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instep of foot bothering me ?
so yesterday i was in bed stretching my toes felt a twitch on the instep of my foot and since then whenever i walk around i randomly feel a twitch between the instep of my foot and big toe its not hurting and my foot looks normal no bruise or anything but now i get these weird pulse feelings like a muscle/tendon /vein or something under my skin is moving around or pulsing and its making walking really awkward
should i be concerned/see a doctor or is this something that will just clear up in a day or two?
2 AnswersInjuries4 months agoRGB led light strips ?
i just set up my DAYBETTER brand RGB led strips and they were working perfectly when suddenly well switching through colors the color red on every single light faded from a proper dark red to closer to yellow or gold color. i tried turning them off and on but no luck whenever i hit red every light goes yellow . is there anyway to fix this?
2 AnswersOther - Electronics1 year agoshould i see a ear doctor or wait?
i went to a metal concert the other night and ended up not quite front row but second to front row of the stage it was loud but nothing like i haven't seen before for a metal concert and at a point the singer did a scream that was massive and my ears were ringing heavy all the rest of the night ..its the end of the next day after and its faded a lot but there is still a slight leftover ringing when im in dead silence seriously scared i may have damaged my ears but most the ppl i know are saying wait sometimes it takes a few days to clear up :/
6 AnswersRock and Pop2 years agohas anime gotten too mainstream?
for context i got into anime and the community in 05 i was reflecting on the state anime is in and how in the early 2000's till 2013 if you liked anime you were not cool it was a geeky underground thing with tight nit communities and their was much less emphasis on being up to date with current series and people generally watched whatever looked interesting..these days there is so much emphasis on being up to date with seasonal anime. now series are getting blown up into big controversies like the whole rising of the shield hero situation when if anime was in its old spot of popularity it would have just been a few articles written not a massive war. plus now stores everywhere have merch for anime to the point where even forever 21 has anime shirts ..
did anime get too mainstream and lose something special about the community or is it good it got as big as it did and im just a grumpy old man?
4 AnswersComics & Animation2 years agohow to make friends at college?
im planning on returning to college i went a few months last year but personal stuff happened and i had to put it on hold anyway the months i was their making friends was near impossible to make friends i really wanna expand on the kinda people i know though everybody i saw was very serious go to class then go home no real interactions with anybody i really don't wanna be aimlessly wandering around school or to go back to my old clique for lack of a better word of ppl i knew in high school
2 AnswersFriends3 years agowill a old Motorola razr work on metro PCS?
my smart phone is kinda on its last legs of working and among other reasons i was thinking of going back to a old flip phone ..easier to carry and it would be a bit nostalgic ..i know i used to have metro and they made my old razr work but some friends told me most old phones in general will not work with them now ..will my old razr still work?
1 AnswerCell Phones & Plans3 years agobeach bonfire question?
i almost never go to any beaches so i don't exactly know what the protocol is at them but i was on a 80's movie kick the other day and every beach scene ppl had fires just set up in the sand with rocks and sticks and the select times i have seen the beach that was unheard of . is it illegal to make a fire without a fire pit? if so when did they bring down the hammer on that kinda stuff
4 AnswersLaw & Ethics3 years agowhat do colleges look at?
im asking since im starting in community college soon for just general education and would really hope to transfer over to a university at some point and i am concerned since my high school grades in the last year or so were abysmal and that is being generous for reasons somewhat out of my control ( incidents happened i got far to many responsibilities then i could handle at once had to miss a lot of classes and generally just shut down)
my friends are telling me if i do great at community college and maintain borderline perfect scores i should be fine and the school im looking at has a high acceptance rate but i have heard so many conflicting things i thought i should look into it more
3 AnswersHigher Education (University +)3 years agofinancially why has there been no twilight spin off's?
now i know they are bad bad bad movies and books and SHOULD NOT continue imo
but i was wondering from a financial standpoint why has there been no attempts at a shameless cash grab film version of the book w the genders reversed or spin off film's of characters ...the films made a killing way back so in the time now with everybody making extended universes and spin off/ prequel films( looking at you harry potter) im really confused why they are not trying to milk that franchise anymore then they did ..
also plz no twilight sucks or cause its bad comments ..we all know that
2 AnswersMovies3 years agowhy is there no rock trends/fads in the mainstream currently?
so by rock music i don't mean a specific sub genre and for reference im 22 i like to think im not THAT old and out of touch with trends ..i was reflecting on past trends the other week and realized as far as rock music goes love or hate it there was always something either in the mainstream or something of a subculture growing that kept it in the public metal killed by grunge grunge went into pop punk ..then that early 2000's pop punk was super relevant a while ..there was the whole emo/scene kid boom with all the screamo metalcore and just darker themed stuff ..all those scene's are still around but far less if a single rock song dose well on radio these days it dose not feel like its part of a current popular gateway scene the general people view it as a 1 off oddity and lump it with general pop music .why is it there is basically nothing in the mainstream and no equivalent to all the other past trends or is there and im just missing it??
6 AnswersRock and Pop4 years agofriend shoplifted from target without me knowing now i think they are after me?
i was hanging out at target with my friend and when we got home he showed me a DVD he snuck in his backpack well i was further down the aisle not paying attention ..went back today 2 days later and security was staring me down really badly and i just left ..should i just never go to that target again ? i don't really know how to go about the situation i don't wanna get banned from anywhere or ratt out anybody so im really conflicted on what to do
1 AnswerLaw & Ethics4 years agosomebody is trying to get me banned from the mall?
a very bitter ex girlfriend recently got a job at the pretzel place at the mall and said she is gonna report me to the guard for harassment if she sees me anywhere at the mall again . is there any way i can counter or fight this ? i spend all my free time at the mall
5 AnswersLaw & Ethics4 years agohow to tell my girlfriend she should be a bit more hygienic?
ive been dating this girl a few months now and things are great but she is very unhygienic witch im not one to rant about im not perfect but its starting to get to me ..her breath is so bad when she wants to kiss i almost instinctively pull back she has dark patches of dirt on her skin /acne etc she has always had the i don't care what people think of me im not looking to impress people attitude so i really don't know how to approach this without sounding shallow like shes not attractive enough or something like that..but like if shes not gonna take better care of herself for aesthetic reasons i kinda wish she would just know you really should >.>
1 AnswerSingles & Dating4 years agowhat old kids computer game was this?
so this Is really vague I know but this has bugged me for years ..when I was in like elementary school I once spent a day on a computer from the middle school and it had a weird game on it all I can recall was ur character had a tv remote looking thing you use to kill any enemies *walking TVs* but it had a battery limit and u had to charge it at stations spread all through the game and u basically ran around a building attempting to free scientist looking characters from locked doors
not really expecting any results but its bugged me for years I never got the name of that game cause it was so weird
1 AnswerVideo & Online Games5 years agoFacebook harassment?
this guy is sending me disturbing pictures to my * other folder* but when I click on the name of the sender it wont take me to a Facebook page and when I type the name in to block it on my privacy settings the user dose not show up in any of the results
1 AnswerFacebook5 years agohas my friend given up on moving back?
my best friend moved away* 4 hrs away by car* with his family almost a year ago and he is quite literally the only person I enjoy being around . and I honestly cant tell if he plans to come back home anymore .. he always talked about coming back after saving up money* he did get a job witch he hates with a passion* but over times its gotten less and less persistent and when it got brought up when are you coming back? his response was * why bother I was not important in anybody's life down there and I can be easily replaced im destined to just rot away here in purgatory*
I don't get it cause all he ever dose is complain about how awful it is in every possible way where he lives and how much he despises it .. but when asked about moving back hes gotten so pessimistic and less and less hopeful about it ...
2 AnswersFriends5 years agowhy are outdoor malls so popular recently?
I live in southern California and ive noticed outdoor shopping centers are killing off indoor shopping malls but I honestly don't understand why of the 2 outdoor malls in my area the closest is just expensive places to eat a movie theater and a barns and Nobel with a few other little shops between them not even close to the stores and variety from the indoor mall 10 min away and the other is huge and is as big possibly bigger then the indoor mall away but its still awful to go to since u feel the outdoor heat * or cold/rain* in full force and despite it being bigger there is less variety to stores still...whats the attraction to outdoor malls vs indoor malls?
2 AnswersOther - Local Businesses6 years agomy ipod will not sync?
I got a new computer and set upp a new iTunes every time I plug the ipod in it registers as connected but the sync button is grey and wont let me click it is there something im doing wrong? * ive been using the same old not updated iTunes for years so the new layout is confusing me *
2 AnswersMusic & Music Players6 years agodo I need a better flat iron ?
I have semi long hair *neck length at least* when I straighten my hair after a hour or less it gets wavy again and even then the ends of my hair never straighten at all
honestly it always looks very half assed ive never been able to get the emo/scene straight air I want ..just multiple bad attempts currently im using a 20$ Conair flatiron L'Oreal heat spray and L'Oreal straightening shampoo .... also ive tried hair spray / moose etc and when I use them it makes my hair just become awkwardly proportioned * for example hair groups together and sticks out and made it look like a horn or awkwardly styled anime hair* any advice to get straight emo/scene hair?
1 AnswerHair6 years agoi have no friends and no social life anymore?
a few years back i had a great group of friends and everything was great but that group kinda fell apart due to some drama.. so i ended up always being around my best friend and very rarely anybody els...but my best friend moved away and im all alone ..making it more frustrating is im very well liked by some people i know out of necessity ..i try to act nice and polite to not hurt anybody's feelings but the only people i get to interact with now are people i really cant stand for many reasons..ive tried having hobby's* specifically i tried getting into trading card game tournaments* and what it came down to was they became single purpose acquaintances that would be like il speak to u here but besides this we have nothing in common so outside of this we really are not gonna talk ... so yeah my days the last 4 months have been go to class try to maintain being friendly with people who are very grading then just wonder around the city aimlessly listening to my ipod ...i don't attract the kind of people i want the kind i do know at all we just cant get along at all everything is starting to feel like purgatory ..any advice to get out of my rut?
2 AnswersFriends6 years ago