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  • My angelfish has redness at the base of its pectoral fins. Is it ok?

    We recently added three angelfish to our tank which had at the time only one angelfish, one mollie and a "sucker fish". The tank is 20 gallons. The new angelfish were not the tiny dime sized babies, but still young; about an inch in diameter. The fish with symptoms has a body just under three inches long. I've added an extra dose of the stuff we use to treat water for the tank which is supposed to soothe the fish but it hasn't helped. The tank was cleaned the day before the new fish were added. The temperature is 81 degrees Fahrenheit. The pH is just a shade over 7 (maybe 7.1) which is a little alkaline but not so much that I would expect problems. NH3/NH4 is zero.

    Any other ideas? Should I be worried? I'd hate to lose this old timer.

    4 AnswersFish1 decade ago
  • How can I make a table column in HTML consume the remainder of the table's width?

    I have a table within a CSS layout, inside a DIV. I want the table to consume the width of the DIV, and I want the last column of the table to consume the bulk of that. If I make the table width 100% then it screws up the surrounding CSS layout. I have no way to say that one column should take up the balance of the available table width. If I make that column 100% wide then it crushes other columns to be as narrow as they can possibly be. If I can't find a pure HTML/CSS method then I'll write some nasty javascript but I'd like to avoid that if I can.

    2 AnswersProgramming & Design1 decade ago
  • Where is a good place for Karaoke near Aurora?

    My sister is visiting tonight and wants to go out for Karaoke. I'm in Aurora just north of Toronto, and I'd like to find somewhere close that does Karaoke on a Saturday night.

    1 AnswerToronto1 decade ago