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2 tears in a bucket...fuck it!!

  • how to change transmission fluid/filter 98 dodge stratus?

    I have a 98 dodge stratus that i would like to change the transmission fluid and filter. can someone provide me a step by step on how to do this? Thank you!

    2 AnswersDodge10 years ago
  • what is the BEST people seacrh engine to find public records like addresses?

    trying to fidn an address to have someone served witha s ummons wondering if anyone ahs any tips on the BEST ways to find public records, thanks!

    3 AnswersInternational Organizations1 decade ago
  • Apple refusing to comply with a supoena, what can i do?

    So my laptop was stolena few months ago, to make the long story short, the computer was re registered and apple told the police that they wud release the information of who re registered it with them, if the cops produced a supoena, which they did, but then apple declined to comply with the supoena stating that the "case was too suspicious". now what can i do? ive gotten suggestions like go to the judge and ask him to enforce it...but where wud i go for that?

    or someone else told me go to the county attorney (the supoena came from the city attorney's office) and ask him to take some action....

    so i just want to know what more can i now do to enforce this supoena?

    and no i do not have private counsel.

    3 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • Apple refusing to comply with supoena, what can i do?

    so long story short, my laptop was stolen it was sold to a pawn shop who resold it. the person re registered my computer with apple. Apple told me AND the police they could ONLY release the information with a supoena. so the police and city attorney get a supoena and serve apple with it, and apples legal team tells them they will NOT honor the supoena because the case seems "suspicious" because i have reported my laptop stolen three times in the last 2 years. so basically they will not honor the supoena. can they really do that??? what can i NOW DO?? please help me!!

    4 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • can i get my laptop back?

    so someone stole my laptop, they sold it to a pawnshop in another state, and the pawnshop then resold it to someone else. since it was stolen property i never gave up title to it, and the theif never had title of the laptop to sell it to the pawnshop and therefore the PAWN SHOP didnt have title to resell it....what can i do?? criminally or civilly to get it back??? please help! i dont want to sue for the just talking how to get the possession back. thanks!

    3 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • pawn shop in IL bought my stolen property how can i get it back?

    I had laptop stolen from me (i live in minnesota). this happened on january 19th. of course i filed a police report, and the thief then sold the property to a pawn shop in illinois on january 23rd. I have no idea if the pawn shop guy knew it was stolen or not but cant i assume that he should if he ran the serial number? anyway the NEXT day, the pawn shop sold it to someone else. The police are acting like i have no rights to recover my property, but come on!!??? how can i not the theif has NO WONERSHIP over my property and because i am the rightful owner of the property doesnt that trump anyone elses rights to it!??? please help me! im trying to get in contact with an illinois attorney to see what i can do, but i thought id ask on here.

    3 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • whats a good fat burning diet pill for women?

    hi. im currently trying to lose about 20 pounds ive gained from pregnancies, i am active but im looking to take something that can 'give me a little help'. can someone please recommend a pill that actually works..theres just so many..i need some help deciding!!! thanks

    4 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade ago
  • whats a good conditioner/deep conditioning treatment for my hair?

    i have color treated hair (lighter blond) , and my hair is kinda fine...i use a curling iron on it almost gets dried out, ive tried neutrogena's deep conditioning treatment but that didnt do much, so im looking for one that really works well. thanks!!!

    3 AnswersHair1 decade ago
  • how to set downloaded ringtones from myxer on mytouch 3g?

    i have a mytouch 3g and i cant figure out how to set my downloaded ringtones from the myxer app as ringtones on my phone??? they dont go into the music section the ringtones just stay in the downloads. how do i do it?

    1 AnswerPDAs & Handhelds1 decade ago
  • want to take out stafford loan for car have question?

    hi i am a college student w/ a 1 year old. all of my education is covered by financial aid money, but its not enough to purhcase a car. im not talking anything fancy, im talking a putt putt that runs well. i live in minnesota and the winter is COMING. i was wondering since all of my educational expenses are covered by financial aid grants..can i still take out a stafford loan strictly for a car? also..can i select the amount i want my loan to be? thanks!!

    i am low income, would i automatically qualify for a subsizidized loan? thanks!

    2 AnswersFinancial Aid1 decade ago
  • need a ood PI in illinois?

    hi i need a recommendation of a good pi that isnt outrageously priced...i need help locating a womans address that im trying to sue...theres so many pis i dont even know where to start so if someone could recommend some to me thatd be great

    1 AnswerChicago1 decade ago
  • where can i download free trial of norton antivirus software?

    hi i am just wondering whre can i downlooad for free a trial of norton??? (please dont send me to a site with viruses, honest answers only) also any other programs that would be helpful to ut on my laptop for security thanks

