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  • Similac coupon check questions?

    my sister signed me up for similac and it came in the mail but on the check its a fake name am i still able to use this?

    3 AnswersNewborn & Baby9 years ago
  • having a planned c section, i have questions?

    i am 35 weeks. i am having my first planned c section at 37 little girl is doctor said she may not turn.since this is my first c section i only know a little bit about it.i am getting my tubes tied while im having my c section.i go in to the hospital on the 1st of friend has told me a little bit about having a c section.she told me the urine cath will stay in till next morning. and i would be stuck in bed and unable to eat for hours after my question is when being scheduled for a c section how long do you wait in till they wheel you out to the O.R.. do they put you on a pitocin drip?how long is the surgery of a c section/ tubes tied?

    2 AnswersPregnancy10 years ago
  • questions on fst for dui?

    my fiancee got pulled over for speeding and drunk driving. well first the cop followed him with out the police lights on for 5 mins down the road.the cop didnt pull him in till my fiancee got in to a gas station where he had planned to get a sandwich and a drink. the cop had my fiancee do the fst test he passed them all but my fiancee has a disability hip problem due to avascular necrosis he had his right hip replaced and his left hip is really bad off and the hip bone is chipped he has to get it replaced in a few weeks. my question if someone told a cop and told the cop they can show the hip replacement card and they cant lift up there leg to Standing on One Leg due to pain and swelling does the cop have the right to make them do it any way?if the cop makes a person lift up one leg and stand on the other leg and the person puts more damage to the bad leg can there be actions against the cop?

    if possible i would like to have police officers and or lawyers answer my questions.i do not wish to hear any mouth about my question

    thank you

    1 AnswerLaw & Ethics10 years ago
  • im 22 weeks and have questions about water birth?

    im 22 weeks and i live in richmond va i was wondering if any one around the richmond area knows if hospitals have or allow water birth for labor and get out before the baby is delivered. we are going to regional memorial hospital.i understand you cant have epidural i wanted to have a natural labor. i tried natural with my youngest son and went about 3 hours after water broke contractions getting closer together.also i have already wrote out a birthing plan online but do not have a printer is it ok to hand write it?does hospital respect your birthing wishes when you have a birth plan ?with my other 2 kids i was bed bounded they didnt let me get out of the bed.i feel with my youngest son being bed bounded made my contractions worse. thank you

    1 AnswerPregnancy10 years ago
  • holding or placing your hand on your stomach when pregnant?

    hello i would like to ask pregnant mothers when you started placing your hand on your tummy when pregnant.and if any one complained about 17 weeks and ever since i got pregnant i have always had my hand on my tummy.well what makes me mad and uncomfortable one of my managers at work is always complaining to me shes aways asking why do you always have your hand on your stomach you dont even look pregnant...its like she has a problem about it. im 17 weeks and my tummy is getting bigger i started really showing at 10 weeks but i had a tiny baby bump at 6 weeks. this is my 3rd child.some times the baby makes thumps but not all the time i can only feel it when im relaxing.i wish my manager would stop complaining. but i dont want to say any thing to her so i just shrug it off the first time she complained i told her its a pregnancy habit.

    9 AnswersPregnancy10 years ago
  • how many miles per gallon does a 87 chevy conversion van have?

    we are going on a trip from virginia to mahoney state park in ne next month im trying to figure out how much it would cost for gas for the trip and how many gas stops will there be. i traveled as a kid but i dont know how much my dad spent for the trip. my dad died a year ago so hes not here to answer my questions.

    1 AnswerPacking & Preparation10 years ago
  • my fiancee has Avascular necrosis in the hip bone?

    my fiancee is 28 years old and he has avascular necrosis in the hip bone and will need to have hip replacement next week.he has had severe pain since maybe oct.i would like to know if there is any one that is in the late 20s that have had this disease in the hip and had to have hip pregnant with our 3rd child and being pregnant and having this surgery approaching is making me stress out and worry about this surgery.i know this surgery has been done many times a day by doctors and people who need it.but being pregnant and having mood swings its making me feel worse.does any one know how this disease got in to his bone?what causes it. steve dont play sports he dont take no steroids. he drinks every night is the drinking the cause of this disease?is this disease hereditary?thank you

    1 AnswerPain & Pain Management1 decade ago
  • could i be pregnant with twins?

    on monday ill be 8 weeks pregnant. every one that have seen my belly agree with me that i may be showing early.on my dads side twins run in the family.. my great grandma and grandpa larsen had 2 sets of twins. my great aunt elly (my dads aunt) had triplits. and my granny and grandpa had twins my dad is the twin. his twin brother passed away at a month old.what is the chances this pregnancy is twins?i got pregnant from missing birth control pills and i just stopped taking it bc i missed so many days.the past 8 weeks i have felt extreme tired.even if i take naps and wake up to eat dinner and go back to sleep i still feel tired in the morning when i wake up to go to work.every morning when i wake up i feel like i havent ate in weeks. even tho i eat dinner and have a snack before i go to sleep at night.i go to the doctor for my first prenatal apt. next week.this is my 3rd pregnancy. i have 2 other children that is 8 and 4.i dont remember feeling this tired with my other 2 kids.the good thing is im not having morning sickness. sometimes i feel sick to my stomach when i smell certain foods. but i dont throw up.if any one has had twins did you feel this tired and hungry every morning? if i am pregnant with twins do i have to get a c section? thank you

    2 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • just found out im pregnant with my 3rd!?

    today i went to the doctor. i am 7 weeks due on nov 13! im so happy. this will be my final pregnancy.i cant wait for my first prenatal any one due on the same date? btw im 28 years old

    3 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • is riding a bike to work safe when pregnant?

    im 6 weeks pregnant next month my fiancee will have to get hip replacement. so he will not be able to drive me to work for about i think 3 weeks so i would have to ride my bike. it takes me about 20 mins to get to work on bike. by next month i will be about 10 weeks pregnant.would a 20 min bike ride be safe when pregnant?and i have been having bad hip pain. i never had this with my other 2 kids pregnancys is this normal in early pregnancy.i will be due mid nov.

    4 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • i have a question for women only?

    i have a friend her boy friend puts *** in a condum and is always putting it in her face trying to get her to drink it. shes always telling me how it ticks her off and that shes getting tired of it.he also puts it in a medicine dropper and puts it in her face. what i want to know is this normal or do you think her boy friend who is 27 years old is acting like a kid?

    and does any one have this problem?

    9 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • what is wrong with my wrist/hand?

    i prepare food at hardees in richmond va i have to prepare food for lunch and also i have to prepare the sauce for the chicken tenders that are pumped up in small cups. for about maybe 5 months i have been having problems with my wrist and or hand. when i pump with my palm my joints in wrist/hand hurt really bad so i had to start pumping with my forearm. ive only had slight pain with my hands since then. it will only hurt if i apply pressure on my joint to get up or open doors pushing them open or pulling. well for a bout a couple weeks when i use the knife at work to cut the lettuce and onions my left wrist hurt really bad. i dont have any health insurance to go to the doctors and i dont know if any doctor offices around my area accepts people with no insurance. if any one who has had this problem could you give me a idea what is wrong with my wrist and or hand. i have not injure my hand. and i have done the prep work at hardees for 3 years

    2 AnswersPain & Pain Management1 decade ago
  • control my craving for a smoke?

    at my work we cant smoke unless if we are off the clock before and after work and on break around 10 am i get a craving for a smoke does any one know how i can ignore my craving i cant chew gum at work.i dont even think i can chew on any candy. can some one have a patch on just for a work day?are you able to re put it on over and over?ive never had one.i need some ideas how to ignore my cravings ive had to take a break every day just to get my smoke but the problem is i only have 5 hours each day and the break is making me get off a hour late and is taking money from me

    4 AnswersRespiratory Diseases1 decade ago