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  • Can't see Yahoo local articles?

    When I log in that is...

    Its been 3 days already!

    Its like saying that I shouldn't ever use Yahoo...

    1 AnswerOther - Yahoo Products7 years ago
  • Is there a wild forest where I can take photos in Selangor?

    Tried FRIM but they are asking for 300 ringgit.


    Indie artist here so I rather not spend too much money.

    I was thinking about Frasier's Hill but nobody wants to go with me at that place (bad experiences and a forest is not a place where you go in alone even though I would love to).

    There are some wild places here and there in the old towns but apparently its private property.


    2 AnswersMalaysia8 years ago
  • Is this a Malaysian attitude I wasn't aware of?

    Recently I just lost someone very dear to me,

    And recently a certain someone here posted a coffin question in a manner that didn't sit well with me.

    I answered that he was being insensitive especially to people like me in my situation.

    And the same person answered to me,

    "Are you PMSing?"

    Oh yes, you can imagine my fury...

    Then later it occurred to me,

    This was the same guy complaining to all of us that Malaysians should be more "Malaysian" and not so "western minded".

    I thought Malaysians are warm and sensitive when it comes to losing someone and they don't insult the ones who are in pain. Especially in such a derogatory manner.

    Or is this something that comes with the misogynists in Malaysia?

    Have I been led all this time with a bunch of lies?

    'Cause I sure want to know right now...

    (Damn, I'm nearly crying now)

    9 AnswersMalaysia8 years ago
  • How to calculate the body decomposition?

    On detective shows, they always seem to calculate the body decay based on humidity and body mass.

    How do they calculate this? (was there also other variables that they have to calculate in?)

    Please also try to explain in English instead of just a set of numbers and try not to use jargon...

    1 AnswerBiology9 years ago
  • Who is this girl (possible model or singer?)?

    Don't know the name of this model/singer,

    I want to draw her...

    Please help me!

    1 AnswerCelebrities9 years ago
  • I thought...and I was wrong.?

    What did you thought that you were wrong about? Tell your story.

    I'll go 1st as an example,

    I thought living in UK gives you an edge of English and worldly matters...

    Oh boy, was I proved wrong today.

    And it had to be the day when I am on sick leave because of a bloody centipede...

    I actually planned to spend this very evening to learn more about my new toy(an art program)...

    But a certain YAsker decided to send me a bunch of messages and since I thought I could tell him about some justice, I thought 'okay'.

    Unfortunately, it ended badly as I see that not only this person was illiterate in English...his world views was suspiciously like a Bee End member...(the part of how China is good and everything and how we should emulate them...) although he did say that he lived in UK.

    And I spend like 2 precious hours on him.

    I was wrong about living in UK. Its not a remedy for stupidity.

    3 AnswersMalaysia9 years ago
  • Masterchef Malaysia...1st episode?

    Just saw the 1st episode...

    I *had* hope that it wouldn't be too bad but it exceeded my expectations of being terrrible beyond my imagination!

    1st round, Cutting Onions in a normal small way.


    ...Every single contestant was slow and some cut their fingers...

    Next round, a chance for those who failed the 1st round to 'still 'be in the competition.

    It looks okay just lacking in luster in how they arrange their food.

    Looking at the how Masterchef Malaysia is...

    Do these people really want to become professional chefs or were they just thinking of riding along like so many tone-deaf people on American Idol?

    What do you guys/girls think of the Masterchef Malaysia?

    See the next episode or pass it?

    2 AnswersMalaysia10 years ago
  • Where to get boric acid?

    I tried my local hardware and pharmacy but they don't have it!

    I seriously want to get rid of some insects...

    Any ideas???

    1 AnswerMalaysia10 years ago
  • Should the Net have easy access to harmful knowledge?

    We're not talking about different opinions of politics, nor about sex (unless its like child porn or bestiality) or religion.

    Its about information on how to suicide, encouraging being anorexic, or maybe even which drugs to become high for much longer periods...

    In other words, information that can (clearly) hurt yourself and others...and it can be so easy to know about it online.

    I'm not even using words like suicide, but there it was right on Google's 1st search page (no 2 link). My eyes 'bugged' out and I was thinking "What The?!!".

    I decided to look around and...

    Yep, people were not only encouraging suicide but also ways to achieve the 'act'! Including asking where to get certain substances...

    I was thinking about censorship on harmful knowledge but maybe most of you would freak there are fears that says it could lead to other kinds of censorship (like a one sided political opinions).

    But what do you guys/ladies think?

    (In case you're wondering what I was searching for it was "What is potassium cyanide".

    I was wondering why it seem so easy to get it as lots of Detective and True Crime Stories always have this poison and it doesn't seem to be regulated. Turns out its used in bug killing...Isn't there any human friendly killing bug products?)

    2 AnswersOther - Society & Culture10 years ago
  • Malaysian lifestyle in the 20th century?

    About their fashion in the 50s, 60s and etc. It would be nice if you put some highlights of each era, like rock and roll or political troubles.

    PS, state any differences between all the races in fashion too. And skip the 90s.

    You know, its a whole lot easier finding out about American history but Malaysian? Its all in bits and pieces and no periodical fashion book in the KL library...

    Not really sure whether the influences of popular culture in America is the same in Malaysia back then...

    And lastly, is it true that at one time, hippie fashion was banned in Malaysia?

    Heard it online but wasn't sure...

    2 AnswersMalaysia10 years ago
  • What jobs will disappear in the next 50 years?

    As technology progresses, no doubt that there will be more jobs given to programs or machines because its efficient, cheaper or the job/skills is simply obsolete.

    Think about the lantern lighter from Victorian times (Due to electrical lights)

    Or the ice picker & ice transporter (Due to fridges)

    What jobs can you think that are doom to only appear in old/period movies?

    I was thinking of film photography (still in use but its declining...).

    5 AnswersMalaysia10 years ago
  • Local fruits and seasons (Malaysia)?

    Ok, so its probably embarrassing that I don't know which local fruit in what month...(I know when durians, rambutans comes in so skip that and coconut since it all year around) so...

    Pretty Please Help Me?

    And yes I tried online but they never say when...

    1 AnswerMalaysia1 decade ago
  • I can't sign in my Youtube account!?

    Now Youtube is trying to force me to register for a Google account but I DON'T want to.

    And they said...

    'You will no longer be able to sign in to YouTube without a Google Account.

    If you do not want to link this YouTube account, you can sign out here.'

    This isn't by choice, this is BY FORCE! Its like terrorism...

    There has to be a way not to register Google and get to sign in youtube!

    Please Help!

    1 AnswerYouTube1 decade ago
  • What are these ingredients?

    What is Endomame aka Red Endo beans?

    Used in Fruit Anmitsu

    And Hon-mirin and Mirin...what is the difference?

    Used in gyudon (Hon-mirin).

    Used in hamburger (Mirin).

    Please help!

    3 AnswersJapan1 decade ago
  • The G-O-V. ruined Christmas for teachers...WHY?

    This year, teachers of secondary school (aka high school) in charge of marking SPM (the test for getting into college) papers would not spend Christmas with their families, mine included.

    These teachers would be on lock down in designated hotels.

    Oh sure, they have a few hours off on Christmas day, but with only a few days before Christmas to start (must be finished within 10 days) and hundreds maybe even thousands of papers for each teacher...the pressure to finish marking and skip Christmas is there.

    Before, teachers would mark SPM papers much earlier before Christmas.

    Its works until a few papers got lost, and the student wanted to sue the guys in charge.

    And therefore this arrangement.

    I get the part of a lock down marking papers BUT WHY IN THE WORLD IN THE MIDDLE OF CHRISTMAS?!

    Setting the date much EARLIER would be no problem for the teachers.

    There were some weeks of freedom before Christmas came.

    So why?


    Note: This question is of Malaysia if you haven't noticed. The land of...biased rules.

    And yes, I should have posted the question much earlier but my cpu crashed.

    8 AnswersMalaysia1 decade ago
  • The language of flowers: Serissa 'SnowRose' aka Cherry Sage?

    From this website it says 'Burning Love' in the language of flowers.

    Its the pale pink flower. I've read that its a common bonsai in Japan but hardly anything on the language of flowers. I just want to know if this is correct.

    And what about Aeschynanthus aka 'Lipstick plant'?

    1 AnswerJapan1 decade ago
  • Looking for Rustic looking Neighborhoods and etc.?

    I'm looking for some old neighborhoods with feelings of old or nostalgia.

    Recently I came across some old looking buildings (that's really charming) so I was wondering if they are more places like that.

    This is so I can take pictures and then draw it in ink.

    It doesn't really matter if there's a house that's abandoned or people living in the houses.

    Even some shops would be nice.

    And if there are any destroyed buildings too, that would be so cool!

    I could only take it from afar so if there's any buildings I can take the shots from?

    Oh yes, more importantly...

    I'm somewhere in Selangor, so the locations can't be too far.

    Oh and don't worry, I'll be taking the shots in a car.

    2 AnswersMalaysia1 decade ago
  • How To Fix A Crack Of A Porcelain Cup?

    I ordered a porcelain cup online and well, it seems the seller didn't notice about the crack (even with pictures you can't see it and yes it wasn't the packaging fault)

    The crack is at the handle where it joins...

    Which glue do I use?

    I keep running into names of American brands not sold here when researching...

    And if I use the glue, its not toxic, right?

    If I don't want my hands to be sticky and do a smooth job what do I use?

    Or is there a shop that repairs porcelain objects?

    'Cause I keep seeing shops that sells porcelain objects but don't repair 'em... :(

    And no, I don't wanna return it.

    Shipping is expensive and its the last of its kind (as in type of cup) available.

    2 AnswersMalaysia1 decade ago
  • Importing to Malaysia?

    I'm looking for the import regulations from a Malaysian government website.

    I was able to find it long ago but now I can't...

    I'm looking it up because I want to buy a tea set online and I want to know if there's any tax on that.

    2 AnswersMalaysia1 decade ago
  • How do I get rid of the ads on the right side of Yahoo Answers?

    There is this annoyingly badly executed ads from Libresse (Malaysia) that appears no matter how much I refresh the page.

    How do I get rid of it?

    And no, I don't want to know what is Libresse.

    A badly done ad is all I need to know to stay away from it.

    3 AnswersMalaysia1 decade ago