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If The Shoe Fits

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  • Why is this taking so long?

    I completely quit smoking weed 2 weeks ago. I've been drinking between 2-4 liters of water a day and taking between 500-1000 mg niacin as well as taking walks and being active. I'm 5'1 and 111lbs and I just failed a home test. I have friends that have been flushed out in less time and are way heavier smokers and weigh a lot more than me. what else can I do? (If you have nothing helpful to say I suggest you don't bother answering.)

    2 AnswersOther - Health7 years ago
  • What is going on? Essure procedure?

    ok so I had this permanent birth control procedure done in the beginning of September. I was told that I would recover quickly. I have now been bleeding and cramping for 4 months. I have tried to call the doctor and they keep telling my that it is my hormones. I know my body well enough and I think there is something else happening here. The bleeding is getting worrisome and nearly constant. They have had to cancel several of my appointments because of the bleeding, yet they have told me nothing and don't even seem that concerned. They are now telling me after I threw a fit on the phone with a nurse this morning, that they are going to check my hormone levels and put me on birth control pills to regulate my hormones. I had the procedure done so that I wouldn't have to take any form of birth control. Now I'm finding that so many people have had problems with Essure. This has turned out to be an expensive and stressful nightmare. Has anyone else had issues with this type of birth control? and how did you get them solved? what was your experience?

    2 AnswersCancer7 years ago
  • What to do if you have been given 2 invites for the same night?

    I received 2 invitations for the same night at the same time. One invite is for the bachelorette party of a good friend of mine, whom I have known for over 10 years. The other is for a dinner with other good friends, who my husband has known since high school. They are moving away to another state and we don't know when we will see them again. My friend is looking forward to me being at her party, but I truly would like to have dinner with our friends who are moving away. I'm not sure how to go about this without offending or hurting anyone in the process.

    5 AnswersEtiquette8 years ago
  • if i buy a vehicle from a private owner can i drive the car home without plates?

    the people live 5 miles from me i intend to buy the vehicle providing that it runs as good as it looks, but i'm not sure how to get it home without plates?

    9 AnswersBuying & Selling8 years ago
  • what gift do you get for someone who is never satisfied?

    Ok so I got this person a gift card to a restaurant so that they could enjoy a night out with their spouse-- but i was informed that this person does not think a gift card counts as a christmas gift, they claim there is no thought in a gift card. Totally ridiculous but like i said this person never seems to be satisfied unless you have dropped over 100 dollars and that is not an option for me. so what do i get for them? i'd like to give nothing but that's not really an option either.

    8 AnswersEtiquette8 years ago
  • second pregnancy feeling very different?

    so this is my second pregnancy the first one was no picnic and this one has started out pretty much the same except for this one fact I am 8 weeks going on 9 and this time i feel very uncomfortable. I feel full and very pregnant already though i have only gained about 3 pounds and i don't really look pregnant yet. sleeping is the time where i am the most uncomfortable i am not sure why i feel this way so early with my first i didn't have this discomfort until i was much further along. whats the deal?

    2 AnswersPregnancy9 years ago
  • what did you do on your 1st Wedding Anniversary?

    My husband and I are making some awesome plans we are going to go rappelling and traversing and stay at a nice hotel. I am so excited-- i was wondering what other fun things people have done for their 1st or any anniversary?

    2 AnswersMarriage & Divorce9 years ago
  • running out of options here?

    ok so i have a dog she is a german sheppard Labrador mix. she will be 2 years old in January. She is a relatively good dog she is house broken and i feel protected having her here because my husband is away a lot. here is my problem: 1 she is way to excitable she pees all over out of excitement when someone comes to the house. 2 You can hardly show her affection the second you start to pet her she will jump all over you she will climb all over you and it is really difficult to push her away she is over bearing-- so I can't even pet her like you could a normal dog. 3 She has bitten me twice now. I bought her a thunder shirt and it worked for a few days by the fourth day i tried to put it on her and she bit me while i was trying to put it on. i also tried a shock/beeper collar and just about every thing i could think of. 4 She is aggressive over her food but she is the only dog in the house and i worked with her as a puppy and was once able to put my hand in her food bowl or take it with no problem, now she will lift her lips and growl if anyone is to close while she is eating. Just last night i was trying to pet her and give her a little love after a few minutes i had to get up to get a drink and as i stood up and stopped petting her she bit my hand not sure if she was over excited or what. I have a 2 year old and I am really starting to worry that if she would bite me then she would bite him. i feel like i am running out of options for her and i don't know what to do besides take her to a shelter but her aggressive behavior will doom her to be euthanized and i can't do that to her. i don't have money to be taking her to obedience classes either. this is not the type of dog i was expecting every dog i have had growing up has never displayed such behavior. what to do?

    5 AnswersDogs9 years ago
  • husband and i are discussing having another child?

    my son will be turning two in three weeks and we have been thinking that its time to have another child. I think three years is a good age gap. I was wondering how difficult and different it would be to have 2 little ones and how they would get along with a 3 year difference.

    4 AnswersOther - Pregnancy & Parenting9 years ago
  • should I be worried about this?

    My husband is interested in swinging-- and I am not interested in it in the least. I am fine with being adventurous but that's just to far for my liking. we discussed it at length and I told him how I feel and he was clearly disappointed and has continued to try to keep the option on the table and its Not an option. I am shocked that he could care less about another man being intimate with me or he with another woman. I'm afraid he doesn't have the value for me or our marriage that I thought he did. I'm concerned that this might become an issue. Anyone have reasonable advice?

