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whitney r
Was your first baby more wiggly in-utero than the second?
I have a little girl who is 17 months old and I am 18 weeks preggo with a little boy. It seems like once I felt her move, she never stopped, but he seems much calmer. Also on the ultrasounds, she was always moving around like crazy. When we had one about a week ago with him, he was very calm. Is it normal for them to be so different? Should I worry that he isn't very wiggly?
2 AnswersPregnancy1 decade agoWhat is you 7-10 month old's eating schedule?
My little girl is 8 months old and I think it is time to adjust her eating and sleeping schedule. I just wanted to see how other babies her age are scheduled. How many meals? Which meals include baby food/milk only? Anything else that you think might be helpful.
11 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade agoHave you purchased a fleece photo blanket from Walgreen's, Wal-mart, or other stores?
You can buy a fleece blanket with personal photos on it from the photo departments at different stores. I would love to get one of these, but I was wondering if anyone had bought one, and if it was of decent quality. I just don't want the pictures to be washed out the first time it is washed.
I'm asking this in the baby section because it seems like a good gift for new parents!
6 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade agoCan you take a electric breast pump in your carry on luggage on a plane?
I have to travel for work tomorrow and I just want to make sure that I can take my electric breast pump as a carry-on. Anyone tried this?
4 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade agoHow do I get the display on my monitor to rotate 90 degrees?
I have a DELL monitor that you can flip sideways. I would like the display to flip so I can view documents in the vertical position. I go to Graphic Options - >Rotation or to Graphic Properties, my only option is to rotate 180 degrees. Where can I rotate 90?
2 AnswersMonitors1 decade agohow do I make backgrounds in my photographs blurry?
I love photos that have the subject in focus, but the backgrounds are very blurry. How do I achieve this look? What settings on the camera do I need to play with? I have a Canon Powershot SX10IS.
6 AnswersPhotography1 decade agoCould my 9 week old be teething? If not, why is she acting like this?
I think it is too early for her to be teething, but she has been acting a little weird lately. She blows a lot of spit bubbles now and just being more slobbery than normal. Sometimes instead of sucking on her passy, she acts more like she wants to chew on it. Also, sometimes she doesn't want to eat and she REFUSES to take a bottle sometimes although she will nurse. She did have her 2 month vaccines 4 days ago. Could it be related to that? HELP!!
6 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade agoQuestions about breast feeding?
My daughter is 5 weeks old. I have been breast feeding since the begining but I have a couple of questions. In the past few days - maybe a week - she has started doing a couple of things I don't understand.
1. She will eat off of the left side great, but will only play on the right side. She will latch on for a second and then pull off or she will not even latch and just lick around. Sometimes I will know she is not full, but she will scream when I try to put her on the right side.
2. Sometimes after she gets done eating, she will be perfectly content for 10 - 45 minutes and then she will start acting like she is starving again. She will scream until I let her latch. She usually only takes about 3-4 swallows and then is done.
Any suggestion? I'm going nuts.
3 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade agoDoes your baby's kicking ever have rhythm like it is keeping a steady beat?
Mine is kicking right now and the kicks (or whatever they are) are in perfect rhythm. I'm in a really quite office, so it isn't like she can hear music or anything.
10 AnswersPregnancy1 decade agoI like the name Lily as a nickname, what could be the full name?
I'm not crazy about Lillian. We were thinking Camilla.
Any other options?
16 AnswersPregnancy1 decade agoIs there anything fun going on in Atlanta this weekend?
We will just be there tonight (8/21) and tomorrow (8/22). Are there any special events happening?
2 AnswersAtlanta1 decade agoWho is still having sex after 30 weeks?
I'm at 32 weeks and still do it on occasion. I really like it once we get going, but foreplay is so uncomfortable that I don't even want to get going. I hate feeling like such a lard-a$$ and not being able to move around.
8 AnswersPregnancy1 decade agoHey, contacts - Where do you live?
I was just wondering where (state or country) you all live in. I live in Nashville, TN with my husband and puppy. We are having a baby girl around Oct 12. I think we have finally decided on the name - Madalyn Marie. I can't decide if I want to call her Maddie or Lyni for short. I think both are so cute.
