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  • deleting folders - right click in Firefox on XP?

    Using Yahoo email - Firefox browser on XP -

    have setup a few folders, and now want to delete the empty ones.

    When performing the right-click on a folder, the browser action sub-menu appears "covering" the Yahoo folder menu which is underneath.... therefore can't see and click on the "folder menu" actions.

    1 AnswerOther - Yahoo Mail9 years ago
  • Mitsubishi Galant 2001 spark plugs & valve gasket?

    My wife's car had the Service Engine light - and the code showed a mis-fire on #2.

    The local shop said that the valve gasket needed to be replaced, along with the plugs & wires - because oil was getting into the "spark plug tube".

    Can someone show me a diagram, photo, or drawing of this situation - as I'm having a hard time mentally picturing how these new spark plug locations have anything to do with being inside the valve cover area & what the heck are these "tubes" being mentioned ?

    5 AnswersMitsubishi1 decade ago
  • members list in Groups - sort by member name?

    in looking at our Members area, you can click on each column except the actual "member name" - so there is no way to re-sort it by member after say you have sorted and reviewed it by Join date...

    1 AnswerYahoo Groups1 decade ago
  • Group for Moderators gone - is this the next best place?

    now that the group for Group Moderators is being closed, is this the best place for technical group moderators to ask solutions from their moderator peers ?

    1 AnswerYahoo Groups1 decade ago
  • group name - UPPER vs lower case?

    We've had a Yahoo group for our team for several years. The group name, and the URL is all lower case.... ie - (not real) .../group/swimstrong

    What are the implications if we edit the group name and merely change the case...


    Does it affect anything - does the case matter ? what about the URL to access anything in the website, existing files, photos, calendar, etc - again - does case matter at all for the URL ?

    SO - the .../group/swimstrong.... will work just fine, along with..../group/SwimStrong...

    Just checking before I make this subtle change, and don't want everything else to blow up..

    1 AnswerYahoo Groups1 decade ago
  • how to access external pop3 email accounts from Yahoo ?

    Is there a feature or facility within Yahoo email that could access and retrieve my POP3 email located on other ISP's and bring it all back to my Yahoo email account when I click "check email" ?

    1 AnswerOther - Yahoo Mail1 decade ago
  • Groups folder name weirdness with [~] and IE7.0?

    I thought I discovered a Yahoo Groups problem or bug

    with using the [~] character as part of Folder or file names.

    We moved our last year's team files to archive folders

    that were named [~2006-2007].

    This unique character was used as a prefix,

    since this character is the very last

    in the alpha sorting sequence....

    the folders then appear at the end... like XYZ~.

    However, when clicking on these [~] named folders

    and attempting to click the old files contained within them,

    we encounter an error - "404 - file not found".

    I thought that Yahoo Groups was not properly handling

    the [~] character, because everything works fine

    when we rename the folders without the [~].

    BUT - this is the weird part -

    Every thing works ok when using a different browser.

    Using IE 7.0 - gives me the error - file not found.

    Using FireFox - everything works ok

    Using IE 6.0 - everything works ok

    SO - is this a weird bug between IE 7.0 & Yahoo Groups pathing ?

    1 AnswerYahoo Groups1 decade ago
  • archives & groups - for old messages and old files?

    We have a Yahoo Group for our swim team.

    How can we take all the "files" from last year and "archive" them ? Is there a Yahoo function, or is this merely our renaming them to basically "2007 results" ?

    What about all the messages from last year ?

    Is there a Yahoo function to "archive" those ?

    I've seen references to Yahoo Groups & Archives, but nothing in any of the command menus to actually create an archive, or move files and/or messages into it ?

    3 AnswersYahoo Groups1 decade ago
  • files listed - but "not found 404" when clicked ?

    We have our team results posted every year on our closed group. I was trying to go back to our 2006 and 2007 folders and list some results from last year. The folders are all there, and the file entries are also listed. But, when we click on a file name, the result is the 404 "not found" error.

    Here is what the URL looks like for a typical file...(copy shortcut)

    1 AnswerYahoo Groups1 decade ago
  • download photos from Yahoo groups?

    it appears that any photos uploaded are then displayed or stored in smaller JPEG versions. If I want to download, save, and print a photo, how can I download the original size so that I get the max resolution when I go to print them ?

    ie - uploaded photo was originally 90k - 200k, but the medium and large only show up as 26k or 40k - so something is being compressed out and lost in the jpeg.

    1 AnswerYahoo Groups1 decade ago
  • how to replace an uploaded file in Yahoo Groups?

    how do I replace an uploaded file in Yahoo Groups. It appears the only way is to delete and re-upload the same file ? We have various documents posted to our Group site that change..

    2 AnswersYahoo Groups1 decade ago
  • remote start suggestions for 2004 Impala LS?

    We just bought a 2004 Impala LS for our son.

    (my first was a 1973 Impala 2door with the F41 sport suspension,

    and red with white vinyl top)

    Now we are looking for Remote Start suggestions, as it's getting to be winter here in the Chicago area. We have never had remote start, and know there are tons of places that claim to have packages. Was going to contact the local Chevy dealers, and see what they suggest ? Obviously, want to have the remote start, along with the keyless entry functions all on a single fob... Some dealers just say it's a nightmare to install and walk away.

    Comments, suggestions, pointers ?

    4 AnswersChevrolet1 decade ago