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  • Arm and hand tremors causes?

    I went to neurologist w a pain in my neck and trapezoid area on right side. This has been going on for a few years along w back stiffness. I had a MRI of the spines which show muscle spasms and some bulging disc. Also I notice my fingers tremors and biceps too. As well as I feel my head moving. My neuro ruled out ms, Als and Parkinson's. he thinks it could be from the neck situation. I was wondering if this could be like essential tremor or something else? I have no family history, 29 year old healthy male. Please any input would be great.

    1 AnswerPain & Pain Management8 years ago
  • Causes of blood in stool?

    Today I noticed I had blood in my stool and on toilet paper. This happened a few times in the past. I saw a gastrointestinal doctor twice who said he didn't think it was serious but wanted me to do a colonoscopy to just make sure. I tend to make bowel movements 6 times a day. He says I could have ibs. I didn't do the colonoscopy either time bc Im terrified to do it. I'm now 28yrs old. Bc maybe ha ing ibs, I have no other symptoms besides maybe once every couple months blood in my stool. Do you think it's so,etching serious? Should I do the colonoscopy or are there other test to find this out? Please let me know

    2 AnswersCancer9 years ago
  • Enlarged Spleen/ back Pain?

    For the past 4 yrs i have been getting back pain on and off. Mostly around kidney areas. Sometimes it goes higher. I went to my dr 4 yrs ago which he found out i had a slighly enlarged spleen. I went to an oncologist for testing, who told me this was due to the fact i have epstein barr. He said all my blood work was good, so suspected this being epstein barr. As a kid i had ITP, which was monitored until i was 7 yrs old. Which after that i was fine. I have always had low platelets. Got bloodwork last in Aug 2010. platelets were 126,000. My question is are the drs right and i shouildnt worry about having this? everytime i read online it says its cause by blood cancers. which makes me crazy. I can deal w the back pain in that left area bc im use to it by now. like today if i push in on my stomach by my ribs, it hurts staight to my back. im suspecting this is from the spleen. and the dr saying when my numbers are up my spleen gets bigger. What do you think this is? should i be concerned or take the drs advice? i am 26yr old male. in good health

    5 AnswersCancer1 decade ago
  • Song from Real World-Cancun Episode 10?

    what is the song at the end of the episode when Jonna and Ayia are laying down around the fish tank.

    Its some guy goes like save the day save the day, no one sees??????


    2 AnswersReality Television1 decade ago
  • Erection problems? to young for this!!!1?

    for the past 3 nights i could not get an erection during sex with my girlfriend. I took a levitra 3 nights ago and it was great, but the next 2 days i took a half pill and a full one two nights ago and i could not get an erection with her. I am very embarassed and i can tell she is very frustrated. To give a little detail, i use to date this girl about 5 yrs ago and we never ever had a problem with sex. We just started dating again 5 yrs later, and like i said the first night was fine. The past 3have been nightmares for me. I am so stressed over this right now, and i honestly working myself up for tonite bc she said we will try again. If i cant get it up again i will freak out. i am 25yr male in good health. no previous history of anything. What can this be please, do u think Cilais is better, or maybe its the nerves of being with her again. Either way im now ashamed

    6 AnswersMen's Health1 decade ago
  • Erection problems please help?

    for the past 2 nights i could not get an erection during sex with my girlfriend. I took a levitra 3 nights ago and it was great, but the next 2 days i took a half pill and a full one yesturday and i could not get an erection with her. I am very embarassed and i can tell she is very frustrated. To give a little detail, i use to date this girl about 5 yrs ago and we never ever had a problem with sex. We just started dating again 5 yrs later, and like i said the first night was fine. The past 2 have been nightmares for me. I am so stressed over this right now, and i honestly working myself up for tonite bc she said we will try again. If i cant get it up again i will freak out. i am 25yr male in good health. no previous history of anything. What can this be please, do u think Cilais is better, or maybe its the nerves of being with her again. Either way im now ashamed

    3 AnswersMen's Health1 decade ago
  • hand tremer causes???Help?

    i been noticing lately taht my hands have been trembling. like my thumbs and index finger. today i couldnt even write out a check bc my hand wouldnt let me. this just started a few weeks ago. i am 25yrs old male, very healthy. no history in family of parkinsons or any nerve diseases. i am terrifed that this is something serious. Can someone please tell me what this is im freaking out here.....again i am 25 yrs old not an old person, so i wasnt sure if parkinsons comes this early on

    5 AnswersPain & Pain Management1 decade ago
  • Upper Left side Quadrant pain?

    For the past 4 days i been having this annoying pain right in the area of my rib cage, near the base of the rib cage in that area. Pain is sometimes throbbing and sharp then goes away. This has been on and off for almost 2 yrs. 2 yrs ago i had testing done that showed a slightly enlarged spleen, went to the doctor that did all blood work and said he thinks its enlarged from epstein barr virus. i have no other symptoms, no enlarged lymph nodes, no fever. just pain in this area. i have a doctors appt this thurs. i went to the doctor 3 months ago about this and he told me its nothing. What could this be? do u think its my spleen, or another thing. im worried to death and prob making it worse by stressing out so bad. im 24yr old male, in good health. please what can this painful thing be?????

    2 AnswersPain & Pain Management1 decade ago
  • Severe Upper Left side Abdominal Pain?

    For the past 4 days i been having this annoying pain right in the area of my rib cage, near the base of the rib cage in that area. Pain is sometimes throbbing and sharp then goes away. This has been on and off for almost 2 yrs. 2 yrs ago i had testing done that showed a slightly enlarged spleen, went to the doctor that did all blood work and said he thinks its enlarged from epstein barr virus. i have no other symptoms, no enlarged lymph nodes, no fever. just pain in this area. i have a doctors appt this thurs. i went to the doctor 3 months ago about this and he told me its nothing. What could this be? do u think its my spleen, or another thing. im worried to death and prob making it worse by stressing out so bad. im 24yr old male, in good health. please what can this painful thing be?????

    2 AnswersPain & Pain Management1 decade ago
  • Can this be diabetes?

    i was wondering if this is a symptoms of diabetes. I have no family history of any diabetes. For the past 2 years i have been dizzy, fatigue and lightheaded to the point where i feel faint, but i never do. I dont think i urinate alot maybe 5 times a day, i dont feel thirsty all the time either. i had my heart check out , and that was all negative. the last time i got bloodwork was over a year ago, which showed everything normal. im prob 10 pounds overweight, i stopped working out about 2 months ago. Does this sound like an early case or am i just being a hypocrondaic?

    7 AnswersDiabetes1 decade ago
  • heart problems???

    im not sure if this is heart related. for the past 2 yrs i been getting lightheaded and dizzy to the point where i feel like im gonna pass out or die. it goes on at some point of each day for like an hour or so. i never actually passed out from this yet. Now when this first started throughout the whole yr i had 2 holtor monitors, 2 ekgs, a stress test i seen a top cardioloigst, and all of them say its not heart related. I have a resting heartbeat of around 55-59 range. I should mention i am a 24yr old male in good health maybe 10 pounds over weight but i workout alot. My twin brother actually just started gettin this same thing about 2 months ago. What can this be???? my doctors say its not heart related im just concernd. I do pass out from giving blood. please help me and my twin. If i go back to the doctor again hes gonna tell me the same thing. my last holiter monitor was a little less than a year ago. Please HELPPPPPPP

    5 AnswersHeart Diseases1 decade ago
  • Tetanus???

    about 5 hours ago, i cut my finger on a old railing. this railing has to be atleast 30 yrs old. the cut is the size of a freckle. not deep at all. i soaked it in peroxide, and it pussed white stuff. i know that usually happens with peroxide. however i havent had a tetanus shot in about 12 yrs, i hate getting needles. but do u think this is tetanus from this. no blood really, like i said its very very tiny. what do u think

    3 AnswersOther - Diseases1 decade ago
  • Appendicitis?

    For about a year i been having pain in my lower right quadrant of the stomach. the area is a little under my belly button to the right in that area. Last november i had a ultrasound to check the kidneys and appendix. showed up negative. than i went to a gastrointensial dr. He thinks its IBS and to a lesser maybe crohns. But he highly doubts its crohns in his words. The pain isnt constant. Somedays he hurts and some i feel nothing. I workout everyday so he does not effect my daily life. It just feels like cramping in that area. I have no bowel dis colors no bleeding no fever nothing like that. Just cramps that come and go. I should mention im a 23yr old male, in good health. I can deal with the pain i am just really nervous its appendicitis after all this time. I dont want surgery at all, im scared of it i have a huge problem with needles. Can someone please tell me if this is IBS. When i change my diet sometimes i feel about better. My GI Dr suggested a colonoscopy

    2 AnswersOther - Diseases1 decade ago
  • Groin lumps?

    im not sure what and enlarged lymph node is i never had one. Howver i am 23yrs old male no history of cancer in family very healthy. a little over a year i went to the doctor and he discovered i had a slightly enlarged spleen so he sent me to the heamatoglist. I went to him to get a blood work and what not. Everything came back normal and he suspected that i might have epstein barr. I been so stressed out and neverous throughtout the year now as nothing has been wrong with me its all in my head. I was sitting down the other day and my groin felt a little bumpy. im talkin in the upper inner thigh. it feels bumpy small little tiny bumps on both sides. It feels inflated. but there is not big bumps. Do u think if this was lymphoma they would of found it last year in my blood. last blood work was done at the heamotogilst in feb. I havent been sick at all, no other seomthings of flu or sickness litle bumps all over both sides. im so nervous thinking i have cancer.Please helpe me

