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Lv 610,521 points

Dallas~ Mom of 3!

Favorite Answers11%

I'm 24 with two wonderful daughters, a handsome little boy and an amazing husband. Although I had my girls in high school, I still graduated and made my life work. I even finished a year of college, till I decided to be home with my sweet girls. I love being a mother and a wife. I have been through a lot in my short life, and can asnwer any question from teen pregnancy, to rape, to alcoholic family members, to wronged friendships. I have a lot to offer this world and am wise beyond my years. I'm very, very pro-life. Every life, even a life as tiny as a bean, should have a chance. Anyone on Y!A who tells you to have an abortion or that you can't do it, are so very, very wrong. You can do anything you put your mind to and be a great parent at any age! You can find me around the baby name section, but sometimes I find a pregnancy or teen mom question I can't resist. Thanks for reading, see you around Yahoo Answers.

  • Middle names for Forrester?

    I'm not sure how I feel about Forrester quite yet, but I think it's pretty handsome. I have never heard of it before this pregnancy, and if we have a boy I think it will fit nicely with our three other children's names.

    However, I can't seem to find a middle name that works. I love Steele and Wolfe as middle names, but they don't exactly go with Forrester. Any suggestions?

    Rules on the middle name are; ONE syllable, and MUST end in E. Thanks!!!

    Also, if you have any nickname ideas, please let me know!

    8 AnswersBaby Names9 years ago
  • Trying to stick to a theme?

    We have three children

    Jacqueline Grace

    Barbara Belle

    Sebastian Cole

    All names are three syllables with a one syllable middle name. We just realized the middle names also all end in E. Now we have a new baby on the way, and are having the hardest time finding names we both like.

    I like Violet Joy for a girl, but it doesn't have an E at the end of the middle name. Should I care? Or try and find something else? Does putting an E at the end of Joye look stupid?

    Last, I love the name Elias Steele, but hubby doesn't like Eli for a nick name. I'm stumped.

    Opinions on these names AND if you have suggestions for three syllable first names and one syllable middle names ending in E, I'd love to hear them!

    10 AnswersBaby Names9 years ago
  • Testing testing! Should I test?

    This is sooo silly. I have done this three times already. My periods are irregular. Most months it's 35 days, but last month it was 30. I'm on cycle day 32 and TTC. Should I test or wait the three days? AHHH. No pregnancy signs, but maybe it's still early?

    What would you do?

    3 AnswersTrying to Conceive9 years ago
  • Best fit for Dominic?

    I have a name trend with my children. We use three syllable first names and one syllable middle names.

    I like Dominic for a boy. What middle do you like best? I have a soft spot for Knight at the moment.

    Dominic Knight

    Dominic Troy

    Dominic West

    Dominic Clarke

    Also, do you like any of these more then Dominic?






    9 AnswersBaby Names9 years ago
  • What is your favorite 3 syllable girl name?

    I like classic, old fashion names best...but you can give me any 3 syllable female name that you personally love. I'm searching for that perfect baby girl name. Thanks!

    My faves right now that hubby hates (so they are off the table *sad face*) -

    Genevieve & Lilias

    54 AnswersBaby Names1 decade ago
  • So everyone hated this name before but...?

    I still love it! Lilias - Lily-Us

    I think it's beautiful...I also love it because it's from my favorite movie, The Secret Garden. If we have a girl, I like the combination Lilias Joy. Maybe Lily for short.

    So, new patch of people, what do you think?

    13 AnswersBaby Names1 decade ago
  • I'm really loving the name Lilias. What do you think?

    Lilias/Lillias is my new favorite name. I like the combo Lilias Joy. I'd possibly call her Lily for short.

    What does everyone else think about this name? I know it's "old fashion" and I like older names. It would fit with my other two daughter's names beautifully.

    I just have a slight issue with the nick name Lily. I knew a little girl named Lily growing up - who was awful. I think about her when I say the name, but I'm hoping Id get over that when the baby was born (if it's a girl). Anyone ever feel that way?

    Thanks for the help =)

    4 AnswersBaby Names1 decade ago
  • How do you feel about these classic girl names?

    My husband and I have a boy name that we adore...but are having trouble with a girl name (not sure of the baby's gender yet). We want something classic and beautiful and very, very girly. Please tell me your favorite out of these and you can also suggest a few! Her middle name will be Joy no matter what. Thanks =)





    14 AnswersBaby Names1 decade ago
  • What do you think of this name...?

    How do you feel about Sebastian?

    I have two girls, Jacqueline & Barbara. Does the name fit? Does it remind you of The Little Mermaid to much? How does it sound with the middle name Cole? Sebastian Cole? Be gentle!

    Thanks =)

    8 AnswersBaby Names1 decade ago
  • What do you think goes best?

    Okay, so I have two little girls - Jacqueline Grace & Barbara Belle.

    What girl name and what boy name suits best with those sibling names?

    Gabriella Joy

    Delilah Joy

    Lilah Joy

    Amelia Joy

    Colin Elliott

    Troy Alexander

    Eli Campbell

    Wyatt Alexander

    8 AnswersBaby Names1 decade ago
  • Cramping, what does it mean?

    Hello Y!A readers!

    For the past 3 days, I have had slight cramping in my uterus/female areas. It feels like period cramps...only a little different. I'm right in the middle of my cycle at 16 days. So, that rules out period's two weeks early for that.

    So, does anyone have any ideas what this may be? At first I thought it was ovulation cramps...but you don't ovulate for 3 days. So, it has to be something else.

    Any advice or stories are welcome. I will be calling a nurse if they don't go away.


    1 AnswerTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • Vote on my baby name list please?

    Hey! I just made my first baby name list. Will you vote for me please? Then, tell me your fave name here and why you liked it best.

    Thanks so much! Best answer gets 10 points.

    12 AnswersBaby Names1 decade ago
  • What Do You Like Better?

    For a girl, which flows better?:

    Gabriella Joy

    Gabriella Danielle

    For a Boy:

    Gunner Daniel

    Gabriel Dallas

    Gabriel Dominic

    Or...are these three boy names better, which is the best?




    Father has the initials GDG, and thought if it we have a boy, it would be cute do give them the same initials.

    15 AnswersBaby Names1 decade ago
  • One faint, faint line, now negative test?

    Two days ago I took a pregnancy test, it was 4 days before my missed period. It had the faintest line in the world, you could barley see it, so I assumed it was negative till I looked at it again later.

    My neighbor said any line is a positive line. So I believed I was pregnant. We were so excited, and told some family members, including my mom (who are thrilled, we all really want another baby).

    This morning, we bought a more expensive first response test. Where in clear letters it tells you "Pregnant" or 'Not Pregnant". We got a "Not Pregnant"

    I'm bumming really hard. I can't imagine it being wrong...maybe I was seeing things with the first test? Or maybe it was a evaporation line? I'll test again in two days if I don't get my period tomorrow.

    Has anyone else gone through this? Did you end up pregnant or not pregnant?


    6 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • Am I right or just crazy (a friendship question)?

    Sorry it's long, but I'd love advice!

    I have been friends with the girl for 12 years. Since we were just 10. She moved away when we were 12, but we still talked and hung out once in a while (she didn't move far).

    After I had two kids, and she got pregnant with her first (now has two also). I thought this would be a great time for us to bond again. So I had her in my wedding, but she was late showing up!! She missed the rehearsal. This isn't the only late thing she has been to of mine. In all 5 years of my kids having birthdays, she has never been to ONE. Not one!! I was there for her baby shower, her kids birthday, her wedding and wedding shower. I was there for her always, and always on time. She came to one of my birthdays ONCE and left early...and brought a friend along that she knew I didn't like. I thought this was so rude.

    So after her missing so many parties, I finally broke down and wrote her a letter. I told her a little things that had been bothering me - Like being late for my wedding, not coming to my kids birthdays, and so on...

    She didn't wright me back. So 5 months later I wrote her again. I asked if she wanted to come over for dinner so we could talk. She FREAKED out! Said she never wanted to hear from me again. She said I was selfish and I should be happy that she came to my wedding at all!! She said her life is so busy with her baby that she can't be there for me. This didn't make any sense because I had been there for her with TWO babies. I never missed a party and I had two babies I had to bring!!

    So, we fought through face book for a while, then she stated to e-mail me. I finally had to block her. She was saying horrible things to me.

    My question is, was I wrong to tell her how I felt? It happened 6 months ago and I'm still thinking about it. My heart hurts so bad. I need to get over her, but it's so hard and weighs on my mind everyday.

    What do I do?

    8 AnswersFriends1 decade ago
  • Anyone have a similar problem with a late period and Plan B?

    I got my IUD taken out last month and then after remembered sperm can live in the vagina for up to 5 days, so I took the Plan B. I got my period a few days later, so I started counting 28 days from then so I would be on track for my next cycle. BUT it hasn't come! I am over 4 days late. I don't mind if I'm pregnant (I'm married with kids already), I just was wondering if the Plan B could have messed up my cycle? Anyone else have a similar problem?


    1 AnswerWomen's Health1 decade ago