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  • Do you have some funny sex mishap stories?

    I'm writing a small comedic story and am trying to find funny/worst sex mishaps?

    5 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships1 decade ago
  • On the Pill and use condoms, but no period for 2 cycles.?

    I am on the third day from not taking the pill, but I haven't gotten my period yet. I had some spotting for two days last week. This happened the previous month as well, but I was sick just after I stopped taking the pill, so I thought it might have had an affect on my period.

    I am sexually active, however we always use condoms as well (and nothing has gone wrong with the condoms to my knowledge). I forgot to take the pill once in September, so I waited seven days to have sex again (with a condom), but sense that was three months ago I don't think it has any correlation (hopefully...).

    I had started taking the pill in June didn't take it for the required 7 days than started again. In July I started the next pack right away without stopping, and in August I started again like normal (with the 7 day break), so in August I got my period while I was on the pill (towards the end of the pack). and in September as well.

    2 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • On the Pill and sue condoms, but no period?

    I am on the third day from not taking the pill, but I haven't gotten my period yet. I had some spotting for two days last week. This happened the previous month as well, but I was sick just after I stopped taking the pill, so I thought it might have had an affect on my period.

    I am sexually active, however we always use condoms as well. I forgot to take the pill once in September, so I waited seven days to have sex again (with a condom), but sense that was three months ago I don't think it has any correlation (hopefully...).

    i had started taking the pill in June didn't take it for the required 7 days than started again. In July I started the next pack right away without stopping, and in August I started again like normal (with the 7 day break), so in August I got my period while I was on the pill (towards the end of the pack). and in September as well.

    1 AnswerWomen's Health1 decade ago
  • Is this normal during intercourse?

    I've recently started having sex. The first two times were painful, the last time wasn't really painful, but I did feel like I had to pee... Is that normal?

    2 AnswersWomen's Health1 decade ago
  • The pill and protection against pregnancy.?

    The week that I don't take the pill, am I still protected?

    Is it weird that I had my period while I was taking the pill (not during the time I don't take it). Will it still protect me against pregnancy?

    2 AnswersWomen's Health1 decade ago
  • First time sex, second time sex...?

    I recently had sex for the first time. It was quite uncomfortable. Definitely didn't make me think ooh I want to do this again. I figured it would be better the second time so two days later we tried again. It was a bit less painful, but it was still uncomfortable and a bit painful. Is this normal? Any suggestions on how to make it enjoyable?

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Sexually transmitted disease test?

    I asked my bf to get an std test done. He said it should be ready in a week and a half. What will this normally cover? Is HPV testable?

    2 AnswersSTDs1 decade ago
  • HPV Vaccination, your opinions?

    What are your opinions on getting the HPV vaccination? I have gone back and forth on it because of the side effects. But then someone said that the side effects aren't any different than other vaccinations. So then I thought well perhaps it is worth it.

    2 AnswersSTDs1 decade ago
  • A couple questions about the Pill....?

    I started taking Mercilon in June. In July I took it straight through (didn't stop for the week) and afterward I took it like normal again. however in August I had my period while I was in my third week (so still taking the pills) and now I am spotting again and I amend of my second week... Is there something wrong? Will it still work properly?

    Just to confirm, the week I don't take the pill, it still works, or is there greater risk in getting pregnant?

    Also I just realized I forgot to take the pill once, not sure when that was.... I haven't had sex yet, but was planning on doing it kind of soon... What should I do?

    1 AnswerWomen's Health1 decade ago
  • Is a month a long time to wait?

    I have been with my boyfriend for about a month now and have known him (casually) for about two months. We haven't slept together yet. Apparently he was worried that I didn't like him that much because of this, is it really that strange for guys to wait a month before sleeping with someone???

    9 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Asking my bf to take STD's test?

    I was talking with my sister and she said that sex with a condom is fine even if he hasn't gotten checked for STD's yet and that oral and sex without a condom is not (not that I would have sex without a condom...), I am also on the birth control pill, not that has anything to do with STD's. So it what my sister said correct?

    Also how do you bring it up that you want your boyfriend to get checked? It's not that common over here for people to do, so I am wondering what is the best way to bring it up...

    6 AnswersSTDs1 decade ago
  • A guy, a girlfriend and...?

    There is this guy who has been with his girlfriend for a while and he is moving with her soon. He used to flirt with my best friend, but nothing ever happened in between them (I am sure of this). She says he is a really good guy, who she doesn't think would cheat on his girlfriend.

    I met him once or twice briefly but never really talked to him. Saw him recently, we got talking and he was flirting a lot with me. He invited me back to his place... He said that he hadn't cheated on his girlfriend. We didn't do anything, because I didn't think it would be right, otherwise he was completely up for it. I've seen him since and he keeps on flirting with me and hinting at me going back to his place, which I haven't.

    So if he is not generally a player, why is he being like this with me?

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Need help learning the guitar?

    I've been playing classical guitar for a while now, but I want to get more into playing accompaniment. I know some chords, but I want to learn more, also my strumming isn't all that brilliant. Any suggestions on how to improve would be greatly appreciated, i.e. websites or techniques I should try.


    2 AnswersOther - Music1 decade ago
  • What intimidates guys? Why don't guys ask me out?

    A guy recently asked me if I intimidate guys (I have an athletic build, but I am always told it's sexy). I didn't know what to answer, I just said I don't know, maybe, do I intimidate you? To which he answered no. But he asked the question, so it must have been on his mind.

    I have been told by some people that I could be intimidating, however I have also been told that I am very pretty (sorry not trying to sound conceited or full of myself), fun etc. and lots of guys tell me sister that I am hot and that they would like to date me (or just bang me...). I get along quite easily with guys, but not in a too friendly way where they would only think of me as a friend. I don't get it why guys don't ask me out.

    Only guys who are only going to be around for a short period of time will make a move... Why?

    What do guys find intimidating and is it really such a bad thing?

    4 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Why do guys do this? confused...?

    Why is it that guys say things like you are gorgeous and I really want to hang out with you and then when there is the opportunity to meet up they don't take it or make an excuse not to meet up? It is really confusing and a pain in the ***. This guy wanted to meet up with me and I said okay and told him when I was available, but now it doesn't seem like he wants to meet up. Why do guys do this?

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • How would you react if....?

    I am 23 and still a virgin. There is no real reason for it just that I never had a serious relationship. I have had the opportunity to have sex quite a few times, but have always turned it down since I didn't want the first time to be with some that I didn't have real feelings for. I don't fall for guys easily and I guess I am a bit picky. I am also a bit nervous to tell a guy that I am still a virgin. How would you react if someone (a 23yr old) told you that they were still a virgin?

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Will it hurt the first time if...?

    I am pretty sure my hymen is broken. I've been fingered and stuff Will it hurt the first time I have sex? Will the guy be able to tell whether I am a virgin or not?

    3 AnswersWomen's Health1 decade ago
  • Contraceptive options?

    I am going to take a contraceptive. The two options are either mercilon pill or a ring which I remove every 21-28 days. I am also using it to regulate my period. What is your experience with either of these? Side affects, benefits, etc.?

    1 AnswerWomen's Health1 decade ago
  • English French translation?

    How do you translate: You don't want to see me anymore or what? It's to a friend and it is meant jokingly.

    3 AnswersLanguages1 decade ago
  • Don't want to be more then friends?

    I went out with a guy that I just met, but I am not that into him. He is nice and I get along okay with him. I wouldn't mind being friends, but am not interested in anything more. I don't want to lead him on though, what should I do?

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago