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  • I received a citation on MArch 18th. Court date was June 18th. I showed up and nothing was in the system. ?

    I actually went to 3 different court houses because when I tried to check into the first one (which was on the ticket) they told me I had to go somewhere else. Even they admitted the citation was not very clear on details. Could it have gotten dismissed??

    2 AnswersLaw & Ethics7 years ago
  • Why is my ex avoiding me now?

    My ex and I dated for a year and I ended it because he didn't want to commit and he wasn't treating me right. I suspected cheating, but I never got a straight answer. I got over the emotional loss and was dating other guys and somewhere along the way we reconnected. Long story short, we continued to be intimate and went out to lunch a few times. We were getting along great and this went on until last week when he told me his therapist recommended he stop doing this because I deserve better then what he had to offer. We had been together a week before so I was a little confused. I told him I knew he couldn't give me more, but that I wasn't really looking for a full head on committment. I was happy with the situation as it was. I'm 39, he's 42 and we have a lot in common. Both have good careers and kids. This is not the first time he has bolted on me, but I wonder what changed his mind after only a week. Most guys who don't want to commit would be thrilled to have a partner that they like to hang out with and be intimate with no strings attached. What gives? I don't know if he was starting to have feelings for me and freaked out? He won't talk to me about it at all.

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • Why won't he return my things?

    I broke up with my boyfriend just over a week ago. We had been together for over a year. He had backed off recently by avoiding spending time with me, no phone calls etc.. He kept saying we need to talk but we never did. So I ended it because I'd had enough of his inability to communicate with me, continuing to blow me off and his sudden change in his agenda where he came first. Eventually he told me (via e-mail)that he was not in love with me, that he loved spending time with me, not my fault etc... I just can't believe he couldn't face me to tell me these things. I have been very depressed about this and am having difficulty coping because I really cared about this guy. It makes you feel like nothing when someone backs off and then drops that bomb on you. In trying to move on I have deleted all numbers, voice mail, texts and at other reminders of him. I have asked him 3 times nicely (via text or e-mail) to return some of my items ( some which are sentimental to me). He still has not done so and he has all the time in the world to do so. I have a lot of going for me in my life and I'm not worried about finding someone, but knowing he has these things still bothers me. I don't feel like asking him again, what would you do.

    6 AnswersMarriage & Divorce10 years ago
  • Why wouldn't he end it?

    I had been dating this guy for over a year. We've been through a lot and things were going good. He indicated in the past about his fear of committment and I respected that and gave him the freedom he needed (while still being exclusive) so he wouldn't feel smothered. Granted it seemed everytime he went out, I was never asked to go. We had made some plans for events this summer and he was going to do repairs around my house, then he just stopped answering my calls and ignoring my texts. He cancelled a date for July 4th and said we needed to talk. Well he still has made no attempt to "talk" and no indication of what it was about. I asked him if he wanted to end the relationship and he would not comment, only saying we will talk later. So feeling totally in the dark, I ended it and told him I couldn't live like this. If he couldn't face me, then it's done. I did want more from this relationship that he could give me and I really did love him. I put in so much time and energy into this and he did not. I was like the mystery girlfriend and was only with him when it was convenient for him. When I ended it, he said he understood, that he respected me but he was not in love with me. Why couldn't he just tell me that in person and make me suffer like this? I am so sad about losing him, I just don't know why he didn't end this sooner.

    2 AnswersMarriage & Divorce10 years ago
  • Think he 's cheating?

    I've been dating this guy for over a year and we have a lot in common, both have good jobs, kids etc.. We have both done a lot for each other. Lately he's been avoiding me coming up with excuses of being too busy, studying etc.. This past weekend he helped me on Friday with some things around the house and then was going out of town for Sat/Sun with his brother. He was kind of vague about when he was coming back. I asked him if he wanted to go see the fireworks tonight and he said yes. Well I called him today to see if we were still on and he told me he wasn't coming back today and "sorry we need to talk". We recently got into an arguement and he asked me "won't we still be friends no matter what happens". That sent up a red flag to me. What do you think? He has indicated in the past that he is unable to commit but then sends me all the wrong signals regardless.

    16 AnswersSingles & Dating10 years ago
  • Enforcing visitation from the ex.?

    As the custodial parent of a 4 year old, can I go back to court to enforce that my ex start babysitting at certain times/days. He is usually a no-show when he says he's coming over and when he agreed to babysit, didn't show up and I didn't hear from him for 2 weeks. Also, he wants to come over at very odd hours (early am/late at night) which I know why that is. I have always found a reliable babysitter (that I pay out of my pocket) and child support is not adjusted for this. I'm not trying to pawn off my child, but this is getting ridiculous. Any advice??

    6 AnswersParenting10 years ago
  • My son was kicked out of the YMCA. Is this legal?

    I am a single full time working mom of a 3 1/2 year old boy. He falls under the spectrum of autism, has a speech delay, but is very affectionate and not aggressive. He is very high energy. I recently joined the YMCA as a support system to my crazy life. They provide daycare to parents who want to exercise. I thought this would be a positive change for me and my son to help with his social skills and help me maintain a healthy lifestyle. When I joined, I explained his issues to YMCA personnel and they assured me it wouldn't be a problem. This past weekend I was asked to get him from the daycare because he was trying to escape multiple times. This was the only complaint I had received since we joined over a month ago. I received a call the other day from the coordinator stating that they would no longer be able to provide this service to my son. She expressed the concern for his and other children's safety based on the daycare workers feedback. Don't know why they didn't speak to me about this sooner. I feel this is a form of discrimination in that because he is "special" they don't want to deal with it. Anyone else have similar stories, I would like to know what you did to solve this. The ADA states that reasonable modifications need to be made to accommodate anyone with a disability. Maybe if they fixed the door, he wouldn't try to escape.

    14 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • Not sure what to think about this situation. Need advice.?

    Been dating this guy for about 9-10 months. It's been hot and cold and I really care about this guy. Lately he has not made any time for me, he has been busy but there has been opportunity for him to make time. He's 41 and I'm 38. We both have young kids, good jobs, great chemistry. He's still going through a divorce and I have backed off tremendously to give him space. I actually deleted him from my facebook because everything he posts reflects his activities without me and it bothers me. I sent him a lengthy e-mail which pretty much summed up the situation. I received no response and it seems he doesn't want to talk about it, which he never does and I'm forced to communicate by text/e-mail. Also, sometimes he hangs out with his younger 20 something year old female friends instead of me which kind of irks me. I'm not jealous of them physically, but the time he spends with them. Am I paranoid, do I let it go, do I fight for him? I really care about this guy and he knows it and that I would do anything for him and his kids. So whats his problem?

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Was I wrong to confront him?

    My boyfriend cursed at me in front of his kids for something minor. I was trying to get look up a route on my phone and he got impatient and dropped the f bomb. In the past he has asked me not to curse in front of his kids. I confronted him last night about it and he blew it off, said he was sorry and to forget about it. I think he was missing my point and what would you do if it happened again?

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Am I being used just a little? Am I asking for it?

    Dating this guy seriously that cooled off a little. We still see each other from time to time but he has indicated that he doesn't want to commit and I do have feelings for him. He is going through a divorce, so I have backed off and let him do his thing. But he rarely asks me to go out anywhere (like he used to). Just feeling a little awkward about it, we have great chemistry and get along fine. We do favors for each other but when it comes to social events, I am never in the picture. I don't know how to feel about that. I know I need to go out and do the same, any advice from experience?? Do you think he is looking for something else and just hanging on in case nothing does?

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • What do you think about this situation?

    Been dating this guy for about 7 months. Things were great at first and I did a lot of favors for him (babysitting his kids, running errands for him etc) He then told me recently that he could not commit but still asked me for favors which I was happy to do it. This past weekend I asked him for 1 favor and he blew me off for a football game. Then he went out all weekend and didn't even ask me. I was pretty upset and accused him of using me, being selfish and spending time with me only when he needed something. Of course he denied this and said that he had told me that he couldn't commit to anything. We had a horrible text messaging war last night. Was I wrong to assume this or does he need a wake-up call? I really cared for this guy and helped him out in so many ways imaginable.

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Would you let an ex know if you were pregnant?

    Was dating this guy for about 6 months and we cooled things off until he can get his divorce issues settled and figure out what he wants. He's 42 with 3 kids and I am 38 with 1. I just found out I am pregnant (very early). Do I tell him, seeing as he is not committed to me in the first place?

    14 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • What would you do if your boyfriend did this?

    Been dating this guy for about 6 months. We have lots in common, both have kids, of which I have babysat for him on several occasions. Around 3 months into it, he wanted to break up because it was too stressful for him to be in a relationship, while he is going through a divorce. Also, he said my son (who has some developmental delays) was stressing him out. We were able to work things out and stayed together. Well now he's doing it again, avoiding me, not communicating much via phone/texts. I sent him an e-mail and he did respond saying that the court issues/holidays is taking a toll and he can't commit right now. The divorce is supposed to be final in Feb 2011, but I've told him that I will move on. I am very sad about this, but I understand what he is going through. I'm trying to stay away, but it's hard because I like him a lot and his kids. What would you do?

    5 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Who do I contact about lack of educational programs for special needs children?

    My son just turned 3 and has been diagnosed with having Autistic features. His speech/occupational therapy expired when he turned 3 and there are limited programs here in Louisiana that can offer him the services that he needs. I am a single, fulltime working mom and the options given to me were either too expensive or having to cut into my job to bring him back and forth to a part-time school session. I feel like there is little out there for full-time working and single parents. Who in government do I contact to express my concern for this?

    4 AnswersSpecial Education1 decade ago
  • What do you think is going on with this guy?

    I've been dating this single dad for about 3 months and things have been going great.. We both do a lot for each other because we are both single parents. He stays over a lot and even has a key to my place. this past weekend he told me his niece was visiting and that they would be hanging out. (he's 42) Later,he posted on his facebook page, he was downtown watching a football game and other friends were going to meet him. I'm wondering why he didn't ask me to go? I posted on my facebook that I was not happy being home alone on a Saturday night. He responded by saying that he had sold me out. Bottom line is he hasn't called since Saturday and has not returned my phone call/text. What is up with this guy??

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Anyone have kids with speech delays? What did you do and did it get resolved?

    My son is 2 1/2 years old and says barely any words. He does babble quite a bit but no sentences. I have him in speech therapy and I have had other interventions. I'm not sure if he is autistic because he does understand a lot of what I say. I'm also trying to potty train which is a little difficult. What else can I do?

    6 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • Why do I keep meeting these weird guys?

    So, I recently joined a couple of online dating sites (1 free/1 paid) because it's hard for me as a single mom to actually go out to meet people. I've met quite a few guys (some nice/others not) One guy I liked was really cool, liked me a lot, but then admitted he was addicted to cocaine and then just didn't want to be around me. That was fine because I hate drugs anyway. The next guy I met was also very up front in that he said he wanted to really get to know me, he was ready to settle down blah blah. 2 weeks later, he's back with his ex. My son is also developmentally delayed and I wonder if that freaks guys out. I have a great job, my own house, I'm independent and I've been told that I'm very attractive/sexy etc..Am I doing something wrong, or am I just swimming in the bottom of the gene pool?

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • How can people choose drugs over a healthy relationship?

    I was dating this guy for a few months. We were totally into each other even though I knew he had a history of drug use, he said he had kicked it. He went offshore and when he got back, things were good, but then after about a week, he stopped sleeping over and didn't seem interested in having sex. I was fine with that, until I went out with him one day and basically asked him, what's was going on. He told me that he just wanted to hang out with his friends, get crazy and that's what was working for him right now. He said he felt bad not telling me that he has a problem ( he admitted doing drugs when he went out one night) and has too many bad friends and didn't want to keep lying to me. I walked out and I am so disappointed in him. He really was a great guy, and so good to me and my little boy. How can people do this and why do i feel so bummed out by it?

    5 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Do I have to go to court for speeding in a school zone?

    I was driving 34 in a 20 ( regular 35), I wasn't paying attention. Is it mandatory in Louisiana to have to go to court for this. I don't mind paying the ticket, just wondering.

    1 AnswerLaw Enforcement & Police1 decade ago
  • How do you deal with someone who chooses drugs over you?

    I've been dating this guy for a few months. He's super nice and respectful but has a history of drug use, which he said he kicked. We spent a lot of time together before he went offshore for a month. He got back last week and was acting distant and going out a lot with his friends. I'm a single mom, so I'm not really into that. When I asked him about it, he said that he felt bad about not telling me that he has a problem and a lot of bad friends. I hate drugs, but I really liked this guy. I'm not going to see him again, but it really insulted me. This ever happened to you? How did you deal with it?

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago