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Lv 44,132 points

Ryne's proud mommy

Favorite Answers23%

I have been happily married for over 4 years, we just brought home our first child a baby boy who was born May 22nd 2009. I am a die hard San Diego Chargers fan and we are huge Chicago Cubs fans.

  • Not sure if this will be on here twice but letting you know...?

    For some reason it is saying that it deleted my question but I am still receiving answers. Just in case you didn't see...Thank you for all the advice and help. John Ryne was born May 22 at 6:25 pm and weighed 7 lbs and 8 oz and was 21 inches. I had some issues with my blood pressure and platelet count but we are both doing fine now! Thanks again.

    4 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • I'm being induced...what to expect?

    I'm being induced tomorrow morning and was just wondering about any experiences you may have had being induced. My doctor told me that he would break my water and start me on the pitocin drip and then we will see how I progress. I'm so excited yet nervous because it is actually here. Thanks for any advice.

    4 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • How long did it take when they told you you were in early labor...?

    I was just wondering how long it took before you delivered once the docs said you were in "early stage labor". I went in this morning (it is exactly 1 week until his due date) because we thought my water had broken. Apparently it hadn't yet but for the 2 hours I was hooked up to monitors I was having contractions about 5-7min apart (some worse than others) and that I was between 1-2cm dilated. They called my obgyn and he said I was in early stage labor and sent me home. I'm not too worried since my regular appt is tomorrow morning anyway and they told me what to look for before tomorrow. I was just curious how long after you were told that it took for you to deliver.

    My mom said with me they told her at noon that she was 2 cm dilated and that it could be days, by 3 that afternoon she was in full blown labor and I was born at 7 that night.


    7 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Does any one else feel this way at 38 weeks?

    This is my first child and I am too the point of screaming because I am so tired of being pregnant. Not necessarily the pregnancy part but everyone asking me 5 times a day if I am ok. I thought my mother would be the neurotic one constantly calling and checking on me but in the last week my mother in law is driving me crazy. I really get along with her and had been doing temp work at her office until last week. Ever since I have stopped being with her all day at work she will not stop emailing, calling, or texting me to see if I have had any contractions or if I am feeling ok. I understand that this is their first grandchild (same as my parents) and she is excited but I am just phsyically and emotionally drained. I have already told my mom to back off a little and that once my son is born that we are not going to be answering phones and we dont want any company once we leave the hospital for the first few days. (Of course if there is an emergency we will answer) But so far my MIL has gotten worse. My husband has tried talking to her but it seems to go in one ear and out the other. She just informed me two days ago that her and her sister (who is coming up for Mothers Day) will be coming over to see the nursery and the things we got from the shower (her sister had to leave town because of weather the day of the shower so she didnt get to see what we got). When she told me I didnt care because she wasnt as bad as she is now. I am afraid that she will just come over whenever she wants (both of our parents have keys to our house in case we are gone to take care of our animals) once he is born and I am just tired of the constant calling and checking. She knows that our plan is to ONLY call our parents until after he is born, so its not like she wont know when I go into labor. Am I making too much out of this or is it hormones or what?? Sorry so long.

    3 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Curious did anyone try this to induce labor....?

    One of our friends who has a two and a half year old told us that when she ready to have him she sat on a huge exercise ball and rolled around on it then the following morning she went into labor and had him. When I say rolled around I mean that she sat on it and moved her hips in circular motions and back and forth for a while. I know that doulas use them sometimes during labor, but I was just wondering if anyone else used the exercise ball once and then went into labor within 24 hrs. I'm trying it out myself right now and it is very relaxing on my lower back. Just curious. I'm not due for another 2 weeks but I didn't figure it would hurt to relax a little

    5 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • When is the best time to begin leaving your baby with a sitter..?

