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  • ¿La naturaleza de la luz.?

    Indagando sobre este tema, he visto que parece que todavia sigue siendo un misterio. Unos dicen que la luz - radiacion electromagentica - es energia pura (onda). Otros dicen que materia (foton). Y otros dicen que ambas cosas, y asi al menos tienen un 50% de posibilidades de acertar.

    Pero esta comprobado que un campo gravitatorio tiene influencia sobre la luz. Por tanto, tiene que ser materia. Por tanto, hay "fotones" y estos tienen masa. Y se desplazan a la velocidad de la luz. Sin embargo, yo me imagino esas particulas subatomicas materiales viajando por trillones de trillones todas juntitas a una velocidad brutal, y resulta curioso que aun sigamos todos vivos. Comparemoslo con un solo meterorito de unos cuanto centenares de km viajando a una velocidad muchismo mas lenta que la de la luz, impactando sobre un planeta. Tendria efectos apocalipticos. Y sin embargo, cada dia somos golpeados por esa millones de millones de esas particulas tan pequeñitas pero que viajan a una velocidad brutal y aqui seguimos. Ni lo notamos. Por muy pequeña que sea su masa, deberia tener un impacto.

    Algo no cuadra. O tal vez sea que la vieja dualidad materia-energia no es en realidad tal y esos conceptos son ambos irreales.Y habria que empezar de cero toda las construcciones de la fisica.

    Ademas, que es "una onda de energia"?. Cuando pensamos en una onda, por ejemplo al tirar una piedra a un estanco, la onda es irreal, no es mas que un efecto optico, fenomenologico. Lo que hay en realidad es agua (materia) moviendose.

    Que seria entonces exactamente eso de la "energia pura sin masa, por tanto sin materia" eso suena igualmente muy fenomenologico.

    2 AnswersFísica1 decade ago
  • ¿Problema de conexion a Internet?

    Y seguramente es una tonteria pero no consigo resolverlo.

    Me he comprado un netbook y no consigo conectarlo a la red wifi. El netbook me detecta la red, meto la contraseña sin probemas, intensidad de señal sin problemas, pero me dice que no esta conectado a la red. Me meto en conexiones inalambricas y resulta que SI esta conectado a la red.


    3 AnswersOtros - Internet1 decade ago
  • Independence of the USA?

    Wasn't it a farse?? Considering that the founding fathers elaborated all those nice theories about liberty and rights only after realizing that there was BIG MONEY, YES!! UHHUUU!!!, MONEEYYYY!!! to be made if they were to break with the King of England, isn't it about time we reverse this historical injustice ??? Let's return the former Louisiana to France; East Florida, West Florida and everything west of New Orleans and west of former Lousiana to Spain; and everything else east of the Mississipi to Great Britain !!!!!!. And Alaska to Russia, of course. Perhaps Sarah Palin could become the Russian governor of the province, but that's up to Putin I suppose.

    6 AnswersHistory1 decade ago
  • Top 5 Teams Western Conference?

    In your opinion and why

    4 AnswersBasketball1 decade ago
  • In your opinion, in today's world where will your money be more secure?

    In the hands of a well dressed guy from Wall Street like Mr Madoff or in the hands of an illiterate camel shepherd from Baluchistan?

    6 AnswersEconomics1 decade ago
  • Why did America choose to be Israel's staunchest ally?

    Don't get me wrong. This is not meant to be a sectarian question. Say country X and country Y; If they choose to have close ties is because for some reason both of them gain something form that relationship, isn't it??. It's just that I don't get it, doesn't make much sense to me. Why would you be a die hard ally of a country that offers nothing to America or the West but a lot of troubles instead of having more friendly relations with countries in the Middle East that would really offer great advantages (not just oil) but strategical advantages af all kind??. Doesn't even neccesarily means an alliance, but just a strict neutrality would do. I just don't see any benefit in this special relationship.

    Anybody got a smart point here?

    13 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Are you a liberal ?????

    If so, congratulations for your common sense, fair attitude towards life and for knowing what true FREEDOM means.

    22 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • ¿No puedo ver ninguna pagina web?

    Me sale; "error HTTP 404, pagina web no encontrada"

    Aunque intente conectarme a cualquier pagina web, la que sea, las mas comunes, google, yahoo, etc.. no me deja. No consigo entrar a ninguna. Me sale el mismo error siempre. La conexion esta bien, no hay problema de enlace con el router y todo esta normal, asi que no entiendo nada...

    Y la "ayuda" de microsoft no ayuda mucho...

    2 AnswersSoftware1 decade ago
  • Ok, USA won gold but Spain F..... RULES!!!?

    Awesome game. I'm a bit angry, cos for moments looked like Spain was not only playing against USA but agains the referees too!!!. All those uncalled Howard's pushes on the box, all those blatant travelling again and again and again and endlessly again by US players...

    But, on the other hand I'm really proud of the guys, playing a magnificent game, full of courage, till the bitter end against all those superstars, playing an excellent game too, just look at the percentages on 3s and free throws by the americans; fantastic. And still, we kept fighting.

    So i'm kinda happy; Congratulations Team USA. Kobe won the game in the end, I suppose you deserved the big medal.

    5 AnswersBasketball1 decade ago
  • Next Saturday, Spain vs USA.?

    Or, in other words, the current World Champion against the current Bronze Medal winner. Question is simple; for how many points do you think the current World Champion is going to beat the current 3rd best country???

