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Lv 2876 points


Favorite Answers36%
  • My height is 5 ft 2.5 inches.19+ yrs old.growth hormone treatment help?

    Asian people are a little my country it s almost the average height of a male at this age.but i ll be moving to australia after 2 years.and i realized there the av. Height of a male is 5 ft 11 inches. Now,it really just caught,all i do is compare my height with everyone.and it looks like i m really short younger brother is 3 inches taller than me.and he s only 16.the girl i like she also seems a little taller than me ;-( .btw,i ll be joining a software company,there s no way i can even look average with that of my friend told me about hormone treatment.i m thinking to visit a doctor after my exams.but as i told i m already 19+ and i m pretty sure i did nt gain a single inch for last 3 years.will hormone therapy still work?i just need extra 3.5 inches or so ,so that i wd nt look too distinguished.i need advices please.

    1 AnswerMen's Health7 years ago
  • Is double majoring possible in any university with any choices of subjects?

    Im a highschool senior.i ve interest in both computer science and even doing c. Pogramming for more than 4.5 years.for my honours i ll try to get admission in a us or australian university.i want to do a double major although i aint much familiar with this term here in my country.if anyone doesnt have a masters degree in physics can he still do ph.d. Research in physics and get a ph.d. (what if he has a mas. In maths)?i want to study computer science along with maths or physics...does it take extra time ..?and will it be possible in any university?

  • Is there a compound like KCr2O7?what is it called?and why it's oxidation number is in fraction?

    We always see potashium di chromate K2Cr2O7 as di chromate is radical with charge 2-.but i saw KCr2O7 too in a teacher couldnt confirm and someone bet me it doesnt exist.i know it does.i didnt get much info from google.

    1.then what is it called and why?

    2.Does di chromate radical has also charge 1- ?

    3.that means Cr would have oxid. Number in fraction.

    4.What is the explanation behind oxid. Number being something like 5.321.....

    4 AnswersChemistry7 years ago
  • How to publish software written with wxWidgets !License,Copyright etc.?

    I've written a simple graping tool.I have written many softwares that do things but only used myself or for my highschool friends...It's the first one that I wanna publish ... I want to make it open-source so will upload at sourceforge or github maybe.......

    My questions are I've never published a software before ----

    my wxWidgets library is dynamically linked with the executable....

    For now,I've just built it for windows [I'm on windows]

    So,What should I do to legally publish my software ---- wxWidgets is LGPL ,I've also seen a gpl license text in the wxWidgets folder.....

    Now,What should I give with my software [Like the LGPL or GPL license text]

    Do I've to get another license for my software like something like from Creative Commons [How to get one for free]

    And,How I'll own the copyright so that I can claim it mine and no one else [Although I've no problem if anyone modifies my source as it'll be an open-source software --But I want the right to do anything with the software but no one else]

    Please,Explain me the steps --- And one final thing,I'm not an adult [I'm 16 years old right now] --So,Will it be a problem ? And,I don't want to get any law issues as I told I'm not an adult

    1 AnswerSoftware7 years ago
  • Can't go to from my Pc!?

    Don't know why?I tried to clear catches ,DNS catches, checked my host file [I'm on windows] ..There's nothing wrong there .I can go there from my Pc at college But not from my Pc.

    It looks odd...Because it happened before ..I mean I had this problem before some websites didn't load [Tried Mozilla,IE,Chrome] ..And suddenly I could go there ....And again same problem............What may be the reason...........Can viruses be a reason?..I don't use antivirus because I can't -- it just totally slows down my Pc ...

    have you had this experience before?Please help!And it happens only for some specific websites!


    2 AnswersOther - Internet7 years ago
  • Need advices on software designed to study ecology?

    I'm submitting a Science project and I've interest in Ecology although I'm a Computer Programmer.I'm thinking of designing a software that can be used to study ecology and it's variables,ethology,climate change and their relations.I'm studying from internet for some days now about these.I'd really appreciate if anyone gives me advice on it - like on What features it should have and I'm focusing on theoretical models - So,recent research papers on these facts or which models should I use for a special concept so that I can design the algorithm more effectively to help the user and so that I can assume probabilistic events and their chances ....

    Thanks a lot

    1 AnswerZoology7 years ago
  • C++ or C to view bits of any type of file?

    I have a college project to write a software like hetxEdit or binary editor .....

    I'm need of some infos about how to read actual bits as 0,1 from any file....

    I want to write that in C++..........

    So,please suggest me any pdf or article about reading bits (not bytes) from a file and to modify this and show this ............Like the way HexEdit works................

    I'll really appreciate any help.Thanks :-)

    3 AnswersProgramming & Design8 years ago
  • solving any series with the help of finite calculus 10 points 4 best answer?

    I studied this in a book But I could not grasp the fact..

    If a series 3 5 8 13

    Then d(x)=f(x+1)-f(x)


    it becomes (5-3) (8-5) (13-8)

    something like that until it becomes constant......