    Well I know it may seem weird asking now seeing as Im only a little over 5 months along with my first, but my husband and I had a discussion about it yesterday. He is trying to plan when he needs to schedule his vacation for the year and his parents last year had asked us to go with them and the rest of his moms family on a camping trip this coming summer. Well we said yes but since we dont know exactly when they want to go, I dont want to say yes. I am afraid that I won't be ready to let my son be away from me by then (even though he will be staying with my parents). I am due in May and even if they go in Sep or Oct (like we did last year) he will only be about 4-5 months old. My husband says that I need to go because I will never be ready to be away from him and that its not like we are leaving him with strangers (of course he cant force me to do anything, he just thinks it will be easier to do it earlier instead of waiting till he is 2 yrs old) . I have told him that if Im not ready Im not going...PERIOD! But I just want to know if there is a way to get ready to leave him for a week or if you just have to do it and try not to kill everyone with your anxiety? Is there a time that is too early also?

    Any advice or experiences will be appreciated.

    5 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • At what week did you find out the sex of your baby?

    I am 15 weeks along and have a doctors appt next week (which would put me at 16 weeks then) and I have heard different times (16 wks and 20 wks) at which you can find out what it is. And when I left my last visit the doc said we would do a "full OB workup" (which I dont know what that means either) and I asked him specifically is that when we find out what it is and he told me no it is the next appt after that. I just want to make sure because my hubby wants to be there when we find out if he can, though he said if the doc can tell at this appt not to wait and just bring him a copy of the ultrasound. I just was wondering when you may have found out what you were having and what a full OB work up is (my last visit was the pap smear and blood work with a quick ultrasound to determine heartrate) Thanks for any help

    22 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Who should he start in week 11?

    Who should my husband start in week 11?

    QB: Eli Manning (v Bal) or Brady Quinn (v Buf)

    WR: Randy Moss (v Jets), Hines Ward (v SD), Matt Jones (v Ten), Brandon Lloyd (v GB), R. Davis (v GB) or Roy Williams (v Was)

    TE: Shiancoe (v TB) or Miller (SD)-if healthy

    Def: Miami (v Oak) or Tampa Bay (Min)

    IDP-in our leauge we have 1 DL, 1 DB , and 1 D (either DL or DB)

    Woodson (v Chi), Atogwe (v SF), Vilma (v KC), Tillman (v GB)

    1 AnswerFantasy Sports1 decade ago
  • Mixed emotions on first baby...?

    I am now a little over 11 weeks pregnant. I was wondering if anyone had advice as to how to deal with these emotions I'm dealing with. I may just be over-reacting but this is what I am dealing with. My husband and I (and our families) are excited aboout this child. We don't particularly have a preference boy or girl, however, my mother, my father-in-law, and my hubbys maternal grandma want a little girl. I think my mom and my father-in-law will be more receptive if we have a boy, but I really get the feeling that Tyler's grandma may be dissappointed. I know she will love what ever we have and spoil it rotten but I feel that if we have a boy she will be dissappointed. She doesnt have any granddaughters from her 3 kids only boys (and some step kids that are not really part of the family....long story its not by our choice). About two weeks ago my husbands family and us went camping. While talking to his grandma she made the comment "you had better have a girl or we will send him back....ok we wont send him back I guess we will love him too." She said it jokingly but it really makes me feel if we have a boy she will be let down. Now dont get me wrong I love her (I'm closer to her than some of my own grandparents) I just think she is afraid she wont live long enough to have a granddaughter (she has had 3 open heart surgeries-one of which she died on the table and had to be brought back- since Ive known her the last 5 years) and she just really wants a little girl. Maybe Im just reacting funny because of the hormones but I dread the day we find out if it is a boy...and I hate that I do. Any help?

    16 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • What is the proper ettiquete for bridesmaids......?

    What is the proper ettiquete for being a bridesmaid and paying for the dress and things? See I was married 3 years ago and asked my best friend (who is also my cousin) to be my maid of honor. My parents paid for everything for her and my other bridesmaids (dress, hair, shoes, etc.). with the understanding that they would pay for half (which no one did but thats beside the point) Well she is getting married now and has asked that I be her matron of honor. I was fine with that until today when we went to try on dresses (with her 5 other bridesmaids) and then I was told to fork over 150 bucks for a dress and then when the dress comes in Im supposed to pay for alterations, my shoes, and my hair. I just went along with it but financially my husband and I can not afford all of this and I guess I just assumed since we had paid for all of her stuff to be in my wedding that they would do the same. ( I know they have the money for it.) I just dont know what to do. Any advice would be nice

