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  • Hookup with a friend from 4 years ago...?

    Me and this girl I met at a conference got drunk and had sex 3 times about 4 years ago. Last two times we were sober so it was definitely more than just a drunk mistake. Anyway the sex was great we both enjoyed ourselves. And she had this piercing it drove me and her wild....

    Ok she is back in town...haven't seen her in a while but being she was one of my best ever I'm trying to figure out how to ask her if we can hookup again. Any help is much appreciated!!!

    Yea and were both single and over 25 if anyone cares...

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating6 years ago
  • Baby Mamma Issues....Please Help ADVICE!!!?

    So let's get straight to it. 27 year old male. 10 years with BM. 6 living together. We have 2 young kids together. I have a lot of issues with my BM but I sincerely love her, and always have since the beginning. I have proposed to this woman 5 times already. She has said yes but calls it off due to her issues with me (r'ship with my family and money). I have worked on these issues, yet it's never good enough. The last time I asked her to marry me she said we don't have the money for the wedding she wants. I asked if we could just go to the courthouse and do the larger wedding later. She says no. We we argue she tells me she does not respect me as a man. These are the major issues I have. The constant shots at my manhood.She constantly get on me about my ability to take care of our family. She says she doesn't want to be with a man who can't pay all HER bills and hold it down. I have been pursuing my doctorate and make a decent income as a student. It is not much, but if you looked at our home you'd see we are not for want. We essentially have everything. I pay a larger share of our rent, and major bills like TV, net, cell, etc. Also because of my schedule I am able to do more things around the house: cook, clean, chores. I dress, drop, pick up kids, read to, and do HW. We can only make love when she wants to. She sleeps naked, and says don't touch her. I may randomly get a BJ, but it usual just a short tease. She always parties, comes home @ 3AM. I feel I'm just a convenience

    2 AnswersMarriage & Divorce7 years ago
  • GF/Baby Mama goes out doesn't come home til 7am.?

    I work in the day, and have to immediately pick our kids up, cook, clean etc. she works at night and most often or not she stays out and doesn't come home til 6-7am in the morning. I've told her repeatedly that not only is it dangerous but highly disrespectful. She ignores what I say and continues to do it. I m about ready to say **** it to all this bs and start leaving immediately when she comes home. It's bad enough I don't have much time to go out myself but its worst that she continues to come home at ridiculous hours knowing I have to work and boys need to go to school.

    7 AnswersFamily8 years ago
  • A Collections Agency (Swift Funds Financial) refuses to send proof of debt.?

    They claim they sent me a letter a few months ago back in 2012. I informed them that when they sent the letter I had already moved to another location. I'm just getting this call in Jan 2013. I asked to speak to a manager and a guy picked up named Troy Green. I asked him several times if he could send me proof of debt to my new address and he refused. He even had the nerve to tell me I should have done what normal people do and did a change of an address with the postal service. He told me unless I gave him my payment information over the phone he was going to report me to the credit bureaus. I am definitely not doing that, but if it is a valid debt I told him I was willing to make a payment by mail if I could have proof. So far it doesn't look like I'll be getting that anytime soon.

    7 AnswersCredit8 years ago
  • My girlriend of 6 years threatens to break my stuff every time I won't talk to her?

    One night she woke me up, and started arguing then proceeded to toss my lappy, I then pushed her on the bed. We ended the night not talking. Although she did say I care more about things than her. I know I should not put my hands on her, and it was wrong but at the same time I am sick of being threatened of my expensive personal belongings being broken because she is upset. I'm not sure what to do in this situation. We are both in our mid-late 20s and live together. This has happened before just as I described. I feel like neither of have any control and no sense of boundaries or respect. What should I have done, what can I(and us) do to fix our issues?

    8 AnswersMarriage & Divorce9 years ago
  • Me and childs mother split on the direction of our future?

    We live together, split rent, and take care of our children. Recently, we have been arguing on the next phase of our lives. She is interested in doing grad school, and I am interested in continuing grad school for my PhD, however she wants to stay in our home state. I would like to branch out and not limit myself to what is here. I believe there are far more opportunities and better programs elsewhere. She doesn't want to hear it and refuses to take a look at other schools outside our home state. I've repeatedly told her that the program she is interested in can be found at nearly all major universities, and that my field of study (being a science) requires a professor to not only have room for additional students but also funding. She accuses be of being selfish and dragging her to the university we just recently graduated from. The truth is that after our child was born, we had very few options and even less time. The deadlines for the other schools we applied too had passed, and the school where I did my undergrad offered a good stipend, despite my initially low GRE score. Anyhow, that is beside the point. I never dragged her into anything. I do not want to be away from my child, however I don't want to wait a whole 2 years for her to finish her degree so I can do mine. I have tried to compromise with her by looking for other schools in state but she is stuck on only two in the state. I am not sure what to do. To make matter's worst it does not appear that our relationship is going anywhere. I'm not sure if we will ever get married. All I know is I love my child, but I don't want to be unhappy the rest of my life. Every time I try to talk to her about it she just says maybe its time we go our separate ways....I don't know what to do....HELP!!!!

    1 AnswerFamily9 years ago
  • How to add numbers to the Excel Cell ID.?

    I would like to add the number 8 sequentially to my cell IDs and do it in a way where it is automatic. For example C8 would become C16, C24,C32, C40, etc etc. Please help!

    1 AnswerSoftware10 years ago
  • How can I add values in Excel so I don't have to do it manually.?

    Okay I'm not talking about adding cells C5 (6) to A5 (6) to equal 12.

    I am doing some data analysis and I want to sequentially add a value (say 5) from the cell number so it would be like A5, A10, A15.

