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  • Petco's Tattoo Policy?

    I have an interview at Petco for a dog training position on Monday and was wondering if anyone knew what their tattoo policy was.

    I have a double infinity with paw prints on one side of it on the inside of my wrist. Obviously I'll ask when I go in for my interview, but just thought I'd ask here first. :)

    2 AnswersOther - Pets8 years ago
  • I Wanna Get my Tongue Pierced - Swelling Question?

    I've been wanting to get my tongue pierced for a while, but I'm concerned about the swelling/talking funny.

    I have to talk a lot at my job (repeating things back to customers) so they need to be able to understand me.

    I work Mon-Fri, so if I had it done on Friday (after work) would it pretty much be fine by Monday when I go back to work if I stay on an ice/slushie/ibuprofen regimen over the weekend?

    I want to have it done regardless, but I want to be a little bit prepared for how funny I may sound.

    5 AnswersOther - Skin & Body8 years ago
  • Should I go on Chantix? (Bipolar Depression/Insomnia)?

    I've been smoking for a few years.

    I've tried quitting on my own to no avail, but I don't want to be a smoker for the rest ofmy life.

    It's dirty, expensive, nasty, etc. and I regret ever starting.

    My problem is that I have bipolar depression and insomnia.

    My mom went on Chantix after being a smoker for over 20 years. However, now that she's off the medication, she has trouble staying asleep. She didn't have this issue when she was on it (just the crazy dreams).

    My problem is with falling asleep, but once I fall asleep, I can stay asleep.

    I don't want falling asleep AND staying asleep to both be problematic for me...

    Because of my bipolar II and insomnia, should I try Chantix?

    I have an appointment next week with my doctor next week and will discuss my concerns with her, but I want to quit smoking, but I have concerns about Chantix.

    Thank you in advance!

    1 AnswerOther - Health8 years ago
  • Can I own a handgun if I'm under 21?

    I'm 19 right now and want a handgun for my 20th birthday.

    I know you have to be over 21 to purchase a handgun, but my parents are going to purchase it for me. Would I be legally allowed to own and open carry under 21?

    I live in Arizona, if that matters.

    7 AnswersLaw & Ethics8 years ago
  • Do i need a CCW license in Arizona?

    Everyone I've talked to says you can CC in AZ without a license, but I can't find info about it.

    Is it true?

    Also, I'm 19 now. If I don't need a license, do I still need to open carry until I'm 21?

    3 AnswersLaw & Ethics8 years ago
  • Is she a pit bull or a staffie?

    Our foster failure was listed as a pit bull at the shelter (and we know how accurate those places are...), but I've had a lot of people ask me if she's a staffie.

    What do you think? Pit or staffie?

    Pics are going from oldest to newest.

    11 AnswersDogs9 years ago
  • Help! What is this older horror movie?

    I remember watching it when I was younger, but I can't remember what it's called now.

    The ONLY part of the movie I remember is a little taxidermy black dog (like a Scottie dog). Someone goes to pick it up, but it's alive, and cut in half going down the spine. It wasn't a big part in the movie, but it's the only part I can remember.

    2 AnswersMovies9 years ago
  • How can I curb my Eating Habits?

    When I lose weight, I have a lot of trouble keeping it off. I have an insatiable habit of eating infrequently, but gorging myself until I feel sick when I do eat. How can I stop this terrible eating habit?

    2 AnswersDiet & Fitness9 years ago
  • How long should a high on spice last?

    I did spice for the first time (yes, I'm aware of the risks - not going to make it a habit), but the high was only really good for about ten minutes. After about 20 minutes, I was completely back to normal.

    Is this typical?

    2 AnswersOther - Entertainment9 years ago
  • Critter Nation Cage Question?

    I have a Ferret Nation, and I'm considering getting a Critter Nation eventually (for a different species). I know that the cages are basically identical, aside from the bar spacing, but I just wanted to be sure of one thing.

    Can the center part that basically separates the cage into two levels be taken out, like it can in the Ferret Nation (142)? I'm not sure if they changed the way it goes in when they made the cages snap together, instead of having to use tools.

    Thanks in advance!

    1 AnswerOther - Pets9 years ago
  • Does Photoshop CS6 have the pen tool?

    I'm using Photoshop 7.0 right now, and I use the pen tool constantly. I bought a new tablet and it came with Photoshop 8.0, but they took the pen tool out so I uninstalled it.

    Before I spend the money on CS6, I want to make sure it has it.

    2 AnswersSoftware9 years ago
  • GSD with Cut on Eye - Help?

    Before everyone starts saying vet - I'm with my friend while she's housesitting for her aunt. We took her German shepherd over to her (friend's) house, and her lab got his eye pretty good. I just need advice on what to do until he can be seen by a vet.

    The cut is very close to his eye. His eyelid is hanging a bit, it's swollen, his eye is red, and there's quite a bit of gunk coming from his eye. It's obviously bothering him; he's pawing at his face.

    What can we do, until he can be seen by a vet? (As I know eye issues are urgent and need a vet ASAP, but unfortunately, that isn't an option at the moment). If nothing else, at least to help reduce swelling and ease his pain.

    Any and all advice would be greatly appreciated.

    2 AnswersDogs9 years ago
  • What is Required to Import an Animal from the UK into the US?

    I was wondering what all is required for an animal (ferret) to be imported into the US from the UK, other than a health certificate, and roughly how much it may cost?

    1 AnswerOther - Pets9 years ago
  • Question about Raw Diet and Ratios?

    I just put my ferrets on a raw diet. I'm wondering if there's a website or something that shows how much organ meat, muscle meat, bones, etc. they should get weekly.

    2 AnswersOther - Pets9 years ago
  • Questions about Breeding Feeder Mice?

    I plan on breeding a small colony of mice so I can feed them to my ferrets and cut costs of buying them frozen or live at the reptile shops.

    1) If I get two males that get along from the pet store and put them in the same cage together, if I put one with several females so he can breed them, will the other male attack him if I put him back with him, or will they still get along?

    2) Is it safe to put several females in a single cage if they have pups?

    For example - two females have a litter of pups, can I keep them caged together? Or should each female with litters have their own cage?

    Would it be safe to put a mother with a litter of pups with a female that isn't pregnant?

    3) I plan on cleaning out their bedding every day to minimize smell. Is it safe to clean out a mother's bedding that often if she has pups? If not, how long should I wait before cleaning her cage?

    4) What's a good diet to put the mice on? Both the studs, the females who aren't pregnant, and the females who are pregnant/nursing?

    5) Any other advice you can give would be much appreciated!

    2 AnswersReptiles9 years ago
  • Would it be Safe to Spray Bitter Apple on our dog's Head?

    Our 16 year old mutt has a wart on the top of her head, and all the other dogs like to lick it. She doesn't like them licking her head, but they always lick her wart. (Gross!)

    Would it be safe to spray bitter apple on it so they stop licking it?

    7 AnswersDogs9 years ago
  • Where can I get a Cheap Fish Tank?

    I'm not looking for one at the moment, but I will in the semi-near future.

    I just need the tank and maybe a stand. No filters or anything. How much should I expect to pay?

    The tank will be used for carnivorous plants, not fish. (Which is why I don't need the filters or anything an aquatic tank would need).

    6 AnswersFish9 years ago
  • At What Point would you Decide a Sport isn't right for your Dog?

    I'm on a flyball team. It's a relay race with a team of 4 dogs that go over hurdles, hit a box that spits out a ball, and they have to come back. Fastest team wins.

    We have someone that's been working with our team (she's not on our team, but she practices with us because she lives here half of the year), and she has three dogs - two Malinois and a border collie. Her female Malinois - awesome dog. Her other two make me very nervous.

    Her male Malinois doesn't like to be held. He will squirm, twist, and snap at the air. Doing recalls, someone has to hold the dog while the handler runs down, then they call the dog to them to run over the hurdles. The person that was handling the Malinois held onto him (so that he didn't get it in his mind that if he goes nuts, he can get what he wants), and her hand was twisted very tightly in his collar. She brought her other hand around to get the collar and he snapped and bit her hand. Just a quick snap, but still did significant damage.

    Her border collie cannot run with other dogs. We have to have gates set up between the two lanes with people holding plastic baseball bats so that if he starts to run at the dog in the other lane, they yell and smack the bats on their hands to get him back to his owner. The ONLY dog he can run with is the owner's female Malinois. He LIVES with that dog and will still try to attack her. He has killed a Jack Russell on the track. KILLED. No dogs are allowed to be out while this dog is out, for obvious safety reasons.

    I don't see why someone would continue to force the dogs to do this. Her male Malinois OBVIOUSLY doesn't enjoy the sport much. There is no way around holding the dog. He doesn't even like his owner holding him, and will twist and snap at her!

    And when a flyball team is running all of their dogs in a full race, there are 7 other dogs out. The border collie would be a HUGE liability! I honestly don't think he'll ever be able to run with any other dogs ever again.

    It's kind of a rant, but at what point would you say, "Okay, this isn't working for my dog (or me), I'm not going to continue this." It just boggles my mind.

    7 AnswersDogs9 years ago
  • Pitcher Plants and Venus Fly Traps Together?

    I don't know much about either, but I'd be interested in having a tank of them some day. I'm starting to do some research, but I was curious if it's possible to keep both pitcher plants and venus fly traps together. I'd likely keep them in a fish tank.

    3 AnswersOther - Home & Garden9 years ago