    8 AnswersWeddings1 decade ago
  • So what do you think about the Chargers new uniforms?

    I personally dont like them much but they are not bad. I just dont like the white helmets with the navy jerseys. I wish they would have gone to the powder blues but whatever. I just wanted some other Charger fans opinions. I know I will probably get some dumb remarks from non Chargers fans but thats ok. If you havent seen them you can view the new jerseys here

    18 AnswersFootball (American)1 decade ago
  • here is another one?

    The word CANDY can be spelled using just 2 letters. Can you figure out how?

    Will post the answer later.

    7 AnswersJokes & Riddles1 decade ago
  • here is a hard riddle?

    I will post the answer at about 3:00 pm CST

    here it goes

    What row of numbers comes next?

    This is a tough one!








    9 AnswersJokes & Riddles1 decade ago
  • Here is a riddle...?

    Picture three boxes containing fruit. The first box is marked peaches, the second is marked oranges, and the third box is marked peaches and oranges. Each of the boxes is labeled incorrectly. How could you label each box correctly if you were allowed to select only one fruit from one of the boxes?

    11 AnswersJokes & Riddles1 decade ago
  • What day is it?

    Jenny is walking through the forest of forgetfulness. She wants to know what day of the week it is. She stops and asks a lion and a unicorn. Now the lion lies all of the time on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday. The unicorn lies all of the time on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. She asks the lion what day it is and he says "Well yesterday was on of my lying days." Jenny cant figure it out from the lions answer so she asks the unicorn what day it is. The unicorn says "Yesterday was also one of my lying days" What day is it??

    20 AnswersJokes & Riddles1 decade ago
  • Why is it that the government tries to please everyone...?

    Why does the Government try to please all the different little groups instead of pleasing the majority. I am not saying that their opnion shouldnt be heard by why force it on everyone. I mean there are the atheists (sp?) who say it offends them to have the words under God in our pledge. Well guess what it offends me that they want to change it. So who is right? And all of the lesbian/gays who want equality and say we are discriminating against them, well when they force us to agree with them or else have them throw a major hissy fit and cause problems, isnt that kind of discriminating against us because we are straight and dont believe the same way? Now before you all start lecturing me I am giving you examples of things. I have a good friend who is a lesbian and has a "wife" and one of my cousins is a lesbian so I dont necessarily have any problem with them. I just have a problem that the radical ones try and force us to treat them equal.

    4 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade ago
  • Who do you think will win and why?

    In tonights Oklahoma State vs. Texas game who do you think will win. I hope that OSU wins but it is a road game and we tend to suck on the road this year. What do you all think?

    5 AnswersBasketball1 decade ago
  • Barbaro...?

    Did you all read or hear that Barbaro was finally euthanized today. It was sad but I think it was the best thing for him. What do you all think?

    19 AnswersOther - Pets1 decade ago
  • How 'bout them Sooners?

    Sorry I couldn't resist the question, since I am an Oklahoma State Fan. I'm sure we are gonna hear a lot of p****** and moaning about the loss but it was a GREAT game. I'm sure the Sooner Nation will find something to blame their loss on besides the fact that the Broncos just outplayed them. They are all a bunch of whiners and I'm surprised they haven't tried to fire Stoops yet. They turn on coaches like you would not believe. I though they both played an excellent game last night but I am glad that OU lost. I am sure we will hear about it just as much as that dumb Oregon call. The town I live in is Sooner crazy (we are only Steve Owens home town) and so us Cowboy fans are enjoying the sooner defeat (maybe a little too much) .

    Well what do you think about the game?

    13 AnswersFootball (American)1 decade ago
  • Did you guys see the latest about the Pit Bull?

    that supposedly ate the little girls toes off? It wasn't the dog it was their pet ferret that did it, the dad just blamed the dog because he didnt like it. Another bad wrap for pit bulls that was unjustified. No wonder people think they are bad dogs. It makes me mad that they would blame the dog just because they are pit bulls!! What do you guys think?

    11 AnswersOther - Pets1 decade ago