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I am a 14 year old girl. I love David Archuleta. He is my angel. He is the greatest! I have nothing more to share :).
is the a way to activate your account on neopets? Cause when i send it doesn't work and i can't contact anyone?
i tried sending my activation code to my email twice but it never came. i tried checking my spam or junk mail folder and it wasn't there and i can't contact anyone or call the admin or write a request, so i'm wondering is there another way to get my activation code for neopets or is there anyway i can do with my email so this can work? (ps: i'm using my dad's account so i'm not allowed to change security settings or things like that but i can still download things.) and also im using yahoo mozilla firefox :)
1 AnswerVideo & Online Games1 decade agoHow can I stop dreading summer holidays that are 5 months away?
I have been off school for a few days, and I have been extremely bored. It's brought back memories of dreadful, lonely summers that I have had before. I have started already dreading the summer holidays, even though they are 5 months away. I have no one with which I can hang out with, and nowhere to go. I don't think I have any clubs I could join either. I'm taking summer school to finish off a Grade 10 History credit so I can have an extra elective in Grade 10, but other than that I will be home all alone. (Plus, my guy friend that I really like will be graduating this year, and he might move away). How can I stop dreading the summer, and enjoy the next 5 months, and atleast stop worrying about something that's not coming for awhile? And what can I do to make my summer life more interesting and less miserable? Thanks!
2 AnswersPsychology1 decade agoWould you say this to your friend if you thought you were bothering him?
I said this to my friend yesterday:
Me:-eyy bob lol I've got to get off
-yeah sorry if Im bothering/distracting u with my messages lol
-i know ur busy and all
-buut I'll ttyl. good luck with senecca :) . peace
Him: -alrighttyy pcee
-and tnx
Me: -np lol. cyaa
I was afraid I was annoying him, so I felt I needed to apologize so he knew I was worried I was bothering him. Now I read it over, and it seems like such a weird/desperate thing to say, and that I sounded a little weird when i said it. Is it fine, and would you say that if you were in my place? Thanks!
2 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade agoWas this a dumb thing to say to my friend?
So I like my friend, and I've been worried that I've been annoying him with my messages the past few days, even though I've only been trying to start up a convo with him once a day, and I don't message him a total lot, while my friend talks to him aloot everyday. So yesterday, because I just needed him to know I was worried I annoyed him, I said this (let's say his name is bob, and the reference to senecca is because he ahd some testing the next day):
Me:-eyy bob lol I've got to get off
-yeah sorry if Im bothering/distracting u with my messages lol
-i know ur busy and all
-buut I'll ttyl. good luck with senecca :) . peace
Him: -alrighttyy pcee
-and tnx
Me: -np lol. cyaa
Was that a dumb thing to say, to apologize for annoying him or something? Mostly I did it because I was afraid he didn't feel like talking to me, even though he didn't tell me at all, but he had to brb the last few times for awhile. Or was it okay and natural to tell him that? I'm kinda self-conscious when talking to him and i wanted to know if I sounded weird or dumb when i said that, in your opinion. Thanks!
6 AnswersFriends1 decade agoShould I ask him if I am annoying him when I talk to him on MSN?
So I like my guy friend, I started liking him 2 months ago, and I've been good friends with him for 7 months. Before we used to talk easily and more then before, then we didn't talk as much as before, but we still eachother aloot. I've taken now to talk with him once a day, or once every two or three days, because I really enjoy talking with him, and it bothers me or hurts me when I don't. But I'm afraid he's getting annoyed. It's usually me asking a question, and him answering. Sometimes he does actually talk, but a little bit more, he usually uses short replies, and sometimes it takes him a few minutes or such to reply, especially when I first say hi. Sometimes he replies right away, but more he answers "yeaah" and "no", and half of our convos are like "lol, hahaha, lmao". Should I ask him if I am bothering him when I message, or if he is busy when I'm messaging? So then I can know, and he'll also maybe clue in that I'm afraid I'm annoying him. Is it okay to do that?
2 AnswersFriends1 decade agoHow can you tell if your friend is annoyed of you talking to him on MSN?
Sometimes, I get the feeling or vive that my friend is annoyed when I talk to him. I'm not sure why he would, but sometimes I get that feeling. Are there any ways I could tell that he would rather not talk to me, or is annoyed if me talking to him? Any advice appreciated. Thanks!
2 AnswersFriends1 decade agoIs it weird to talk to my friend everyday?
I like my friend, and I really enjoy talking to him. Is it weird to message him everyday? I don't mean spamming and trying tog et him to talk to me every minute, I mean just starting a conversation once a day. Is that strange or weird?
6 AnswersFriends1 decade agoHow do I get him off of my mind?
So, I really like my good guy friend. The problem is, is that I think about him all the time. I have tried numerous ways to distract myself, usually reading or watching videos on youtube helps, but he always just seeps into my mind when I don't have it fully distratced, and even then thoughts of him sneak in. I feel like I'm always waiting for him to come online, always thinking of topics to be able to talk to him about other than "hey" and "what's up?". I am always stressing over whether what I said to him yesterday or what I did or acted the day before looked stupid and idiotic to him. He's also a Senior and 17 years old, and I'mn a Freshman and 14, so it makes me more self-concious, cause he is older and "much cooler" to me than I am. How can I settle these thoughts down, and not think about him all the time? How can I also talk to him normally and joke around like I used to with him without being freaked out that I'll look stupid? I've already decided that I don't want to go out with him, and I enjoy him being my friend much more than if he was my BF. Any advice is appreciated, Thanks!
8 AnswersFriends1 decade agoHow can I stop being so self-concious when talking to him?
Okay, so me and my guy friend are well, good friends. I started to like him about two months ago. I always now feel like that I make an idiot out of myself infront of him. He's a generally kind-of clumsy person, and me and my friend who are both good friends with him laugh at this all the time whenever he drops something or trips over something, as a friendly joke, and he doesn't mind. But now, I'm almost so scared to even approach or talk to him now, 'cause I feel like I will make myself look like an idiot, and that some bad impression on me will remain with him, even though we've been good friends for about 7 months. How can I stop myself from always ebing so self-conscious and not care about what he thinks about me when I talk to him? I mean, he's my friend, so he shouldn't think I'm weird or stupid when I act a certain way. And how can I stop being so scared to talk to him, in fear of embarassing myself? Any advice would be appreciated, Thanks!
1 AnswerSingles & Dating1 decade agoHow can I talk to my guy friend?
Whenever I talk to my friend, I can never keep up a conversation. I'm really nervous when talking to him, cause he's like three years older than me and I don't want to say anything stupid. Most of the time when I talk to him, he is composing, so I wanna ask him for some of his lyrics. Basically, how could I ask for his lyrics without sounding weird, and also in general what could I talk to him about?
2 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade agoCan files in an antivirus quarantine do any harm?
Usually, I take to quarantining files when they are detected by my antivirus, because I don't want to delete any important files. But I never end up deleting, after like a few weeks or months and my computer is fine. I'm kinda afraid I'll end up restoring the files to the computer with one mistake click or opening folder. So, does it really matter if you delete them? Or can I just keep them in quarantine and they won't do anything to my computer?
1 AnswerSecurity1 decade agoIs it alright for me to talk to him?
I messaged my guy friend yesterday, and he didn't answer me back. Usually he does. The past little bit, his answers are usually shorter though, but this time he didn't answer me at all. But he was talking to another one of our friends, so i know he wasn't like, busy studying or something. For the past litte bit, I have started to like him, and I'm afraid he's starting to realize this, though I don't know how, I'm not obvious at all. This eating me alive, why he didn't message back. I want to message him, but I'll be really depressed if he doesn't message again. But I keep thinking about him, as if I need to talk to him. Will I lose anything if I try to message him today? I mean, we're friends. It can't be that wrong if I want to chat with him, right? Any advice would be appreciated, thanks!
3 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade agoI want to talk to my guy friend. Is there anything I could lose?
Me (freshman, 14) and my guy friend (senior, 17) were like, really cool friends. We used to hang/talk to eachother like normal friends.. But then, a month and a half earlier, I think I started to like him. I didn't let it get to me, i didn't want to like, be his GF or anything, just be friends like we were. But for the past little bit, he's becoming more distant. I haven't told him anything, and I've done my best not to make it look obvious, and I think I did really good. But now he doesn't talk that much to me, and it's not because I'm young. I'm afraid he's realizing that I like him, and now wants to stay away from me. He always gives me short answers online, and I can't talk to him that well in person anymore. I messaged him yesterday, and he never answered me back, even though he was talking with my friend. I'm afraid if I try messaging him again, he won't answer again. But I mean, he's my friend. Maybe he didn't message me back for a different reason. Do I have anything to lose if I message him again?
1 AnswerSingles & Dating1 decade agoI want to talk to him. Is there really anything I could lose?
Me (freshman, 14) and my guy friend (senior, 17) were like, really cool friends. We used to hang/talk to eachother like normal friends.. But then, a month and a half earlier, I think I started to like him. I didn't let it get to me, i didn't want to like, be his GF or anything, just be friends like we were. But for the past little bit, he's becoming more distant. I haven't told him anything, and I've done my best not to make it look obvious, and I think I did really good. But now he doesn't talk that much to me, and it's not because I'm young. I'm afraid he's realizing that I like him, and now wants to stay away from me. He always gives me short answers online, and I can't talk to him that well in person anymore. I messaged him yesterday, and he never answered me back, even though he was talking with my friend. I'm afraid if I try messaging him again, he won't answer again. But I mean, he's my friend. Maybe he didn't message me back for a different reason. Do I have anything to lose if I message him again?
1 AnswerFriends1 decade agoWhy won't he talk to me? What did I do?
Btw, I'm sorry if this is long.
My friend, who's three years older than me and a senior, and I were really cool friends. I'm a Freshman, 14 years old, and he's 17. We used to talk normally all the time and joke around and everything. But about a month and a half ago, I started liking him. Not that I told him or even made it obvious or anything. I didn't mind, I just wanted to be friends. He's still been cool with me, but for the past while, he's been a little more hesitant. When I talk to him online, he gives shorter answers, and I can't strike up a conversation with him in person really anymore. And yesterday, when I messaged him saying hi, he didn't answer back. I assumed he was studying, but apparently he was having a conversation with my friend, so I don't get this. What could I have done, and why is he slowly becoming hesitant to talk to me? I mean, I miss those days when we used to just talk normally. And it's killing me that maybe he thinks im a creeper/stalker, although I don't think I've done anything to make him thin that. It hurts more because, deep down, I know that I like him. He might a city over when he goes to college, and it hurts, maybe if we could become good friends again like how we were before, we wouldn't lose touch. I want to message him on MSN, but im afraid, because if he doesn't answer, I know I will get extremely depressed, and he might think im weird if I message him again? I have become really self-conscious in everything I say or do around him now. What can I do, it's almost eating me alive? Thanks.
2 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade agoHow do you feel when you have a crush?
How do you feel like when you have a crush? Even if you haven't realized it, how do you feel, what do you think about, what are your actions? You could say this question in another way, "How do you know if you have a crush on someone?" And how do you know it's not just an infatuation, but you actually like this person? Especially if it was a first crush? If you wanna share stories you can :)
5 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade agoWhy can't I talk to him naturally?
So I like one of my friends. He's not like a super best friend, but he's a good friend, part of this little "four people" group we have. But we're not extremely close or anything. I've been trying my hardest to just chat with like friends, because I just want to talk to him, like normal friends. But whenever I try to chat, after a "Hey" and "what's up?", the conversation kind of stops. I'm just afraid I'll annoy him by talking to him, even though I shouldn't see why because he shouldn't get annoyed, but I get so self-concious when trying to talk to him. What can I do about this? Any advice would be appreciated.
1 AnswerSingles & Dating1 decade agoIs it natural to cry because of this?
My guy friend, who I've been friends with for like more than half a year, and I don't know how, but just for this month, I've been falling for him. I still deny, but I admit to myself that I really like him. Right now, he's in some kind of "sad state", a personal problem that he won't tell anyone. But from the hints he gives, online and in person, it almost seems like he liked another girl, and something happened. Ofcourse I don't know this, but even the thought hurts me. The bigger point is, I had just started crying, just tearing up a little bit, when I thought about how I'm nothing more than a freshman yto him, and he's a senior, and we're three years apart, although we are actually good friends and see eachother alot. Most of the time, my friend does all the talking and I'm too shy to say anything for fear I'll say something dumb. And I hate myself for falling in love for the first time with someone three years older. Is it natural to be a bit depressed and kind of tear up about this, or is this a dramatic, unnatural reaction? Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks.
2 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade agoIs there a program where you can add/edit instruments into a song using the computer/software?
I have one of my friend's songs, that his ony his voice and guitar, and I wanted to add some other instruments to the song, like drums, electric guitar, piano, etc. Is there a way to do this using a computer? A free program I can download to do this?
5 AnswersSoftware1 decade agoIs there a program where you can add/edit instruments into a song using the computer/software?
I have one of my friend's songs, that his ony his voice and guitar, and I wanted to add some other instruments to the song, like drums, electric guitar, piano, etc. Is there a way to do this using a computer? A free program I can download to do this?
2 AnswersOther - Music1 decade ago