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I ask a lot of questions, I know. But I also answer a lot of questions that I know about, so I guess it all works out.

  • How to tell my parents I want a breast lift?

    I'm 18. But I don't like hiding things from my parents.

    My breasts are large, which makes them really saggy. And there's a gap in between them and it makes it impossible for me to wear any low cut tops. I'm not sexually active or anything but it still gives me really low self esteem. Help?

    3 AnswersWomen's Health1 decade ago
  • Question about Yu-gi-oh GX anime?

    I used to watch Yu-gi-oh as a kid and my favorite character was always Seto Kaiba and Mokuba Kaiba.

    I obviously don't watch the show anymore, or GX but I have a question.

    I was reading about how in the 4th season of GX, some guy named Trueman gets rid of everybody in Domino City by materializing them and anyone who knew of them, doesn't remember who they are/were, and the only survivor is Seto Kaiba.

    Does this mean his brother, Mokuba, didn't survive?

    If so, that really sucks.

    Kind of a pointless question but now I'm really curious.

    3 AnswersComics & Animation1 decade ago
  • I think there's something wrong with me.?

    Well first let's just say that I'm having a hard time trying to figure out if I'm normal because I hate how there's so many teens that are overmedicated or think they have something wrong with them when they don't. But I honestly don't think I'm sane sometimes.

    I've been obsessive ever since I was little. Just a bad trait, right? I don't know. Whn I was a toddler it'd be a tv show. When I got older it was celebrities. Now it's with rock bands or people from books that I read. If they appeal to me, sometimes I actually pretend that I'm related to them or something. I make up little stories in my head about how they'd take me away and I'd live with them and I make up my own life story and it gets to the point where it's all I think about for days on end. I even think about things I'd say to them and places we'd go.

    And I'm depressed a lot. I started cutting and burning myself when I was 10. One second I'll be on the verge of suicide then the next second people think (continued..)

    13 AnswersMental Health1 decade ago
  • Factory Settings for Windows XP Home edition.?

    Okay so I want to completely "reset" my computer.

    I have two disks, one says "Operating System DVD" and the other says "System Recovery DVD" or something like that.

    But they don't work.

    I tried putting them both in while the computer was on, nothing happened. I tried putting both of them in and then restarting my computer.

    It didn't work for either of them.

    I tried pressing F10 when my computer started up, it doesn't do anything but take me to a menu. But on that menu, there is nothing that talks about restoring factory settings.

    I tried F11, too. Took me to the same place.

    I can't do "system restore" because there's no dates on there that I can restore it to.

    So can someone please tell me how to restore my computer to factory settings? I don't need to save anything on this computer, I just want to completely start over!

    2 AnswersOther - Computers1 decade ago
  • System Restore disk won't work.?

    I think it's because of the viruses on my computer, they stop me from opening it. I want to put my computer to factory settings because there's a bunch of viruses that I don't want to deal with and I don't need to save anything on my computer,I'd rather start fresh anyways.

    But when I press F11 to go to the boot-up screen, it doesn't restart it, it gives me a bunch of other options.

    Should I click on "reset configuration settings"?

    Because that's the closest thing to resetting anything.

    I tried putting in my system restore disk into the CD-RW/DVD drive and it won't do anything. It goes "VROOOOOMMM..." like it's gonna do something then it doesn't. Even if I go to my computer and right click on "Drive D:" and say "auto play" a million times, it just doesn't do anything.

    And I tried putting it in the CD-ROM drive but it doesn't show up on my computer either, not even after I click on My Computer, it tells me I have nothing in that drive.


    (Windows XP home)

    2 AnswersOther - Computers1 decade ago
  • Un-official waivers?

    I'm an aspiring piercer. And I know how to pierce almost everything, I study piercings nearly all day long.

    But I'm under 18, but I want to start building up my portfolio of the work I've done.

    Only problem is... I don't want to get sued. Or since I'm a minor, I guess I should say I don't want my parents to get sued, they barely have any money as it is.

    I've printed out waivers that I have the person I'm piercing sign with their name, then print their name, after they check off that they agree to my statement at the bottom of the paper (the top part of the paper is just the date and a list of piercings which they check off the piercings they're getting for that day) and the statement says something like "I take on full liability for anything that may occur out of this piercing or it's effects blahblah I have been given a set of aftercare directions and therefore take on all responsibility..blahblah"

    Would that be a legal waiver? Even if the person I'm piercing is underage as well?

    2 AnswersLaw & Legal1 decade ago
  • How do I "reset" my computer? (windows XP)?

    I have nasty viruses on my computer that I can't get rid of, and don't even try to explain it to me, because I am horrible at computers.

    I have a windows XP.

    I don't need to make a recovery disk first though, because I forgot my password to my computer over the summer and had to re-set it and it automatically saved all my stuff like pictures and music and stuff, I just had to re-install everything else.

    But I know you're supposed to put in a disk, but the only disk I have says "Operating System DVD" and I don't think that's it. And I think I may have lost my other one that you put it to re-install windows or whatever.

    Can I have a detailed explanation of how to do this?

    4 AnswersDesktops1 decade ago
  • A good anti-virus? (And AVG question?)?

    I downloaded AVG or whatever, but only after I suddenly got a virus from trying to download a program from limewire (stupid idea, I know).

    It says it's found a lot of "trojans" like Trojan generic, Trojan proxy, Trojan... I can't even remember, but... how can I get rid of them?

    When I say "heal" does it really get the viruses off my computer?

    And what do I do when they're in the "virus vault" to get rid of them?

    Because one thing popped up and I clicked heal, then another thing popped up that said "Found a lop" and the only thing I could do is move it to the virus vault.

    I have the free version of AVG by the way.

    And don't tell me to buy any other type of thing, I'm under 18 and I can't buy anything. I just need to download something free if AVG isn't good.


    8 AnswersSecurity1 decade ago
  • Navel Clamps?

    Okay so I need to go out any buy some navel clamps but I have no idea how much they cost?

    Anyone here know how much they cost to buy from a tattoo shop?

    Assuming the tattoo shop sells them.. which I would think they would.

    2 AnswersOther - Skin & Body1 decade ago
  • My piercer told me...?

    My piercer told me that horizontal nipple piercings have to be pierced at a slight angle. Then she said "I don't know why, they just do."

    But I've never heard of that.

    Then she said that after a week you change the barbells to rings and then they even themselves out.

    Is that true? Just wondering. If it is, then how come?

    I'm kinda curious now.

    3 AnswersOther - Skin & Body1 decade ago
  • Want to go to Honolulu?

    Don't call my idea stupid, if you're going to be negative, don't answer.

    I'm 16, I want to save up money and buy a plane ticket and go to Honolulu.

    I would try to get a job, and probably stay at a homeless shelter at night and just walk around all day, probably stay at the beach.


    1. How nice are the people?

    2. Is it safe during the day/ at night?

    3. How expensive are things there, like a normal stores for food and clothing?

    4. If I get caught by the pigs, can I just lie and say I'm 18 and homeless? What would they do exactly? What would they do if I told them I was 16 and homeless? COULD they do anything, really?

    I though if you're gonna be troubled, may as well be troubled in paradise, eh? It's so cold and depressing over here, and I know I have what it takes to make it.

    No negative answers please. Just answers my questions.

    Thank you, darlings.

    6 AnswersHonolulu1 decade ago
  • One of my nipple piercings still hurts?

    I got them pierced in the beginning-middle of November.

    My left one healed up fine. And it's always sort of 'out' since the jewelery is holding it up. But on my right one, it seems deeper because it doesn't hold my nipple up or out, it's like it's underneath it. You're supposed to pierce them straight across, no dipping or anything, but when I put different jewelery into my right one, the one that hurts still, it seems like it does dip a little bit.

    I have 14g barbells and they're about the right length, but my "problem" nipple keeps rubbing against it. Well actually, the closure balls keep rubbing against the piercing hole and it's almost like the piercing hold is FORMING to the closure ball, like as if the closure ball could almost eventually be "swallowed" by the hole (ew!).

    However it usually starts to "sink" into the hole when I'm on/near my period. Is that just normal during the healing process?

    2 AnswersOther - Skin & Body1 decade ago
  • How can I make my computer less slow?

    I want to play the Sims2 but my computer is so slow that it skips mega-much. And it takes forever to do the simplest things on there.

    What can I do to make it run faster?

    Should I delete pictures/videos?

    5 AnswersOther - Computers1 decade ago
  • my keyboard is messed up!!?

    i was typing and all the sudden something popped up< i think it was because i was holding down the shift button for too long< something about filter keys> well i clicked cancel or no or whatever was on there and then all my letters started typing in capitols< without the caps lock button on>

    and when i pressed caps lock< i started typing in all lower case like i am now>

    and whenever i try to put a period or comma< that stupid less than sign appears <<<<

    and with my scrolly button on the mouse< if i try to use it< it acts as a "back?forward" button and will take me back a few pages if i scroll down>>>


    2 AnswersMonitors1 decade ago
  • Why does everyone want to have some kind of disorder?!?

    This may not be a "real" question, but some of the answers may amuse me. I want your opinions.

    I know so many people who have "bipolar disorder" and "ADD" and all this other crap. ADD has GOT to be one of the stupidest things I ever heard of.

    I'm tired of "Oh I can't do my homework, I have ADD!"

    No, shut up. You do not have ADD. If someone was holding a gun right now telling you to do your homework, I'm PRETTY sure you'd be able to focus, idiot!

    ADD, I like to call it "lack of discipline"

    And all these other people who say they're bipolar... oh wow. "I'm bipolar because I have ups and downs!"

    Great. That means your a normal person with normal emotional mood swings. Congratulations.

    Or better yet, people think they have a disorder because their doctor tells them so. NEWS FLASH. Doctors want to prescribe pills to get MONEY. They'll tell you anything you wanna hear if they think you'll buy it with a bottle of prozac.

    Am I the only one who is getting tired of all this crap?

    8 AnswersMental Health1 decade ago
  • Ipod problem?

    I dropped it but it landed on a pile of clothes and has a protective case and now it keeps freezing during songs and from inside the ipod it keeps making clicking noises!

    Should I take it to an ipod store?

    I have the U2 video ipod. Black with the red wheel... I've only had it less than a year.

    9 AnswersMusic & Music Players1 decade ago
  • Nipple piercing problem?

    I got my nipples pierced a week ago.

    The left one is fine

    But the right one doesn't look right.

    Like, it goes through more skin and the ball is leaving a dent on my skin where it hurts to touch, like a bruise.

    And it looks like the hole is getting somewhat bigger.

    And on that one side it looks like a small slit up the side of my nipple sort of and it's filled with white-ish gooey stuff.

    What do I do? Anyone know what it is?

    5 AnswersOther - Skin & Body1 decade ago
  • I think I have a problem?

    (I love how I go to yahoo answers for everything)

    Okay so basically I'm never in a normal mood. Sometimes I'll just be in this amazingly hyper happy mood and I'll talk really fast and be happy and can't stop laughing then that might go on for a few days, then sometimes I'll just be in a crap mood where I can't laugh, I can't concentrate, I hate everybody, I'm depressed, I start tantrums, and I'll just be upset for no reason, it's never inbetween.

    Sometimes the changes between those two moods are triggered by something very little, sometimes they change for no reason.

    What do you think it is?

    Someone thought it was bipolar but I don't know. If it is, what's the side effects of bipolar medication?

    7 AnswersPsychology1 decade ago
  • Good bras?

    I can never find good bras! I'm a D so I need something that will support and hold in. If I wear a sports bra, it makes my boobs go outward and hang funny. So I think one with an under-wire would be best, I just don't know where to get a good one.

    Actually, I take that back. Ones with wires are the only ones I can wear.

    I also need something relatively cheap... No more than 40 dollars.

    Thank you!

    1 AnswerOther - Beauty & Style1 decade ago
  • Red dots that won't go away?

    They aren't like the red dots people get as they grow older.

    First they look like a bug bite then they get darker and go down then scab. It just started happening a few months ago I have one on my chest, three on the top of my breast and another one on top of my other breast.

    What could it be? How do I make it go away?

    6 AnswersSkin Conditions1 decade ago