    4 AnswersMarriage & Divorce9 years ago
  • how is this possible?

    Can 2 people who are completely asleep or what seems to be sleep have intercourse?

    3 AnswersMarriage & Divorce9 years ago
  • The best you have had?

    So i'm registering for a human sexuality class and due to some questions i have read I am curious about this--Is your spouse honestly the best sex you have had? I just have to know how many people are living their lives sexually unfulfilled? Do you feel as though it contributes to dissatisfaction elsewhere in the marriage?

    For me: My husband is most definitely the best I have had, and it keeps getting better as we have become much more comfortable over the years. I feel we have a strong relationship because we have a good sex life.

    other marrieds who have good sex lives with your spouse--Do you feel that it makes your relationship stronger as a whole?

    I enjoy your humor here on Y/A but I do honestly want some sound answers on this one.

    13 AnswersMarriage & Divorce9 years ago
  • how to get my 19 month old to stop?

    Putting his hands down his pants. i know that its natural, he is a male after all, and even my husband can't keep his hands out of his own pants lol. Anyhow recently my mother was visiting and he was shoving his hands in his diaper and i didn't tell him to stop or reprimand him--i figured he would stop after a minute or so and he did. My mom had no boys she only raised girls but she told me it was disgusting that i wasn't reprimanding him for doing it. but my way of thinking is that he is 19 months old and that he doesn't understand what is inappropriate at this point, besides that i think he is doing it out of curiosity and i don't think that is punishable. Is there something i should be doing to stop him from doing that or should i just let it be?

    6 AnswersNewborn & Baby9 years ago
  • After being together for so long?

    Do you think it is possible to have some sort of ESP or such a deep connection with your spouse that you can sense certain things? i don't mean finishing each others sentences because that can happen with anyone-- but for example my husband and i were traveling in separate vehicles unaware of what the other was doing. It just so happened we passed each other going opposite directions, i never noticed him but my phone rang seconds later and it was my husband he swore that he felt my presence and asked me where i was i told him and he informed me that he had just driven down the same road but heading in the opposite direction, he said he didn't see me but just had a feeling i was near--very strange. Another example is i get this nagging feeling once in a while like my husband is trying to reach me sure enough i will check my phone and he has either called minutes before or calls me at that moment. it's really interesting to me and i was wondering if other marrieds have experienced things like this.

    6 AnswersMarriage & Divorce9 years ago
  • should i hide it or not?

    So my husband and i were recently in a bit of a financial struggle...nothing serious really just late on some bills but i am very strict about my bills getting paid on time. I have a decent amount of money coming to me that i earned-- and i plan on putting the majority of it in our shared account however i wanted to take some of it and set it aside for when we are having struggles, i have tried having an emergency account that my husband was aware of-- but my husband is bad with money, once he knows that we have some cushion he starts spending, i am not complaining about him we agreed that he isn't good with finances so i do most of the organization when it comes to that and it works out nicely. I just want to know if it would be wrong to hide this "backup" money so it will be there when we need it. I don't like hiding things from him but in this case i think its best. i don't know i'm conflicted?

    15 AnswersMarriage & Divorce9 years ago
  • question about my 16 month old?

    He is great, such an easy going little boy and he has been that way since he was born--he sleeps great and eats good i really couldn't ask for a more wonderful child. Lately though he has started hitting and he even aims for the face, he has hit me several times. My husband and i don't know what to do we don't want to hit him back and i'm not sure where he picked this up. Is this normal behavior like a phase or something? what are some ways i can teach him effectively not to hit. i feel like he is much to young to be displaying such behavior.

    7 AnswersToddler & Preschooler9 years ago
  • in honor of spf-- where is that spot?

    on your husband,wife, or significant other that you can touch that immediately gets them in the mood?

    For me-- the minute my husband kisses my neck it's game on. for my husband...well i think he is automatically hard 24/7 lol.

    11 AnswersMarriage & Divorce9 years ago
  • whats the most disgusting thing your spouse has ever done in front of you?

    my husband takes comfortably to a whole new level, i'd like to hear other horror stories, i know i can't be the only one with a few gross stories about my husbands habits. lol

    11 AnswersMarriage & Divorce9 years ago
  • when is the best time?

    For a Libra woman and a Sagittarius man to get pregnant? our first child wasn't exactly planned but he is a virgo and we are so lucky to have such a laid back and wonderful son-- we have discussed trying for another baby possibly this summer or fall. i was just curious because the zodiac has been accurate in many other aspects i thought it would be interesting to see if it can tell you when its best to try to conceive.

    3 AnswersHoroscopes9 years ago
  • Do you enjoy hanging out with your spouse?

    Being able to "hangout" together is an important part of a relationship.

    My husband and i order pizza once a week after our son goes to bed we have some pizza and a few beers and play video games for hours. Sunday and monday nights are devoted to food and football we watch all the games together and just plain hang out. It makes our marriage really fulfilling. So what are some things you do in your relationships to keep the fun going? we once took a dance lesson and had a blast. I'm sure people have found all sorts of creative things to do, please share.


    11 AnswersMarriage & Divorce10 years ago