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35 years old, loves reading, fan of The Lord of the Rings, Tolkien, Sting, Enya, Nature, all living things. Loves to write, draw and day-dream.Mum of two girls.

  • How does a person with high levels (6,0) of eosinophils feels?

    Yesterday went to the doctor and he handed me over my lab analysis taken in March, saying my eosinophil levels were high at the time. Asked if i am alergic to anything and i said no that i know of. Added i had taken lab exams last friday at a hospital because i hadn't felt well for some days (low fever and a huge tiredness) and the doctors there didn't say a word about my eosinophil levels so maybe it was ok now. When i got home i looked for the lab results and was surprised to see the eosinophil high levels ! So the same condition since March..and i wondered if what i felt and am feeling again now wasn't result of some virus as they claimed at the hospital, but an allergic reaction..any insight????

    I am feeling awful now, very, very tired and hard to breath.. (my lungs were checked yesterday and were fine)

    2 AnswersOther - Health1 decade ago
  • My baby about to turn 2 suddenly changed!! We're so worried..?

    My baby girl is 23 months and we noticed an immense change in her the last couple of days. She's way more sensitive, cries in a silent, heartbreaking way when we leave her at daycare, clings to me and not her dad as before and is developing some fears, reaching panic when hears a shout (happened yesterday when her dad was calling me from the other side of the house). Is this normal? Do u think it's the famous 2 years-old crises?? We're very worried.. she is so changed.. :-(

    8 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • Do you feel different towards your oldest since the baby was born?

    Because i do and i am feeling horribly guilty and ashamed. My oldest is a sweet 8 years old girl (from a previous relationship) and i am now the mother of a fascinating 10 months old baby girl. I am completely in love for this new baby, i am tired because i work full time and have a house of 5 to mantain, and i have no patience whatsoever towards my oldest child. I get really angry with her when she confronts me about something and stopped cuddling her as i did, before her sister was born. Of course, she feels it and has accused me of that. Her school work dropped. She started crying for nothing. I am feeling absolutelly guilty and helpless because she's only 8 and does not deserve it.. deserves all my attention and love as before. How come i feel this way..Has anyone felt this and how did you cope with it? thanks

    11 AnswersParenting1 decade ago
  • My baby just turned 6 months and yesterday she said her first word??

    What age did your baby say it's first word? We guess little Iris tried to say her father's and brother's name (the same) and we were delighted, though surprised. Just wish to say "Bless you" to all parents (and mums to be) who come to this site. I came here whenever I needed help during my pregnancy and i delievered an amazing smart little fairy named Iris. She's the star of our lives. Hope you have all the luck in the world with your babies. I also met here very interesting women and we're still in touch today, exchanging news and our daylife. I made friends :-) So, Bless you all and all the best!

    10 AnswersOther - Pregnancy & Parenting1 decade ago
  • After birth, when to have sex??

    Hi! I am the proud mummy of a little beauty born 18 days ago. The birth was easy and i didn't get one stitch!! Although i am very tired with the baby and the rough nights (not so bad now!), the truth is found myself feeling desire just a week after her birth. Sometimes i do feel tempted to have sex , because i feel so good! Is it too early?? How long after birth did you restarted your sex life?? I am amazed with myself, too. It wasn't like this with my first baby. Thanks!

    18 AnswersOther - Pregnancy & Parenting1 decade ago
  • 37 weeks and feverish.A problem to the baby??

    Hi. I am 37 weeks plus 1 day pregnant and since last night i 've been feeling really feverish, hot and my skin is over sensitive. My thermometer has broken... but i do know the sypmtoms of fever in me. I am taking Benuron and haven't called my ob yet cause i know she worked during the night shift and must be sleeping. Does anyone know if this fever (not too high) can harm the baby? I may have developed something on friday, when i was outdoors on my daughter's school party cause it was really windy and cold. I'll call my ob later, but i am feeling a little anxious right now. Thanks

    2 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Anyone else 36 weeks and feeling great?!?

    All of a sudden i began feeling great. My hip pain is much better, my back is not killing me and i am moving around with no great effort. No anxiety about the birth, either! Weird, right? How are you feeling, if you are about the same time as I am??

    8 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Almost 32 weeks and doc said my baby is very thin. Other experiences?

    Hi!I will be 32 weeks in two days and on my last scan, two days ago, my doc said the baby is very thin and that I must rest so that the baby can put more weight. I am on my second week of holidays and I already rest a lot! She's 1,600 kg now. How thin she really is?? Did anyone had this experience and with how much weight did your baby have at birth? Thanks

    2 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Just sharing my joy!!?

    I am minutes away of leaving my job for good, until I end my maternity leave, that is. I am sick and tired of dragging my feet and huge belly along this huge factory and so I feel really excited with the perpective of being home, preparing my nest and taking care of my oldest daughter. I am 30 weeks today, taking 2 weeks of vacations and then, sick leave until my baby is born. Can't wait to give a big and final relieved sigh after leaving, in 15 min. It's been hard. Also, i feel I am getting closer to meet my baby Iris, although i've still some weeks to go. I'll keep on watching what's going on in here cause you all have been a great help during all these 7 and a half months. Bless you all and i'll stay in touch!

    12 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • In your country, what is the average of number of children per couple?!?

    Yahoo answers is a source of knowledge and surprise for me. Although this is my 2nd pregnancy, I had not heard before about lots of issues that are discussed here, like implantation bleeding and lcontinuous measure of HCG levels. It's different in my country. I also feel very surprised to realize the number of children most of the woman that are giving answers (bless them!)have. It's not so common here to have 3 or more childre. Usually, in Portugal, coulpes are having 1 to 2 chidren and the population is getting old -some regions are even offering money per child born so that villages don't become deserted. This is also happening in Germany - heard the government was paying as much as 2500 € (I am not sure) for each child born this year! I was wondering about other countries.

    Thanks for answering!And a great Friday to all !

    12 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • When during pregnancy did stretch marks appear on your belly?

    On my 1st pregnancy i had no strech marks on my belly, but i did get them on my hips. I´ll be 28 weeks tomorrow and still no strech marks, but with a huge belly. Does this mean I won't have them or do they appear in the last trimester??

    PS I had a huge belly from the beginning, though it's much bigger now that on my 1st pregnancy.


    10 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • When during pregnancy did stretch marks appear on your belly?

    On my 1st pregnancy i had no strech marks on my bell, but i did get them on my hips. I´ll be 28 weeks tomorrow and still no strech marks, but with a huge belly. Does this mean I won't have them or do they appear in the last trimester??

    PS I had a huge belly from the beginning, though it's much bigger now that on my 1st pregnancy.


    6 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Would you ask him in marriage??

    I am 7 months pregnant and for the first time in my life I do believe I have met and have the privilege of sharing my life with a true soul mate. We've been together for almost a year and I love him very much, wish to grow old with him. This is our second serious relationship and I guess some fears need time to go away. I am scared to mention marriage. So insecure, afraid he turns me down,although he's the sweetest man and has said to me that he feels an amazing peace with me and is very proud of sharing his life with me. He never wanted to marry his son's mother during their 13 years relationship. I am afraid he thinks I want to secure him. I just love him with all my heart. I've been hurt before, that's why I am scared. What should I do? Just wait until who knows someday he speaks to me about it??

    5 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • Harder when pregnant at 34/35 than at 27??

    Just wondering about other women's experience. I was 27 when my first daughter was born. Now I am 34 (almost 35), 26 weeks preg. with my second. I am beginning to feel VERY tired and with a huge pressure from withing. Do you think it's easier to be pregnant when you're 20 something??

    8 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Really strong and painful contraction at 24 weeks??

    Yesterday, in bed and right before sleeping i felt a really strong and surprisingly painful contraction. I am used to contractions - feel them since 4 months preg, but they were not like this one. I breath properly and the contraction took a long while to stop. Today I feel my belly very tense and hurts. Did anyone have painful braxton hicks contractions?? What do you think?

    5 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Anyone else due July 14 th??

    How are you feeling these days? Still working ? What are your expectations? Just wanting to share a little more of my pregnancy with other mums to be

    6 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Does epidural make you swell?

    After my daughter was born, I swelled so much i couldn't look myself in the mirror or put my new slippers on. I am thinking of not having epidural this time because I really want to be "all there" - maybe I won't swell up again?? it was horrible...

    9 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Urgent!! I have just inhaled HCl vapors, passing by a truck unloading it.I am 23 weeks preg. Dangerous ?!?

    I work in a big factory, which uses a lot of chemicals: HCl, NaOH, Hexane, H3PO4, citric Acid, Mthanol, methilate, etc. I no longer go to the area where it's used Hexane. But does the casual inhalation of these products in the form of gases have any effect on my baby? I felt bad after feeling the HCl vapor hitching in my mouth and nose. What should I do?

    4 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Now I am pregnant with my 2nd child, why I am I more impatient with my 6-years-old?

    It really disgusts me. I am 22 weeks now and my daughter is really happy about the little sister coming in July. She kisses and touches my belly a lot, in a sweet manner. Then why don't I just feel proud and happy about it?? Why am I less patient with her? Making room for my 2nd?? Really confused and angry with myself cause I do have a beautiful and sweet daughter and she does not disearve it.I am the only one??!!

    4 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Do you mind if people touch your belly?

    I am 22 weeks pregnant, with a huge belly and for some time i hate people putting their hand on my belly. Even my 6-years old daughter... But when it's the father doing it, I feel really good and cosy, special. Maybe it's because I feel it as a touch of intimacy?! People mean well and are happy for me, but I can't stand it!! Does it happen to you too??

    28 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago