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  • I keep getting really dizzy and loosing the ability to stand?

    Also, I can't talk during this period my bf was asking what was wrong but I couldn't respond, everything goes black (and kinda twinkly now that I think about it), my limbs get really heavy and I can heat static from a stereo. It's happened about 6 times in the last 2 hours. It's not head rush because I am ok standing up and then for about 5-10 paces and then I come over all dizzy, collapse into something (the door or wall) everything goes black it lasts for about 10-30 seconds and then stops. I continue to feel shaky, dizzy and distant and my heart beats a little faster for a long time after (well it's not stopped)

    Any ideas what this may be?

    I'm kinda worried.

    4 AnswersOther - General Health Care8 years ago
  • Do I have a right to be upset over this?

    I don't really know how to explain but here goes.

    Valentines day my boyfriend said he would take me out for lunch but the bill came up to a silly amount so he asked If i had the right change instead of putting down two notes. I gave him his card over lunch and he told me he hadn't got me a card cos' he couldn't find one he liked but was going to take me buy flowers when we had finished our meal.

    So off we went to the market we got there and he took one look at the price and says "Do you really want them? I'll buy you them if you want them but they're really expensive" The look on his face said it all it said "You can have them if you want them but I don't want to buy them" That upset me there was no love behind it, you give people things on valentines day cos' you want to show them your love. If I had of said yes to the flowers there would have been no love in that gift.

    I'd spent ages the day before baking him brownies and cutting them into heart shapes for him. I don't mind that I didn't get anything I mind that there wasn't any love behind the day.

    We've been together for a year and nine months btw.

    Do I have a right to be upset about this?

    I told him that I didn't want anything from him unless he wanted to give it should i say something else?

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • Describe how the policies and procedures promote fair, just and inclusive strategies?

    Can you guys help me out here and help me find a website I like to do my own research but can't find anything in my text book or on the internet?

    1 AnswerHomework Help9 years ago
  • Can I still use an expired UK passport as ID (To get into bars,clubs,buy alcohol etc)?

    So I literally just turned 18 and realised my passport expires in April. Will I still be able to use it as proof of age? I mean it's got my picture and my date of birth so surely it should be allowed but I know laws are weird about stuff like that.

    I don't want to renew it unless I have too as they are expensive and I am strapped for cash atm also I don't plan on leaving the country any time soon.

    5 AnswersLaw & Ethics9 years ago
  • Hair left feeling horrible and natty after use of cheap conditioner.?

    We are really tight for money at the moment so have had to buy cheap conditioner.

    Washed my hair and it has left it feeling greasy and natty and sticky to touch. I thought it might be that I hadn't washed it out properly so rinsed my hair through again. But it still feels and looks unclean and all natty and sticky.

    Any ideas on what I can do? I have College in the morning and do not want to go in with my hair like this.

    6 AnswersHair10 years ago
  • HELP On pill light bleeding for 3 weeks?

    I'm on the pill (cylest) I normally finish my pill pack on a Tuesday. Last month I mucked up big time and lost my pill pack for about a week and then had an early period. This month I have had light on and off bleeding for about three weeks, I am now on my 7 day break but I ended this pack on a Saturday (because of it getting mucked up last week)

    To make sure I'm "safe" what should I do?

    Is the on and off bleeding for three weeks due to messing up?


    1 AnswerWomen's Health10 years ago
  • Early period while on the pill?

    So this morning I have very light bleeding, I am taking cylest contraceptive. I was last on, on the24th of august. I forgot my pill once about 4 days ago.

    I am sexually active.

    What's happening here?

    1 AnswerWomen's Health10 years ago
  • Whats going on, is this regression?

    Basically from time to time I start acting like a young child but it's more it's someone else. Like I'm 4 year old Molly, not the real Molly people see every day. My friends say it's creepy because my eyes are completely absent and I start to talk and laugh differently. I'm usually happy but it's as though I'm either 4 or 2 or 6 rather than almost 18. My boyfriend has just taken to "babysitting" me when this happens and puts on kids TV or plays with me like you would a pre-schooler. I have vague memories of it happening but not really that clear. I can normally feel my self kinda "slip away" like I start to feel a bit distant from what's going on.

    I had quite a troubled child hood and so am guessing it's regression. What do you think?

    4 AnswersMental Health10 years ago
  • Help with choosing contraception.?

    Okay so basically I'm on the pill, and have been for about 5 months. But I forget to take it a lot, which isn't good. My boyfriend does not like condoms and would much prefer for us not to use them. So would I as the smell makes me feel sick.

    So here's the question, In a week or two I have to go for a check up with the doctors and I'm thinking of going on the Injection Or Implant. But kinda need advice and opinions on which is best.

    What worked best for you?

    What hasn't?

    I know it's different for everyone, but just to get an idea.

    My boyfriend wont give me his proper opinion on it he just says for me to do what I want.

    4 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Help with choosing contraception.?

    Okay so basically I'm on the pill, and have been for about 5 months. But I forget to take it a lot, which isn't good. My boyfriend does not like condoms and would much prefer for us not to use them. So would I as the smell makes me feel sick.

    So here's the question, In a week or two I have to go for a check up with the doctors and I'm thinking of going on the Injection Or Implant. But kinda need advice and opinions on which is best.

    What worked best for you?

    What hasn't?

    I know it's different for everyone, but just to get an idea.

    My boyfriend wont give me his proper opinion on it he just says for me to do what I want.


    1 AnswerPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Should I take the morning after pill?

    So I'm on the contraceptive pill except the last two days (Friday and Saturday) I forgot to take it. Yesterday me and my boyfriend had sex. Should I go and get the morning after pill just in case?

