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Quotes I like: The opinion which other people have of you is their problem, not yours “Rudeness is the weak mans imitation of strength.” ― Eric Hoffer “Not what we have But what we enjoy, constitutes our abundance.”~Epicureus Every situation, properly perceived, becomes an opportunity to heal.~ A Course In Miracles

  • What mental illness could she have....?

    I have an older friend who I love dearly but she has been paranoid in the see her she is able to hide things quite well.

    While staying at my house while I was at work, she claimed there were lights coming in the wall from outside, like a peephole. Well, I just moved in the place isn't in good shape so we looked for a space where possibly the outside siding could be missing (the inside walls are paneled). I must note that I had never seen such a thing.

    I called a mutual friend and she told me our friend heard voices and saw things in her apartment, too, when she housesat for her.

    What could be going on? This friend gets really subversive in her paranoia and does things behind my back, like tell untruths about me to important people I know, especially people who have an ability to hurt me (like neighbors, guys I like). I suspect she does this because she's worried people are talking and plaiing to hurt HER and she just wants to flip the cards.

    Oh, by the way, she has a key to my house, which I just lent her and she was supposed to return,but did not. She also has personal items that I apparently left behind when I moved out (we were roomates) that she now claims she had already given me...and she didn't. (like I said, passive-aggressive.) This worries me becasue another friend had done the same thing and this friend was constantly letting herself into her apartment without knocking, even after being told to never do it again. She always promise she wouldn't then "forget" she promised. Well, I work and I can't have this person--anybody--letting themselves in and snooping around looking for hidden cameras or notes talking about her. Yes, I'll need to get the locks changed :((

    I have had soooo many problems with this women due to her manipulation, untreated mental illness, and passive-agressive behaviors (which she is usually able to keep under control un;ess her paranoia gets bad). She like family...

    Does anybody have a clue what illness she could have?? She refuses to get help...

    Thank you.

    4 AnswersMental Health9 years ago
  • is non refrigerated tofu "real" tofu...?

    I've only bought tofu that was sold in a refrigerated section, but yesterday I bought "shelf-stable tofu" and when I got home, the box said it's made of real soybean curds, congealers are added, its all poured into the plastic, and then it turns into tofu right in the bag. ?? What?

    Is this real tofu? Its all my grocery has, but it just seems fake, and let's face it, tofu for beginners is hard to hack anyway...I mean cook..."real" tofu is sorta tricky.

    Has anyone ever used this stuff before and does it cook and taste the same?

    1 AnswerVegetarian & Vegan9 years ago
  • Question about contacts and myopia (near-sightedness)/astigmatism and bifocals? Are contacts worth it?

    Hi, I was born near-sighted and have worn coke bottle lenses since I was 7 years old. The older I get, the thicker the lenses get.

    I'm exploring the idea of contacts. I tried them eyars ago. They were hard contacts and covered my entire pupil. It was torture putting in and removing them as my eyes are small.

    Are there contacts for people like me? My glasses are so thick and even grinding down the edge they look like coke bottle glasses. They are also heavy.

    The cost is another factor. I'm willing to shell out a few hundred to start but if they run more than 50 a month that's just too much (assuming theyastigmatismble long wear?).

    Plus I have astigmitism. If I get glasses, I'll need bifocals (or graduated). Is it easier to focus with contacts? What can be done about focusing close? I have a weak eye and can't split the contacts for one near and one far.

    I really appreciate the help. Thank you.

    2 AnswersOptical9 years ago
  • Strange question-can ovarian cysts affect the veins in my leg? I have a red streak and it hurts into my lower ?

    Into my lower abdomen? I do have bilateral cysts.

    The streak may be nothing more than a varicose vein-tho it doesn't quite look like it, and its about about 8 inches long. My leg isnt swollen, it doesnt hurt to touch it, but it sometimes throbs (walking or sleeping esp), and the throb goes into my lower abdomen and even down my whole leg sometimes.

    It has always hurt there when I got my period and when I was young-like 2nd grade- I was overwhelmed with agonizing pain in the same area for about 4 days. (Was never brought to the dr for it.) It really makes me wonder if my cyst is pressing on a vein-and yes, oddly enough I do think my childhood pain could be related.

    Has anyone ever heard of this? Im not due to see my gyno til August and tho its sore, it doesnt seem like an emergency.

    I dont have varicose veins elsewhere that I know of, but its possible, my weight is 40 lbs over what it should be, and Im almost 50.

    Thanks for any input..

    2 AnswersPain & Pain Management9 years ago
  • If your friend is friends with your enemy, is your friend your friend, or your enemy...?

    I have an old friendship at stake (where I live), and the reason it's at stake is because she's just as friendly with the people who are bullying me, as she is to me. From past experience with her passive agressive behavior, she'll tell them everything she knows about me-things said in confidence-but she'll honor their secrets. Is she my friend or my enemy? (This has been troubling me for several weeks...)

    What's pathetic about these bullies is, if they see she and I are both about, they'll either come and insert themselves into our private conversation, sit so close (literally feet away) that a private conversation is obviously impossible, or they'll grab her attention and hover around her, whispering while looking at me and smiling-thereby deliberately isolating me from any support. I don't bother anybody, and am really struggling to figure out what the 'life lesson' is in all this...anyway, thank you.

    7 AnswersPhilosophy9 years ago
  • Should we pity those who try to destroy us with their words and insinuations to others...?

    Is pity a kind of power we can wield over the unjust? Or is there a better way, long term?

    3 AnswersPhilosophy9 years ago
  • Why didn't the hospital give me a scrip for beta blockers after being hosp w/angina&high BP?

    It was anxiety induced, nitro took the pain away, and the beta blocker kept my heart from feeling like it was racing so much. On beta blockers alone, my BP was 150 over 90-with a single Ativan added, my BP went to 90/60. They only gave me nitro and Xanax-only 3 nitro (wtf), and the Xanax doesnt seem to help. My heart is thumping, like racing almost, and my BP is back to 155/95. No angina as bad, so far, thank God. My dr appointment isnt for 3 weeks!

    Does this ring a bell with anyone and should the BP be a worry? I just think Xanax is masking the problem-and its really not even doing that. My dad had angina and he got real heart meds, not this stuff. And yes-they told me they thought it was angina brought on by stress, well you'd be stressed too, if you had angina...

    Edit-Xanax and 3 nitros upon release from cardiac unit.

    1 AnswerHeart Diseases9 years ago
  • How do I deal with these @SSHOLES....?

    I live in ok-call it a dorm setting...many people, sharing kitchen and bath. We got a new floor supervisor who is a sneaky two faced @sshole from he!l. In January we got almost all new residents and this supervisor is playing the 'Im popular' thing, trashing anybody who doesnt suck up. I pay to live here, btw. This stuck up is telling everybody lies about me, I am close to suicide. Telling her supervisor just makes it worse-retaliation (really bad).

    Thing is, these people do NOT know me well enough to have an opinion. She's telling them that I'm 'crazy', and these numbskulls are so easily led that they believe it. Truth is, I dislike her because she invades people's privacy and because I caught her very early on making trouble for another resident up for the supervisory position by trash talking her competition's every word to the whole floor when she thought no one was listening (a violation of residence policy btw). I keep to myself anymore (lol-for obvious reasons) but its gotten to the point I cant pass any of these 'sheeples' without seeing or hearing something rude aimed at me.

    This is a small town and false rumors could really affect me professionally. Right now I am working FT with benefits-AND YES WILL BE MOVING WITHIN A FEW MONTHS-and suspect jealousy as I am the only one of 24 people here who's working FT in a 'real' job (meaning benefits).

    But I won't lie-it kills me to be run out of my own home by lowlifes, and I'm just antiauthority to notice how this is making me want to dig my heels in. I HATE it when @ssholes get their way. God, I just got out of the hospital due to this abuse, I had chest pains, my BP was freakin 100 points higher than normal, they put on nitro for angina, I have raised heart enzyme levels and everything. (And this is a HUD-based shelter housing, among others, victims of abuse!)

    I'm not asking for more than I need, I try and be strong, but I spent most of the last decade fighting depression and I'll be DAMNED if these lowlifes destroy what I worked my *** off to get back-my dignity being one of them!

    But I admit it's hard. I don't want your pity-sh*t, I hate my own self pity that's creeping up... I want to hear how I can FIGHT these ignorant bunch of fatheads!

    Please-I am at a low point, contemplating suicide, even. And God@mn it! I deserve to live!!

    Advice-words of wisdom-please. May I borrow your strength, just for a while...?

    I need fighting words.

    Thank you.

    7 AnswersPsychology9 years ago
  • Can losing weight alone reduce LDL and raise HDL?

    My LDL is 133, HDL is (?) "5 points below what it needs to be" is 188. I'm told my triglycerides etc came out fine. I'm having...heart issues, and there's some weight I need to lose too. My doctor didn't specifically tell me to lose weight but I want mother had low cholesterol total too, high LDL, and when she died at age 64 she had severe atherosclerosis.

    The other thing is, I want to go back on thyroid meds, I was on them for years, my dr took bloodwork and said "yea your thyroid magically fixed it self!" (Well...not really but ya get the point.) Since then I've gained 40 pounds and my LDL/HDL ratios have gotten bad, though my total cholesterol hasn't changed in 10 years.

    So would losing weight alone do it or should I try Crestor, insist on synthroid, and lose weight all together? I'm afraid to exercise due to recent heart issues.

    25 AnswersHeart Diseases9 years ago
  • Hi, chest pain and angry at how the er handled it?

    I asked in Legal but the famous Yahoo trolls were out so I'll ask again.

    Went to ER with chest pains. Nitro took care of the pain. My sister had a heart attack young so they were concerned or so they said.

    Long story short I got beta blockers and coumadin and was supposed to get monitored during he process but a staff person yanked thf wires off and nobody in the ER noticed for 5 hours. Is this something I should be upset about?

    2 AnswersHeart Diseases9 years ago
  • Er qvest- cont? --? ?


    Why then did they want to admit me if 1. the tests look good and 2. WHY THEY WERENT MONITORING? They said they want tn run cardiac enzyme tests. My insurance will be billed thousands for a test when initial results indicate NOTHING IS WRONG. I am stressed beyond belief that they gave me meds I may not need and its been TEN HOURS. its noon and I am faint since I havent eaten in 18 hours. I have an Iv lead that hurts, a headache and I swear the ONLY attention they have given me is when I threatened to bolt.

    I think they are doing this to suck my insurance. Meanwile I have got 2 heart meds that they GAVE ME AND WALKED AWAY WITHOUT CHECKING FOR REACTIONS. If my heart HAD stopped-they would NEVER have known! Thats why I am upset.

    I want ER docs and lawyers to weigh in.

    3 AnswersLaw & Ethics9 years ago
  • Can either a dr or a lawyer explain this ER conduct?

    I am in the ER RIGHT NOW.

    Came 4 chest pains 9 hours ago. Nitro helped. Dr. said he wanted to admit me and keep me 23 hours for cardiac monitoring. Was told this around 4 or 5 am-cme in 2am. Was told at that time someone would be in to bring me up soon. I was hooked up.

    I was told I could have a sudden cardiac event given the way I responded to nitro and the fact a sister had an early heart attack.

    The chest pains precipitated by by anxiety-given nothing for anxiety..

    Its noon now. At 830 am they come in and take blood. I had to sit up but EKG wires in the way. She pulled my O2, BP cuff, and apparently the EKG.


    A few minutes later they pump me full of heart meds and blood thinners. Hours go by. The rails are pulled up and I have use the ladies room, but dont want to pull out my wires-I think theyre in, remember? I mean, Im full of HEART MEDS.

    No-nothing on the monitor! And no one ONCE looked in to see how Im doing on the meds. IM HERE FOR CARDIAC MONITORING.

    So I go to leave-with the IV. They say I cant. When I ask why, if Im here for cardiac monitoring, why NOBODY NOTICED MY LEADS WERE OFF FOR 5 HOURS? Meanwhile the nurse says we just had a guy wait 20 HOURS before going up. She says, its highly

    unlikely anythings wrong but -cont

    6 AnswersLaw & Ethics9 years ago
  • A friend went to my former counselor's office and I think she said something and my counselor is acting odd...?

    The counselor has an office where she has things like coffee etc, she makes it open and says anybody can just in there. My friend has never been her patient.

    This counselor had offered to help me move out of the homeless shelter, and she took that back..totally. This friend has been a backstabber in the past, and has also been paranoid. I keep forgiving her.

    But I don't know how to handle this. It served no purpose to my friend to talk about me, except to gossip. And my friend knew I had hoped to leave, and that this counselor had offered to help.

    I had been told by this counselor at one time that my friend wasn't welcome in the waiting room becasue she had been caught in the back area listening into a doctor/patiend conversation.

    I am incredibly distraught over this. The shelter's new "supervisor" is a real two faced *****, and hates me becasue I don't suck up to her. Why should I? I've been there a long long time...she just came in, was there two weeks and they gave her the job (comes from money). I caught her early on being polite to me if no one else was around, but the second she had backup, she'd rolled her eyes when I walked know ,that sort of thing.

    I just can't believe a "friend" would violate my privacy that way.

    How should I handle this? (Besides ending the friendship, which is obvious.) The irony is, I had accused her a weeks ago of violating my privacy in these sorts of ways, and she couldn't believe I felt that way...and I couldn't believe she wou;dn't remember all the times she did this crap to me.

    She wanted to know where I was movong but she really is the type to stalk and I swear, I'd have to spit in her face if I found her sitting on my front steps with the ***** who''s supervising the shelter, though she is the type to do that, just to piss me off (they both are).

    3 AnswersPsychology9 years ago