    World Champion Roster; J.M Calderon, J.C Navarro, R. Fernandez, A. Mumbrú, P. Gasol, J. Garbajosa, R.Lopez, R. Rubio, M. Gasol, F.Reyes, C.Jimenez, R.Lopez.

    3rd best Qualified roster; C. Anthony, C.Boozer, C.Bosh, K. Bryant,

    D.Howard, L. James, J.Kidd, C, Paul, T.Prince, M.Reed, D. Wade, D. Williams.

    Furthermore, do you think the current bronze winner will get through to the semis, or will receive yet another thrashing, as usual, by either Argentina, Lithuania or Russia in the Quarters????

    4 AnswersOlympics1 decade ago
  • I was wondering, why did the South seceded?

    I mean, why on 1861?? what, in the view of confederate politicians, precipitated the declaration of independence for the South?? They were unprepared to confront the Union, so why did the hurry up so much??? Of course there is the issue of slavery, but Lincoln didn't abolish it until 1863 (Emancipation Proclamation). There were also different views on what the US should be, a Union, or a Federation of soveriegn states, there was an economic clash between the industrial north and the agrarian South, and the issue of expanding slavery to new states, but none of those matters should have prompted the South to engage in a war so steadily. I mean, the northerners want to abolish black slavery just to have cheap labour force for their industries, they were not thinking of equality or civil rights, or as Lincoln himself said: "I am not, nor ever have been, in favor of bringing about in any way the social and political equality of the white and black races" So, why the South couldnt just wait?

    5 AnswersHistory1 decade ago
  • Conectarme a una red domestica??

    No consigo conectarme a Internet desde mi laptop utilizando el modem adsl wifi conectado al ordenador (PC) principal . Bueno, hasta hace poco no tenia ningun problema en conectarme a la red indicada, sin utilizar flash USB ni nada de eso, simplemente "a pelo", digamos, pero desde hace un par de dias, es como si la red no existiese. Y Si, la detecta el asistente de red del portatil, esta ahi, con el mismo nombre, pero es como si no estuviera emitiendo. No se si me explico. Si alguien me puede explicar que hacer, lo agradeceria de verdad.

    2 AnswersRedes informáticas1 decade ago
  • Why are all the Italians here crying and whining???

    Have those bunch of anti-football lovers been kicked hard in the *** or something???

    hahahaaa. now they will be cheering Russia, then, cheering Germany, and then hahahahaha will they all commit suicide or something??? hahahaha


    1 AnswerOther - Soccer1 decade ago
  • Busco la baja laboral !!!!!!?

    Pos si. Estoy hasta los huevos y me quiero largar, asi que ya lo he hablado con el responsable del tema y hemos llegado al acuerdo de que me voy a poner malito una semanita, yo le entrego la baja, el se la entrega al gran jefe y a otra cosa mariposa, por que luego me pillo las vacaciones y me largo de la empresa, pero necesito una semanita de cuentitis aguda justificada...

    Aqui viene la pregunta; que patologia/dolencia/sindrome o pendejada es la mas adecuada para que el señor doctor me extienda el papelajo que me haga libre??? Una semanita me vale.

    Pd;soy tio, asi que dejemos los dolores menstruales como ultima opcion...

  • Como se dice "impago" en ingles?

    Estoy buscando el termino tecnico, financiero, como en por ejemplo; el impago de una hipoteca, impago de un prestamo, etc...

    4 AnswersIdiomas1 decade ago
  • No es Mexico un pais de necios??

    Un pais que tiene, a la vez, al hombre mas rico de Latinoamerica (Carlos Slim) y a millones de personas viviendo en la mas absoluta miseria y delincuencia(no hay mas que ver las afueras del DF). Un pais que se enorgullece de apoyar las causas de otros pueblos, pero ellos mismos aplastan a Chiapas. Un pais que se divierte criticando a EE.UU constantemente y sin embargo, millones de mexicanos se mueren de ganas por vivir y trabajar en USA. Un pais cuyo maximo exito deportivo consiste en ganar a USA a futbol!!!jajaaja. Un pais que se considera antifascista y no racista, pero son los que mas utilizan la palabra "raza" para referirse a ellos y mas exaltacion hacen de su bandera, simbolos, etc.. y que discrimina tambien a los indigenas. Un pais que presume de larga democracia cuando ha tenido al PRI (una dictadura camuflada) gobernando durante mas de 40 años. Un pais que presume de ser poderoso, cuando ni siquiera tiene Fuerza Aerea...

    En fin... se puede ser mas necio???

    18 AnswersPolítica1 decade ago
  • If you were in charge of Liverpool, who would you sign?

    Considering an amount of about 50M pounds to invest, which players should be targeted?

    10 AnswersOther - Soccer1 decade ago
  • Test for democrats and republicans.?

    Name 9 countries from Europe, 6 from Asia, 5 from Africa, and 5 from South America. OK, republicans are allowed to cheat and google search, 'cos otherwise....

    2 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade ago
  • German speakers??

    Is it Wilkommen in (place) or Wilkommen aus (place) ??

    5 AnswersLanguages1 decade ago
  • Hold on... we're missing the main point in here, aren't we!?!?

    And that is; what is AC Milan going to say after they lose the final AGAIN to the guys in red?????

    Will Gattuso cry like a baby?

    Will Maldini whine to his mommy?

    Will they blame it on the referee, the weather, the pitch, the food?

    How long will they be whining and putting lame excuses?? Days, weeks, months??

    9 AnswersUEFA Champions League1 decade ago