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  • I accidentally took my nuva ring out a week early?

    I've been on the nuva ring for about 18 months and I have taken it on time every sunday night, left it in for 3 weeks and took it out. This is the first time I had miscalculated and took it out a week early (sunday night)..I got my period 2 days later (tues night) after removing it. My period lasted until friday and I had unprotected sex that I have any chance of pregnancy?

    1 AnswerPregnancy7 years ago
  • Long distance relationships and sex?

    Ok well my boyfriend and I have been together for 3.5 years. We did live together but I had to move temporarily an hour away due to a job intern at the Mayo Clinic, being that we aren't going to be moving here, and he has a very good job where we used to live, we just see each other every weekend. When we lived together our sex life was fantastic sometimes 3-4 times a day.

    He drives down to see me every weekend and he's a good boyfriend takes me out places, brings me dinner flowers, alcohol and seems like he'd do anything for me and says I don't Sometimes I feel he comes down here expecting sex? I mean of course cuz yeah I'm his gf I understand..but sometimes we do it throughout the weekend, but there are sometimes I'm just not in the mood, even for the whole weekend and I'm not sure why? And he gets upset and says "you don't see me for a whole week why aren't you in the mood?" I mean is it bad I don't want to do it EVERY weekend he comes? Is that wrong of me? Even if I just do it one time during the weekend..he wants it the next day and the next day and if I'm not in the mood he thinks I'm not as interested in him as I used to be..and that's not the cast at all. I just don't understand, if I am not in the mood why does he have to get mad every time? He's so nice and respectful with everything else. I understand to some of you I may come of as selfish but im really not...when we have sex we are both equally pleased. Is it weird I want a sex free weekend sometimes??

    2 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships7 years ago
  • I did a factory reset on my phone due to a virus..?

    I moved all my apps and whatnot to my SD when I restarted it I don't see them on my SD I not doing something right? When I did the backup for my apps to SD it said it was completed...what could be the problem?

    1 AnswerPolls & Surveys7 years ago
  • What do you think about these headphones?

    Would you wear them walking to school, work wherever? Or do you think it looks weird, lil tacky wearing such headphones over ear buds? I like ear buds but the quality of sound sucks and they don't last long...ive gone through 3 pairs in like 4 months.

    6 AnswersPolls & Surveys7 years ago
  • What would you do in this situation?

    So it's a class from 7-5pm about DUI's and MADD that I'm required to go to. It says on the letter you can bring family members or friends whatever. I asked my bf if he would go and he said "probably not" I mean I guess I see his point but I wanted him to maybe be there cuz it's so long. And I know it's my fault yada yada, I need to serve my time. But if your friend or bf or gf wanted tyou to go to a class for 10 hours would you go with or say no?

    1 AnswerPolls & Surveys7 years ago
  • How to get a guy to stop holding grudges about the past?

    Well I have been with my bf for almost 4 years and a year ago we got into a huge fight and we decided to break was for about 2 months..then got together again but broke up again for another month. We were each seeing other people and he got mad at me because I had sex with someone but he didn't. And he says "if you truly loved me you wouldn't have had sex" And that's not true at all I was just trying to move on is all....just as I'm sure he was... It's not my fault he couldn't have sex because he "loved me too much" is what he says..

    We don't live together right now but we see each other every weekend and we have the best weekends ever, but then during the week when we're not together we talk and have decent convos as we always have but he seems to pick fights with me... and it's always about bringing up guys I was with but when I was with guys it was when we were BROKEN UP! And he thinks I was with more guys than I told him. Why is he doing this? Is it out of boredom or what? He always tells me "im over it babe, im over it" but then 2 days later it starts again... ughhghg its so annoying...any advice on what this is all about?

    We don't wanna break up as we have realized that we truly want a life together and we really are a good couple I just can't get him to get over this past **** that isnt even irrelevant!

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • What would you rate.....?

    Your first sexual experience on a scale of 1-10, 10 being the worst? Was it with someone you really loved?

    7 AnswersPolls & Surveys7 years ago
  • Help please......................?

    Ok I get my packs delivered to me and I get 3 months at a time. I was currently on my last week (the sugar pills) waiting for my pack to arrive in the mail. I was supposed to start my new pack of birth control the upcoming sunday, and my pills did not show up until Tuesday. I had sex on sunday and Monday morning..but I had gotten my period on Thursday and it stopped saturday morning. What are my chances of pregnancy? My period started again on Monday the whole day and then it was done. I usualy have it for like 4-5 days, but im not sure why I had it 2 days then it stopped for a day and then started again the following day?

    1 AnswerPolls & Surveys8 years ago