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I am programmer (Java, QT, QML, C++, PHP, MySQL, HTML, CSS) and system administrator (mainly Linux).

  • What is name of this movie?

    I watched this movie about 2 years ago (not from beginning though) and I cannot find its name.

    Story was about that rich man had company, and he had lazy son. So he wanted to make son to work by various ways, and at the end he sold company and gave all that money to the poor people.

    I remember scene when he came home (after sold company and wasted money) and said that to family, and his son told something like this "you will figured out". Later son loaned some money from his friends and at the very end he had so much money that he was voluntarily working at some hotel as receptionist (or something like that) and his mother was working at some bakery.

    If I remember more I will write it.

    1 AnswerMovies8 years ago
  • How is called this movie?

    I remember very few scenes (watched it long time ago - lets say it was around 2005 year).

    It is probably ranked as horror.

    It was happening in high school (I think), there was one girl which at the end turned out to be "infection queen".

    She could infect someone with "worms" (from her mouth) which go through victims ear.

    If I remember correctly, in order to those infected people survive, they had to drink water (I mean more than usual).

    Infected persons looked same as normal ones, except that they could be detected by taking some drugs (worms inside of skin start to move if taken).

    There was group of people (maybe it was individual, can't remember exactly) who detected that something was going wrong in high school and they were trying to figure out (at the end they revealed that was she - "queen").

    Also, I remember that they captured "queen" in some jail (or something like that, behind bars it was).

    If I remember more, I will post it.

    Any help is welcome.

    3 AnswersMovies8 years ago
  • London 2012 Olympic games song on game breaks?

    I have heard some cool song on TV when Olympic games were.

    Song was played when there were breaks in some game (eg. waterpolo) - its not played on every break, but I noticed it there.

    Song have sound something like violin, but in more "modern" way (I would say it is trance genre or something like that) with bases.

    Thing is that I was searching that song and I couldn't find it anywhere. Last night I heard it in one club playing, and this just reminded me about Olympics.

    I would appreciate any help.

    2 AnswersOther - Music9 years ago
  • Can anyone help me with title of the movie?

    It is comedy, and something about military (as far as I can remember).

    All I can remember are some scenes from the movie like:

    1) some general asks for the time, and comes scene where is shown watch and then camera is zooming out and then you see man who carries really big watch (size of the clock)

    2) in one room few men are talking and in front of camera is telephone (which looks normal-sized) but when phone rings, and one man come to answer it, phone is really big (about 2-3 times bigger than ordinary phone)

    3) one car is breaking in front of the tank, it almost stopped (moving extremely slow) then you hear "ding" (chassis barely touched tank) and car blows up

    The movie is bit older, I think that is in 90s, maybe 80s (I am not sure).

    Thanks for any help

    3 AnswersMovies1 decade ago
  • Help me with cellphone pls ppl (6680/n70/n72) - only owners can help me?

    I have problem.

    I wanna buy new cellphone and I am confused between these three models: 6680 / n70 / n72

    I have heard that n series have too many bugs and that they are slower then s60.

    In forums I read that n70 and n72 have Symbian 8 like 6680 and I don't know why are so buggy.

    n series have similar/batter features than 6680 and I just cannot figure it out why are worser than 6680.

    Any suggestion/answer is welcomed.

    2 AnswersCell Phones & Plans1 decade ago
  • Please tell me what do you think about my web site?

    Please tell me what do you think about my site, what to add on it...

    I don't have ideas but want to make a good web :((

    Any coments are welcomed

    1 AnswerInternet1 decade ago
  • Is it possible to connect 2 monitors with 2 keyboards on 1 computer?

    I doesn't want to buy another computer because my is ok, but I still want to play in network, so I ask everyone who can help me can I work with 2 monitors, 2 keyboards, 2 mouses (independent) on 1 computer?

    I have a virtual machine but I cannot work with 2 pointers (if I connect 2 mouses I still have 1 pointer on screen but controlled with both mouses).

    e.g. I want to play Counter-Strike 1.6

    M1 (monitor 1) to be a server

    M2 (monitor 2) to be a client

    M1 creates a game and M2 connects to him like in network

    Then play 1 on 1 :)

    One thing more: I doesn't want to buy any additional equipment (like some adapters and so on)

    Maybe I have complicated things but I don't know very well English... sorry Englishman's :)

    4 AnswersMonitors1 decade ago