get a new phone. So if I do it'll be probably the best summer I've had.
Now on the other hand. My desktop is only two years old! That is nothing. As well it is only the graphics card that needs replacing. It runs everything well and has never given me problems. The games I play aren't that graphic intensive too (mainly because I can't afford them). I'm quite happy with it. Furthermore dumping $1,000-$1,500 on a gaming computer while entering the broke student life isn't the most wise. As well some may see it as a distraction from school.
Right now I'm looking to build this desktop right after my exams next year. So thoughts?
P.S Specs in picture
1 AnswerDesktops6 years agoI feel lost as a person. What can I do?
Hey guys, so over the past year I've really tried to change my life for the better and so far I've had great progress. High marks, lots of weight loss, more social. However as a person I feel really lost. I don't know on a broad scale what I like and don't like. I don't know how I would react to things. I just don't know myself.
I'll find when I have free time I simply play video games. Not because I enjoy them (and I really don't) but to burn time until I have something that I have to do. Then when playing video games gets boring, I just mop around like a dog. Lying down everywhere, looking out the window, changing seats every few minutes and eating becomes the highlight of my day. I don't even know what I'm going to do with my life. All I know is get good marks, go to university and work until I die.
As of lately I've had a ton (almost 4 weeks time) of free time. First two weeks were normal. I played video games until it got to the point were it got more tedious than work. For the past few days now I've felt completely lost and so sick of my lifestyle, I hate it. Over this past year I've been feeling that feeling a lot more. I just want to know what I want (ironic, I know).
I know life has a lot to offer but it overwhelms me. I don't know where to start or how to start. I'll be honest too, I'm scared to put myself out there. Never really left my comfort zone.
Any advice would be grateful, please!
P.S I'm a 17 year old male.
2 AnswersPsychology6 years agoWhat can I do outside?
Hey guys, so where I live the weather is rarely so nice (most of the time its cold or rainy). Right now your average day is sunny and warm with a nice breeze and the day doesn't end until late. However my problem is...because I'm a gamer, I really don't have much reason to go outside as an activity. As well most of my friends are gamers too and really couldn't care less about the weather except for when they go to school.
So if you couldn't guess my problem, I really want to spend time outside but at the same time I don't have much to do outside and I don't want to just sit (sometimes its nice but after so long...). In my ideal world I would be outside with my friends and not just in my backyard but playing soccer or just walking somewhere.
So any advice? Suggestions? After spending so long inside with winter I'm sick of just staying inside.
P.S I'm almost 17 and I'm a male.
2 AnswersPolls & Surveys6 years agoFather tried to commit suicide. Feeling very off. Please help!?
Hey guys, so recently my dad tried to commit suicide. Drank some chemicals and popped a lot of pills. He cough up blood but luckily he lived. Somehow. His reasoning was just business deals falling through when we need the money.
Anyways, now he's normal. Both of my parents act like nothing happened. However I think about it everyday. Not because of him possibly dying but more so of what he said.
On the day be attempted, my father did the whole 'feel-sorry-for-me' talk. No one will miss him, he's a loser etc etc. However he pulled me in and said I'm not his son and I don't care about anything and don't have any real feelings (I spend a lot of on the computer). As well later in the day, my mother had tried to sort out problems with him and all I heard was her crying over and over again while he could barely walk straight. I felt the urge to walk in a smack some sense into him but I didn't. I just had to listen.
So now we're here today. Parents act like nothing happened. They don't talk about. They're normal. However me on the other hand, I've barely talked to either of my parents and I only talk to my dad when necessary, I've lost my respect for him. But I just feel so....sad and mad I guess. I can't pinpoint why but I just feel so down. I would love to talk to someone about it but it's not an ordinary topic nor do I feel I can talk to anyone about it.
Any advice? Please
P.S I'm a 16 year old male
P.P.S His attempt happened a week from today actually
3 AnswersPsychology6 years agoI don't feel wanted by anyone, really feeling lonely?
Hey guys. So it's been nagging at me for sometime now and over the past year it has gotten terrible to the point where it's changing me for the worse. I don't feel wanted by anyone. Right now too it's just...unbearable.
I do have friends and family, however I don't have anyone who really cherishes my presence. Whenever I'm feeling down and not talking to anyone, it makes me feel worse when no one bothers to ask where I am. Don't get me wrong, I have friends and a number of them but I feel as if I'm just "another" friend to them that could be easily replaced meanwhile I'm clinging onto everything. There's days where I don't even talk to anyone and no one reaches out to me. It makes me feel kind of just like trash. As well I have a few very close friends, but even then I feel I can easily be replaced.
Even typing this now it makes me pretty sad and frustrates me at the same time. To make it worse, I'm a guy. I can't simply go crying to my friends about my feelings, nor do I really want to.
I just don't know what to do. I've had about enough of it. Any advice?
P.S I'm a 16 year old guy
P.S.S I'll admit I'm not the most outgoing either, making good friendships isn't easy for me
1 AnswerFriends6 years agoI need motivation to run, please help!?
Hey guys, so I used to run every day and I liked it. I also ran a good distance in a short time. I kept with it for a good 5 months and I was shedding weight. But then I got injured and 7 months later here I am.
So here I am again trying to start running again because I want to get fit once and for all. My problem is my motivation though. I find running terrible now. I get tired quickly, I'm nowhere near as fast nor do I have as much energy. When I'm done running I feel like just dropping dead.
So my question to you guys is how can I keep motivation? Maybe even one of your favourite websites/tumblrs with motivational quotes and pictures.