How about you guys?
17 AnswersPregnancy1 decade agoWhat will I not get at a shower? This is what I already have...?
I have most of the big stuff - crib, dresser, stroller, swing, bouncy seat, and high chair.
Big-ish stuff I still need - mattress, changing pad, pack-n-play, and car seat.
I still need things like clothes, socks, wash clothes, towels, toiletries, blankets, etc. I think people will buy those because they are cute and fun. I have registered for the "big-ish" things, but do you think people will buy them?
4 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade agoNew moms - Would you rather have had a twin bed or glider in nursery?
I am trying to decide if I would rather have a twin bed or a glider/rocker in the nursery. I see ups and downs to both. With a bed, I can sleep with the baby more comfortably. I'm thinking I could always use the swing or bouncer to rock her. BUT, everyone seems to think that having a glider is the way to go. Although the people who say his also say that their baby has ended up sleeping in the bed with them. I don't want to start the habit of our baby sleeping in our bed.
So, new moms, do you have any suggestions or comments about this?
Thanks for your help and congratulations on your new arrival!
9 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade agoHave you ever seen the name "Alveya"?
How do you pronounce it? What nationality does it come from?
6 AnswersBaby Names1 decade agoShould I get a Rotozip or Dremel?
I want to get my husband a Dremel for his birthday, but I was at Lowe's and saw these Rotozips. I'm not sure what you would use one for versus the other. He works on his truck a little - mainly just changing oil and doing small mechanic jobs. We also do a lot of home renovation projects.
Can you offer any insight to which might be better for him? Or can you tell me things that both/either might be useful for so I can decide?
Thanks so much!
13 AnswersDo It Yourself (DIY)1 decade agoWhat can I do about this @$$ hole I work with?
So there is a guy that I work with who is a complete jerk. Literally no one here likes him. He is one of those people who will argue anything with any one. He always has to have the last word and he always has to be right.
We work for the corporate office of a trucking company. He was saying the other day how he doesn't associate with drivers and how the further away they stay from him, the better. I was thinking "really? because without them, you wouldn't have a job." On top of that, his dad is a mechanic here and his brother workson the dock. Both very respectable jobs - neither more glamorous than a driver.
Now.... Work is in Nashville, TN. Most people that work in Nashville don't actually live in Nashville, or Davidson County (where Nashville is). When we first moved here, we looked at houses in all different areas and found one that we loved. Where we live is less commercialized, less trafficy, big yards, decent schools, etc. However the county we live in, as a whole, has a redneck - country reputation. He always makes comments about it and trys to slam on where we live. The funny thing is - he lives in the ghetto. He does live in Nashville, but in a not-very-good part of town and his house is probably about 15 years older than ours, smaller, and run down.
Basically, if I was a guy, I would just deck him. It would make me feel SOOOOO good and I don't even think I would get in trouble because no one else likes him. I think people would actually clap. BUT since I can't really do that, what can I do to shut him up? I just wish I could think of the perfect come back. HELP?!?!
4 AnswersFriends1 decade agoWhat are good features of a diaper bag?
I have been looking at all kinds of diaper bags and just wanted some opinions. Do you like:
- Messenger or purse style?
- Do you like having a flap over the top, or does it get annoying to have to move every time you need in? Is just a zipper better?
- Do you like lots of pockets or one big space?
- Do you like outside pockets?
- Do you carry a purse too, or use the diaper bag as a purse?
- Has anyone purchased a Korbie? What do you think of it?
Any other tips, opinions, suggestions, etc. would be greatly appreciated! Thanks and congratulations to all you moms!
5 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago26 weeks. When do you start getting uncomfortable?
I have just recently noticed that I am starting to feel "full" all the time. Then when I eat its pretty much miserable. I have only gained 7 lbs, but it is all right in my stomach. Sometimes I even feel like my skin needs to stretch faster to make room so it doesn't feel so bad. Any one else felt like this or had similar stories? When did you start feeling uncomfortable?
8 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago