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What does a grade of "AD" mean at the community college level?
I transferred from a university to a community college to finish my basics on the cheap. Because I transferred I was required to take a college success/time management course. I got my grade, it should be an A, but it says "AD" as my grade. No, it's not a "D". It says "AD". I'm guessing it's some kind of code but what does that mean?
2 AnswersHigher Education (University +)1 decade agoWhat did you really want/need in Afghanistan?
My cousin is in the Army in Afghanistan. He said that the store there doesn't have enough basic hygiene supplies so I am sending him a bunch of stuff (Shampoo, shaving cream, body wash, deodorant). I would like to send him some other things that he could use or might want because I don't want him to have to worry about that kind of stuff. What did you really want/need when you were in Afghanistan?
6 AnswersMilitary1 decade agoChemical burn from Nair?
I have used Veet a few times before but when I went to the store the other day they were out of it so I got Nair instead. I used it tonight and now I have a chemical burn all over my legs and I'm miserable. (Feels like serious razor burn with sun burn on top.) I covered with lotion and sprayed it with Solarcaine to try and help with the burning pain but I'm still miserable and can't sleep. What can I do to help it heal faster and make the pain go away?
3 AnswersSkin Conditions1 decade agoBasic food combinations?
My boyfriend is a picky eater and generally eats basic American type foods although he's not a big pasta fan. I need help thinking of basic food combinations. I can come up with Hamburgers, hot dogs, cream of mushroom soup chicken, meatloaf and potatoes, steak and potatoes. What are some other basic/classic combinations?
4 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade agoSexless relationship?
I am finally in an amazing and loving relationship. I have had my share of bad boyfriends and relationships but I finally seem to have a keeper. My boyfriend is my best friend. We get along, never fight, and understand one another. There is just one problem. He is not interested in sex. I have tried everything I know to do to "spice it up" but he still is not interested. If we do have sex it is awful. He says he loves me but I've always felt that if you really love someone the physical part of the relationship just happens. I don't know what to do. Do I stay in the relationship and keep trying to find the answer or do I break up with him?
I would especially like the opinion of men please.
27 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade agoCuddling issues.?
So, I'm a girl and I don't like to cuddle. I used to but now I don't. Is that weird?
I just feel like things have gone a little backwards. I'm all for equality but as far as dating it seems that everyone tried to meet in the middle and over shot. Men are trying to be more feminine and women more masculine. It's all confusing. I'm sure you have noticed.
9 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade agoGender/sexuality label. What does this mean?
A friend of mine recently wanted to get out in the open that he is a polyamorous male-bigender pansexual. I am pretty good a researching and I haven't found anything about this, anywhere. I'm not afraid or anything I just want to know what it means. If it's important enough for him to tell me then I should at least know what it means.
8 AnswersLesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender1 decade agoI keep covering myself in sunscreen but for some reason I keep burning. Suggestions to save me from sunburn?
I work in a job where I have to be outside for long periods of time several days a week. I try to stay in the shade as much as possible but I still seem to keep burning. I'm not fair skinned. I'm actually olive skinned and I've never been someone who's burned so I'm kinda out of ideas. Other than sunscreen, shade, and staying hydrated is there anything else I can do?
9 AnswersMakeup1 decade agoWho did you pick and what was your experience?
I have an opportunity to get back with my ex that I really love but the reason we keep breaking up is we can't seem to stop bickering over stupid things and it just elevates from there. Although, for the first time we're both admitting it's something we need to work on. The problem is I have been dating this new guy for a few months now and everything is absolutely great. The relationship with him is totally different that the one with my ex.
The question is who would you pick or in a similar situation who did you pick and how did it work out for you? (I'm not asking you guys because I'm totally emotionless it's because I need help. I flat out don't know what to do. Anything would help.)
7 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago