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  • When someone buys a new home, what are their typical new home expenses?

    I m not talking about closing costs. I mean things for their home.

    1. Painting

    2. Lawn Care

    3. New furniture

    Is there anything else you can think of?

    8 AnswersRenting & Real Estate4 years ago
  • Legal advice about being turned away from hospital?

    A friend of mine went to the hospital in severe pain. They did BASIC tests. Like super basic. And didn t find anything wrong and so sent her away. Even though they could clearly see she was in pain and something was wrong. They told her to leave. The following day her mom came home and found her on the floor unable to move or talk. She was nearly dead. The ambulance arrives and had it arrived a few moments later she would have died. Turns out she had septic shock and the basic tests did not find it. Of course cause they where basic. The doctors easily could have done more tests but refused. Is there any sort of lawsuit for this?

    5 AnswersLaw & Ethics5 years ago
  • I haven t been able to eat much lately?

    The other month I went to the doctors and discovered I have eosinophilic esophagitis. They gave my medicine and everything was fine. But the other day I ate a donut and I felt like it was stuck at the bottom of my throat as if my throat was constricted. It went away after a few hours. Later that night it happened again. The past few days I have not been able to eat much because I feel like after I eat a small amount (like 5 chicken nuggets) I begin getting full, and as oddly as this sounds, the food is piling up at the bottom of my throat like there is pressure there so I can t eat any more. The past few days I ve been drinking multiple protein shakes to make up for lost nutrition.

    I would go to the doctors but they have been closed recently! Any idea what this might be?

    I was thinking it might be hyperthyroidism but I don t know...

    2 AnswersOther - Diseases5 years ago
  • Increase profits at work?

    I just started a job at a Lazer Maze. People go through the "maze" (it s a bunch of beams that shoot off the walls) and get to the end, punch in a code, and crawl back as fast as possible.

    We charge $8 per person to do it (it takes anywhere from 30 seconds to 2 minutes to complete depending on the difficulty).

    Multiple people have asked me "what do you win? " and I have to tell them "nothing. It s just for fun." And then they decide not to do it.

    Or people will stop by and look and leave because they are not interested. And I have no conversation starter really other than "how are you doing today? " or some other cheesy thing.

    So I suggested to my boss that if people get a certain score they get to spin a wheel with 32 different prizes ranging from a half off smoothie to $100 cash (all prizes can be redeemed at businesses right next to us and will be donated by businesses in order for them to get more business as well). Which will also provide a great convo starter!

    But he said that people will complain we cheated them out of it and post negative reviews on Facebook or something so he doesn t want to do it.

    Thoughts? Would you do it without a prize? Would you do it with a prize?

    1 AnswerOther - Entertainment5 years ago
  • Moving out on my own?

    A buddy of mine wants me to move out with him. But I'm a bit iffy about it. We would be splitting rent so it would be 375 per month. Water is included. Comes completely furnished. How much should I expect to pay per month on other expenses? Food? Utilities? (I don't want cable. I don't think he does either). Renters insurance? I believe I can stay on my dad's work insurance until I am 22. And any other expenses? Thanks!

    4 AnswersRenting & Real Estate5 years ago
  • which macbook should i get?

    So I am considering switching over to apple. My current computer is 8 years old and i m so ready for a change. But which should I get? Macbook? Air? or Pro?

    I either want a 13 or 15 inch

    I will mostly be using it for research, spotify, typing word docs and excel docs, netflix, and youtube. Maybe an occasional game or app or something. Oh, and I usually have around 8-15 tabs open at once.

    I will also be saving a lot of my work in a cloud storage system like dropbox (or icloud? ive never used it soooo yeah).

    3 AnswersLaptops & Notebooks5 years ago
  • Good bets?

    A friend and I made a bet that will last 5 years. At the end of the 5 years the lower must do something. Any good ideas?

    It's a big bet so we want something good. All we could come up with was the loser gets tased for 3 seconds by the winner

    2 AnswersGambling5 years ago
  • How much can wall studs hold?

    I asked this earlier but for some reason it got reported and deleted. Why? Idk.

    I am building a loft bed from one wall to another, so there will be no leg supports.

    It will need to hold about 700 lbs

    17 2x6s = 340-400 lbs (right?)

    I weigh 150

    Extra storage I'd about 50

    Bed is around 100

    The walls are concrete

    One is interior the other I'd exterior

    There will be 2 (possibly 3) studs on each side. So a total of 4 to 6.

    Am I safe? Will the walls hold?

    1 AnswerDecorating & Remodeling5 years ago
  • How much weight can wall studs hold?

    My room is kind of small so i was going to build a loft bed similar to this:

    There are a few adjustments on the design I am making.

    However they used 2x4s and their room is 8 feet wide. Mine is 10 ft wide. So my brother suggested using 2x6 that are 10 feet long.

    For the design I was wanting to do I will need 17 2x6s. Then the weight of my bed! The wood alone will be about 340 to 400 lbs (I assumed between 20-23 lbs each from what I found online). Then my bed probably weighs another 100 or so. That s about 500 lbs all together. Then it would need to hold me (150lbs) and I am building storage on top of it so assume another 50 or so just in case. That s 700lbs all together. Which would be drilled into 4 to 6 studs I think (sorry can t remember, my brother figured out how many there where). So 2 to 3 on each wall. One is an outside wall, one is an interior wall. Both are concrete walls. So it s about 115 to 175lbs per stud if I figure correctly (700 divided by 4 studs = 175lbs).

    Am I safe? Even if the boards weigh more than 20lbs each (cause I honestly don t know their weight. They felt heavier than that though, maybe they where just awkward to carry)

    2 AnswersDo It Yourself (DIY)5 years ago
  • Suing someone for patent infringement?

    How long do you have (upon discovery of patent infringement) to sue someone?