    I have some formulas like this =average(E104,E135,M101) and the pattern I see is I need to be adding 8 to the cell (ex: E104 would be E112) so for the next one it would be =average(E112,E147,M109) and the one after that would be =average(E120,E155,M117). I hope I am making sense but how can I get this so I don't have to manually enter it in?

    2 AnswersSoftware10 years ago
  • Mortal Kombat 9 Controls PS3?

    okay I am use to the Street fighter 2 scheme and I am pretty good at most fighters but MK 9 is giving me a hard time. The buttons dont seem to respond. For example I went into practice mode and tried a Jab Kombo (Box, Box, Box) but I get nothing but a punch. Am I pressing it too fast, is it suppose to be delayed? Whats the deal?

    Also I cannot pull off a fatality period. I had tried too in the practice mode but when I press the button combo I just get a punch. I was using subzero. Maybe I am pressing it too fast IDK???

    Help please.

    PS: I miss the old MK controls....

    2 AnswersPlayStation1 decade ago
  • 24 year old male frequent urge to urinate?

    Im not sure what is wrong with me. I went to the dr. and my prostate test came back negative but he prescribed pain medicine as I was also complaining about lower back pain. I thought maybe he was right but I continue to have pressure around my bladder. Then I am having to go pee multiple times a day, especially at night. When I do go its anywhere from a small dribble to a very weak stream. I dont have any sti's. What could be wrong? Also no blood, or strange colored pee.

    3 AnswersMen's Health1 decade ago
  • Why won't my fiancée make out or have sex with me anymore?

    Before we had kids she would be all over me. Then we moved and got our own place together and we would slowly end up having less and less sex. She says its because she is tired from work and stressed yet she doesn't really work all that much and she has plenty of time to rest (at least I think so). Her stress really doesn't have much to do with the kids as I do most of the things for them. If I complain she will say thats all I think about but that's far from the truth. I just enjoy having intimate moments with her. Once she started taking Depo things got even worst. Now I'll be lucky if we have sex once a month. If we do have sex she doesn't even seem to get aroused anymore and she tells me to hurry up. I feel awful. She gets upset when I touch her sometimes and she doesn't like to kiss me although she says she is still very much attracted to me. She says once we get married and because I will be her husband things will change but I just think they will just get worst as our careers will taking off. We are also only 24. I'm I wrong for feeling this way?

    18 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • Will son lose ssi if we get married?

    2 year old,

    both in college, I am a grad student

    both work

    make about 30K

    would like to get married but are scared due to financial concerns.

    6 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • Should I be entitled to some tax refund money from fiancee?

    Basically me and fiancee have kids and we live together. She claims them on her taxes and gets the EIC. She gets all the credit and I get zero even though I pay for most of their needs. Now I am not jealous or anything. We all love each other, so I am just wondering what is fair...

    10 AnswersUnited States1 decade ago
  • Have we lost the war in Afghanistan?

    Karzai is corrupt, Pakistan is in bed with the Taliban, we have been there nearly 10 years with little sign the situation is getting better, if we stay we lose, if we leave we lose but more soldiers die. I think at this point its time to stop wasting lives and money and bolster our own national defenses and strengthen our counter-terrorism.

    17 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Why do nearly all Republicans think Climate Change is a hoax?

    When 99 percent of scientists including myself believe it is real and human induced?

    19 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Why aren't the Churches more involved in the Health Care Debate?

    I'm certain Jesus would want more people regardless of faith to be covered under a comprehensive and relatively inexpensive health care plan or at least be given the option to be enrolled in such a program. What happened to the love?

    Seems like the only time the Churches come out of the pulpit (well the ones most often mentioned) is when it has something to do with sexual predators and abortion.

    10 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Anybody remember these shows/movies that appeared on the Disney channel?

    One was a tv series about this little girl who lived in an (i think) old 18th or 19th century village. It was called ava- something I think. I distinctly remember it.

    Then their was this show about dragons, magic,swords and sorcery using live actors. That also appeared to be of UK origin.

    There was also a movie about these aliens that landed in this small town and it was always played around Halloween.

    There was also this movie that appeared to be produced in the UK about this girl who had some ability to teleport using some sort of green energy.

    All these came out in the early 90s. I know I saw them but I cant remember the names. HELP

    5 AnswersMovies1 decade ago
  • Should my friend leave her and his kids- he needs advice...?

    Before anyone thinks he is some dead beat dad that doesn't want to be in the lives of his children trust me that is so far from the truth.He is a caring loving young father who does everything he can to ensure that his kids have everything they need: clothes, milk, clean diapers, he feed them, good baths etc.

    Now with that said my friend went back to graduate school and he and his ex (kids mother) also applied to the same school so that they could support and help each other with their two 1 year old sons. It was a awkward agreement but it seemed to work okay until now.

    They also got a place together and split the rent. The agreement was that he would work during the day and she would go to class at night and in between they would watch and take care of the kids. However, his ex after class instead of going home often goes over a guy friend house she met at the school thereby leaving him to deal with all the burden of watching the kids. She never calls and let him know when she will be home so he has begun thinking that he has become simply a babysitter.

    He never gets to go out and when he wants to his ex freaks out.

    The other night however his ex went out and never came home. Now he is starting to think that maybe its time that he removed himself from the household. Its not that he doesnt want to be there for his kids but he cant continue on being taken advantage of.

    What kind of advice should I give my friend?

    2 AnswersFamily1 decade ago
  • My friend wants to return his broken Xbox 360 to Walmart.?

    He wants to swap it with a new one he just bought. Neither the receipt or the box has a serial number on it. What are his chances of this working? Also he has not one but two receipts as the new Xbox he got was an exchanged one (the first xbox 360 he bought had some sort of cosmetic defect - misaligned av port).

    Anyway he wanted me to ask. Now, back to MGS4...

    2 AnswersXbox1 decade ago