    Getting pregnant right now would really not be good.

    7 AnswersTeen & Preteen1 decade ago
  • Dying Grandma and Course work stress. HELP?

    So, last Friday (29th of April) at 6:30 AM, after no sleep as I had a party the night before I get a call my my Granddad in France saying that my Grandma had died of a brain hemorage (don't know how to spell that sorry) So after a day of crying we get a call around 4 PM saying that she hadn't died there was a mix up at the hospital but she is very ill and half brain dead. So my mum decides she is going to fly out there and say goodbye etc. But due to the stress of everything she printed her Boarding Pass wrong and wasn't allowed to fly even after spending £200 and her brother went on his own. This morning (Sunday) My granddad calls and says that my grandma has 2 days to live so my mum is now flying out in the morning.

    So basically because of this I have not done the course work I was supposed to do this weekend.

    But not sure if my tutor will understand this, I'll have to send an email as I'm at work experience all next week but I know I wont be able to do my CW while my mum is in France. Do you think I can get an extension on it?

    Also I'm so all over the place please help?

    I'm aware I've asked this twice. I didn't know what category to put it in

    2 AnswersHigher Education (University +)1 decade ago
  • Dying Grandma and Course work stress. HELP?

    So, last Friday (29th of April) at 6:30 AM, after no sleep as I had a party the night before I get a call my my Granddad in France saying that my Grandma had died of a brain hemorage (don't know how to spell that sorry) So after a day of crying we get a call around 4 PM saying that she hadn't died there was a mix up at the hospital but she is very ill and half brain dead. So my mum decides she is going to fly out there and say goodbye etc. But due to the stress of everything she printed her Boarding Pass wrong and wasn't allowed to fly even after spending £200 and her brother went on his own. This morning (Sunday) My granddad calls and says that my grandma has 2 days to live so my mum is now flying out in the morning.

    So basically because of this I have not done the course work I was supposed to do this weekend.

    But not sure if my tutor will understand this, I'll have to send an email as I'm at work experience all next week but I know I wont be able to do my CW while my mum is in France. Do you think I can get an extension on it?

    Also I'm so all over the place please help?

    1 AnswerMental Health1 decade ago
  • What to do to celebrate one year of being together?

    On the 14th of May me and my boyfriend will have been together for a year!

    And well I want to do something nice to surprise him and let him no how much I love him.

    We are both 17 and live in the UK

    Any idea's?


    2 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Being yelled at for being sick as mum thought it was because of my bulimia?

    Recently I've had to fight bulimia, and it has been a massive struggle to stop my self purging.

    Right now I have a tummy bug and have been being sick, not deliberately though.

    Earlier I threw up, and cleaned it up a bit but not amazingly well as I'm ill. And just now my mum went into the bathroom noticed that I had been sick and asked me so I told her I had and her response was "fXCKING HELL WOMAN" because she though it was me purging not because I am ill. I tried to explain to her that even if it was me doing it my self that is a bad way to respond and she didn't get it she just said "I guess it wasn't very sympathetic seen as your ill but I don't like going into the bathroom when there is sick everywhere" Thats the other thing there wasn't sick everywhere cos I cleaned it up.

    Why does she not understand that saying what she said is a bad thing to say when someone throws up regardless if it's because they are ill or because they a re purging.

    Now I feel like crying- she knows I had a problem and was underweight for sometime. So Why respond like this. I know it's bad that I didn't clean it fully. But all the same.

    3 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade ago
  • Being yelled at for being sick as mum thought it was because of my bulimia?

    Recently I've had to fight bulimia, and it has been a massive struggle to stop my self purging.

    Right now I have a tummy bug and have been being sick, not deliberately though.

    Earlier I threw up, and cleaned it up a bit but not amazingly well as I'm ill. And just now my mum went into the bathroom noticed that I had been sick and asked me so I told her I had and her response was "fXCKING HELL WOMAN" because she though it was me purging not because I am ill. I tried to explain to her that even if it was me doing it my self that is a bad way to respond and she didn't get it she just said "I guess it wasn't very sympathetic seen as your ill but I don't like going into the bathroom when there is sick everywhere" Thats the other thing there wasn't sick everywhere cos I cleaned it up.

    Why does she not understand that saying what she said is a bad thing to say when someone throws up regardless if it's because they are ill or because they a re purging.

    Now I feel like crying- she knows I had a problem and was underweight for sometime. So Why respond like this. I know it's bad that I didn't clean it fully. But all the same.

    3 AnswersFamily1 decade ago
  • Supposed to having a romantic birthday meal with my bf but woke up with a stomach bug?

    So I'm cooking my boyfriend a meal for his birthday today. Well I started some of the prep last night, but this morning I wake up with a stomach bug. I've already thrown up twice.

    I have really bad tummy pains, and am full of wind and the idea of eating makes me feel really queezy

    What do I do?

    I don't want to waste the food I prepared last night and also I've been planning this for a while. But don't want him to have to be there while I feel really sick.

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Good idea for something to go with vegetable pasta bake....?

    I'm cooking a pasta bake and want to know what to go with it. I'm putting a little salad with it. And it can't be garlic bread or something bread based.


    2 AnswersVegetarian & Vegan1 decade ago
  • He says I turned him straight.......?

    Ok so my boyfriend of 11 months is BI and I know this I knew this before we got together so I have no problem with it.

    The other day we were talking and I was joking around and called him "half gay" and then he said "Not really you've turned me straight." So I asked what he meant and he explained that since we have been together he now swings a lot more towards girls. He already swung more towards girls before we went out.

    I'm pretty sure your sexuality doesn't change like that?

    What does he mean? And can it change?