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  • What is your advice on this situation?

    I am recently divorced after being with the same man for 10 years. We have 2 kids together. I am lost and confused with everything in the "dating" scene now. I have been seeing this guy now about 8 months and he is great, but here is the deal. He does not want us to be official and he has made it very clear that we are only friends. We hang out every single night and we get along great. He once told me that he didn't want to make it official cause he wasn't ready for a relationship with my kids, but I'm not ready for that yet either. He always says we are just friends and I can do what I want, but he expects to see me every day and he gets mad when he thinks I am hiding things from him and when I don't answer his texts immediately he will start calling. It's kinda weird for just a "friend". What should I do? Does he actually want more from me? Or is he just trying to be controlling? I am confused. I don't know what to think.... Please give me your thoughts. Thanks in advance!

    5 AnswersSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • I'm worried and need advice. Thanks?

    My husband is what I believe to be a cybersex addict. He is constantly joining adult websites and talking to other women sexually thru computer and text. This has been going on for a while and recently happened again. I told him I think he is a addict and needs to get some help for it. He has agreed to get help before, but when it came time he refused. I spoke with a friend (what I thought was confidentially) and I told her everything that was going on. She thought that it was a big problem and contacted my husband's supervisor which then contacted me. He is in the military. I talked with his supervisor and he told me he would have a sit down with my husband and get all the information and find out what resources are available to get him the help he needs. I told my husband that I talked to him and now he is really disappointed in me and really scared that he is going to get kicked out of the military. His supervisor told me that was not going to happen unless he refused to do as told. Do you think this is grounds for him to be kicked out? Should we be worried? Did I really mess up everything by talking to my friend? He is not physically cheating on me. He just needs help with this issue. Please tell me what you think. Thanks in advance.

    7 AnswersMilitary1 decade ago
  • Help me learn to cook healthier?

    I want to learn to cook healthier for me and my family. Can you give me some easy recipes for healthy alternatives to processed foods. Our commissary has a lot of options for whole wheat foods such as pastas. Is whole wheat a better option? Thanks in advance. I need foods that will be easy to get children and picky eaters to eat. Examples like tacos and meats. Is Jenny O turkey meat good?

    5 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade ago
  • What do you think about sickness? Details inside!?

    I took my daughter to youth care last night because her eyes were red and bloodshot and watering really bad. On the way up there she said her throat was hurting really bad too. We get up there and they tell me she has pink eye and that she has white pockets all over her throat which was strep. Gave me 2 antibiotics and 2 drops for her eyes. She came home went to bed and this morning she seems fine. Fluke? Or just typical child.

    3 AnswersOther - General Health Care1 decade ago
  • Looking for body jewelry customers?

    I am thinking about starting a body jewelry online store. I will have every kind of jewelry from belly button to industrial. The prices would start out at $1. Any ideas on how to get customers to check it out? Any one interested now? Thanks in advance.

    3 AnswersSmall Business1 decade ago
  • What are your thoughts on health care?

    I am so frustrated with the health care where I live. I live in a small town in south Georgia and the hospital has got ridiculous. What do you think about this. I have a friend that has needed gallbladder surgery for over a year and the hospital will not do it unless she pays upfront for the procedure and then my momma has a heart condition and her heart dr sent her to the hospital to have a test ran and they wouldn't do it unless she paid $6000 upfront and she can't so they refused to do it. This is a tiny town and the only people that can afford to do that is the doctors. I think it is crazy. I have never seen a hospital turn people away.

    2 AnswersOther - General Health Care1 decade ago
  • What do you think of this nursery idea?

    I am almost 24 weeks along and my baby is breech and we have been unable to find out the sex. I am very anxious to start on my nursery and I was curious what you think about doing this? Would this be gender neutral enough for either? I have teal green paint and I would like to do a mural simular to this! If you have any gender neutral ideas please add them too, I am open to all ideas! Thanks in advance!

    6 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • What sex would you say based on this?

    So I am 23 weeks preggo and when we went to find out the sex 4 weeks ago the baby was breech and we were unable to find out. The dr said he thought he caught a glimpse of boy parts and was about 70% sure boy but didn't wanna get my hopes up. Now I am looking to the heart rate for determination lol. I know its not accurate but I just want opinions. At 7 weeks it was 125, 8 weeks it was 136, 10 weeks 150, 15 weeks 155 and today at 23 weeks it was 163. What would you say to this? What are your experience with the heart rate? With my daughter, her's was never under 160. Thanks in advance

    5 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Someone rate my story please?

    I call it "Diary of a hormonal pregnant woman"

    With tear filled eyes, I yelled to my momma through the bathroom door. Was this really it? The day I have waited years for? Am I really pregnant? As momma approached the door, I became nervous and felt as if I were in a dream. She asked me what I needed and I calmly said, " I need you to come in and tell me that I am not delusional." The door opened and she looked at the test and looked at me and said "No you are not delusional, you are pregnant." Can this really be happening? I couldn't believe my eyes so I rushed out the door to buy more tests. All positives. Yes, it has finally happened.

    In November 2004, I gave birth to a beautiful baby girl. She was the light of my life, my everything. I knew at that moment that I wanted to have more kids. I started trying to get pregnant again as I longed to have more. Weeks turned into months and months turned into years. Finally I talked to my dr to find out what was going on. My dr agreed we would find out the cause of it. I underwent an exploratory laparoscopy surgery. The dr said, " You have a lot of excess scar tissue and an attached and tilted uterus but I have high hopes that you can get pregnant." That gave me hope and for over 2 years I kept that hope. But because of the scar tissue and problems, I was in constant pain. In February 2010, I gave up hope and went to talk to my dr. I had stayed up a many of nights thinking that I wanted another child dearly but the pain was getting unbearable and it was time for my hysterectomy to ease my suffering. He asked when I wanted to schedule it and I told him that I was working at the moment on a temporary job and as soon as it was over I would schedule. I had a lot of worry about the surgery and even questioned myself. Is this the right thing for me? I counted down the days till my last day of work. A week before my job was over I started counting more days. Where is my period? 1 day late, 2 days late, 3 days late. I have thought I was pregnant in the past but nothing ever happened. Other times I would tell people but this time I didn't wanna get my hopes up or anyone elses either. I didn't tell anyone. Sunday March 14th, I was at my mom's and I had counted days long enough, it was time to test. POSITIVE!!

    I find it funny that I was so ready to schedule my hysterectomy and I was going to on March 15th, but God had other plans. One day prior, I found out I was pregnant. I know many women that have kids, but I must say I have never been asked the same question so many times. The day I announced my pregnancy, everyone asked me "Do you know what you are having?" I'm 5 weeks. It's a girl? At least for now, but it may change. *giggles* I hope it does, I want a boy. I was still in complete shock from finding out and I was curious if it was really real. Oh it's real, it didn't take long for the morning sickness to settle in. UGH I hate morning sickness. And then came the heartburn and other terrible pregnancy symptoms. The things women go through to have kids. But all so worth it in the end.

    Around 8 weeks, I had my official first craving. I wanted nacho cheese from taco bell. We had taco bell for a week straight just so I could have cheese. It was the best thing ever. I had my first dr appointment at 8 weeks too. My dr is wonderful and just as concerned as I am about complications and what may go wrong with my pre-existing problems. The baby was ok but super hard to find. I had to go back 2 weeks later for a repeat ultrasound and then we were able to see the baby great, bouncing all over my belly. The only problem now is blood pressure is through the roof, Great! Prescribe me some meds and send me on my way. Things went pretty good from there. The next craving was pickle juice, oh my, give me a whole jar. I went in Subway and they poured juice in a cup for me, It was awesome! Now here I am, 17 weeks along, baby is doing great and moving all the time. I find out the sex in 2 weeks and I can't wait. I still really want a boy but I am thinking its gonna be a girl. I have a new craving now, haha gotta love pregnancy, all I want now is chocolate milk and salt and vinegar chips. Its the best thing yet.

    4 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • I need a middle name?

    We find out soon what we are having (hoping for a boy) and we have had the name Gabriel "Gabe" Duane picked out the whole time but we decided we don't wanna use Duane so I need a new middle name. I can't think of anything so please give me some ideas!!!! Thanks in advance

    12 AnswersBaby Names1 decade ago
  • How much weight did you gain?

    While pregnant and how much did you baby weight?

    With my daughter I gained 19lbs after loosing 16 due to m/s the entire 9 months and she weighed 8lbs 15ozs at 37w5d.

    6 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • What do you think I'm having?

    I am 10 weeks preggo with #2 and I know I still have a while before we find out but I am curious. With my daughter I craved foods I didn't eat before I got preggo- spaghetti, bbq sandwiches, and lasagna. I thought that was totally weird plus i had m/s the whole 9 months, terrible heartburn, and weight loss. With this one I feel like I'm having a boy just instinct. Everything I look up says girl though. I am craving fruit hardcore. I am eating every fruit i can get my hands on, i have a tiny bit of m/s, no heartburn and i have gained 3lbs. What do you think???? Thanks in advance!!

    3 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Fetal Heartbeat found on Doppler?

    Ok so I am 6w6d pregnant and I went to the dr today for something other than ob. i have not been to the ob yet but the dr today decided to try to find the heart beat for me. i have alot of female problems and my uterus is attached to my abdominal wall. it took her a little while but she found the heart beat. it measured at 125 bpm and mine was 90 bpm. I called the ob to set up my appt and they said that i was prolly alot further along. my hubby came home from iraq in jan, i had a normal period right before he came home and then normal period on feb 9th then found out i was preggo on march 14th. i am confused. is it because i am further along or because my uterus is attached so close up there?? and is that a good rate for 7 weeks? has anyone else got hb on doppler that early? i am scared, we been ttc for 5 years! thanks in advance :)

    2 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Baby Girl Name Help Please?

    I found out I am pregnant with my 2nd child. We are wanting a boy but if its a girl I need name help. I wanna use the middle name LeighAnn but I have no idea for a first name, I like unusual names that you don't hear often. I would like something that starts with a G but all letters are fine! Thanks in advance :)

    15 AnswersBaby Names1 decade ago
  • Need a name for him!!?

    I got him as a valentine's present from hubby. aint he darling. he is a chihuahua and he needs a name. i like unique names. please help! thanks in advance

    10 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Hubby wants to take me to Paris.?

    So hubby just informed me that for our anniversary/summer vaca he wants to take me and our 5 yr old daughter to Paris. I'm stoked but I have some questions. I have never been out of the states, he has since he is active duty. Anyone got any suggestions on flights, where to stay, what to see, how much we need to save?????? We are planning to go for a week. How much should that cost, my main concern is the money. Please help me, I'm so excited. Thanks in advance

    6 AnswersParis1 decade ago
  • can anyone do this spanish to english translation?

    what does this say?

    educar atrás te quiero Jamie ahora me dejó de hacer me río tanto

    2 AnswersLanguages1 decade ago
  • Have u ever wanted something so bad?

    that you would do anything for it? I am 24 year old mother to a almost 5 year old daughter, After i had her things went bad from my c-section and i didn't know what exactly was wrong till about 2 years ago i just wasn't getting pregnant. I finally got a dr to help me, turns out I got some pretty bad issues to where my dr says my only option is live in pain or do a hysterectomy. i am too young for that and i want more kids. my problem is my husband is COMPLETELY AGAINST having more. i don't know why he just is. my dr says there is a good chance i could get pg with meds but my husband won't agree. the pain is getting worse and more frequent and my dr don't know how much longer i may have before i have to have the surgery, i love being a mom and my daughter is the best but i have 2 friends, 1 just had a child and 1 is due any day and it really bothers my daughter, she constantly talks about having a baby sister or brother. what do i tell her? what do i do? im frustrated!! if you have had a similar situation please let me know what you did :) thanks in advance

    2 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships1 decade ago
  • Some Ideas for our deployed troops?

    My husband is deployed along with 7 others from his shop and I am trying to think of some great ideas on care packages to send them for the holidays. I am hoping my daughter's school and pre-k class will help me out. Here are my ideas

    Halloween- have the children color pumpkins and glue to a brown paper bag and fill with candy and cookies.

    Veteran's Day- Paint each one a shirt with maybe a flag and Thank You on it and have the kids write there names on it.

    Thanksgiving- color turkeys and make the sacks with goodies and or made turkey shaped cookies.

    Christmas- send mini decorated trees and goodies.

    This is just what I have come up with so far. Please give me any ideas you can think of. I am open to all options, Thanks in advance for your help, Have a Blessed One!

    3 AnswersMilitary1 decade ago