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  • Is reducing household water usage worthwhile considering the large-scale quantities used commercially?

    I need an argument to counter those who say that trying to save water use in the domestic household water is useless when the big businesses and factories are using and wasting far larger quantities of water.

    I live in Melbourne, Australia, and we are currently experiencing a drought, with our dams at severely low levels. There are public water restrictions in place about watering lawns and washing cars, and there are recommendations about conserving water usage in the house. Despite all this, a member of our family snubs these guidelines and says that the amount of water we are saving is trivial compared to the amount the commercial businesses use and waste, refusing to help with the water saving schemes in our family.

    I believe it is a duty to contribute and give back to the community when it is needed, and if everyone saves water domestically it will make a world of a difference. But without statistics this argument is weak, so I would like to ask, what would be your argument to support the importance of domestic water saving efforts against the large-scale water usage of commercial businesses?

    3 AnswersGreen Living1 decade ago
  • Adobe Premier- Unable to import file because of memory?

    I'm using Adobe Premier C23 trial version, and in the middle of a project I am unable to import a 22.2kb audio wav file because of 'insufficient system memory space', yet I am still able to import 700MB video clips and other wav files. It's just that particular wav file which is being rejected.

    Does anybody have a clue why?

    2 AnswersSoftware1 decade ago
  • How to 'turn on' wireless card/chip?

    My mother's laptop was having problems, so we sent it to a family friend to fix (reformat/reinstall or whatever it's called). It's working fine now, except the function of connecting to the wireless internet connection seems to have disappeared. The laptop has the wireless chip implemented, and worked before the fixing, and the wireless connection is not merely 'off' because the whole function/option is completely absent (the laptop is also an Acer, and it doesn't have a button/key that can turn the wireless off and on). I had a look around, and it seems the hardware of the chip is 'turned off'. How do I turn it 'on' again? Would we need to install it again? Because it was already in full working mode when we bought it (so no installation on our part involved), and my mum seems to have misplaced the batch of CDs that come with the laptop, I'm not sure I can install it again, if that is what is needed.

    Help much appreciated! :D

    3 AnswersLaptops & Notebooks1 decade ago
  • New laptop, can't connect to wireless internet connection, doesn't seem to have an IP address?

    I just bought a new laptop, and for some reason I can't seem to connect to the existing wireless router connection in my house. We don't have a network thing set up, but we could go online fine without having one. My old laptop could connect to it, and when my parents bought new laptops they could connect to it straight away, no problems, and no-one else in my house as connection problems, so I have no idea what I'm missing. I have a HP 6720S laptop on XP with the wireless card thing. I'm able to detect the network and sort of connect to it, but not really get a full connection to go on the internet (the little icon in my taskbar is permanently on 'searching' mode). I've discovered that I don't seem to have an IP address when I look up the 'status' of my connection. Could this have anything to do with it, and how do I manually acquire an IP address? Ugh I'm so frustrated, because if it's a defect with the wireless card I am going to be so annoyed.

    2 AnswersOther - Computers1 decade ago
  • Can I transfer data from my laptop to another source without turning my laptop on?

    My laptop has faulty power-detection, where it is unable to recharge the battery or be supplied with power when I plug it (this has happened before 2 years ago, where I had the internal power thingy fixed. There's nothing wrong with the external power supply). I don't know if Ishould get it fixed or buy a new laptop, as on the one hand, the price for getting it fixed is relatively ok (AU $75), but my laptop is quite old and getting really slow, so it's about time to get it replaced. BUT, I would like to transfer the current memory on my laptop to the new one, but the methods I've looked up (something about ethernet cables and whatnot) requires both laptops to be turned on, and my old laptop only has about 30% battery left and won't be able to endure the process, as no more power can be fed into it. So my question is, is there a way to transfer data out of my old laptop without turning it on? Or is the process too complex and pricey, where it would be better to just get it fixed?

    4 AnswersLaptops & Notebooks1 decade ago
  • Finding x intercept for sin and cos graph?

    I'm having trouble finding the intercept for two particular sin and cos graphs.

    1. y=3cos(x+ pie/2)-1

    x int for 0, pie, 2pie:

    0=3cos2(X+ pie/2)-1

    cos2(x+ pie/2)= 1/3

    ^ this is the part I get stuck, as I don't know what to do

    with the 2 in front of the (x+ pie/2), and 1/3 isn't an

    exact value

    2. y=(root2)sin2(theta- pie/6)+2

    x int for 0, pie, 2pie:

    0=(root2)sin2(theta- pie/6)+2

    -2/(root2) = sin2(x- pie/6)

    ^ Again, I have the same problem as with the first ques.

    I hope I've made it understandeable XD

    Can anyone help?

    5 AnswersMathematics1 decade ago
  • Help with formatting USB memory stick?

    I was on holiday and while I was trying to transfer photos from my digital camera to my USB stick, the computer in the hotel froze so I just pulled the stick out (bad mistake, I now realize). When I plugged the USB into another computer, it no longer recognizes and asks me to format it. If I go through with the Windows XP formatting, it only allows me to format it ro FAT32 or FAT.

    I really don't want to lose the data already on my USB, and I was wondering will it erase the memory if I format it the XP way? If it does, is there any other way for my to get the USB to work again without losing the memory already on it? (downloading software, editing registry, etc).

    Heck, I would even settle for pulling the USB apart and building the memory chip into another USB, if that's even possible.

    Thanks for any help!

    3 AnswersAdd-ons1 decade ago
  • Howard Government Left or Right wing?

    I was wondering, for the two leading parties of Australia, whether the Liberal party under the old Howard Government was left wing or right wing? They seem to say Liberal was left wing, but wasn't John Howard's policies really conservative and fell more into a right wing category? And also for the Labour party, who are branded as right wing; I would think they were more left winged, especially now with Kevin Rudd's formal apology to the aboriginies and the their wider embrace of multiculturalism. I'm not too sharp on the topic of politics, and I may be wrong, but from what I hear Liberal is left wing and Labour is right wing, which confuses me.

    Can anyone help clear it up or explain it to me?

    4 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade ago
  • Help with making y the subject in x=y^2+2y?

    I need to make y the subject in x = y^2 + 2y

    The answer is y = (sqaure root of x+1) - 1, but I can't seem to take the right steps to get to the final answer.

    I can't believe I can't do this. I can solve much harder stuff but when it comes to simple things like this I'm bashing my head against the desk.

    Many thanks for any help!

    3 AnswersMathematics1 decade ago
  • Can anyone help me name this manga?

    I read this manga a long time ago and have recently wanted to track it down, but I've forgotten the name of it. I read it in chinese, and I'm sure it was originally japanese, but I'm not sure if it was translated into english. It was a shoujo type manga, and it wasn't a mainstream/popular manga. .

    The story is set in 1800-ish europe. The main character is a orphan girl who was very beautiful, had curly blonde hair and a lovely singing voice. The orphanage experiences financial difficulty and the only person who supplies them with money is a rich young man with black hair who asks the girl's hand in marriage. But the girl doesn't really want to marry him. Around this time another rich young man with blonde hair moves in near the orphanage. He is blind and rude, but changes and falls in love with the girl. The girl finds that she's actually the daughter of a very rich family who is looking for her, and goes on a ship to meet them, but along the way is shipwrecked and loses her memory

    4 AnswersComics & Animation1 decade ago
  • Does anyone recognize this film?

    It's a children's movie, and I actually forgot whether it's a cartoon or animation, but in the beginning it starts off in the in the real world (not in cartoon) and it goes something like this:

    It's about a small boy with blonde hair and glasses who has self confidence issues, and he goes into a huge library and comes across this book, and at that point he is standing on top of or underneath a great glass-stain picture of a wizard, and he opens the book or something and he gets zapped into it, and from there on it's cartoon. In the book world, he meets three live talking books, a pink fairy book, a pirate book and a hunchback book, representing their genres of fantasy, adventure and horror, and he travels to these different genre worlds and overcomes obstacles and whatnot, and he learns to gain confidence in himself.

    Does anyone remember a movie like this?

    8 AnswersMovies1 decade ago
  • Trouble with viewing hidden files on Windows XP?

    Before, I had no trouble viewing Hidden files by selecting the Tools>Folder Options>View>Show hidden files, but yesterday that suddenly went poof! And now, even if I select that option, nothing happens, and the next time I go back to that menu the selection automatically jumps back to 'Do not show...' and my hidden files stay invisible. I have no idea why my computer has suddenly rebelled. Nothing unusual crashes. I can still get to the files and folders through 'Search', and I can still disable their 'Hide' attribute, but there are a lot of technical windows files that are hidden to begin with, and I don't want to un-hide them.... but it's a pain when I want to access them, and I would like to know why this function of being able to see Hidden Files has suddenly self destructed overnight... if anyone knows. Thanks~

    6 AnswersSoftware1 decade ago
  • How do I specify a colour to be transparent throughout an image on Photoshop 7.0?

    I'm not sure if Photoshop 7.0 has this function, but is there anyway I can choose a specific colour on my image and make it transparent wherever that colour occurs?

    3 AnswersOther - Visual Arts1 decade ago
  • How do you pronounce the name 'Mctighe'?

    I have a job interview with a manager with the last name 'Mctighe' and I have no idea how to pronounce that.

    6 AnswersLanguages1 decade ago
  • Help with Math question?

    'Person A walks to school at 3 miles/hr and jogs back at 5 miles/hr. His total traveling time is 1 hour. What was the total distance he traveled round trip?'

    9 AnswersHomework Help1 decade ago
  • What foods do you suggest I eat to prepare for a blood donation?

    Besides from spinach, I am unsure what foods are high in iron.

    10 AnswersOther - General Health Care1 decade ago