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  • Two of my friends ignoring me? Help?!?

    Ok so I am on my schools poms team and I have two friends, Alyssa, and Lindsey(fake names). The poms team I am in is full of snobbish popular girls, so I was feeling pretty lonely on the team until I met Alyssa and Lindsey, who were really nice girls and I felt like I could actually connect with. Alyssa and Lindsey started out pretty lonely on the team too, since my team is really cliquey and full of popular girls.. So anyways, we all became friends, and I would have fun talking to them. But suddenly, Alyssa started kinda rejecting my friendship and would stare at me uncomfortably/awkwardly when I try to talk to her, and only talk to Lindsey. Lindsey and Alyssa became really close and started hanging out together, telling each other secrets, and even whispering to each other in front of my face! It really hurts inside when I see them, hanging out together and now completely ignoring me like I don't exist(unless I say something to them) I also can't make friends with the other poms girls because they are all super popular and cliquey, I've never really clicked with those types of girls before..

    3 AnswersFriends5 years ago
  • I think my mom is cheating on my dad?:(?

    Ok so my mom wanted me to help download music on to her phone, and a text message chat she was having caught my eye. I knew she was texting a guy, because it had messages from him like "I crave you." "Hey sexy;)" and "did you think about that night?" She also texted him back with stuff like "oh stop, you re making me blush" or "I want to hug and kiss you all over." I know it s not my dad because he only has one phone number and they have like a separate texting chat. I m really scared and shocked and don t know what to think!!? Do you think she is cheating?

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating6 years ago
  • How to prevent worse eyesight?

    I am a 13 year old girl with the worse eyesight ever.(-950 in both eyes;-;) I am really scared and stressed out everyday. The problem is that I love anime, gaming, and all things on electronics. I also have very bad genes(my mom and dad both have bad eyes and eye diseases.) Help!!!??? what should i do? I need my eyes and I still want to wear my contacts.. anyway to prevent my eyesight from getting worse?

    2 AnswersOptical7 years ago
  • DANCERS! Please answer below?

    Ok so whoever I try to do a double pirrouette, I always fall and stumble off balance! I can do a single pirrouette just fine though! And also, in my class the teacher teaches us the routine. Everyone gets it immediately but i always mess up because it takes me longer to remember the steps! Any advice?

    4 AnswersPerforming Arts7 years ago
  • do guys like a kind, gentle girl or a outgoing, bubbly girl?

    Girls can answer but I prefer a guy

    4 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • Crush Problems:(?? Please help?

    So we broke up about 2 years ago. I loved him a lot so I was really crushed and sad. I still have a HUGE crush on him and I think about him so much and I look for him in the hallways. We never ever talk together, anymore (since the day we broke up) and he already had a girlfriend after we broke up and is probably not interested in me anymore. I still love him, though. What should I do?? I feel like it's getting too out of control and that I LIVE for him or something.

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • Braces!!!! help???(PLEASE ANSWER 10 POINTS TO BEST ANSWER)?

    So I just got braces recently in like December and they have already broken 4 times:(

    First time: Eating a sandwich

    Second time: Eating a bagel

    Third time: Eating some fried rice

    Fourth time: Eating stuff I am allowed to eat at a buffet

    I broke them a few days ago and I was thinking about just waiting till my next appointment on the 5/1 to get it fixed. Would that be too late? and is there any suggestions you have for not breaking again??

    2 AnswersDental7 years ago
  • Help! Bullying!?

    Ok so I'm in 8th grade and my locker partner(girl in the locker next to me) is really rude and bullies me. For example, they sit on my locker every morning and when I say "excuse me" very politely they snicker and don't move and inch. They also always try to close my locker and butterfly in when I am not looking. If I try to defend myself (like holding my locker open so she can't close it) she makes up nasty rumors about me. I always feel so scared to go to my locker now in fear she will bully me or make up another rumor about me, and the worst part is I can't even defend myself because of the rumors she will make! Please help;(

    3 AnswersHome Schooling7 years ago
  • unfair parents!!?

    I feel like my parents are over-ruling my life. My parents always decide everything for me, without my permission. When I want to go to AP classes, they say no. When I want to date a guy, they say no. They always insult my best friends too and all the other friends I make. They always also get REALLY mad at me when I do something but never get mad at my brother. They even took away my phone which I did nothing wrong and my brother is allowed to keep his and he is always caught using it all the time! They also made me quit basketball and soccer, two hobbies I really enjoyed. I can't take this anymore!!!! I also really want my phone back! Please help!!???

    4 AnswersFamily7 years ago
  • What attracts guys?

    Just curious... :)

    5 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • Guy problems!!?

    I always catch my ex staring at me in the hallways(LIKE A LOT). I also heard that he talks about me to other people. Does he like me again? Problem is he already has a girlfriend!?

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years ago