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  • Activities/hobbies during pregnancy?

    Me and my wife are asylum seekers in Sri Lanka since past month, which means that we cannot work, study or do pretty much anything here besides just living our life on a day to day basis.

    My wife being 1.5 months pregnant doesn't know what to do with our time here while we are living in this village in a very limited lifestyle (a small apartment with a kitchen fitted with a gas cooker... that's all).

    I don't know if it is the mood swings or something else, but I'd love to help her find some activity/hobby that could keep her busy.

    Just so you guys know, we cannot step out much, we just have one laptop (that I'm usually working on most of the day), a couple of smartphones (and she doesn't like to play games), we do not have TV, no oven (or else I'd have suggested her how to bake etc)... and above all... limited on the cash.

    Let's say I can spend about 300 dollars in 15 to 20 days to afford something for this issue.

    Ideas please?

    4 AnswersFamily6 years ago
  • Catalan keyboard layout?

    I recently had my laptop keyboard replaced by Acer. Instead of installing a Spanish one, I got a Catalan one (without the "Ñ" key). Instead there is one for "Ç" in its place followed by one with an "A" and "O" with an underscore on the next one.

    Does anyone know how I can set my keyboard layout to this one both on Suse Linux and Windows?

    Many thanks!

    3 AnswersOther - Hardware1 decade ago
  • Spanish/Catalan terms in English?

    Could some please let me know what these terms are equivalent to in English:

    "Programes de diversificació curricular" (in Catalan)

    "Programas de diversificación curricular" (in Spanish)

    "Programes personalitzats" (in Catalan)

    "Programas personalizados" (in Spanish)

    1 AnswerLanguages1 decade ago
  • Microsoft Word Question (Spanish users)?


    I'm helping a friend finish off her school project. This afternoon, while she was away, I was supposed to do some corrections on her computer in her word document. I'm used to the usual keyboard shortcuts we use in English speaking countries (Ctrl + V, Ctrl + A, Ctrl + S etc.) The same shortcuts don't apply to a computer running on Spanish Windows XP or in Spanish Microsoft Word.

    For example, instead of using Ctrl + A for "select all", they use Ctrl + E for some reason that I'm not sure of because I don't know Spanish language.

    Anyway, I ended up using some keyboard shortcut which triggered off the document revision tool. Something that tracks changes that I make to the document and doesn't save the changes (or saves them in a temporary form) unless I go into the revision toolbar and accept all the changes I made. Since everything here's in Spanish, can someone please help me turn this tool off?

    Lots and lots of thanks in advance!

    3 AnswersSoftware1 decade ago
  • Translation help needed: Catalan/Spanish?

    How do you say this in English:


    "Els discursos orals utilitzats a l’aula són al mateix temps vehicle i objecte d’aprenentatge, per la qual cosa el currículum ha d’atendre tant el coneixement dels elements lingüístics i comunicatius com la capacitat d’utilitzar-los en l’aprenentatge de diferents continguts curriculars i en les diferents situacions comunicatives; a més, el seu treball en aquesta etapa ha de ser el fonament del treball dels continguts de la competència escrita."


    "Los discursos orales utilizados aula son al mismo tiempo vehículo y objeto de aprendizaje, por lo que el currículo debe atender tanto el conocimiento de los elementos lingüísticos y comunicativos como la capacidad de utilizarlos en el aprendizaje de diferentes contenidos curriculares y en las diferentes situaciones comunicativas, además, su trabajo en esta etapa debe ser el fundamento del trabajo de los contenidos de la competencia escrita."

    1 AnswerLanguages1 decade ago
  • Question for language teachers...?

    Well, I'm an English speaking IT professional living in Spain and have a friend who's an English teacher at an Adult Education Centre. She invited me to join her at her classes today so that her students could have a chance at practicing with some native English speaker.

    The problem is that I don't know what to do with the students so they get an equal chance at listening to me as well as speaking/communicating. I don't want to have a "statement making" type of activity in which I just ask them for their introductions and get statements in return such as "My name is Josep... I'm 30 years old" etc.

    I have three classes to attend this evening. Would be helpful if someone could suggest what I can do with the students to attain the type of response I'm expecting. Some activity or topic of free speech would be nice.

    Many thanks!

    1 AnswerTeaching1 decade ago
  • El Corte Ingles guarantees...?

    I bought a laptop from El Corte Ingles last month and ended up with a broken key (which I tampered around with a bit of super glue but in vain).

    Anyone has an idea if my laptop's guarantee is still valid after my stupid toying around?

    1 AnswerOther - Computers1 decade ago
  • What is "context of situation" and "text of situation"?

    Lets rephrase my previous question and see if you guys are helpful enough to speak about either of the above two or what you know about them.

    Of course posting a link would have been easier for all of us, but sure, some information based on your own knowledge would be nice too.

    I believe that yahoo answers is a knowledge-base forum where everyone comes for quick reference and in case if he/she doesn't find an answer to a question previously asked, we make this forum richer by adding in the answers needed. Not by posting:

    Just Bein' Me: "I could Google too but then I wouldn't be able to answer other questions. It would take too long to look it up."


    Brett: "Linguistics :) i like that word. sorry i can't help you, im held up with other things."

    Waste of space to the answers community I suppose.

    1 AnswerLanguages1 decade ago
  • Linguistics question: links needed...?

    Hi all,

    I need some useful links for:

    "Context of situation" and "Text and context" in the area of linguistics...

    Sure, I can google, but I'm a bit held up with other things.

    Many thanks!

    4 AnswersLanguages1 decade ago
  • P2P software for linux?

    Any suggestions on p2p software for linux? I had been using Shareaza 2.3 on WinXP which connected to G1, G2, eDonkey and Bittorrents so I'd prefer something similar.

    Also, whilst suggesting your choice of p2p software for linux, please let me know if you know what networks it is capable to connect to or your reasons as to why you think its better than others.

    Many thanks!

    3 AnswersSoftware1 decade ago
  • URGENT: Flight operators for Vilnius, Lithuania?

    What are the major flight operators if I'm flying in to Vilnius International Airport (VNO)?

    I've looked up a few Turkish Airline flights over the internet but I ain't sure if I'd need transit visas to fly via Istanbul and Warsaw.

    My travel agent has booked me in for Lufthansa saying that they're the only carrier that flies you into Vilnius. I doubt that and have a feeling that there must be other carriers too. Probably my travel agent is just trying to make a healthy profit off me for coming up with a unique location to fly to...

    Any suggestions?

    2 AnswersOther - Europe1 decade ago
  • How do I promote my blog?

    Ok, so I've started this blog with my friend Pamela who's writes amazing songs and poems and we were wondering how to promote it and get dedicated visitors on regular basis...

    Any thoughts?

    Passion Palace:

    6 AnswersOther - Advertising & Marketing1 decade ago
  • Any one had problems with sending money using bank swift codes?

    I needed to send some money to europe two weeks back. Since I got a pound sterling account (GBP), I couldn't do a transfer because the other account was a euro account (EUR)...

    So... I took help from a money exchange company called Zarco and asked them to do a telegraphic transfer for me. The amount was 400 euros and they said that it was the lowest that they were ever sending. I was told that telegraphic transfers are usually done by businesses to exchange money between them etc and those kinda transfers are usually loaded (large amounts).

    Anyway, to cut the long story short, the money didn't make it to europe. Transfer was done through bank account number (IBAN), bank code and swift code.

    What should I do? Please help...

    1 AnswerOther - Business & Finance1 decade ago
  • Should I keep my gf off from her girlfriends who don't seem to have a good character?

    Three girlfriends that I asked her to put away:

    1st one had been on a cyber sex craze from what i assume... Just months after her husband died. I don't like the idea of my gf being friends with her, but she defends that friend a bit too much by saying that she's pretty sure the cyber sex craze started a year after her husband's death.

    Friend number two is a bisexual. And the third one is a camgirl carrying on her web cam chats etc. I wouldn't want my gf to have sleazy kinda friends but she just keeps defending them...

    This is the same gf i talked abt in this question:;_ylt=Ap9FFQl4aqbQS3...

    5 AnswersFriends1 decade ago
  • Distant relationships... friends and relatives? (What do I do in this situation)?

    So I'm in this distant relationship which had kinda worked its way to me proposing to the girl last year. Then this year, things have got me landing onto a shakey ground.

    At valentines, my girl had the excuse that she miscalculated time difference between her and me, and set up a dinner with her girl friend who wasn't didn't have any plans for her. So obviously, my girl friend had to be sympathetic and take her friend out for dinner. I asked her to spend the weekend with me and take her friend for dinner the next week but it seemed that her friend was more important.

    We had another fallout few months later about priorities. She was supposed to go for a party the next day and I knew she wouldn't put it off for me. But just to put her to test I asked her to stay back. Her friends were moving to another place so it was a farewell party. I told her see them the day after the party. She'd have had plenty of time since she worked part time but nope... her friends got a leg over me.

    4 AnswersFriends1 decade ago
  • Event target in client side script?

    Hi guys,

    Does anybody know how to find the event target using a client side script? I've got the following code in my ASP.NET web application and am trying to find out the button ID of the control that executed the code:

    <script language="vbscript" type="text/vbscript">

    Sub CustomValidator1_ClientValidate(source, arguments)

    box1 = document.getElementById("<%= Date1.ClientID %>").value

    box2 = document.getElementById("<%= Date2.ClientID %>").value

    If box1 = "" And box2 = "" Then

    arguments.IsValid = False


    arguments.IsValid = True

    End If

    End Sub


    I know that you could call Page.Request.Params.Get("__EVENTTARGET") on the server side, but this doesn't seem to be working. If anyone knows of a similar function on client side in either vbscript of javascript please let me know.

    Your help would be much appreciated.

    Many thanks!

    2 AnswersProgramming & Design1 decade ago