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  • what career path should i take?!? was thinking of midwifery/nursing, but not anymore...?

    i was thinking about midwifery for the longest while, though somethings just put me off! Ideally, I d love to be an obstetrician, but i know that will never happen in a million years... any other suggestions for similar careers?!!

    1 AnswerOther - Careers & Employment6 years ago
  • how bad is diet/exercise??? need to lose weight!!?

    Hey, so I feel the need to lose weight- i feel as though im constantly snacking and I'm more conscious of my weight.. I'm 18, 5'5/5'6, and I weigh somewhere between 8.5 and 9 st (fluctuates throughout the day) I think I've put on about 3-4 lbs and I hate it- I can definitely feel it!

    I walk about 2 miles 4 times a week, run 4km once a week, then at I work part time at a cafe, twice a week, both days are 7 hours consistently running on my feet.. Foodwise, well for example today I ate, porridge (w/ full fat milk), chopped banana, acai, glass of tropicana, two hours later or so a slice wholemeal soda bread with homemade jam, then i had a tiny amounts of wheat free organic muesli,

    for lunch I had fish finger sandwich on wholmeal toast (with butter), then a pear

    an hour or two later, I had a large banana,

    Then it was salmon, potato and veggies for dinner

    later on i had natural organic yoghurt with acai and blueberries. and then a tiny bit more muesli (in milk)

    so yeahhh, that's a lot a lot a LOT of food? for an 18 year old girl?

    1 AnswerDiet & Fitness6 years ago
  • Is it okay to eat raw oats?

    I'd been wanting to make some "rawnola" (check ig, lonijane), it's recipe is 1/2cup raw oats, 7 pitted medjool dates and 1/2 cup of shredded coconut- pulse in blender till of desired texture..

    While I want to make this, I've heard it's tough (the raw oats) on your body in relation to digesting.. See the oats contain something called phytate, which can bind with some of the minerals in the oats itself, making it so that you can't absorb them....

    What to do?!

    Please help!

    Thanks in advance(:

    1 AnswerDiet & Fitness6 years ago
  • Invisalign vs braces?!?

    So I have very straight teeth, but the tops ones are slightly widely spaced.. (I've no problem at all with my bottom teeth) and I've a slight overbite also. I've been looking into Invisalign... Just wondering about what would be the cost for me would be, given that I don't really think it involves much work..?

    Also should I just look into braces instead??

    Thanks in advance..

    1 AnswerDental6 years ago
  • I'm 17, 18 next spring, and my boobs haven't grown since I was 14- they're a tiny 32a... Will they grow at all?

    All the women in my family (aunts included) have decent sized boobs- c cups, while my granny (on my moms side) was pretty flat...

    4 AnswersWomen's Health7 years ago
  • Computer viruses?!?

    My netbook is ridiculously slow, I can't do anything on it.. I've had free computer protection for 6 months, though that 6 months is up a while now, so as a result I think there's loads of viruses..

    Should I get it professionally looked at first, or should I just go ahead and buy/install internet protection myself?

    1 AnswerSecurity7 years ago
  • A cup boobs..... Help?!?!?!?

    I'm a 17 year old girl- 18 next spring, and I'm really paranoid at how small my boobs are. I'm 32a and they pretty much stopped growing at 13, maybe for a bit when I was 14.. I'm a normal weight (117lb) and I've never been under/over weight..

    Will my boobs grow at all anymore?? My moms a 34b, and my 20 sister is 32/34b....

    Thanks in advance!!

    4 AnswersWomen's Health7 years ago
  • A cup boobs... Help?!?!?

    I'm a 17 year old girl- 18 next spring, and I'm really paranoid at how small my boobs are. I'm 32a and they pretty much stopped growing at 13, maybe for a bit when I was 14.. I'm a normal weight (117lb) and I've never been under/over weight..

    Will my boobs grow at all anymore?? My moms a 34b, and my 20 sister is 32b....

    Thanks in advance!!

    2 AnswersWomen's Health7 years ago
  • Will I grow anymore???

    I'm a 17.5 year old girl, (I weigh 117lbs, if that helps) I'm currently 5'5, my parents are both 5'7... Will I grow anymore?! Ideally I'd love to grow 2 more inches...

    2 AnswersOther - Health7 years ago
  • HELP! Fitness regime......?

    I'm a 17 year old, 5'5/117lb girl- and I really need some guidance regarding setting up an exercise regime for myself... I'm just alright, fitness-wise. Right now, I run about 9k a week- 3k in 20 minutes, so it definitely could be better. Also I go for leisurely walk often enough too (about 2 miles) I want to really work out, push myself really hard physically...

    Any advice?!?!?!

    1 AnswerDiet & Fitness7 years ago
  • What to do for my gap year in Europe?!?

    I'm an 18 year old Irish girl whose taking a year off.. I plan on working and doing some courses, but I would also like to work abroad too? I would stay in Europe, no where else outside of that region- and I would particularly love to do something in England (born there..)

    Any suggestions?!

    (Also bear in mind that my budget would fairly limited and that I would be going on my own!)


    1 AnswerOther - Europe7 years ago
  • What country should I do WWOOF in?

    I'm a 17, going on 18 year old Irish girl whose taking a gap year. I've studied agricultural science, and I'm pretty much open to work in any type of farm.. what countries d'ye think I should go to?!

    P.s. I'd be going by myself...


    1 AnswerStudying Abroad7 years ago
  • Diet overhaul questions?!?! What type of foods/meals to choose?

    Hey, so I want to have a diet overhaul pretty much.. I feel that there isn't much variety in my diet- for breakfast it's usually always porridge or muesli with chopped banana and OJ, for lunch it's white (I know! Major diet sin..) pasta, with spinach/rocket/lettuce, tomatoes, olive oil and a bit of cheese, or tinned salmon on whole meal bread or toasted cheese and tomato sandwiches, and then dinner is whatever my mum/dad cooks.. Snacks are usually something like brown bread, butter (butter is better than spreads though!- no trans fats..) and homemade jam, or a bowl of granola (not homemade).. And them kinder bars will be the death of me!These foods are what if would mainly have and I definitely feel my meals should be changed up.. I realise that diet isn't really the correct term to use in this context, as I want to amend my ways for good- more of a lifestyle change than anything! So would anybody have any foods, meals, snacks that they think would be good to include in my diet?! I'm a 17, 5'5 girl and I weigh about 119lbs if any of that helps??

    Thanks in advance!!

    2 AnswersDiet & Fitness7 years ago
  • How to download TV shows onto computer?

    How can I download tv shows onto my laptop/netbook? I watch shows online on websites such as watch series and/or let me watch this, but I want to be able to download shows (online) so that I can watch them without requiring wifi..


    5 AnswersOther - Internet7 years ago
  • How to download TV shows onto netbook? What sites to use?????

    How can I download tv shows onto my laptop/netbook? I watch shows online on websites such as watch series and/or let me watch this, but I want to be able to download shows (online) so that I can watch them without requiring wifi..


    2 AnswersOther - Electronics7 years ago
  • Should I defer my college place for a year or not????? I'm torn...?

    So, 16 years old and i'll be 17 at the beginning of may. I'm finishing my last year of school before i go to uni in a few months. I'm not sure if i should defer my place for a year? I feel i am a bit young, having just turned 17 and i think i'll want a break after a tough year. Also i wouldnt be the legal age for alcohol/drugs etc so it'd be slightly harder to enjoy the ''college experience'' or fit in, if you get me. on the other hand, it'd be pretty annoying to see my friends on to uni without me, im nevous that gap year will essentially be a waste of time and that it'll be super boring..

    Should i take a year out or not???

    Thanks in advance!

  • Ways/places to make new friends?

    I'm deferring my college place for a year, as I feel I'm a bit young (I'm still 16..) so with friends all gone to uni, i'm going to feel a bit lonely. i want to make new friends and meet new people, but where can i do this? There isn't a lot of clubs/societies about where i live, and i cant leave home to go volunteering etc. as i said im too young.

    thanks in advance!

    3 AnswersFriends7 years ago
  • what are the career opportunities if you get a masters in midwifery science?

    like would you get the chance to become a consultant midwife? etc..

    2 AnswersTechnology7 years ago