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Lv 31,873 points

Al S

Favorite Answers13%
  • Why does Barry Obama feel so threatened by talk show hosts? He's supposedly our President, isn't he?

    It's strange to see tour self-proclaimed savior so rattled by a couple of talk show hosts. Strike that, it's amusing to see the President having to bring all his P.R. guns to bear on Rush and Glenn. If the Democrat party was doing the right thing, they wouldn't have to push it so much, or defend it so vehemently. Is it possible that they are doing all the wrong things and to defend the indefensible, they have to try to knock out the opposition?

    25 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Scott Brown won...Is this a lesson to Democrats?

    So Scott Brown wins a decisive victory in Mass. What are the Democrats going to do now? Will they throw a tantrum and try to force that nightmare of a socialized medicine bill through before Brown gets seated? Some are already calling for changes in the rules to negate the filibuster. Will the Democrats take this as a sign of the people telling them they're dead wrong on all these issues? Or will they just puff up like they know better than the citizenry and continue to dig their legislative hole as deep as they can and do as much damage to the nation as they can until they are voted out of office in the next elections as well?

    4 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Results of liberal policies and practices...?

    I'm currently in a debate with a colleague. My assertion is that there has never been any positive net result from liberal policies. Even the great work projects of the depression years resulted in huge debt and development of an entitlement mentality.

    So here's the question...

    Is there any program or policy instituted by post-modern liberal administrations which has actually accomplished the desired good it was intended to, without the greater accompanying damage usually ignored by the press and leftist thinkers during debates on the topic?

    10 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Leasing agent's business earnings model...?

    I'm looking to expand my family retail jewelry store into a second location. Rents are outrageous. The leasing agent rattled off some statistic about how a jewelry store earns $300 per foot on average. They are about three times too high and completely unrealistic.

    Where do these statistics come from?

    1 AnswerRenting & Real Estate1 decade ago
  • Nobel Prize????...for Barry Obama??? huh?

    So this socialist slob got the Nobel prize...Someone please tell me what he's actually d...o...n...e.....?

    What's next, sainthood?

    Should he be nominated as a god?

    Should he change his name to Nikolai Carpathia?

    7 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • so why does Yahoo delete questions questioning or doubting our illustrious president?????

    So I come out and question Osama Obama 'cause I don't like the fargan barstage and Yahoo yanks the question...what gives?

    12 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Where were you eight years ago?

    I was on a bus to New York with a heavy rescue team, to spend six days searching for survivors in the ruins of the World Trade Center towers. What were you doing when those scumbag pieces of cowardly camel dung murdered almost 3000 Americans (I lost 3 friends)?

    11 AnswersCurrent Events1 decade ago
  • Is the Left..."Right"?

    The Liberal Left is much louder and more forceful in communicating its' ideology than those on the Right, but are they actually right in their beliefs or do they simply use their tremendous volume to overcome having to explain their positions? It appears to me that positions held by liberals crumble when they are subjected to questioning. If you ask a Liberal Leftist to explain himself, he will immediately launch into an attack centering on calling you intolerant, bigoted, with no mention at all about why he believes as he does.

    So, are they actually "right" or simply as wrong as wrong can be?

    7 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Someone please explain how this works...?

    Okay, during the presidential campaign last year, Barry Obama was recorded on audio and video, by multiple sources, saying that he supported a single-payer health care system. Now he stands before the national media and says he never supported the idea of a single-payer health care system.

    Other than assuming that this man is simply the ultimate lying SOB in the friggin' universe, and his supporters are the most ignorant morons ever to disgrace the earth with their presence, how can anyone take this jerk seriously? What a CLOWN!

    Who still believes anything said by this snake?

    13 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Tell me something good about what President Obama believes.?

    I try to keep an open mind. I treat people with the same respect whether or not I agree with them. As often as I have tried, I cannot find anything that the President supports, stands with, or belief he espouses which could possibly do any kind of good for us as a country. Please give me an example if you have one. The question is not about whether or not it can work, it is about what is right and good.

    13 AnswersGovernment1 decade ago
  • Know any important deaths? Not that freak Michael Jackson...?

    Sound off people! I wanna read about the important people we need to remember, not that disgusting pedophile they're making a circus out of in Los Angeles today.

    Sgt. Joshua W. Soto, 25, of San Angelo, Texas, died June 16 in Iraq of wounds suffered when an improvised explosive device detonated near his vehicle. He was assigned to the 1st Battalion, 77th Armor Regiment, 4th Brigade Combat Team, 1st Armored Division, Fort Bliss Texas.