    My grandfather (who has now passed away) got a patent back in the 1970s. I believe that a company may have infringed on the patent way back when the patent was still active, before it was public domain. Is it possible to still sue them?

    The reason I ask UPON DISCOVERY of the infringement is because we just learned that he had this patent and just learned that someone may have infringed on it.

    2 AnswersLaw & Ethics5 years ago
  • Can you put carpet on top of carpet?

    So I live with my parents and right now I want to liven up my room.

    Its small, and brown. literally.

    It's like tawny brown walls with a slightly darker shade of brunette brown carpet (look at link below)

    I can't take this carpet out. So can you place carpet on top of carpet? And then get like a door threshold to cover up where my new carpet begins?

    My only concern is of course where the carpet meets the wall. Like I dont know what I would do with it. Would I just nail it down or something? I dont know.

    3 AnswersDecorating & Remodeling5 years ago
  • Recover unsaved excel?

    So I had an excel workbook i was working on and was editing over the past couple weeks.

    Then suddenly my computer decided to restart and do an update (how wonderful).

    Now at the time I didn't think much of it cause I wasn't working on the excel. I had it open but was doing some research online and I know how to recover my lost chrome tabs so it was whatever.

    Today I went to reopen the excel i was working on. It opened up my saved excel (from like 2 weeks ago). And it also opened up a second excel window that was blank and the excel window was super small so I couldn't see much and didn't bother enlarging it.

    I now realize that second window was the one that said "Would you like to reopen this excel document that wasn't saved". Needless to say I closed that excel window a few minutes ago. Then realized my opened excel doc is not the updated one. And when I clicked "recover unsaved files" it wasn't there.


    1 AnswerSoftware5 years ago
  • How to purchase a property?

    Okay, so there is someone I know who has a property they have been renting out for 10+ years and it has been very good to them! They are now selling it.

    The property is worth around 100k, but they said they are willing to sell it to me for 65k! AND It would be a great rental property!

    Now, I am only 18, and I barely know anything about real estate. So what would it take for me to get a mortgage on this property? Would I even be able to???? I still live with my parents and Just got a part time job making about $600-1000 per month (payments on mortgage would be about $500 including taxes and insurance, then I could rent it for 800 ish and have $200-300 per month cash flow). I don't have any other bills at the moment as they are covered by my parents.

    Problems: I don't have much money for a down payment, which I heard is required for a mortgage.

    How much of a downpayment do you think would be required? as I am sure I can probably get a loan from somewhere (such as some friends or something)

    Any tips would be great because I really want to get into real estate and would love for this to be my start!

    6 AnswersRenting & Real Estate5 years ago
  • Can you take over someone else's mortgage?

    If there was a house I wanted and the current mortgage on it was 50k, and the monthly payments (including tax and insurance) were $600 per month, is it possible to make a deal with the seller and the bank to pay the seller X amount of dollars and take over the rest of the mortgage?

    5 AnswersRenting & Real Estate5 years ago
  • Can you buy a home that has a mortgage on it?

    Lets say there is a home valued at 150k and has a 50k mortgage left. I know that if I buy it from the sellers for 150k then 50k will go to the bank and 100k to the sellers.

    But what if the home was refinanced at some point and now there is 170k on the mortgage? Since the home is only worth 150k then can you even buy it? The sellers would be 20k in the hole, right? Would it even make sense for the sellers to try and sell it before they paid off more of the mortgage?

    10 AnswersRenting & Real Estate5 years ago
  • purchasing houses with mortgage?

    So I am learning about real estate and have a question about mortgages on houses. I am 18 and know very little so bare with me.

    I have 2 scenarios, please answer both!

    1) Home valued at 200k, current loan balance at 50k. If I bought this home with all cash for 200k would the sellers receive 150k and then the bank would get 50k?

    2) Home valued at 200k. Home was refinanced when loan balance was at 50k and now the current loan balance is 225k. If I purchase this home with all cash for 200k at the market value then what happens to the other 25k? Do the sellers continue to pay that off or would I have to pay it off now that I own the home?

    5 AnswersRenting & Real Estate5 years ago
  • mortgage on homes/condos?

    I am new to real estate so someone please explain this to me, how this is possible.

    I was talking with someone yesterday about a condo they have for sale

    They only have one mortgage which is currently a loan balance of $215,000

    They bought it for $160,000 over 15 years ago.

    Their payments per month are $1,700 and includes taxes and insurance.

    How is it that their mortgage is so high when their 30 year term is half way through? At this rate it appears that the interest hasn't even been paid off yet!

    So is this situation even possible or is he just not saying something?

    12 AnswersRenting & Real Estate5 years ago
  • Providing Addresses on job application?

    I only have one reference I do not have a home address for (which is requests an address, BUT it does NOT state it needs to be a home address).

    Since this reference I know because she was my mentor for a few years (and technically still is) and everything we are involved in is business related though she has never been an employer of mine, would it be okay if I use her business address as the address?

    Again, it just says address it does not specifically say 'home' address

    2 AnswersLaw & Ethics5 years ago
  • References on Job application?

    On your job application is it NECESSARY to provide addresses of your references? I have 3 references, but only 2 I have addresses for and the third I don t have an address for. Will it be okay to submit it with one address missing? I have their business address, but not their home address

    4 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment5 years ago
  • How long do flowers stay fresh for?

    So on sunday I will be meeting a girl i love and will give her a dozen roses. However, I will be meeting her 8 hours away. And all of their flower shops are closed on sunday! So if I buy the roses and have them giftwrapped on saturday evening, do you think they will still look new come sunday evening? I don t really have a way to keep them cold and refrigerated

    1 AnswerGarden & Landscape5 years ago