    1 AnswerCancer1 decade ago
  • Enlarged Groin Nodes???

    im not sure what and enlarged lymph node is i never had one. Howver i am 23yrs old male no history of cancer in family very healthy. a little over a year i went to the doctor and he discovered i had a slightly enlarged spleen so he sent me to the heamatoglist. I went to him to get a blood work and what not. Everything came back normal and he suspected that i might have epstein barr. I been so stressed out and neverous throughtout the year now as nothing has been wrong with me its all in my head. I was sitting down the other day and my groin felt a little bumpy. im talkin in the upper inner thigh. it feels bumpy small little tiny bumps on both sides. It feels inflated. but there is not big bumps. Do u think if this was lymphoma they would of found it last year in my blood. last blood work was done at the heamotogilst in feb. I havent been sick at all, no other seomthings of flu or sickness. I just feel irration in the inner groin. im so nervous thinking i have cancer.Please Help

    5 AnswersCancer1 decade ago
  • enlarged lymph node in gorin?

    im not sure what and enlarged lymph node is i never had one. Howver i am 23yrs old male no history of cancer in family very healthy. a little over a year i went to the doctor and he discovered i had a slightly enlarged spleen so he sent me to the heamatoglist. I went to him to get a blood work and what not. Everything came back normal and he suspected that i might have epstein barr. I been so stressed out and neverous throughtout the year now as nothing has been wrong with me its all in my head. I was sitting down the other day and my groin felt a little bumpy. im talkin in the upper inner thigh. it feels bumpy small little tiny bumps on both sides. It feels inflated. but there is not big bumps. Do u think if this was lymphoma they would of found it last year in my blood. last blood work was done at the heamotogilst in feb. I havent been sick at all, no other seomthings of flu or sickness. I just feel irration in the inner groin. im so nervous thinking i have cancer.Please Help

    3 AnswersCancer1 decade ago
  • Lower Right Stomach Pain?

    For about a year i been having pain in my lower right quadrant of the stomach. the area is a little under my belly button to the right in that area. Last november i had a ultrasound to check the kidneys and appendix. showed up negative. than i went to a gastrointensial dr. He thinks its IBS and to a lesser maybe crohns. But he highly doubts its crohns in his words. The pain isnt constant. Somedays he hurts and some i feel nothing. I workout everyday so he does not effect my daily life. It just feels like cramping in that area. I have no bowel dis colors no bleeding no fever nothing like that. Just cramps that come and go. I should mention im a 23yr old male, in good health. I can deal with the pain i am just really nervous its appendicitis after all this time. I dont want surgery at all, im scared of it i have a huge problem with needles. Can someone please tell me if this is IBS. When i change my diet sometimes i feel about better. My GI Dr suggested a colonoscopy

    2 AnswersOther - Diseases1 decade ago
  • back pain help me?

    i am a 23yr old male, in good health, no prior health issues. I been having back pain for about a year now. Its pretty constant some days its rarely there and some it hurts. It feels like muscle pulls bc i do work out at the gym about 4 times a week with heavy weights. I went to a few doctors about this. I had blood samples taken, ultrasound of the kidneys and xrays of the back. the xrays showed that i have a little arithitis, but really this pain started out of no where and hasnt really left. I had a friend who was having really bad back pain and was diagonsis with non hodgkins lyphoma. Im really nervous and the doctors keep telling me i shouldnt be bc they dont beleive its cancer. What should i do i freak myself out all the time bc this pain wont go away. it doesnt go down my legs it just stays in the back. one day in the lower then another in the middle and upper. it radiates each day differently. do u think this is something serious like cancer please help?

    3 AnswersOther - General Health Care1 decade ago
  • Feeling Faint?

    this has been going on for a little over a year now. i have been to plenty of doctors for this. my internist, cariodilogist. I had 2 holtor monitors done, did a stress test on the treadmill, had a few ekgs. Holtor showed a resting heart beat average of the day 66 the first time and 60 the second time. All the doctors looked and it and said there was nothing wrong at all and the beat is fine. Stress and ekg came back great, blood work came back great too. Now almost everyday i feel like im gonna pass out but i never to. I get tingly and light head and i get up and walk around to make myself feel better. Can this be heart related and all these doctors wrong, or am i just having panick attacks bc all i do is worry now days. im 23 yrs old male, work out every day atthe gym. 5-10 about 195. i hate this feeling and all the doctors say is go to a pyshciarist. what should i do i hate this feeling, they say ill grow out of it. blood pressure is never high its always good they say

    3 AnswersHeart Diseases1 decade ago
  • Enlarged Lymph Node or Hernia?

    at my inner hip bone, pretty much at the belt line i have a lump. but there is no ball or nothing, it looks like evelated skin. starting on the right side beltime line going down like an inch. its squishy, no pain like that. i workout at the gym alot with heavy weights. I never had an enlarged lymph node before so i wouldnt know what that would feel like. i know i feel no lump or hardness, i push it its squishy. Back in Febrary i went to a hematoligst and he did blood work and checked my lymph nodes and found out i have epsetin barr. does that sound like a lymph node. im freaking out thinking i have lymphoma or something realyl serious. like i said no pain or hard lump. just elevated soft skin . is this where hernia starts, but its not in the middle its going down my groin line above my pubic area to the right side. Please help me im freaking out

    2 AnswersCancer1 decade ago