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  • Weight Loss Question?

    I am 5'9 and 250 pounds. I have hit the gym approx 5 days a week for 1.5-2 hours a day. At first I put in 4-6 miles of cardio, which included walking fast on a treadmill and cycling. I cut down to 3 miles of cardio, treadmill and cycling, because someone told me since I was in the gym five days a week that's all I needed to do. I also work my abs and glutes. I have noticed a significant change in my digestive system. Everything is running much smoother. I have also noticed that my appetite has decreased drastically, so I'm assuming my metabolism has boosted. Why am I not seeing the weight loss or muscle definition results that I desire to see? I've been at it for almost two months and I've noticed no change what-so-ever.

    20 AnswersDiet & Fitness8 years ago
  • Am I The Only Woman That Finds This Upsetting?

    I am a single woman. I am attractive, college educated, never married, with no children. I've noticed there's alot of very handsome and educated men that are gay. Such men, if heterosexual, would be awesome suitors. A few months ago, I found out a man, who is very masculine, is gay. This is Mr. ESPN. A manly kind of man. An intelligent man with good manners, who is always kind and respectful. This blew me away! I had the biggest crush on this man for a few years before finding out he is gay. I'm still upset over it and I'm still in shocked over it, as well. Fast forward to the present day. I'm at the grocery store and checking out. The cashier, a young "pretty" guy is very effeminate. Obviously, he's gay, as well. What is going on with all of the men coming out as gay men? As an attractive, educated woman.....I'm p*ssed! Many women, myself included, are a**ed out of potential mates.....because their all gay! How many times have you heard of men being married, leaving their wives, and children when they FINALLY decide to come out of the closet? So many bright and beautiful women will go to bed alone and wake up alone because of the decline of TRULY heterosexual men. Have you checked out social sites of the large amount of married men seeking sexual pleasure from the same sex "discreetly"? WTH is going on? Where have all the heterosexual men gone?

    11 AnswersMarriage & Divorce8 years ago
  • Am I The Only Woman That Finds This Upsetting?

    I am a single woman. I am attractive, college educated, never married, with no children. I've noticed there's alot of very handsome and educated men that are gay. Such men, if heterosexual, would be awesome suitors. A few months ago, I found out a man, who is very masculine, is gay. This is Mr. ESPN. A manly kind of man. An intelligent man with good manners, who is always kind and respectful. This blew me away! I had the biggest crush on this man for a few years before finding out he is gay. I'm still upset over it and I'm still in shocked over it, as well. Fast forward to the present day. I'm at the grocery store and checking out. The cashier, a young "pretty" guy is very effeminate. Obviously, he's gay, as well. What is going on with all of the men coming out as gay men? As an attractive, educated woman.....I'm p*ssed! Many women, myself included, are a**ed out of potential mates.....because their all gay! How many times have you heard of men being married, leaving their wives, and children when they FINALLY decide to come out of the closet? So many bright and beautiful women will go to bed alone and wake up alone because of the decline of TRULY heterosexual men. Have you checked out social sites of the large amount of married men seeking sexual pleasure from the same sex "discreetly"? WTH is going on? Where have all the heterosexual men gone?

  • With The New Layout Of Y/A, Does Anyone Know How To Report Someone?

    I wanted to report someone but I cannot find an option to do so.

    4 AnswersMarriage & Divorce8 years ago
  • How To Deal With Finding Out A Long-Term Crush?

    is gay? I work for an apartment community and I've had the biggest crush on one of the residents for a few years now. I found out about a month ago that he's gay and engaged. I was devastated. I've come to accept his sexual orientation. Not that it was really any of my business to begin with. I decided to do a search on a local site for males looking for males in the area. I was just curious to find out if anything would pop-up. I've found a few looking for a man in the same apartment community I work at. I've also found a few that match his physical description looking for discrete sex in the area, which is a VERY small township. What are the chances this is him?

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • True Story: Yesterday my brother informed me he was going to be a first time father. Today, I step?

    outside for a smoke, look over to my right, and there on the ground laid a gutted, headless rabbit. It's guts were neatly piled together about two feet from the rabbit. The rabbit and the guts had NO blood on it, which means it was probably killed elsewhere and brought to my place of work. Ever heard the old saying, "The rabbit died"? It means someone is preggers. Coincidence? It REALLY freaked me out! Who would do something like this?

    1 AnswerPsychology8 years ago
  • I Need Advice About A Social Site?

    The site is Linkedin. I noticed one of my connections, who happens to be the President of the company I work for, on the "Viewed By People" section of two guys I have looked up recently. The President is one of my connections but not a connection of the two guys I looked up. One of the guys I looked up, I have a major crush on and I'm kind of freaked out right now.

    Hacked by the President of the company or what?

    By the way, I have the privacy settings so that I remain anonymous to all profiles viewed.

    I have also encountered trouble getting into other email accounts, one of which I used for business purposes, such as job searches. When I tried to log in it told me the email or username did not exist, so I had to change my email and update my resume.

    I know this has nothing to do with M&D but I am an avid and long time user of M&D. I would appreciate your opinion.

