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hey im dee, im 27 and just concieved baby number one, im working as a health care assistant not job for everyone i know but i love it.

  • can i get a passport?

    i am an irish woman, my passport has expired and i need to apply for a new one, can i apply for a British passport being married to a British man and living here 10 years?? I've looked into getting my Irish one renewed and it seems very complicated?? I also need to change the name on my passport to my married name.

    1 AnswerEmbassies & Consulates8 years ago
  • how can i bring on my labour at 37+2 weeks pregnant?

    i know what everyone is thinking why cant she just wait till the baby is ready? thing is im in agony i have spd and the babys head is so low down in my pelvis i cant even walk, it hurts no matter what i do i cant sit or i feel his head in there i cant lay down as it puts pressure on my bone im just at my wits end. i have just come out of a 3 day stay in the hospital cos my bp is very high and they say they will bring me back in next friday for induction but i would much rather get things going by myself if i can. im drinking raspberry leaf tea and using the birthing ball although it really kills me when im on it, is there anything else i can try? any helpful suggestions would be so so welcome thanks in advance! xx

    8 AnswersPregnancy10 years ago
  • is your baby stubborn like mine?

    just for fun girls, im 30 weeks pregnant with my first child (a boy) and i find already he is so stubborn if im comfortable and hes not boy does he let me know, he kicks me non stop right on my bladder or in the ribs till i move, i swear he knows that that's the worst place to get me lol. anyone else find the same thing with there little kicker?

    4 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • what is this agonising pain at 27 weeks?

    for the last 2 weeks ive had an almost crippling pain in my pubic area so bad that i can hardly walk now, sorry if tmi but i feel like ive been kicked i the crotch permanently. i just don't know what to do it even hurts when i sleep and i just don't know what it is or what to do i tried to call my midwife today but as usual the number was constantly busy. please help im at my wits end!

    3 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • when should i pack my hospital bag?

    im just over six months pregnant and people keep telling me i should have done it by now but i kinda think its tempting fate to have him early or am i just being silly?

    11 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • just found out today its a boy! name suggestions?

    further info our surname is worley so cant have william ( willy worley) lol obviously i don't want anything that will get my little man teased. any nice suggestions are more than welcome!

    9 AnswersBaby Names1 decade ago
  • feeling the baby move?

    im 21 weeks pregnant and im quite concerned about feeling the baby move, sometimes i feel like i might be feeling him move but im just not sure im not feeling anything that would make me think wow the baby is kicking. what i do feel is a bit like when you you have trapped wind! i dunno im so worried about it now i see some women feeling strong kicks from 19 weeks. should i be worried?

    4 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • is labour as bad as i think its gonna be?

    ok so im 21 weeks pregnant with my first and im Absolutely bricking it, i have no pain threshold whatsoever and im really scared of giving birth. i don't wanna put my baby at risk by having drugs so i just wondered is it as bad as im thinking? i imagine tearing and agonizing pain it makes me break out in a sweat just thinking about it.

    7 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • what are these cramps at 20 weeks?

    im just 20 weeks pregnant and am having period like cramps across my bump, i understand that it may be stretching but it feels different somehow. any idea what else it could be?

    3 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • OMG OMG BFP finally!?

    I'm shaking I just can't believe it I got my bfp just now on a clearblue digital, I'm so excited I just had to tell someone! I think I'm about 6 weeks but not sure as I have pcos and have been trying for nearly 5 years! Baby dust to all of you I hope you all will be as happy as me soon!

    19 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • i need a father daughter dance song?

    ok so i need a song that's from the brides prospective and not country or cheesy, i have a great relationship with my dad and all the father daughter dance songs seem to be from the fathers perspective, id feel a bit cheeky choosing a song all about how much he loves me lol surely that's up to him right? i just want something that tells him how much i love him and need him still. any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

    9 AnswersWeddings1 decade ago
  • i need a father daughter dance song?

    ok so i need a song that's from the brides prospective and not country or cheesy, i have a great relationship with my dad and all the father daughter dance songs seem to be from the fathers perspective, id feel a bit cheeky choosing a song all about how much he loves me lol surely that's up to him right? i just want something that tells him how much i love him and need him still. any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

    10 AnswersDancing1 decade ago
  • songs for my wedding please help!?

    ok my wedding is in august and we are having a civil ceremony! i don't want the traditional dum dum da dum stuff, i want something hauntingly beautiful that will give my guests chill from the romance of it all, lol i don't want much do i? i would really appreciate any suggestions for in and out of ceremony thanks!!! xxxx

    9 AnswersEngagements & Weddings1 decade ago
  • how do i word my wedding invitations?

    im getting married in august thing is my partner and i have ben living together for the last 5 years and already have everything we need for our home so obviously we dont need toasters or anything we would like to ask people for money towards our honeymoon instead. how do we do this in a polite way?

    7 AnswersEngagements & Weddings1 decade ago
  • is anyone else getting married on 27th august 2010?

    im getting married on that date and i just wondered was anyone else marrying their soul mate the same day as me?

    6 AnswersEngagements & Weddings1 decade ago
  • ok tell me what you think!?

    ok so ive got serious heartburn, my nipples have gone a darker shade of brown, im seriously moody and i cant control my emotions plus i keep feeling like af is coming but shes not due for another week. ive been getting this short sharp pain every now and then in my lower right abdomin. do you think this could be my month?

    4 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • post miscarriage what now?

    i had a miscarriage 2 weeks ago at 8 weeks now im finding i just cant control my emotions and moods, ill be shouting at my dh and think to myself why are you being such a *****? but i just cant control it. im so angry at the world right now. i wanted that baby so much and it was ripped away from me. are my emotions linked to hormones from the m/c or just bitterness and anger?

    my other question is when do you think i should start trying again? good luck and baby dust to all xxxx

    5 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • update for all my ttc friends!?

    well as you al know i was concerned about everything that was happening to me and it turns out i was right in my suspicions i was pregnant and i did have a miscarriage. im so devastated i just wish i had trusted my instincts and listened to what my body was telling me instead of believing that stupid gp when he told me its wasn't really possible for me to have been pregnant. i only found out the truth because i collapsed at work and after some tests the hospital told me that i had a post miscarriage infection and asked why i had not come to the hospital for a d&c. i just cant believe it im so upset why did i not insist the gp did a blood test? if i had would my baby still be alive? if i had not kept taking the metformin........ oh i just don't know what to do or say i wanted this baby more than anything in the world why is this happening to me Again?? love all you ladies loads and just thought i would let you know why ive not been answering your questions lately. baby dust to all xxx

    4 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • metformin for pcos question?

    i forgot to take my metformin tablet this morning im supposed to take 2 850mg tablets a day should i take two now or would that be bad?

    4 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • period or miscarriage?

    ok so most of you know my story but for those who don't, i have pcos and have not had a period since december. well up until last week i was convinced i was pregnant! ive been taking metformin for 4 weeks for the pcos. i got what i thought was my period but now im not so sure! its not been like a normal period at all ive never had heavy periods but this time it was literally gushing so if tmi! and i noticed a big blob like clot this morning, the other thing is my periods are normally really short but this one is lasting forever its been 6 days which is way long for me. normally 4 days max. i think i may have had a miscarriage but im not sure what do you all think? please no horrible answers i don't need them my head is wrecked!

    9 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade ago