    Two soldiers died on June 19 in Kandahar, Afghanistan of wounds sustained when their vehicle was hit by an improvised explosive device. Killed were:

    Sgt. Paul G. Smith, 43, of Peoria, Ill. He was an Illinois Army National Guardsman assigned to the 2nd Squadron, 106th Cavalry, Aurora, IL.

    Staff Sgt. Joshua A. Melton, 26, of Carlyle, Ill. He was an Illinois Army National Guardsman assigned to the 2nd Battalion, 130th Infantry, Marion, Illinois.

    Sgt. 1st Class Kevin A. Dupont, 52, of Templeton, Mass., died June 17 at Brooke Army Medical Center in San Antonio, Texas, of wounds suffered March 8 in Kandau, Afghanistan, when an improvised explosive device detonated near his vehicle. He was assigned to the 79th Troop Command, Rehoboth, Mass.

    14 AnswersCelebrities1 decade ago
  •'s all that hope and change working for you?

    Well, lets see, my business is down about 75% over the last five months, I have to use credit cards to the tune of about 6K per month to meet overhead. We may not make it through to the end of our current lease. People all over Cleveland are losing work, not "saved or created" jobs like the disgraceful bag of socialist/statist dog poop in the Oval Office likes to say. How is it all going for you out there? Still drinking the kool aid?

    9 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Banks, Chrysler, now GM...?

    How many more examples of the utter failure of all that is Liberal, do we need before we wake up. The U.S. economy slowed another 4.6% the First quarter of the Great White Hope's administration! I thought he was the solution to all of our problems!!!???

    Does anyone out there have any information about anything good for the country that has happened because Barry Obama made it into the White House? Or is his administration just doing all kinds of damage and is being called good by his lapdogs in the mainstream media?

    It's like walking out into a rainstorm and then calling it sunshine...oh it must be so, because CNN said so...

    You still buy this guy's sales pitch?

    Back to the original question...other than the blatantly obvious damage being caused, is there really anything good coming out of this administration and its' influences?

    3 AnswersGovernment1 decade ago
  • Which is more likely? (fake Constitution behind Obama)?

    I'm not certain, but which seems more likely as the reason for our illustrious leader using a copy of the constitution as a backdrop to yesterdays "sermon"?

    1. If he gets too near to the real Constitution, it will burst into flames.

    2. If he gets too near to the real Constitution, he will melt like the wicked witch of the west from it's overwhelming power of endowing freedom and liberty.

    18 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Watching Pornography VS. Live Cam Sex (clarified previous question)?

    Okay, a little more clarity here. My wife and I have a healthy sex life. I enjoy watching video, photos and the occasional erotic story. My wife enjoys going on Messenger and doing cam to cam with other men. She equates what I do to marital infidelity and I do not because there's no one looking back at me. I consider what she's doing much closer to, or even crossing the line into marital infidelity because there's someone there reacting in real time to what she's doing, and they're telling each other what to do. She strongly disagrees and calls them both the same, but does not think she's doing any worse. Thoughts...are they the same or is one closer to cheating than the other. Okay. Sound Off! I want to be able to tally the votes later, so clear responses are appreciated. Thanks.

    8 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • Viewing internet porn VS. cam 2 cam nudity.?

    I need a proverbial show of hands. My wife thinks it's exactly the same, I disagree. She calls them both cheating, I don't. Are they both the equivalent of cheating, one, or neither? Is it the same or different? Is viewing proffesionally prepared internet pornography the same thing as putting on an explicit webcam show for an anonymous man on the other end of a Messenger connection?

    22 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • Music playing in "Roadhouse"...?

    Does anyone know the title to the tune playing at the strip club while Sam Elliot's character, Wade Garrett is on the phone with Patrick Swayze?

    1 AnswerMovies1 decade ago
  • Who's buying it? Stimulus or Socialism?

    I wanna hear what you people think. Is this new trillion dollar spending bill going to fix the ailing economy or take us another step closer to communism?

    Personally, I believe that any time government takes a financial stake in private business is just primer for grossly ignorant U.S. voters to place the next Stalin into the White House.

    Okay people...Sound Off!

    11 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • O.K. Now what? The election is just about called...?

    Okay, it's 2300 hours eastern time, and lets assume that our next president is the socialist black man. Do we allow the liberals to take us into the new soviet era? Are we no longer all racists? Do Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson still have jobs? Or could it be a dawning of a new era of a new class of untouchable black royalty where they can ostracise people for asking questions like the mindless media did to Joe the plumber?

    1 AnswerElections1 decade ago
  • What do Osama and Obama have in common?

    They both have friends who bombed the pentagon!

    Who in their sane mind can vote for this thieving marxist pig and then sleep at night?

    Any educated guesses as to the outcome next week? Don't give me polls, they can't be trusted any more. I want your gut feeling.

    9 AnswersElections1 decade ago