    6 AnswersSecurity1 decade ago
  • i need a civil attorneys advice please?????

    ok, i am 23 years old. I own a dog her name is zoe. she was given to me by my boyfriend for our second anniversary. in october of 2009 i became homeless (at this point i had my dog for 1 1/2 years) i needed somewhere to house my dog until i got stable and back on my feet. One of my friends who used to be my mentor agreed that she would house zoe temporarily until i got housing again. I told her upfront that i could not be for sure how long it would take for me to get back on my feet but this was only TEMPORARY and i asked her was she sure she could handle it. she said yes. i went over and over the fact that it was only temporary and if she wasnt sure i didnt want her to take her, but she kept telling me ys she is fine with it. at first she sent me texts about how she was doing and sent me pictures than slowly that stopped. i would tell her let me know when she needs food or anything and i will pay for it but as a friend she said i know ur in a tough situation let me handle it. i trusted my friend i had known her for 5 years she was my mentor at one point we had a very trusting relationship. unfortunately i didnt write a contract about her temporatily housing her because i gave her zoe in GOOD FAITH that she understood it was a temporary situation and she agreed that she understood. all i have for records to show ownership is my vet bill receipts from when my dog was still in my care before i became homeless. we never got a bill of sale for her from the breeder because well i didnt see a reason to get one and i do not have the contact information any longer. i know my dogs birthday, i know what day we picked her up from the breeder, i have vet bills i have people that can testify on my behalf that this housing arrangement was only supposed to be temporary. even my boyfriend was like make sure u tell that woman this is temporary because i do not want to have to sue her, we were very serious about it being temporary. i love her very much, i feel this lady took advantage of my situation and i am deeply hurt. what can i do???????????????? please help me

    1 AnswerLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • abortion after 12 weeks has anyone had one?

    anyone not trying to help skip this question please. i wanted to know if anyone has had an abortion after the first trimester and if they will consider emailing with me or instant messaging with me. i am strongly considering one very soon but im extremely scared becuz i know im far along...i really need someone to talk to who has been through it. please? thank you. leave ur e mail or im.

    14 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • i need some advice difficult situation?

    ok here it is:

    I have been with a man for 4 years. we have had our ups and downs and we broke up in november of 2009. of course i love this man with all of my heart, i still do. but we were going through a lot and we decided to call it quits. We also have a 1 year old son together. he is a great parent but in november after we broke up i started dating someone else, nothing too serious but we were exclusive. We dated from november until feb 2010 and then i broke it off with him because me and my sons father ( the one i was just talking about) decided to try and work things out. A month (march 2010) after we started working things out i discover that i am pregnant and it is with the man i was dating and broke up with. now i know many will say u shouldnt have put yourself in that position and i understand that but now, the guy i was dating is not in the picture at all but he does know im pregnant, and me and my sons father are struggling with this issue. i was very upset to find out i was pregnant and its not only upsetting me but its obviously also upsetting the man that i love dearly. i know he loves me and i love him but he tells me how hurt he is and is not sure if he can honestly try again knowing i am having another mans baby. it is hurting me a lot and i am also upset that i am even pregnant at all. i dont believe in abortion and considered adoption but not sure i could seriously follow through. im not excited about this pregnancy at all more so sad and regretful and it hurts that i caused such a serious issue in my relationship with the man i love. i did not cheat on him but being pregnant with another mans baby is a very serious issue. im just not sure what to do with all of my emotions. can it work? has anyone been through this? can we make it? or is this too serious of an issue to even reconcile? just looking for advice. thank u.

    5 AnswersMental Health1 decade ago
  • biracial hair care tips someone with experience please help?

    hello my son is biracial black and white. he is 1 he has beautiful hair but it gets dry and kinky its curly but dry but its soft its not overly thick. im just wondering what is a good hair care routine to make sure his hair stays in the best shape possible im growing it out its about 5 inches when you pull a curl straight...i hear a lot of different things about hair care and am not sure. i hear mineral oil and patroleum based products are not good what about pink lotion? what are some good shampoos should i use a shampoo and conditioner? and a leave in conditioner? or just some moisturizing lotion? just confused i am white thank you!

    1 AnswerToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • bi-racial hair care tips someone with experience help!!?

    hello my son is biracial black and white. he is 1 he has beautiful hair but it gets dry and kinky its curly but dry but its soft its not overly thick. im just wondering what is a good hair care routine to make sure his hair stays in the best shape possible im growing it out its about 5 inches when you pull a curl straight...i hear a lot of different things about hair care and am not sure. i hear mineral oil and patroleum based products are not good what about pink lotion? what are some good shampoos should i use a shampoo and conditioner? and a leave in conditioner? or just some moisturizing lotion? just confused i am white thank you!

    3 AnswersHair1 decade ago
  • next step to get a divorce if spouse wont sign divorce papers?

    hi, my brother wants to get a divorce from his wife. married for a year and a half seperated for 6 months after that. he left her because he was in the navy for a year she was cheating on him, having a man living in the apartment he was paying for for her while he was away, etc. she is refusing to sign the divorce papers what would be his next step??? they were married in chicago,il he lives in california she still lives in chicago. he desperately wants to get the divorce over with. thanks!!!!

    4 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • whats the next step in order to get a divorce?

    hi, my brother wants to get a divorce from his wife. married for a year and a half seperated for 6 months after that. he left her because he was in the navy for a year she was cheating on him, having a man living in the apartment he was paying for for her while he was away, etc. she is refusing to sign the divorce papers what would be his next step??? they were married in chicago,il he lives in california she still lives in chicago. he desperately wants to get the divorce over with. thanks!!!!

    1 AnswerMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • why isnt the newest episode of house online on fox yet?

    i love that house is online on fox and u can watch each episode but ive noticed monday's episode is NOT on there why not???? can someone help me out please thanks

    2 AnswersDrama1 decade ago