    1 AnswerMarriage & Divorce8 years ago
  • So I Was On Linkedin & Noticed One Of My Connections?

    who happens to be the President of the company I work for on the "Viewed By People" section of two guys I have looked up recently. The President is one of my connections but not a connection of the two guys I looked up. One of the guys I looked up, I have a major crush on and I'm kind of freaked out right now.

    Hacked by the President of the company or what?

    1 AnswerEtiquette8 years ago
  • Would You Consider This Person An Introvert or An Extrovert?

    Works with the public all day. At night enjoys quiet time with no social life.

    Day and night are completely different.

    Is it possible to be both?

    3 AnswersSociology8 years ago
  • Had A Strange Dream, Nightmare....?

    I just woke up from a nightmare. I was at an unknown location. Outside, in the back of house, I saw two elderly African American men lying motionless on the ground. Both appeared to have been near death and starved. They were bone thin, with their eyes bulging, and one was crying out for help. There were a ton of dogs, that appeared to be, show dogs running around them in the back. All the dogs appeared to be the same breed and well cared for. Then a medical professional from another county appears to be tending to them. This happened before I had a chance to call the local authorities. I thought it was strange that someone from another county showed up. What do you make of this nightmare?

    1 AnswerDream Interpretation8 years ago
  • Do You Really Believe A Woman Can Carry A Child Nine Months & Not Know She's Preggers?

    I read an article today and I know TLC taped a show regarding the subject but seriously....what are the chances? I think it is absolutely absurd that a woman would even say that. I don't care what symptoms she may have lacked, such as no missed periods, little weight gain, no cravings, etc. You cannot tell me an unborn child laid motionless for nine months or produced such little movement that the mother thought it was a bad case of gas, a stomach virus, etc. Even if a woman carried more-so in her back, you cannot tell me at 7, 8, 9 months she didn't know she was preggers. I believe such women say this for the attention, maybe they were scared to tell anyone they were pregnant, or maybe they were in denial. Ridiculous!

    8 AnswersMarriage & Divorce8 years ago
  • For The Men That Marry & Step Out On Their Wives W/Women Working The Sex Industry?

    If you know that women working the sex industry, such as strippers and prostitutes, turns you on....why settle down with a respectable woman that may be prudish? Why not find a respectable woman in the streets but a freak between the sheets, allowing yourself to enjoy both worlds from one woman? Is it that women working the sex industry being labeled as "low" and "dirty" turns you on, you are paying for sex acts that turns you on, and/or just risky sex period that turns you on?

    2 AnswersMarriage & Divorce8 years ago
  • How Many Of You Are Turned Off When You Find Out The Person You've Been Crushing On?

    Has had more experience in relationships in regards to marriage and children? Example: I'm in my thirties, never married, with no children. I've dated guys with children but they were not marriage potential, so it was more of a fling or FWB thing. I will only seriously consider a man that possesses certain qualities to marry, such as never married, no children, etc. I find it a huge turn-off when I meet some guy that plays daddy to someone elses kid, etc. When it comes to marriage and family, I strongly prefer a man that "hasn't been there and done that". I want the experience to be a first time experience for both of us. Am I the only person that finds this upsetting? To meet someone so perfect in every way but that and's a deal-breaker. I, personally, would rather grow old alone instead of settling for a man that's been around the block. *Refusing to lower my standards or expectations*

    1 AnswerMarriage & Divorce8 years ago
  • Having Difficulty Tweeting Someone?

    I've tried to tweet, leaving a message on their twitter, but it's not allowing me to do so. When I use their name to tweet, the tweet ends up on my page and not theirs. What am I doing wrong?

    1 AnswerEtiquette8 years ago
  • Had Someone Act Out Of Character & Trying To Make Sense Of It?

    This is not a marriage & divorce question but I posted in this forum because I'm a regular and I need mature answers.

    I have a good friend that I've known since HS. We were besties as teenagers, lost contact for many years, and reconnected maybe a year or two ago. We are both in our thirties now.

    I have always felt welcomed in her home by both her, as well has her husband. She has a daughter in cheerleading and invited me out to eat with others for her daughters cheerleading fundraiser event. She has a daycare business, so when I arrived the mothers were in the process of picking their kids up from her house. Many parents do not want their kids around cigarette smoke, so I've always smoked outside in the back of the house and this has never been an issue. As I was there and my friend was seeing the kids off, I verbally told my friend that I would be out back smoking a cigarette. A few minutes later, I hear and see her close the back door and lock it then walk away. Moments later, after I finish my cigarette, I walk over to the door to test it and sure enough she locked me out of the house. In my heels, I walk through the back yard, side of the house, to the front of the house (the ground in wet from rain) and find her and the kids sitting in the jeep with the engine on. I asked her why she locked me out of the house. She laughed and claimed she thought I was on the side of the garage, which would have been in view of the parents picking the kids up...who would have seen me smoking, so that made absolutely no sense what-so-ever. We make it to the restaurant and all is well. After dinner I asked her if she would watch my purse sitting on the table while I run out and smoke. She said sure, no problem. After smoking my cigarette, I walk to the table only to notice my friend is standing at a toy machine with her kid several feet away from the table and the table is totally deserted with my purse sitting on it in plain view. I grab my purse and walk towards her. I informed her that I found my purse on the table unattended. She apologized and stated that she forgot. I'm speechless. What should I make of her behavior?

    1 AnswerMarriage & Divorce8 years ago