    Actually I need a way to solve any kind of series (any kind) I mean to find a general formula for that series

    like FOR 1+2+3+..N

    we have N(N+1)/2

    Thanks :-)

    1 AnswerMathematics8 years ago
  • how to completely make your name invisible on Facebook?

    Today I saw a profile who hadn't any name,, just nothing!Even I couldn't enter his profile as there was nothing at all to go or any link or anything but still he can comment on pages or anywhere I just can't know?!!!!!!

    How has he done it?Has he coded something on?I know programming, Just please tell me how to do it.....

    I ll try anything!

    Thanks a lot :-)

    2 AnswersFacebook8 years ago
  • Scholarship in Australia for Undergraduate Bangladeshi Students?

    I'm now in 12th grade.I'm interested in studying in any good Australian University.Can I can get full free scholarship there?.My grades are good and I'm connected to national Science Olympiad activities.

    Do I have to get good marks in SAT?Do they support it or any other formats?

    I have still a year for my H.S.C. .How can I prepare myself from now .And can I get my preferred subject there.What are the things that'll increase my chance to get admission and Scholarship at the same time...I'm interested in Physics and Computer Programming (It'd be great If I can study them both ).And How I'll shift there or where I'll live?Please help me if you have any idea.I'll really appreciate that.

    1 AnswerStudying Abroad8 years ago
  • Getting binary data of a file in C++ or Java in text please?

    I know basic C++ and Java programming.........I was wondering as everything in computer are stored and handled in bits so every file types are actually gathering of bits or 1 and 0..[Like breaking an .exe or .jpg file into a string of 0 and 1 s]...How can convert a file in bin and see what bits are stored in it.or Like converting a file into 0s and 1s........

    I will really appreciate if anyone can help and give me some useful info about it ..I googled but I didn't find what I exactly wanted....


    3 AnswersProgramming & Design8 years ago
  • Graph Algorithm Shortest Path find Help!!! Links and suggestions?

    I m trying to understand graph algorithms for a long time now........But I dont know it just seems harder to me..Next month i ve to attempt an exam ........Can you please suggest where it has been explained very easily and clearly And also has implementation in C or C++ and explanation on codes....

    I really really need help guys or I wont do very good in my exam ............Help with links,videos anything that you think helped you and quite easy to understand..........

    Thanks a lot. :-)

    2 AnswersProgramming & Design8 years ago
  • Triangle creation problem .What's wrong with my procedure.If you help 10 points ;-)?

    What is wrong with my logic and code.Help please.Thanks.

    You are given a stick of length N. You want to break it in three pieces such that it can form a triangle. How many distinct triangles can you make? Two triangles are equal if all the side lengths are same when sorted in ascending order of length. So (1, 3, 2) is same to (3, 1, 2) because their side lengths are same if we sort them, which is (1, 2, 3). But (1, 3, 4) is not same with (1, 2, 3). Suppose the lengths of three pieces are X, Y, Z (X <= Y <= Z) respectively. Following constraints should be maintained: 1. X, Y, Z > 0. 2. X, Y, Z is an integer. 3. X + Y >= Z 4. X + Y + Z = N For example if N = 14, then there are 7 triangles: (1, 6, 7), (2, 5, 7), (2, 6, 6), (3, 4, 7), (3, 5, 6), (4, 4, 6), (4, 5, 5). Input First line will give you the number of test cases, T (T<=100). Then each line will have an integer N (0< N <= 300000). Output For each test case, print the test case number starting from 1 and an integer denoting the number of distinct triangles possible. Sample Input Output for Sample Input 3 3 6 14 Case 1: 1 Case 2: 2 Case 3: 7


    define max 40

    int main()


    int q=0,m=0,i=0,j=0,k=0,n=14,p,count=0,fcount=0,tri[max][3]; //printf("Enter n:"); //scanf("%d",&n);




    if((j+k)>(n-(j+k))&& n!=(j+k) && (((n-(j+k))+k) >j) && ((n-(j+k))+j)>k)


    if(p>=j && p>=k)


    else if(p<=j && p<=k)

    {tri[i][0]=j;tri[i][1]=k;tri[i][2]=p;} else if(p<=j && p>=k)


    i++; count++;





    for(m=0;m<(count);m++) for(q=(count-1);q>m && q!=m;q--){ { if(tri[m][0]==tri[q][0]) { if(tri[m][1]==tri[q][1]) { if(tri[m][2]==tri[q][2]) {fcount--;} } }

    } }

    printf("%d\n%d",count,fcount);return 0; }

    I'm totally out of my mind.Please help.Where I made mistake.Thanks a lot. :-)

    2 AnswersProgramming & Design8 years ago
  • C structure input memory allocation ..having problem.Please Help.?

    What is wrong with the code



    struct idendity{ char name[8]; int age; char gender; }; typedef struct idendity id;

    id boys[20]; void main() { int p,q,n=0;

    printf("How many boys?:");


    for(p=0;p<n;p++) { printf("Student %d name:",(p+1));


    printf("\nStudent %d gender:",(p+1));


    printf("\nStudent %d age:",(p+1));

    scanf("%d",&boys[p].age); } printf("\n"); for(p=0;p<n;p++) {for(q="n-1;q">p;q--) { if(boys[p].name==boys[q].name) { printf("Student[%d] (%s) and Student[%d] (%s) are actually same person.\n",(p+1),boys[p].name,(q+1),boys[q].name);


    } } }

    I think it's because i haven't allocated memory for it.It works fine if I set the struct variables before compiling.But doesn't work if want to take input.But I don't get this stuff.I have declared an array of 20 elements .Then why I need to take memory again? This may be a trivial one.But I m a new in C.So,I m not much familiar with the memory and pointer stuff.Hope will get help.Thanks.

    If you really help 10 points ;-)

    3 AnswersProgramming & Design8 years ago
  • Two Sides and all angles of a triangle is known.How to find out the third side.Is there's any equation?

    Two Sides and all angles of a triangle is known.How to find out the third side.Is there's any equation?

    Assume triangle ABC triangle with sides AB=c,AC=b and and angle ABC=p,angle ACB=q,angle BAC=r;Find the third side of the triangle BC=c in terms of a,b,p,q,r........If You can help me answer Or there's no need to answer...I ll choose Best answer Your's if You really help :-)

    3 AnswersMathematics8 years ago
  • How can use C stdlib header's qsort to sort float array or char arry?Here's my code to sort an int one?



    int comp(const void * e1,const void * e2)


    int f=*((int*)e1);

    int s=*((int*)e2);


    return 1;


    return -1;

    return 0;


    int main(int argc,char* argv[])

    {int po;

    printf("How many elements: ");


    int x[20];

    for(int p=0;p<po;p++)


    printf("\nEnter element x[%d]:",p+1);




    printf("After Sorting the list :\n");

    for(int n=0;n<po;n++)




    return 0;


    1 AnswerProgramming & Design8 years ago
  • What's wrong with my link list code?Why the printdata() is not working.I'll appreciate any help?

    What's wrong in it.......

    I tried it myself just after understanding the basic link list,.........

    I'LL appreciate any help or suggestion.Thanks


    using namespace std;

    struct linklist{

    int id;

    struct linklist* next;


    typedef struct linklist link;

    link *head,*temp,*New;

    void createemptylinklist(){





    link* storedata(int k){










    return head;


    void printdata(link* m){


    link *conductor;



    cout<<"Data :"<<conductor->id;



    cout<<"Data :"<<conductor->id;



    void main(){

    char ch;int info;

    cout<<"Do you enter Data(y/n):";



    cout<<"Enter: ";



    cout<<"Do you enter Data(y/n):";







    1 AnswerProgramming & Design8 years ago
  • This code is for finding prime with Sieve of Eratosthenes algorithm.I used calloc func but it gives bug..Help.?

    This code is for finding prime with the help of Sieve of Eratosthenes algorithm........

    I tried to manage memory for the program so instead of declaring large element arry

    i used calloc function...But when i input more than 200 The Output screen doesn't show anything but says that the program executed in 3.XXX something s

    and returned to -XYZCGG address........

    What's the problem with the calloc ...Please help me to manage memory for the program in smart way and make the code more fast and optimized..

    Any suggestion welcome :-)




    using namespace std;

    int N=0;

    char* ptr;

    void gen_sieve_primes(void)


    for (int p=2; p<N; p++)


    if(*(ptr+p) == '0')

    *(ptr+p) = 'p';

    int c=2;

    int mul = p * c;

    for(mul=p*c; mul < N;c++)


    *(ptr+mul) = 'c';

    // c++;

    mul = p*c;




    void print_all_primes()


    int c = 0;

    for(int i=0; i<N; i++)


    if(*(ptr+i) == 'p')



    if(c < 4)



    case 1:

    cout << c << "st prime is: " << i << endl;


    case 2:

    cout << c << "nd prime is: " << i << endl;


    case 3:

    cout << c << "rd prime is: " << i << endl;







    cout << c << "th prime is: " << i << endl;




    int main()



    cout<<"Enter the value of N:\n";


    int i;








    return 0;


    1 AnswerProgramming & Design8 years ago
  • What is the relation between volume and temperature for liquids?(Not for gas or charle's law)?

    we know for gases we can use charle's law that says Volume varies as temperature....

    But what for liquids ..What is the exact relation of volume and temperature for liquids.....

    we know,,,if temperature rises the volume of liquid also increases ...And we can write V'=V(1+& . (T1-T2)).....

    where & is the co-efficient of volume expansion.........

    But it's not enough to tell that V varies as T,,is it?

    Actually,,,I had to solve a math...where I had to replace one value of density by other one....

    If I know the relation I could do that...........

    please help me with info that describes relation of V and T in LIQUIDS(not gases)..

    Thanks .

    1 AnswerPhysics8 years ago
  • Scanning every digit of a number and increment every digit by value program problem?

    Scanning every digit of a number and increment every digit by value

    Think,,,an int a=2348; so the desired output should be 3458...... I tried to print out the last digit by this logic int lastdigit(a){ int m=0; for(int k=0;k<=9;k++) { m=a-k; if(m%10==0) return k;


    return 0;


    But i couldn't use this idea successfully to get the upper limit digits..... Thanks.

    4 AnswersProgramming & Design8 years ago