Please help, I just keep finding myself on the edge of quitting
2 AnswersRunning6 years agoI'm super jealous of my friend, help please?
Hey guys, so for a year now me and my friend have gotten pretty close. Mind you ever since I've grown jealous, it used to be terribly unbearable but it's better now. However I still feel jealous and I have about had it.
While I do know I do have my strengths, reasons to love me and I really shouldn't have this problem, my friend hits spot on what I have always wanted to be (due to low confidence in my childhood). He's out going, works hard, he's popular (not always for the good reasons), people like him, and worst of all he's got the females as well his upbringing was and is perfect. Being so close I get to hear first-hand all of his great achievements, and his discrete bragging.
I try to act like I'm happy for him and I couldn't care less about the petty things. Truth is I'm always concerned about how I can top him, I feel like I will and I am being judged for how I'm not "that guy". I'm always just thinking about how I'm not him.
So as you could guess. My problem is I need to stop thinking this way. Of course meeting up to my own standards will help (which I am working on) but for the mean can I stop with this mentality? It just brings me agony and I find myself changing in ways for the worst.
Please help, thanks
P.S we are both almost 17
1 AnswerFriends6 years agoMy friend is treating me badly over a game, what should I do?
Hey guys, so recently me and my friend started playing a game we used to play when we were kids (at the time we didn't know each other) for nostalgia reasons. Anyways a month and a half later we're here. Today. I should mention I also joined my friend's server, so I gave up years of progress.
Recently I've become quite successful in the game, more than my friend and ever since my friend has seemed annoyed with me. He won't answer me back, he'll tell me to stop talking to him or stop finding him. Sometimes he'll throw little fits towards me too. He even used me as an excuse to betray some ingame-friends without asking me. As well he's made new friends in game to play with. Over the last few days this tension had increased greatly.
As of now I'm on the brink of telling him off about how he's getting worked up over a game. Today he called me a "greedy s**t" then said he's never playing with me again in front of our real life friends. So far I've been extremely nice and I have not said or done anything to make him mad. That is why I'm about to blow up at him...but also he's my friend and he's someone I want to play with so I was thinking maybe I could just ask him why he's being so mean to me.
The way I see it, get mad at him but lose a friend but surely get the point across that I'm not someone you can push around
Try and find the solution, which may work nicely or he may just shove it in my face and be more condescending.
Please help
P.S we're both 16 males
1 AnswerFriends6 years agoWhat happens in the stages of meiosis?
Hey guys, I have a bio test tomorrow and this I just cannot remember for the life of me. If someone could explain what happens in each stage, both 1 and 2 is a simple (dumb) way for me would be great.
P.S Grade 11 Univeristy Bio
2 AnswersBiology6 years agoScared to join clubs and sports, help!?
Hey guys, so I'm in grade 11 and I've never been in any clubs or sports, only one in grade 2 or 3. Since grade 9 I promised myself I would join clubs and what not but, back then I had no self esteem at all and I was extremely shy so I joined nothing. To this day I haven't either.
Today still my self esteem is low but I've come far. I've learned to socialize and not be ridiculously shy, I don't hide myself nor am I always sad. But still I don't feel confident enough to join any groups. Reason being I have bad experiences with groups. I'm always excluded and it just hurts me so much that I'm not a part of what it is. As well I see these alpha males and then I see my man boobs. Just hurts me and shoots my self esteem.
An example of this group exclusion was when I did a swimming course in the summer of grade 9. I wore a shirt in the water because self esteem, I hid in the washrooms during lunch because I had no one to eat with nor did I want anyone to see me and finally I never talked to anyone. Literally unless I was asked something.
So now you know why...well part of it. The reason I want to join a club so badly is because socialization, I envy those immensely who have close friends and that group who are so close and do everything together. As well they have something they're dedicated too, they take pride in it or have a passion for it. I really want that. I have a small socialization pool and I don't feel strongly about anything.
Please, any advice?
2 AnswersLesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender6 years agoWhich school club/team should I join?
Hey guys, so I'm in grade 11 and I have not been in ANY outside school activities, only one which was chess club back in grade 2 or 3. Recently I've been wanting to join one so badly just because I'm not a part of anything.To be honest I'm a little nervous about doing so.
I just don't know which club to join. I'm not the most athletic person, the only athletic club that poked my interest was ski club because I used to snowboard. Unfortunately my school is an athletic school. I'm also a lifeguard but hate swimming (ironic right?). I'm not someone who will do robotics, math, physics or computers after school either, mind you I do enjoy computers. I'm just looking to make some friendships.
I'm just wanting to do this for socialization. I see people making friends and having something they're passionate about, meanwhile I'm sitting at home alone doing nothing for my long weekend.
I know you guys don't know which clubs my school has, but it is a large school has a lot of clubs, from anime club to rugby.
P.S I'm a 16 year old male
1 AnswerPrimary & Secondary Education6 years agoI have absolutely no idea what to do with my life, help?
Hey guys, so I am young, only 16 so I do have time. My problem is...I have no idea what to do with my life, with grade 12 coming up in less than a year for me...pressure is on. But it goes beyond that as well, as of now nothing brings me enjoyment, I have no hobbies, I don't know my interests and what not. I continuously try to fix my life or plan it out but I stare aimlessly at my screen not having a clue as to what I enjoy...or myself but that's for another day.
As of now, my life consists of school, watching YouTube videos and constantly switching between games and its been like that for awhile.
Any advice would be grateful, please help
2 AnswersPsychology7 years ago